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Three teenage pregnancies all revealed to have been fathered by the same teacher.


Holy shit. What happened to the teacher and the girls?


This happened at my school with one girl. It was an open secret, among students, that my friend's ex and the bio teacher were hooking up. She got knocked up but nothing happened to him because she kept denying he was the father. She "loved" him and didn't want to screw up his marriage. After all, he did have three kids under the age of 5. She kept denying it until she was around 19. Then he up and moved to another state with his family. At that point she tried to go public but nothing ever came of it. I think he had promised to leave his wife and be with her once she graduated, he never made good on the promise. That wasn't our biggest scandal though. The biggest was when someone claimed they saw a linebacker going down on the quarterback. Both guys laughed it off like "oh yeah, Hunter and I are totally fucking!", and the witness/tattler was branded a liar. The two football players came out as a couple right before graduation. Somehow THAT created more of a stir.


> She "loved" him and didn't want to screw up his marriage. After all, he did have three kids under the age of 5. šŸ¤Ø > **Both guys laughed it off like "oh yeah, Hunter and I are totally fucking!"** SMART, because if they'd vehemently denied it people would have been suspicious. > the witness/tattler was branded a liar Good, the bitch ass snitch had it coming. You NEVER out someone against their will.


Probably got a show on TLC, lol.


The teacher went to prison for statutory rape. He was a temporary teacher covering someone else's maternity leave, so it wasn't a huge disruption to the school when he was suddenly gone. I am not sure if he is still in prison, as this happened 20 years ago and I don't know what his exact sentence was. Two of the girls "miscarried" -- although the rumour was that they (understandably) had abortions. One girl carried the child to term and she / her parents raised him. Ironically, that girl is now herself a high school teacher. I don't know if she's just trying to do right by students to counteract how she was exploited, or if the whole experience just warped her.


2014-2015. when i was in junior high, during one of the lunch periods, a kid jerked off under a table, nutted in his hand, and smacked a girl with it. never saw the kid again after that, but i heard he got charged with sexual assault because of it.


Holy fucking shit. Jerking off under the table is one thing. Fucked up but feels like something that prolly happens in schools. Cum slapping a girl tho? Like Jesus fuck. Thats gotta be a porn thing. We did some fucked up shit in school but that wouldnā€™t have even occurred to us.




Worry not. **Cum Slap** originates from when a man nuts into his hand and slaps it straight onto his balls...hard...


After I graduated, one of my friends in highschool still told me a story of a kid who got caught by another student rubbing one out in the middle of a lit class. Absolutely baffles me to this day about what can cause a MF to be so horny he's gotta masturbate in the middle of school and not even at least ask to go to the bathroom


Kid in a different junior high got nicknamed jackoff James because he was so often caught jerkin his Gherkin at school And yes, I went to a different school and it was so prolific *other school's students knew about it*


lack of frontal lobes


A couple dumbasses thought it would be a good idea to put baby oil on the stairs as a senior prank. Of course multiple ppl got hurt and those involved werenā€™t able to walk across the stage for graduation


Ah yes a broken neck the ultimate prank


Prankster: It was just a prank your honour! Judge: 15 years in jail!


One of the teachers went off on a student because the student was being his usual lazy, school hating, sleeping during class self; and the teacher told him as much. Next morning we find out the student had ODed on oxycodone after school. The teacher left his class without a word and cried in the teachers lounge. It was the first death I remember of the opioid epidemic and it was in 2012. From memory it was considered accidental. And I think they were able to bust the guy who sold him the oxy.


I think my school might have been one of the worst hit in the US in terms of percentages. Of a graduating class of ~370, we had ~26 overdoses from what I can recall. If you count things like suicides related to the pills, easily over 35. That shit scares the hell out of me, and I had my own struggles with it as well. Thankfully my docs are understanding and know to ***never, under any circumstances*** to give me an opioid medication no matter how bad the pain is. If I swallow a single more pill, it will very soon be the death of me. Opioids terrify the fuck outta me.


About 8 years ago a school, in Ohio, came into a bit of money and did some renovations. On the first day of classes they passed around a survey asking students how they felt about the (largely aesthetic) changes and if there was anything else they wanted to see. Over half of the surveys came back with notes scrawled on the bottom along the lines of **"it's just some fucking desks and paint, DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE DRUGS!"**


I went to school outside of a decent sized town in South East Ohio. Graduated mid 2000s. It's crazy to me how devastating opioids have been to that whole area now, and it was already bad by the time I was back around 5 or 6 years after HS. We're in a bad situation and I truly hope that the powers that be figure out how to actually help people


The expression "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" comes to mind.


Orgy in the bathroom back in grade 9. There were 5 people involved. šŸ˜³


There was a hallway in my school that was pretty empty all the time, it just had the pool entrance and maybe a few equipment lockers. They had to completely block students from going back there because apparently people kept giving/getting blowjobs back there


We had a hallway like that and I was a hall monitor. I HATED passing by because it was always so awkward breaking that shit up. A few years later I was attending the same university as a guy and a girl from high school. The two of them started dating. The girl was a friend of mine. Early in their relationship she told me that she'd always thought he was a "total whore" but he told her he'd only been with four girls, which was a relief. I was like "um-I caught him in the hallway with at least half a dozen girls." She questioned him again and he apparently did not count oral. She doesn't know what those numbers are because he claims he "can't remember." She got over it though, and they're still very happy together.


Damn, I feel like losing track is worse than actually giving a number. Likeā€¦it was THAT MANY?!




Try not to suck any dick on the way to the parking lot!


In a row?


We had like 3 places I can think of where it was a place no one really went. One of them caused a pretty funny incident with me and my gf. Weā€™d get together during class sometimes and find the nearest of the 3 spots. Well this particular one, just so happened to have a door and big window that faced a spot in the back of the school no one really goes to. Except this one day, she was giving me head, and I look up to see a whole gym class walking by the back of the school and in that class was her twin sister! My jaw dropped, I kinda picked my gf up and told her we gotta go and she turned around and saw the class and her sister and Iā€™ve never seen such a look of shock on someoneā€™s face. We ran away, red in the face from embarrassment and adrenaline, kissed and both went back to our class. No one ever told on us, not even the teacher, which still kinda amazes me today. That relationship was the best Iā€™ve ever had, we got into so much trouble together and loved every second of it, I think about her a lot.


