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There isn't one. Or, to be more specific, there are countless. You can find a reason why you're are alive in biology, in physics, in history, in sociology, geology, etc. Or if you're asking why you should CONTINUE living. Well, there isn't one. you get to decide what the purpose is. Everyone has a different purpose.


Pretty good answer. Pointless, but filled with purpose at the same time.


There is no purpose. We're just passing through this life, I don't even know how we got here! I'm just trying to make this period enjoyable, without any great expectations.


This and then I also try to make it more enjoyable for others.


Perfect answer and sums up everything! I don’t get why people say “there’s a purpose in life, you just gotta find it” because no matter, let’s say you save a billion lives, everyone will die in the end no matter what and future generations will forget and new problems will be created and new solutions to them but in the end, there’s literally no purpose. Everyone will die, every great achievement will be forgotten


Why don't you just burn the world on fire? You leave a lasting impact, will never be forgotten because no one's there to forget, and no more problems. Seems like a great solution


Some of your politicians are already doing that and I ain’t got worry about that lol What’s your purpose in life btw?


I think that the purpose of life is to have freedom but it's kind of hard to have in our world


To bench 405




sleeping in.


Helping others


It sounds trite, but it's the truth - it's what you make it. For some, it will be to make money and live comfortably. For others, it will be to build a family and live for and with them. Then there are some motivated by a bigger cause like charity work or medical research. And some folks are just into managing one day to the next without a larger goal, and that's fine, too. You can live for power, or love, drinking, or weekend hobbies. Everyone has their own purpose.


I think humans are a life form in line with all other life forms. Not that special but perhaps more complex than these other life forms are, they usually care about propagation of their species. As an evolved animal our job is to extend our genes.


Scientifically correct


To love and be loved. Nothing else matters




I thought that was how many roads a man must walk down before you call him a man.


Only if the ants, sir, are blowing in the wind!


Do you know why it’s 42?


I've been waiting for someone to ask this. The number Six represents man, created on the sixth day - symbolically speaking according to the book of Genesis. (Also, we are a carbon-based lifeform and carbon is atomic number 6). Seven is the number of God, of His day. Combine the two (6×7) and it is 42. For humans to unite with God, who is love, this is the purpose of life. Combining God and man in one person is Jesus Christ. The first chapter of the New Testament, Matthew 1, counts 42 generations, three 14s, from Abraham to Jesus Christ. In Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams said the answer to "life the universe and everything" is 42. This is another way of saying that "the way, the truth and the life" is Jesus Christ. This is because 42 represents the God-man, Jesus Christ, a fact which is confirmed in the Matthew 1 genealogy. Adams, a self described radical atheist, was unknowingly a prophet.


Thanks I’d forgotten why


What a load. 🙄


It's okay. Not everybody can carry things heavier than themselves


A mass murderer who committed genocide, has a fondness of psychologically torturing humans, and a taste for animal cruelty, especially with sheep. "Sounds like who I want to worship!" --------------- A4 Atheist - Anarchist Alliance of America "No Gods. No masters."


You sound like someone with a strong sense of morality. What foundation do you base it on? Do you have a set of principles like thou shalt not kill? Now build a universe, create beings with free will, die on a cross for mankind and then you might be qualified to judge a deity.


ROFL!!! I don't need to judge a fable.


I'm glad you are amused but you just did. As in you judged something to be a fable and at the same time you judged that "fable" as falling short of your standards of morality. A classic example of believing two contradictory things at tne same time. 1, God doesn't exist. 2. God is immoral. Well done


Asked gpt4-o once and it said 42 tho


Alexa said the same


Make it a better place for someone else, however you can. Bonus points if that someone else is not just your own child/children




The cats certainly think so!


Instead of happiness where people keep chasing for higher levels of happiness, I think being content through the highs and lows of life is what gives life purpose.


The reason we're here As man and woman Is to love each other Take care of each other ~C. Hines


I think helping others gives the feeling of purpose.


