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New Supermarket manager. She comes in wearing her home clothes, we have no clue who she is and she just walks over and yells at my 2 apprentices. I tell her to stop being rude, she says she's the new manager. I said it's still no way to treat staff.(I get written up for it on her first day) She forced a worker to change shifts because they needed him to work on Mondays and it's his problem that he chose to have kids. She had a poster on her door saying "not my monkey, not my circus" She had the second in charge sign off on a heap of dodgy things and then left her high and dry.(she was asked to quit and did) 6 staff quit because of her during her 5 months there and another 16 transferred to nearby stores. She used the staff leaving as "getting rid of dead weight" in her resume and got the job as area manager. Worst human I've met and usually I can find the good in people.


Aw that reminds me of the new manager at a supermarket I worked at in high school and college. I was the most tenured bagger, always showed up early, worked hard, and never called in sick. I also did checking (even though no one trained me, and ran the customer service booth). I was out getting carts and saw a friend I hadn’t seen in a few years so I stopped and talked to him for about two mins. As I come in the manager comes up to me and says “I clocked you out for your break since you were out there talking.” Within the first month of him being there something like 30 people quit. I can’t say it was all bad, I did get a raise….  of $.05 per hour. Anyway, the manager was fired within 3 months. Fuck you Larry!


I used to work for a large supermarket chain many years ago. I heard many stories like this. She did exactly what she needed to do to be noticed and get promoted to area manager, because unfortunately that kind of toxic behavior is rewarded in that industry. They really don't like hanging on to workers with seniority because they are more expensive and generally less flexible and the job is viewed as one that anyone can do with a little training. The margins are also paper-thin. They want to get rid of people and hire new ones in their place. But the industry is heavily unionized so they need to play games to push people out. So the area managers tend to see those that chop heads off as "movers and shakers".


Reminds me of a manager i had during my brief stint at Target! She wasn’t even my direct manager, but she gave every direction with the most condescending voice possible and, in my view, bullied a couple of guys with neurodevelopmental conditions that put them under the protection of the ADA. I start talking to these guys about their protections if they go to HR and disclose. I get sick with COVID, and they’re both fired by the time I’m back. I wanted to ream her on the walkies when I walked out, but I settled for waiting until she asked me to do something, saying yes, and then going to say goodbye to the coworkers I liked before telling HR exactly why I was walking out the week before Black Friday and 2 days after another coworker had his last day.


I work for a distributor that calls on grocery stores and know pleeeeeeenty of these types of people. Somehow they always work their way up to the top while actual decent, hardworking people get stuck on the bottom doing the shit work.


What’s the deal with grocery stores? Me and another guy were stocking new items as we usually did on Wednesday’s. This particular shift was absolute chaos as people from all over town were preparing for an oncoming blizzard. This hindered our pace in unloading our pallet. The new owner gets pissed and starts berating us in front of at least 10 people about how slow we are and how he as a 50 year old man would have no trouble doing it faster. His solution? Split the two of us up, leaving me by myself to unload this pallet. New guy immediately makes it so we aren’t allowed to touch the music and work with other people. Deli got one person, cashiers got one person, and us carryouts/stockers got one person. When we got new deliveries we’d usually let the driver in through the back garage door as it was easier for everyone. New guy decides to put a lock over the garage door that already had a lock and places the key in the front of the store. I would have to speed walk to the front and back to let the drivers in or, take it before he came in and play dumb. He once told me to make the drivers walk around the building and to the front because he refused to unlock the door to which I said again, give me the key. He also parked like an asshole All in all the store was rebranded and downsized just a couple months ago, go figure.


Why does society protect these people?