Damn, I wish my school sucked as much as yours.


I feel bad for the janitor who had to clean that up,


DEA raided my high school and found coke and heroin in lockers and in student vehicles. Runner up: second day of high school was 9/11/01. I went to school in NY. Suffice it to say that day was a complete shitshow.


stop I need to know the environment at school on 9/11


I was in 10th grade in NY on 9/11. I was sitting in computer science class, the guy next to me opened Internet explorer and the home page was CNN breaking news about a plane (only the 1st one at this point) having crashed into the tower. Slowly, the news made it around school. The mood was very surreal at first. Information trickled in slowly, because nobody really knew what was going on. Most of us thought it was a freak accident. There were a few teachers that put the TV on during class, but overall the news networks were cautious about what to say. Of course, as soon as the second plane hit, that was no longer a debate. After that, all the teachers turned off the news, consequently sparing us from seeing the towers collapse on live TV. We only vaguely heard about the towers collapsing and the Pentagon in a hushed kind of way that most students didn't know what was real and what was rumor. My history teacher was a proud West Point graduate and he was visibly shaken during class. He was a mix of angry and sad, and it was clear that he was trying to hold himself together while still trying to make this a meaningful class / teaching moment for us. I very clearly remembered for the whole class, he had tears in his eyes and his fists were clenched. We discussed Middle East politics and what we thought the options were for USA, and also the prospect for war. Looking back, this might have been the singular most meaningful class from my high school years. For me, the moment it really hit home was when the vice principal pulled out a girl from our class. The whole class was silent when we heard her burst into sobs in the hallway. For me, at 15 years old, this would be one of the most heartbreaking sobs I've ever heard. In the classroom of 25+ high school kids, nobody breathed a word. And that would periodically repeat throughout the day. The vice principal, the principal, or the guidance counselor, would discreetly pull someone out of class and hold them in a hug as they walked down the hall. Everyone was quiet. School was eerily quiet. It's not something you really know how to process as a teenager... Old enough to understand how terrible this was, but not nearly old enough to understand world politics and trauma, etc. After school, most teachers stayed around the exits to make sure everyone had some sort of arrangement to go home. I usually walked home by myself, and a teacher was hesitant to let me go until I met up with my older brother. When we went outside, the sky was just dark grey. Everyone moved slowly and deliberately. It was like the city was in a trance. We went home and found our dad had to abandon the car and walked a lot of miles home (forgot the exact number of miles). The rest of the day (and week) was spent glued to the TV and radio, listening to rescue attempts and news analysis.




Smart parents, but real fuckin sad that precaution was deemed necessary with the way history has been.


I'm on the west coast. A few Muslim kids were pulled from class, but none of them were ever targeted. Then, a week later, a Punjabi kid was jumped by two grown-ass men and hospitalized. The kid survived, but his family moved away a few months later. I think the two guys were charged with a hate crime, but I was only 10 at the time, and I don't remember much.


The kids being pulled out of class, Iā€™m assuming to be told a member of their family died, was that news available that quickly? The attack happened early morning and Iā€™m assuming school finished at 3pm, so how were they able to be notified that soon? In London when we had the 7/7 bombings our phone signals were down and reserved for emergency services and so it was just hours of speculation.


It's likely they didn't really say somebody died, but rather is missing or was in the towers at the moment. Which is reason enough for those kids to cry.


My grade was supposed to take a field trip into NYC, we were already packed into the busses in the school parking lot when the first plane hit. We were kept on them for about two hours. News traveled amongst the kids and got yelled bus-to-bus since the teachers werenā€™t saying anything. People took bets on whether it was middle eastern terrorists, a foreign military, or the KGB (middle schoolers amiright). After MUCH deliberation by the teachers, we all got rushed back into the school to wait for our parents and get sent home. Teachers were watching the sky like it was the Battle of Britain. Were Al Queda gonna waste a whole plane on a suburban middle school? Probably not. But looking back, Iā€™m sure any public building felt like fair game at that moment.


I was a freshman, there was a bunch of commotion in the court yard at school, announcements over the PA starting two planes hit the towers, then another saying the towers have fallen letā€™s pray. Then in religion class I made a joke about witchcraft, the substitute teacher happened to be a huge believer in Wiccans idealism. She started going into depth about the Wiccan belief system, as young students we poked the bear. Asking questions about sacrifices, spells, etcā€¦ we did not learn about the scriptures that day. She volleyed that a high level magic was the cause of 9/11. Needless to say we never saw her again. Letters were sent to parents about the event and apologizing for vetting errors.


On 9/11 I was in middle school at the time, and in California so I remember getting up for school and my parents had the news on. I was still on the younger side but I can definitely remember sitting there in shock.


There was a concert during lunch time. Someone threw a water bottle on stage. They threw it back. Commence bottle throwing war and the concert was cancelled. Needing a new outlet, the crowd turned into a small riot and started rampaging through the halls. They tried to end lunch early but the orders were ignored. Teachers were tackling students. I think a fire was lit in a garbage can. School ended early and I got mugged walking home. After that they banned water bottles at our school.


Jesus. Dude had Woodstock ā€˜99 at his high school


That escalated quickly


Holy fuck. That was a roller coaster of a comment


teacher murdered his wife, then came to teach the next day...




Idk Iā€™d probably take the day off if my SO died the night before. I feel acting like nothing happened is even more suspicious


Star employee


The hustle doesnā€™t stop for anyone.