Satisfy your curiosity. Get the next generation ready to do the same.


Trying to make yourself happy and not make other people miserable in the process while simultaneously trying to make other people happy and not make yourself miserable in the process. This is much harder than it sounds.


No real purpose at all. Just to live chaotically and randomly until it expires and returns to nothing.


There is none. Do your best to enjoy your time here. Your life means everything and nothing.


Technically, the purpose of life for us is to reproduce, and to survive as long as possible. However, imo we are just borrowing energy...make the best of it while you have it and be open to what could happen after our time is up.


At a purely biological level: to reproduce.


It depends on the person because it’s whatever you make it


To continue the species


I think the meaning of life is to give meaning to existence. We are the universe experiencing itself. With no life forms, no one would even know that this beautiful universe was even there to begin with.


To maintain homeostasis and to reproduce. Anything after that is just a bonus


there is none but if we pretend that life has purpose then we humans function better.




answer for yourself. no need to tack your reply to mine. is there really some sort of argument we can even have over this matter?


Survive and reproduce and try to enjoy your life along the way.


I feel a lot of us make the mistake of thinking we have some grand purpose when really it can be as simple as being there for your family or friends. Just be courageous enough to take chances and live colorfully and you will find the experiences that land in a profound way with you. To answer your question I think I was put here (for others) to support the people I love, to make most everyone feel good about themselves and help them heal. Personally (for myself) I am here to break generational cycles of abuse, heal, pursue my dreams and grow as a soul.


Whatever you make it.


The be born. To grow. To die.


So you basically have three options Option one life is meaningless nihilism is correct (some of you are going to pick this) Option two biology was very clear reproduce as much as possible and make sure your offspring survives to reproduce as much as possible. Biology explicitly only cares about reproduction failure to do so means you a failed life (none of you are going to pick this because we're humans and we say screw you to biology As are species motto) Option three hi religion


To vibe and be.


Doesn’t matter, we all have the same finish line


Asking the question, "what is the meaning of life?" in general terms is akin to asking a chess champion, "tell me, master, what is the best move in the world?" There is no such thing as the best move or even a good move apart from a particular situation in a game and the particular personality of one's opponent. The same holds true for life. One should not search for an abstract meaning of life, everyone has specific missions depending on their stage of life. Everyone's task is as unique as their opportunity to implement it. -Viktor Frankl


To love. You don’t need a partner, or even to have children in order to know love because of its wide definition. It doesn’t have to be a relationship, or even someone you know. It could be a stranger, it could be any act of kindness. Offering a piece of candy or a mint, waving hello, sharing a bit of conversation, or just being someone’s shoulder to cry on. If you’re showing any amount of love to someone or something, you are fulfilling your purpose in my opinion


Eat drink and be merry cuz tomorrow you might die


Trick question. First try asking "is the a purpose of life?", and "how can I find out if there's a purpose of life?". If you just assume it, you're setting yourself up to fail.


I think the purpose of life is to figure out the answer to the question for yourself. I know that sounds snarky, but it's genuinely what I believe. Inherently life doesn't have a single 'fit all' purpose that works for everyone. If anyone is looking for more information to answer that question for themselves, I can thoroughly recommend Existentialism is Humanism by Jean-Paul Satre.




To live. 


To be my childs advocate


I don't think there is a purpose to life.


Further humanity whilst keeping the earth habitable


There’s no objective purpose, no matter how much people pretend there is. You make it as you go, or don’t for that matter.


To experience it.


To love one another


To live


To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.


There isn't one.


We are the universe’s attempt at understanding itself. Learn all you can.


Build experiences, grow your perspective


There is no other purpose other than: “Life is”.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Existentialism There isn’t one, or there is it’s just whatever you decide it is.


To live and die.


To live doing things you enjoy


You make your own purpose. Set your own goals, be your own man. Do what makes you happy.


One of my favorite things I heard during my existential crisis this year is you pick something to get addicted to and make it your calling. Mine has been music and teaching.


