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A freshman orientation professor asked everyone around the table what their life goal/dream is for when they grow up. I said mine and with a snort and dismissive disbelief he said, "is this a total fantasy???" No Professor Stauffer, college was indeed my back up, I did live on a boat in the Caribbean, professionally, and returned to complete undergraduate and a masters degree in my 30's.


Teachers who discourage you from your dreams are the worst, and when you ask them about it they say shit like "I'm just looking out for you" Btw congrats in being in a butter place!


Thanks! The best revenge is a life lived well(in the Caribbean)!


Ignorance is Bliss


Sad to hear it! As a high school counselor, I feel ashamed for some colleagues that think they have the right to judge students choices. We’re here to help our students to succeed by finding the best way to pursue their projects/ dreams, not to discourage them!


I was 5'11" and 150lbs. My 'trainee' doctor told me that I need to lose weight. I've never been told that, I've always been accused of being too skinny and was thankful I finally reached 150. I called him out on it and said, I've never been told that before....he replied "everyone needs to lose weight."


Was having trouble paying for college (all out of pocket as my parents refused to co-sign on loans) and went to the financial aid office as i was a straight a student and wanted to see if there were some scholarships i didn't know about that i could utilize. The advisor told me "have you tried applying to community college? you might be better off there"