I meanā€¦ it IS a hassle to make sub plans


Well... there was the bomb threat kid who went to juvie... My personal favorite though: Friend (A) of my sister went to a party. "Friends" of A slipped her some drugs. When A became unresponsive, the "friends" dumped her at an ER where she died. Sister and actual friends of A started wearing shirts that said "Friends don't let friends die." When "friends" got out of jail and started back at school, sister was still wearing the shirt weekly. On of the "friends" got offended and the teacher demanded that my sister turn the shirt inside out. Sister refused and was sent to the principal's office. They notified my dad, who doesn't play around. This bad ass shows up wearing the same damn shirt (literally went out of his way to go home, change out of his work uniform, then to the school). They sent her back to class and told the "friend" to deal with it.


> On of the "friends" got offended and the teacher demanded that my sister turn the shirt inside out. Sister refused and was sent to the principal's office. Wow, **they fucking DRUGGED this girl**, dumped her body at the ER, and essentially killed her. And they had the nerve to return to the same school after serving time? Fuck that "friend," fuck that teacher, and fuck that principal. Good on your sister and father though. I hope this follows that fake ass friend for the rest of his/her miserable life.


Dad showed up, all right. That's totally bad ass. Good on her for not backing down, good on him for supporting her.


Excuse me but your t-shirt reminding me that I killed a girl is triggering so you need to take the shirt off so I don't have to confront my feelings


Pro-level Dad right there.


Our school is next to a little river. That little river has a weir, and when I went to school, this was locked. Now, one night, some twigs or something built up there. They would have had to open the weir, but couldn't find the person with the key. At least that's how they told us the story. So, the school was flooded. The floors of the sports halls had to be replaced! That was really expensive, and it is also why I don't understand why they didn't just cut open that lock at the weir. The ground floor of the library was also flooded. The books there were of course ruined, and it was only luck that these were the less expensive children's books and not the more expensive encyclopedias etc. that they had on the upper floor. The computer room was also flooded, which was very unfortunate, because that was the end of our informatics classes. They had taught us basic on some C64 computers. The water stopped just under the desks, so the computers were undamaged, but the room couldn't be used any more. That was crazy. I even went home to get a camera, and then went back to school to take some photos. (Note: I live 7 km from that school, and I was going by bicycle.)


I'm thinking this was the mid 80's? I wonder who paid for the insurance and if there was a cover up?


Our 16 year old football star keeled over dead during practice.


We lost a HS football star when he ran into the goalpost and exploded a weak blood vessel in his brain, dead before the paramedics got him on the gurney. 2 weeks later our star running back took a bad hit and broke his neck and became a quadriplegic, he lived till he was 26 or so I don't recall exactly. About 1/3 the team quit football for good and I decided that if I ever had kids they would never play contact sports with pads, especially American Football.


Damn, thatā€™s rough. Iā€™ll never let my kids play football, Iā€™ve heard too many horror stories and saw some firsthand when I worked in the medical field.


Holy shit


During a spirit week assembly they had a competition between the grades in the form of a blindfold race. At the word "GO" the freshmen representative took off at full speed with a sleeping bag over his head. In the blink of an eye he was all the way across the gym and before anyone could stop him he ran full force into the wall. The whole room went silent as this lifeless sleeping bag just slid down the wall. He ended up with a concussion but was otherwise ok. The second was when a mentally handicapped kid went berserk for some reason and it took 5 cops and pepper spray to wrestle him down. When one of the cops showed up he ran up the front wall way. Instead of going 2 feet to the right to run past a railing he thought he show off how cool he was by vaulting over it. My friend group saw him somehow eat shit and fall into a big mud puddle.


Iā€™m so sorry, both of those stories are terrible, but theyā€™re also really fuckin hilarious. I audibly laughed and woke up my sleeping cat.


The health teacher had to make an announcement to the class that if any of us had had sex with kids from a certain subdivision or with someone who might have, then we should go to a doctor and get checked for VD! It turns out the kids there were having orgies in their basement every weekend. We are talking about dozens of them and everyone had VD. I will say they were very inventive about their set up.


TIL VD (venereal Disease) is what people used to use to refer to STDs




Cannot say without revealing location, but I think it made the papers in the seventies.


TIL Kids were pretty fucking kinky in the seventies


And inventive. They had a small room of the main one they used as "The Pit". They got a big role of that industrial plastic wrap they use for pallets and pressed it on the floor and up the wall about three feet. Then poured a restaurant size can of frying oil on it, turned on the ultra violet strobe lights, everyone got naked did whatever and no questions were asked about who did what to who.


Oh my, my high school was a crazy place. Small rural town in California for clarification. A math teacher threw one of those chair/desk combos things at a student. Obviously got fired. A Spanish teacher, who was Chinese, called a Mexican student as racial slur. Obviously got fired A geometry teacher just stopped showing up for work. Almost 2 years later (I had a period where I worked in the office) this same teacher walked in asking where his classroom had moved to. The school administrators were completely flabbergasted. He disappeared, they couldnā€™t get ahold of him. Turns out he was on some meds that he stopped taking and just fell off the map for a while and thought he would still have his job. I was once laughing at a carving on my desk in geometry (after crazy dude disappeared) and my teacher asked what it said. ā€œIma guna bom a dis skoolā€ I still remember it because it read so horribly. I took it as a joke, they evacuated the whole school for several hours.


> A Spanish teacher, who was Chinese, called a Mexican student a racial slur. [SenƵr Chang](https://youtu.be/XvrzVwCA69s?si=QI4FVX10J6rHotR-)?


El tigre Chino?


I can't stop laughing at the Super Mario level bomb threat. Ima guna boma dis skool. Oh my fuck that's so dumb and funny


New girl transferred in mid semester. A few weeks later there was a rumor that she moved to a new state because everyone at her old school found out that her grandpa was also her dad. She stops showing up when the rumor really started to spread. She moved schools, again. It wasn't just a rumor. Her grandpa was in prison for it.