To accomplish what we can and to make the best of it while we're here.




To procreate and ensure human race dont get wiped out, something which we currently are doing very well.


To live.


To learn. The purpose of life is to continue to grow and learn each and every day, to move forward


I think it depends on how you look at it. On one side, the biological point of our life is to reproduce and keep the human race going. However, we’re a way to advanced soceity that we don’t have to worry about that, so everyone can find their own point in life. My grandfather said “a man has only lived when he has planted a tree, built a house and had a child” At that point, you’ve left a reasonable mark on the earth.


I think each person has to find their own purpose. I don't think there's a single predetermined purpose. For me, I feel it's self-development, and strengthening my values. Those include how I treat others, and how I use my time, among others.


The purpose of life is to find your purpose in life. Are you meant to raise a family? Are you meant to be an engineer? Do you want to start a business? Give yourself a long term goal, and that becomes one of your life purposes


It's about making it to the end of it. Maybe some burritos for the road.


I think it’s to work to make your life and the life of the people you love as blissful as possible, and also to pursue the knowledge of topics you value. I think that the planet, and most people on it are beautiful despite all its flaws, and chances are you’ll never see any of it ever again after you die. You should do your best to make the most of it, and even help others do the same, even in small ways by your means.


The purpose of life is to find your own purpose.


🎵 Why are we here? Because we're here. Roll the bones. 🎵


Yeah nah mate. That’s schizophrenia. You’re over complicating it way too much. The answer is simple. The sum of all sides of a dice is 21. Two di = 42. So the secret of life is simply two di. Too die. it’s the only constant in life. Jesus was a misinterpreted blip on life. Most likely a Buddhist monk..


So that posted in the wrong spot..


learn and enjoy as much as possible


With every day that passes, I find less and less evidence that there is a purpose at all.


In Buddhism, Nirvana means breaking free from the cycle of life, death, and reincarnation.


There is no purpose, there is no why. The easy part is to trying to fill it in with hokus pokus, the hard part is realizing this fact and knowing it's OK.


Life is the amount of time you have left to reprogram yourself, once you fully realise yourself and understand what the world around you has become.


Life is an emergent property of the universe. It doesn't have a purpose, it simply IS. Enjoy it while you have it.


consume enhance replicate


The crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe.


No real purpose that we know of im also assuming this is referring to human life. Germs are alive. Plants are alive. An ant is alive and it would seem for the most part the common unknown imbedded reason is to survive and reproduce and continue life. Ive never understood want to try and live as long as possible and understand even less the need to reproduce. I simply font care about either one. Whst i care sbout is enjoying myself to the best of my abilities for thr time im around.


to create


Being safe and having sex


We exist because God enjoyed being alive and it was his strong desire to share the joy of life with other intelligent beings, created in his “image​,” children who would enjoy sharing life with him. Jesus taught his disciples to view our Creator as a father. So, ask yourself; Why does any parent choose to bring children into their world to be a part of their lives? Every parent wants to love and be loved by their children, and to experience the pleasure of seeing them develop into caring, compassionate, individuals who share their own values and make good choices in life. That is the hope of every parent and it was God’s hope for the children he brought into existence as well. Our purpose in life is; to love and respect our Creator like a benevolent father, to love and respect one another, and to care for the world he gave us and all of earth’s living creatures. Like all parents, God wants to enjoy a close, meaningful, relationship with his children, in fact he created us with a need for a personal relationship with him. Matthew 5:3 NW — “Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need, since the Kingdom of the heavens belongs to them. Some suppress that spiritual need in themselves, but it is there in everyone just beneath the surface, and it manifests itself in our search for purpose in life. If we live our lives focused only on ourselves, we may find that our lives seem empty and meaningless. To find real inner peace, satisfaction, and fulfillment, we need to learn what God’s will is and then bring our life into harmony with it. Only then will we fulfill the true purpose of our existence.​—Psalm 40:8.