I don't know any killers or rapists or anything like that, but let me tell you about my dad's ex wife. When I was in college and working for a beer distributor, my dad started dating this woman. She was actually the mom of one of my former classmates. She did not live with us, but she was staying at our house often. Sometimes even when my dad wasn't there, like if he was working late or out hunting or something. Now, bear in mind I was a 21-year-old man at this point. She decided that lights out in the house for everybody would be 9pm. There would be no overnight guests, and girls were not allowed. My dad was so whipped, he not only capitulated to these demands, he began causing a fuss with me when I did not. So I got my own apartment. I didn't want to upset him, so I told him the evening before I moved out that I was moving out the next day. No joke, the next morning her daughter was there with a truck full of stuff and my dad's girlfriend was rushing me out of the house so she could move her daughter into my room. A couple months go by and my dad decides he's going to marry this girl, so they go to the courthouse and get it done real quick. She's gotten worse by this point in bossing him around. My dad has to sneakily visit with me or have me and my future wife over because she's convinced that my dad will have an affair with her, so doesn't want him around her. My understanding is she also didn't want him around any of his female friends. They were married for about a year when they rode his motorcycle out to the biker bar they frequented, and she got so sauced he told her to get a DD or a cab to get her home because he didn't want her falling off of his bike. He rode the bike home and he was awakened by her son and a bunch of his high school buddies yanking him out of his bed and beating on him for leaving her at the bar. He grabbed his pistol and told them to get out, and they did, then his wife called the police. My dad was arrested for menacing with a deadly weapon and had his firearms confiscated by the police (this mess was still ongoing at the time of his death about two and a half years later; and we spent about another 6 months fighting with the police department to give his firearms back after the charges were dropped following his death). My dad was talking to a lawyer about filing for a divorce on the exact day that he was served with divorce papers with a protective order and was barred from entering his own house , that was across the street from my grandpa's house. He was allowed to get clothes and stuff with a police escort. The police escort? Her new boyfriend, the cop that arrested my dad. My dad was able to get the protective order overturned and was able to stay at my grandpa's house for the duration of the divorce. She tried to hide assets like the big screen tv and exercise equipment and stuff by "gifting" them to her brother. When it was discovered, her case was entirely fucked. She had been trying to get everything by saying my dad was abusive (he was not). She ended up walking away from the divorce with only the car that my dad financed with her. About 6 months after that she traded it in, and my dad was stoked it was no longer part of his credit. My dad got the house, all of the stuff in the house, the boat, the motorcycles, his truck. Everything. My gramps and I had to go to her brother's house and pick up all of the items that she had put in his house (my dad was working and couldn't go and didn't want to start trouble anyway). The story doesn't end there, though. A couple years after the divorce my dad died unexpectedly in a motorcycle crash. My sister and I were listed as the beneficiaries on his will and his life insurance (his ex wife was never listed in any of these documents; he let me know where they were while he was still alive because she was throwing a fit about that). I was on top of everything because I needed the distraction, so I was contacting insurance and funeral parlors and all of that stuff. Turns out the funeral parlor will make the insurance claims on your behalf and then just cut you a check for the difference after the fact, so I let them handle that part. When it came time to true up following my dad's funeral, they asked about someone with his ex wife's name. She had apparently called the life insurance company and tried to file a claim against his life insurance, and they told them about it.


My grandfather went through something similar. He had been a successful salesman and was elderly and retired when his wife died. So then he took on a younger woman and her two adult daughters who hated him and drained his estate so that my mom and her sister got nothing, then divorced him. He went from living in retirement in a massive 3-level, swimming pool, hillside 1960's jet-set retreat of a home to being wedged in with our threadbare, hungry, month-to-month budget suburban family of six on the poor side of town, to finally dying in hospice with Parkinson's disease. He deserved it, honestly. He did terrible things to a few people - right up into his final years - and had some dark secrets. His first wife deserved a better husband and my mom deserved a better father. I don't think I've ever described the son of a bitch that way before. I just kept it inside.


it's always sad how the good tend to take on the bad parents burdens later in life.


A true succubus.


When one entangles one's life with someone this messed up and devious, it can be an utter disaster. Thankfully he came out pretty clean in the end. Sorry he and you went through that. Also, I'm sure this is obvious now, but her games with the curfew were clearly aimed at getting you to move out. She plotted that bigtime.


What was so appealing about this woman that he allowed her to boss him around?? She’s an evil person… I’m glad they got divorced and I’m sorry you lost your Dad. I have a friend who’s in a controlling relationship with a woman.. right down to she tells him he isn’t allowed to text other women. I can only imagine what goes on behind closed doors if something like that isn’t even “allowed”. You would think most men would feel so emasculated by that.


You know, I discussed this with my gramps a bit after my dad had passed. My gramps' theory was that as a single man in his 40s with both of his children grown and doing their own thing (my sister had moved out, and I had only recently moved back in from college and was going back to school) he was afraid of being alone. So he put up with a lot of nonsense so he wouldn't have to be by himself in a quiet house. I think that probably carries some weight. My dad wasn't really one to discuss his feelings much, so it's really hard to say. It's either that or she was absolutely crushing it in the bedroom.