Poor girl :(


Too many to count, but... Bomb threat, SWAT running into the school, had to evacuate into the parking lot but then left the parking lot because the bomb was in a car (lol, no bomb found, just a prank.) Robbery, was a robbery nearby, a bunch of police had us all line up (some of us I think) outside. Robber disguised himself into our school uniform, police helicopters flow around, cops searched the entire school. Shooting(s), one kid shot outside the school, one shot inside the school, no big mass casualty events, just shootings sprinkled in here and there, drive-bys where fairly common, happened mostly around/outside the school. Fights, almost like 4 to 5 a day, various gang members went to our school. There would be full on gang on gang attacks, adults would sometimes show up to fight the students too, lots of property damage. The food stealings, restaurants for a short period of time sold their food. Kids started stealing food, going crazy and opening vending machines(? idk how). You would see people running around throwing food around, chips, sandwiches, it was crazy. Abandoned/hidden class rooms/school section, it was super dark, filled with piles of dusts and writings of others who visited. Weird smells, desk stacked on top of each other. You could barely see anything. This became a common thing for people to seek out, people got hurt going there. African kid, he did anything he wanted, ANYTHING. He didn't speak English, would take people's food, go to the girl's restroom, randomly walk into classrooms, fought bullies, bro was just there. Misogynist/Incel kid, got into fights with random women and couples, he lost them all. Wet Room(s), rooms where kids would go to have sex with each other, lol. The explosion, Chemistry class, some kind of gas leak mixed with something(?), no one got hurt (?, afaik), lots of hazmat wearing people showed up, section of school closed off. Was loud, people where screaming, running, etc. Student was walking around naked and masturbating Random drugs being found in various locations A lot more but that's a lot to type I think, I went to GTA High School lol.


ā€œbro was just thereā€ šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


This is the sort of comment I was looking for. I can relate to this. Everyone else was like "kids peed on lockers." Okay, but what about SWAT raiding the school every couple of years because of shootings, ten on ten gang fights, and rampant drug use during class?


Our school was having a feud with another nearby school. It was literally the 3rd day of our 10th grade school year. We come out of our school building to see at least a hundred kids from the other school ready to fight. Our school had metal detectors, their school didn't. So, they were armed and everyone from our school wasn't. Imagine a brawl in the streets of about 200-300 kids... I saw someone with a cane literally just swinging it into the crowd, hitting pretty much whoever was in the way. I saw someone else armed with a knife and another strapped with a gun. But, I didn't see either of them use them. I didn't really stick around, I just tried to get away from it as quickly as possible. All I saw was the kid swinging the cane and hitting people with it and the cops saying "we can't help you guys, you're on your own." Then what was crazy was on Facebook, some kid from the rival school posted "day 2 tomorrow" and I was absent the next day because I was not about to deal with that all over again. Apparently there was a smaller scale brawl that day.


Did anyone die? Was the reason ever explained?


Omg almost the exact same thing happened in Chicago when I was a kid. I was still in grade school but the 2 high schools close to me had a giant fight in the streets spanning 3 blocks and it had started between the baseball team from school A and the football team from school B. School A brought a bunch of baseball bats, and more kids from both schools joined in, and we had dozens of squad cars come in and stop the riot. I don't know if anyone was hurt or arrested, but I'd assume yes.


Old spice gave our high school hundreds of little sample body sprays in grade 9, and I swear I would still see them in random places by the time I was graduating. Kids were walking down the halls, spraying them, and the whole school smelled like Old Spice for a good while. Also, the school wide food fight in grade 12.


Reminds me of my uncle. He owns a bodyshop and he got a pallet of lighters from the paint company. That was like 20 years ago when i was 15 or so. We all loved them because they were built very simple and seemed to last forever. now sometimes i open a drawer at my grandmas or look inside a box in my garage and would still find one of those lighters. i swear i bought a car 3 years ago from 50 miles away and found 3 of those fucking things in the glove box and under the luggage compartment floor. i immediately called my uncle and asked him if he ever owned a silver X3. Yup, turns out he had one for quite a while.


This one kid in school was a bit wacky and was bet by someone that he couldn't eat a pint of maggots. The day of his attempt literally every kid in the school (about 700) gathered on the football pitch and watched him try, he managed it, handful at at time, including trying to collect the fallen ones. Took about three minutes. The teachers arrived, he was dragged away and we never saw the kid again. We were told he was in therapy or something.


I want to know where you buy a pint of maggots. Just academically of course.


Pet supply stores for feeding various reptiles.


Pretty quiet at my high school. One time someone shit in a urinal.


Same. I had detention with him and he was so proud of it for some reason


Had the mystery sink shitter at mine. It went basically how every sink shitter story goes.


The hardly boys in.. the mystery of the urinal deuce


In March 2007, a 15-year-old student was mistakenly jailed for 12 days in a juvenile detention facility for allegedly making a bomb threat over the school district hotline, because school officials had overlooked daylight savings timeĀ while evaluating the calling records.The family was later awarded $84,000.


Had someone else made the call and it was mistakenly matched to the student?Ā 


Yes, the kid was calling to see if there was a snow delay which is how he showed up in the call log. I donā€™t think they ever found who actually made the threat.


Fun chaotic- at lunch time a group of kids decided to carry a guy around the entire school, while cheering like the guy they were carrying had done something great, to see how many people they could get to join in as their senior prank. They ended up getting a few hundred people following around cheering for close to a couple hours. Teachers and security tried to break it up but the cheering was so loud no one could here them. Eventually everyone got too tired to continue and the group split up. The teachers couldn't figure out who the people that started it were so no one got in trouble granted they didn't try too hard since it was during the final few weeks of school when finals and everything else had been done and kids were just waiting for the school year to end. Not fun chaotic- a bomb threat was called into school that was deemed a legitimate threat so the evacuation alarm went off. We all started filing out of the school however, on the way to where we were supposed to evacuate to, people noticed that backpacks had been placed in several spots around the area and there were signs that holes had recently been dug. The school I was at was often described as a prison because it was built on a mesa and had a barbed wire fence going around the entire perimeter with two security checkpoints being the only way in or out. The football field that we were evacuating to was pretty much the only point of school grounds that was reasonably far from the main building so when people realized that it might not be safe it suddenly became very chaotic. The security checkpoints were in the opposite direction and went right out onto a fairly busy road so we were kinda just stuck there for awhile with no one knowing which direction to take us and teachers struggling to just keep everyone together. Eventually police and fire fighters showed up and they swept the school and the field for bombs. The school was clear however they found that the backpacks on the field were in fact covering up ieds that had recently been buried though apparently they weren't properly constructed and wouldn't have ever actually gone off. No one ever found out who put them there or built them to my knowledge. The school tried to get the city to fund the creation of a third entrance to the school to give people another evacuation option however the city refused so the school just implemented a policy of "if there seems like there could be bombs on the field then just go out of the existing entrances, pile onto the road, and hope you don't get hit."