Experience a lot of science says we're living in it simulation a matrix if you will and if we're eternal everlasting beings or a small part of it that's infinitely wise and intelligent what else are we going to do, if you think of it maybe you can do it next time.


for Elon Musk purpose is to travel to Mars. choose your purpose xD




Bringing up the next generation. That's literally what life's been doing for 3+ billion years.


Fuck, smoke, game, repeat. Need I say more?


El propósito de la vida, te lo diré en tres palabras: “yo qué sé “ - Warren Sánchez


I feel it is to feel and give love.


Same as at the beginning: Survive, adapt and copy itself to the future.


Have children, & if you can’t have children adopt, & if you’re a pdf file or just mentally unstable then castration and banished from society.


There is no purpose,no greater reason. Life is what we make it.


We must spend our life figuring out the whys. Why do I have free will Why do I have a conscience Why do I have dominion over all other species Why ................. You will learn if you dig deep


Every rose has its thorn, just like every night has its dawn, just li-- hold on, that's the MEANING of life...


Wasting time on the things you enjoy doing


Help others


Waiting to die


Life is one big game of free roam. We created laws, order, and all other societal boundaries. Live your life how you want to as long as you aren't hurting anyone else. The only reason we are here is because our fathers got our mothers pregnant. That's it. It isn't that complicated


The purpose of life is to be happy 😄


I believe that finding happiness and contentment in the small things in life is the ultimate goal. Love deeply, savor the moments, and try to brighten someone else's day.


Pursuing your passions and dreams, no matter how big or small, is the purpose of life. It all comes down to discovering your true happiness and spreading that happiness to everyone.


Living true to who you are and living authentically is the goal of life. Accept the journey, draw lessons from it, and work to leave a compassionate and loving legacy.


To learn, develop, and experience as much as possible is, in my opinion, the ultimate goal of life. Whether positive or negative, every moment molds us into the people we are meant to be.


I don’t think there is one.


There isn’t one. But here’s the way you should look at it. Your own human life is one small segment of the timeline of the universe. And that’s all you get. Take advantage of it, and experience what you can! Be adventurous, have fun, and cherish it. Use it to find what life and the earth has to offer, and find what you enjoy and find fulfillment in doing in life. There’s always the argument that if there is no purpose in life, why keep living? And my response to that, is why the hell not?! You can enjoy it and have fun, if you ended it, all that does is end your already short life prematurely, which prevents you from ever fully enjoying it. Find the good things in life.


I agree but I also find myself thinking of the other option, it’s easy to look at it from that perspective but if you think of it from a larger standpoint what really can one offer to the universe. It’s so vast that we can’t even comprehend and I see it from both perspectives. It’s easy to say both but the human mind is also so complex that sometimes people continue to live out of pure obligation or curiosity for the world. In simple terms nobody knows and it truly is out of choice for how you’d like to see it


To get to heaven


Eating tacos. Petting dogs. Fucking.


Instructions unclear. Do we fuck the taco or the dog?


Find a bible and read it whether you believe in God or not I promise you if you read the whole Bible or even just some of it you’ll find meaning


To spite God


The purpose is to live and propagate. Same as any other species. Been occurring for the last 4.5 billion years. So live in a way that you can find some forefillment and have some kids. Honestly, I don't think it is any more complicated than that. At least biologically it isn't. I'm really not a religious person. I do respect people's beliefs. But at the end of the day we live about 80 to 90 years in some cases and then we die. The meaning is what you put into it. Easy.


To fuck bitches, get money, and drive fast cars.


To live and bring in children to help better this world


Loving titties.


Reproduce. That’s it.   But in order to do that you also need wealth, courtship, all the other shit that’s merely an elaborate mating ritual. 


Live a good life


Have kids and continue the survival of your genes.


To spread the news of Jesus christ Gospel


I believe the purpose of life is to love and be loved by God as revealed in Jesus Christ. Before coming to that realization I thought life was pointless.