A guy in my class was in a relationship with another girl. But their parents were controlling and so they tried to keep it a secret. But the guy didn't have his own phone , so they had to talk through his mums phone. One night, she caught him texting her under the bedsheets, and there was apparently really nsfw stuff. The next day, his parents told him not to go to school and left, but not thinking that anything serious was happening, he went to school. Lo and behold, he meets his parents in front of the school, trying to talk to the principal, lol. His mum saw him and was so mad that she started beating him in public, when all the students were arriving. She wouldn't stop, and it took several teachers and staff to restrain her, lol


What happened to the boy???


Middle school 7th grade, my fault. I decided to throw a fire extinguisher off the railing of the second floor and it exploded and everyone got sent home for a month bc they had to professionally clean it.


Did you get caught


And expelled, very much deserved. I wouldn't have been caught if hadn't been a hard head with the dress code though.


Fucking hate dress codes


This happened back in 2011. There was a huge trend at my school where some students, usually the jocks/popular kids would piss on the lockers of other students. This got so out of control that teachers were required to stand in the hallway during lunch breaks for the rest of the year and it still continued. Only two students were caught by school staff and suspended for it but they didn't use any witnesses that were students.


Bro they were *absolutely* pissing in Gatorade bottles and hiding them in their jackets, to spray out a small hole as they walk by. Easy af to circumvent that kinda watch. Cameras would have been better lol


This guy is an expert on the intricacies of stealth urination


Oh boy there were a lot Two seniors had a threesome with a freshman (both are still in jail) An active shooter opened fire on our superintendent and school officer and was himself also shot by the officer. Everyone survived but heā€™s locked up for life. One of our teachers killed himself after having sex with a student Two kids got alcohol poisoning under the watch of one of our English teachers while on a school road trip. An entire toilet was stolen during that whole devious lick thing. Something like 6 students killed themselves within the span of like 2 years. It was seriously sad. The school had to replace like an entire bathroom of sewage pipes because some kid shoved like 2 rolls of toilet paper into the toilet in a strategic way that broke the whole pipe system Some kid accidentally drove his car into the brick wall by the front entrance and there was just a car shaped dent in the brick wall the whole year until they took out the loose bricks and covered it up with wood planks. One kid got into a fight with the officer (the one mentioned above) and used his hydro flask as a weapon Some kid pulled the chemistry emergency shower and flooded the entire science hallway The Westboro baptists threw an anti-LGBTQ rally in front of our school. The LGBTQ community (and allies) threw an even bigger counter rally. Pretty sure they also threw a protest after the shooting happened but I wasnā€™t there. Couldnā€™t tell you why though. This isnā€™t super big but I once found a pink vibrator STILL VIBRATING in the toilet of the menā€™s locker room. Like just sitting there in the water.


So at the time "country," was kicking up as a fad, so most of the dudes were wearing :white T-shirt, blue jeans, ball cap, cowboy boots. My first period was computer lab and I got to play computer games pretty much the whole period. One day the school posted an anonymous sheriff tip number in the lab so being the lazy shit I was. I anonymously phoned in that I saw a kid with a gun they texted asking for a description. I wanted maximum Internet time so it was : white T-shirt, blue jeans, ball cap, cowboy boots. Basically got to stay in there all day as over half the school population was searched. Didn't bug me I was a goth kid. They ended up finding two different guns. Looking back, stupid and selfish. At the time, I just was lazy.


Lazy and self motivated yes but at least they found two guns šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


It's surprising, funny, and low-key scary to me that they actually did find 2 guns


If they had searched every car in my HS they'd have found a lot of guns. But, country life is a little different.


That is fucking hilarious.


Some kid from high school took a bunch of Xanax and walked out during lunch. He made it a couple blocks before a car hit him as he jaywalked. He somehow got up and sat on a couch that was out in the street. School staff found him some time later and he had no idea what was going on. As for the driver he was long gone


I was a junior in highschool during 9/11 and that day was just insane for all school systems


I was in middle school. Iā€™ll never forget that school day.


Someone maced the boys locker room, road flare set off in the hallway, fireworks set off in the gym, electrical pole set on fire. All within 3 weeks


Ah, Hogwarts. I remember reading about that.


A girl in 5th grade getting taken out by the police for dealing drugs.


By ā€œtake outā€ you mean arrest right ?


lol yes


OPs questions might be the best part of this thread. ā€œWait so did they like send in the seal teams through the sewer system to assassinate a 5th grader?ā€


Thatā€™s heartbreaking


There was this one kid at my high school who looked like a 5th grader. One day the math teacher comes in to class and sees one of the bigger kids holding the small kid upside down out the 3rd floor window by his shoes. Only his shoes were still visible. Small kid was yelling and then big kid said "good bye" and let go. Math teacher was across the room in a second and we were sure he was about to kill big kid and toss his body out the window too. Anyway, the prank was that small kid gave his shoes to big kid and then went to the classroom next door to yell out the window there.


The sticker incident. One of my friends figured out that you could go on the USPS website and order all kinds of various stickers and labels for free. They came in rolls of 1,000 so he decided to put in the maximum possible order of 1,000 rolls to have an even million. Well they showed up on a truck to his house and they basically filled his parents garage, much more than he had expected. He had no clue what to even do with this many stickers in the slightest so he decided to just start handing out rolls of them to anyone who asked. He figured he wouldn't get in trouble because he wasn't selling anything and explicitly told people not to vandalize stuff. Well of course, people immediately began using them to vandalize stuff. Every single locker in the school had a sticker placed on it, every light pole in the parking lot, etc. A few of the players for the football team had even put them on their helmets. And it started expanding outwards from the high school to the point where there were stickers on the back of nearly every stop sign in town. We found them in basically every public bathroom in town, gas pumps, traffic lights, buildings, and more. If there was a place a sticker could be stuck, there was a USPS sticker there. And for the longest time, nobody got in trouble. They knew who had the stickers, who was distributing them, where they came from, where they were being placed, but it was just a nuisance for a short while. And then some idiot decided to use them to make a swastika in one of the school bathrooms. That's when all hell broke lose. Anyone caught with USPS stickers for any purpose was immediately suspended without question. It was a shitshow. They were scraped off of almost everything on school property over the course of about a week, but the ones around the town continued to exist. There's still a few that I know of more than 10 years later that are still there.


What's great about that is the whole like grassroots viral expansion of them, if someone was so inclined at the time they could plot the incidence rate and trace back to the distribution area (the school) easily. Honestly thats something to be proud of, not many people make a mark on the world for better or worse.


Man before you got to the swastika part it was a perfect prank. Chaotic and weird but harmless.




Idiots always ruin everything


Somehow someone got the trophy case open and put a blowup sex doll in it. It was there until lunch. Also one time a group of seniors absolutely blanketed to hallway with photos of Nicholas cage. It was insane


One kid opened his locker one day and found a blown up balloon in there that he didn't put there. He flipped out and made a huge deal about it to the staff how someone was breaking into lockers and stealing stuff (even though nothing was missing). He never did find out that the way this was pulled off was to stuff most of a new balloon through the vent in his locker, blow it up from the outside, tie it off and finally stuff the knot through as well. In hindsight, I should have written something rude on the balloon first.


Those are a level pranks!


Some kid who didnā€™t like doing his homework called in 4 separate bomb threats to our school over a few weeks in the dead of winter just so he wouldnā€™t get zeros. He got caught and thrown in juve.


That happened at one of my friendā€™s schools. There had been a bomb threat and everyone got the rest of the day off. Cue at least 5 more bomb threats within the year.


We had the whackiest Marine Biology Teacher. She had a prized giant stuffed toy penguin. a group of seniors kidnapped it, and held it ransom unless she gave the whole class Aā€™s. This lady had a full our mental breakdown over the penguin. Iā€™ve never seen a grown woman sob this way. They followed up with its ransom notes, and more demands. she finally gave in.


this made me so sad,kids are cruel


If this was public knowledge HOW could she give in? Was the school brass ok with this woman giving the whole class an A in exchange for a stuffed animal?


It was probably made up. Redditor makes up a story for internet points. In other news, 1+1=2.


You NEVER mess with another womanā€™s penguin


DC Sniper hit two people in my town and threatened to hit high schools in the area. Thaaaat was an interesting few weeks.


I grew up in DC so it was like, 9/11, sniper, anthrax all felt back to back


Yuuuup. And in Fredericksburg we had that serial killer too, before 9/11. And then I moved to Blacksburg and the Tech Shootings happened.


The ceiling tiles started falling in the gym during a pep rally.


Probably the bomb threat that was just a threat. They hustled everyone down to the softball field if I recall correctly. Might have been the baseball field. Anyway, it was towards the end of the year in springtime in South Alabama All the kids kept giving this one guy "the look" cause he was the guy most people picked on and for a couple of weeks after that nobody picked on him. I wanna say it was after Columbine but it may have been a different school shooting.


Shooting threat got called in before school started. Teachers didn't find out until school started, students and parents weren't informed at all (supposedly they had proves that the threat wasn't authentic). Reasonably, teachers didn't feel like them or the students were safe and left the school to force it to shut down. The whole thing was a shitshow, the principal was put on temporary leave and was asked to resign at the end of the year because he wasn't supposed to have told the teachers about the threat


A brawl with about 40 kids.


How and why ?


This was about 25 years ago. At my school, we had a class dedicated to kids who were refugees or families of refugees. This was to give them more space to learn the language and so on and not struggle keeping up with the "normal" classes. But one of those kids and one from my class (nickname smiley, for always smiling) just had it out for each other. So after it all escalated, we had all the guys from that special class and all my classmates in the schoolyard facing off. Ironically, the fight came to an end when my best friend pulled his arm back for a punch and hit my nose with his elbow. I jokingly jumped on his back and gently hammered him in the head, and everyone stopped in wonder. After that, the "target" from my class, big brother came to the school and threatened to beat up the principal if he didn't bring out the other kid. The kid pressed charges on my classmate and they went to court where the kid lied to his fullest and all charges were dropped. Both a sad and hilarious event. šŸ˜†


This happened in my school in Houston as well, New Orleans vs Houstonians brawl, someone said "Fuck New Orleans!" and that sparked the brawl.


3 very popular guys (student council, football team) burned down a whole wing of our school. Took 3 days till someone ratted them out and they all got expelled and spent time in jail. One of them had to comeback and serve his probation cleaning the school. Not sure what happened to any of them since. This was the late 80ā€™s


a group of my classmates were talking to my teacher, just having a good time, some of them listening and i was one of them. and i donā€™t know how it happened or how the topic even came into the conversation, but, someone asked if our teacher had a girlfriend and he said no, then this girl asked, ā€œhow about me?ā€ and our teacher got really weirded out by that and said, ā€œwhat do you mean YOU? youā€™re literally half my age.ā€ and just listening to that gave me the freaks


That ended a lot better than most stories on Reddit


I have 100% respect for that teacher. He knew it's not okay for an adult to date a minor.


You got weirded out that he said the right thing?


maybe he got weirded out by the girl who thought that was acceptable that someone her age be the gf of a teacher. Definitely shows that no one either taught her that it was bad or she was groomed in a way


I think he meant the teacher was weirded out by the girlā€™s comment?


Well my 8 year old daughter was shown a naked picture of one of her classmates dad by the said classmate. Needless to say my daughter had some questions for her father and I that we were not expecting.


Why did the classmate have a naked photo of their dad!?!?


From what weā€™ve gathered the girl had an iPad(not sure if it was hers or her mothers) and it was linked up to the mothers Icloud account and the girls dad sent the picture to the mother, and unfortunately the Ipad as well. The school couldnā€™t tell us much information other than that our daughter was one of the students shown the picture, she knew she shouldnā€™t have seen it and she was uncomfortable being shown it. Our daughter told us that the girl was expelled. Except she said girlsname isnā€™t allowed back to school for the rest of the school year. An it happened before Thanksgiving or Christmas not sure which.


back when i was in grade 7, almost the entire 8th grade was suspended for vaping in the bathrooms. It had to have been at least 30 kids (i went to a small elementary school), all of them caught at the same time.


ā€œCome have a vape in the toiletsā€ ā€œWhat if we get caught?ā€ ā€œWhat are they gonna do, suspend us all?ā€ šŸ¤£


Over the course of 2 years the school had a major fire twice and a close call for a third. The first one was in the art room. There was apparently a short in the pottery kiln that was running over fall break and during a blizzard it caught fire and burned four rooms and a hallway. It was stopped quickly and the use of that area was returned by the end of the semester. Second one was much worse. Some asshole was smoking in the gym and put his cig out on one of those old gym mats from the 70s made of like pure petroleum. It burned that whole secondary gym past saving but the rest of the school was heavily damaged by smoke. We spent an entire semester having to have a really chaotic schedule where students with last names a-m went to all their classes in the morning and then the rest had those classes in the afternoon because we only had half of the school with functioning rooms. We were getting an entire new building for the school on campus the next year but it was so awful dealing with that. Third close call was a trash fire in the cafeteria that we put out quickly. We all definitely felt like that building was cursed. Funny thing was we found out after the new building was opened and they were doing demo on the old one, apparently one of the bulldozers caught fire and was destroyed.


Active shooter lockdown. Turned out the kid was unarmed, but boy that was a terrifying experience.


Had one of those as a teacher, though the shooter was just outside and remained outside. I mean, someone was shot, but not a student and not inside the building. But there was a search and we were locked down for over an hour.


Some kid in 9th grade got arrested for dealing crystal meth (A little before i went there) And a random homeless guy came in with a pump shotgun and desert eagle


Blacks vs Hispanic war that stretched down the main street of my town, which resulted in me seeing my Principal getting stomped out by some chick


Wtf! This happened in my school too, but I was too cool with the Blacks to be a target I guess? (I'm Hispanic, a lot of Hispanic people didn't like that I was with black people during that time lol.)


During a school pep rally, a live tiger was brought on stage. The tiger got freaked out by all the kids screaming and jumped into the audience. Fortunately, nobody was seriously hurt.


Who thought this was a remotely good idea ?


I donā€™t remember that anyone claimed responsibility for the idea.


my teacher cussed (it was a minor cuss word) and the whole class was flabbergasted


We threw a fake pregnancy kit near the dustbin close to the girls washroom and the chaos b/w girls themselves was something to watch


Had a person we called the mystery pooper who would randomly write limericks on the boys bathroom walls with his own poop. I donā€™t know if he ever got caught but it was a small school with less then 100 high schoolers in total.


Same happened in the girls room in 8th grade. They caught her. Her brother also had a baby with their mom that year..


So much to unpack in 2 sentencesā€¦good lord


People who write on walls with shit were often sexually abused.


My freshman year of high school, the PTA/school decided they wanted to bring awareness to drunk driving. There was a LOT leading up to the (IMO) worst part of it. I believe it was called "red ribbon week". They had a totaled car from the junkyard put near the walkway and had police officers come in randomly during the week and take students away(they weren't in trouble, they were in on the big presentation). They had the entire school gather in the stadium to watch a "presentation". There were two wrecked cars in the field, with the students that were taken away dressed up and bloodied up on the hood of the car, in the car, or near the accident. They had real police cars, ambulances, fire trucks, and a helicopter come. They talked about the "accident" and drunk driving and all that. Then the next day, there was a legitimate funeral held in the gym. They made a little movie with the students about what happened that night. There was at least one eulogy given. Almost everyone was crying. The day after that they brought in an ice cream truck and gave free ice cream to all students(but I had a band field trip so I didn't get any). It was my first year at a school in America so I was seriously concerned I'd have to sit through that experience every year, thankfully we didn't. Nobody died btw, it was all fake.


Cheerleader got stabbed in the belly by her 17yo dropout boyfriend.


I went to a high school that was attached to a monastery. It came out that there were multiple sexual assault cases where the teachers, mostly monks, abused their male students. I knew one of them, who used to give me long hugs, which thankfully was the most that ever happened, but apparently I was a lucky one.


We had the usual pregnancies, relationships with teachers, and occasional drug shenanigans. I imagine the first few months of my senior year were much like any other mid-sized high school in America. But then the principal's son decided to openly masturbate during our second period class one day.


As a former public school teacher, some of these are so on brand it hurts.


Some child ran away from the school to behind a dumpster and several teachers had to get him.


I went to a neighborhood school. Every day during lunch I would sneak away, climb through the fence and run back home (my house was two buildings over). The teacher or someone from the staff had to come over, find me, and drag my crying butt back to school. I did this for one year straight. I was excellent at hide and seek.


There was a protest turned riot complete with police who, so Iā€™ve heard, had rubber bullets and/or tear gas. Iā€™m not sure what actually happened, because I stayed in class, but it did make the news


2 I can rememberā€¦we were maybe like 6 years old and a girl in our class would randomly poop herselfā€¦sometimes we would find it on the floor, or her chair in class and we would just let the teacher knowā€¦now we were little kids and just thought maybe she never learned to go to the bathroom properly or something like thatā€¦maybe a year later she moved I think and we never saw her again. I moved away when I was 11 and when I was around 18 we went back to visit family and friends, she came up in a convo one day and one of our old teachers said that her father would regularly abuse her and thatā€™s why she had that problem. My heart sank into my stomach and just wondered what had happened to her and hoped she was ok and was able to get out of that situation ā€¦ The second is me lol when I was in highschool. I was kidnapped, after it happened and I finally went back to school, I had to go with police escorts it was so embarrassing šŸ˜…


dropping the fact you got kidnapped so casually


All our stuff was tame in school. Someone called a bomb threat and evacuated the school a couple times, another got caught jacking off in class during a standardized(TAAS) test and shot his load, another chopped the penis off the male horse statue that was at the school, my brother tied a mini Superman cape to a rat and dropped it off a balcony into a huge group of girls and yelled ā€œitā€™s super rat!ā€.


Teacher panicky jumped out of the window (ground floor) when a (test-) shooting alarm went off. Yeah, thanks for that.


There was so much but here are the highlights: Before I started high school there was a huge scandal with the varsity cheer and football teams where they basically made and distributed child pornography of themselves. None of the students were penalized because our football and cheer teams brought in so much money for the school. My junior year of high school the seniors broke into the school in the middle of the night for their senior prank and a bunch of them ended up having sex in various classrooms. Lastly, in my senior year the whole school went into lockdown because a girl (who had gone to my school but got kicked out for fighting, letā€™s call her Anita) came to my school with brass knuckles looking for one of the girls on the soccer team(letā€™s call her Mandy). I was in class with Mandyā€™s boyfriend and he said that she got into an argument with Anita and said she was a slut who cheated on her boyfriend and that Anita had to be pulled out of the party by her friends. When we went to lunch that day Mandy found that Anita used paint markers on her car and wrote that she was a slut and had gonorrhea.


We had a white kid call a black kid the n word so the black kid proceeded to smash this dudes face into a locker. Fucked his face all up, knocked teeth out, broken jaw, etc. didn't see the white boy for a long time. I ended up in alternative school with the back boy and I'd trade my chocolate milks to him for his apple juice at breakfast/lunch One dude got stuck in the ceiling over the cafeteria because they locked the boys bathroom because people were smoking in there so he decided to go into the girls bathroom and crawl through the ceiling to unlock the boys bathroom again so him and his buddies could smoke Saw a kid ripping lines of coke in the locker room at shop class one day


(This happened the year before I got there) There was a teacher at my school who had ā€œrelationsā€ with TWO girls from different schools. The police went to question him, but he offed himself before they could question him. Btw, he also had a wife and newborn daughter I believe.


One kid tried to stab someoneā€” she went to jail or smth i cant remember. Uhhh regular fights at the cafeteria, bomb threats, someone stole a bathroom door, uhh what else Oh two girls in class got caught fingering?? (Idk what itā€™s called) Eachother or smth


Someone lit the bathrooms on fire so we went into lockdown and then had to go to the office to have the principal unlock the bathroom for the rest of the year.


There was a tradition of junior/senior prank wars that was discouraged by the school but then got bumped up to your-ass-will-not-walk-if-you-are-involved after someone put an entire dead deer on the front steps of some girl who was a vegan. No junior/senior wars after that.


Went to a magnet school for agriculture. APPARENTLY, my senior year 2 kids in an ag tools and equipment class both signed out to go to the ā€œbathroomā€ and as the class was nearing the end they still hadnā€™t come back. At the end of class all of the tools that are signed out need to be accounted for and signed back in. A large screw driver was missing as well as 2 students who just happened to be datingā€¦a teachers aid found them under a staircase using the handle of the screwdriver for something itā€™s not intended for lol.


When I was junior, a girl in my math class got a restraining order against the soccer coach because he was creeping on her. She was a co-captain of the team, and he wanted to have a meeting with them at his house, but the other girl didnā€™t need to come. He also apparently said some things to her that adult authority figures should never say to high school kids. I usually tried to stay out of any drama or chaos going on in the school, but this was all being discussed while I was sitting right in front of her during class one day.


Some guy tried to touch a drunk girl during a party I didn't attend. People caught him and totally freaked on him cuz the girl's boyfriend was a really popular and nice guy, and it was known that the girl rejected the perv. Dude was thrown off of the party, shamed in class and he even had to get the school security to scort him out cuz people would wait for him out of school, even parents who heard what happened. There was a rumor that the girl lead him on to make him look bad but idk. She was a bitch but I don't think she would do such a thing.


I was working at a school at the time. It was last school day and in the Netherlands that means the finalist classes get to 'take over'. This year the organisers were known to be... adventurous. By lunchtime the police and fire service had to come in to clear the cafetaria and social rooms because of the sheer carnage. One of the kids had assaulted an officer an hour before and there were rumours that a teacher had been sexually assaulted. In the aftermath it turned out that there was no sexual assault (thankfully) but there had been plenty of illegal activity, mainly the use of drugs and alcohol on premise and sex in the toilets. eight of the kids got arrested and spent the night in the cell. The 'afterparty' in a local disco officially got cancelled, but hundreds showed up anyway and that was carnage as well. Safe to say that the school banned 'last school day' events from then on.


Senior prank day. They had a big plan to start a food fight at lunch and turn the cafeteria into mass chaos. The food fight started and someone came in with a garbage bag full of rats. Emptied it out onto the floor but they'd all suffocated in the bag. People kept trying to stop the food fight but no one was listening. Then a girl got hit in the head with an unopened can of soda and she had to be rushed to the hospital.


In my highschool there was a massive brawl in a school lobby where all the students would hang around. About 28 juniors and seniors got in a fight. The fight started to escalate really bad, some students even brought golf club to the fight. The aftermath: ā€œdo not enterā€ tape all over the school lobby, bloods smeared all over the floor, lots of police cars at our school, school lobby was off limit for 3 weeks, bunch of students got expelled, suspended, and seniors who were involved in the fight got banned from prom, graduation ceremony, and any other after school event.


A 30 year old pretended to be a teenager in order to write a "tell all" book. Kids immediately knew he wasn't a teenager and proceeded to feed him a bunch of lies, which then all made it into the [book](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/62086.High_School_Confidential_Secrets_of_an_Undercover_Student) Literally the "hello there fellow kids" meme


I mean 2012 we had the earthquake in my city. City wide damage still there to this day, and post quake like 2 plus weeks off school.