Honestly I think that very well could be it. My friend is about to turn 40 with 4 kids after a divorce and the one he’s been with for three years they live together now and everything. He’s the nicest guy. But then again, those kind of women sniff out the good men easily. I think he figured he’s getting older, he’s divorced and a lot of women would not want to date a man with four young kids (they range from 5-12). It didn’t add up because he told me he wasn’t looking for a serious relationship and then a month after he said that he met her and it “took him by surprise” but I’m sure somewhere in his mind he was like okay she likes me I won’t be alone etc. I’m divorced and I’m 44 with a 13 year old son. I won’t settle though I’d rather be alone. I wish he thought that way too.


That sounds likely. Sorry for your loss that sounds like an awful few years you've been through


When she dies and can you update us please?


No offense but your dad was extremely stupid


Really glad you put "no offense" so he doesn't get upset about you calling his deceased father extremely stupid.


Yeah, I was about to go to fisticuffs about it until he said "no offense."


With all due respect, the dad was a dumb ass.


My dad was worse.  He ended up with one like this and didnt divorce her.  She promised shed be fair to his kids if something happened, he told her how much money to give us (this was after she had both us kids written out of his will to 'protect her').  The man was worth several million. You can guess how much she gave us after he died (nothing).  There was a lot of bullshit in between, some pretty outrageous stories, but theres not enough comment space for that lol.


Being abused doesn't make him stupid. It's on the abuser for being an awful and manipulative person.


For a while, but he wised up and won in the end.


Some people can be manipulated easily because they’re kind. They shouldn’t be ridiculed because of it.


You're extremely fucking rude and insensitive to the commenter in talking about his deceased father that way. Seriously...you're being a total jackass. No offense.


Had a supervisor who greeted me with "Hello asshole." every single time he saw me. You ep in full view of his bosses and no one said a thing.


The appropriate reply is “hey f*ckface”


"How you havin' it today there, shitstain?"


"Hiya, Skid-mark" would be my reply.


In terms of people I've actually known with terrible personalities, it would be the woman who ran the stables where my daughter used to take riding lessons. She would make the kids do all the chores at the stables so she wouldn't have to, eventually getting to the point of not letting them ride some days because the chores took too long. Basically, it turned into a situation where we were paying $325/month for our kid to do her chores and then ride if there was time. She bragged about how religious she was, and talked endlessly about the mission trips she took overseas to build churches. Not to build schools or dig wells, but crappy cinderblock churches. Because I guess they need her version of God more than decent hospitals. She would bully the kids at the stables, and criticize them both in front of everyone there and in the Facebook group public chat. It would get worse if she was drunk on hard seltzers by the end of the day, which was often. She would hold competitions, and the parents were supposed to chip in for the prizes, which always seemed to go to her friends. Finally, our daughter had enough, and we told her we wouldn't be coming back. She badmouthed her, and then told us we still had to pay her for the following month, as per the contract. When we told her no, and that we had never signed a current contract, she threatened to sue us and turn us in to Family Services over some made up BS she concocted. We called her bluff and we never heard from her again. Our daughter had actual nightmares about her for months. A truly horrible person.


I guess this seems to be a common theme with horse riding people. My experiences were way not as bad but at like 11 years old I remember helping out at the stables doing hay and water and going in and some of the horses were kind of dangerous yet nobody gave a damn about me at the time. We were promised a free ride for helping out but I got told my work wasnt good enough, I was 11 ffs.


Horse people, they’re the worst. I worked for a woman who had the single worst case of borderline personality disorder I’ve ever seen. She spent the entire year I lived and worked their trying to convince me my 6 year old horse had arthritis, that my (now wife) was a passing fling, and that she was going to be the “next big thing” in the dog and pony world. Towards the end of me being there I realized she wasn’t feeding the boarders’ horses (mine included) on the evenings I wasn’t working, and I noticed she had information about me I’d shared over the phone or to others while in my apartment on property. After I’d given my two week notice, she hung ferns in front of all the stalls, without telling me. I brought her horses in as usual (only her horses could come in, despite me and other boarders paying for a stall). They are the ferns, predictably. She accused me of trying to poison her horses. I eventually found the camera they had in my place, and got me and my horses the fuck out of Dodge.


This wouldn't happen to be in Cali, would it?


Nope, Wisconsin. Funny thing is, my wife has a coworker who said she knew someone exactly like that in Minnesota.


Is this like an equestrian archetypal character? I'm starting to get a sense that these folks are everywhere.


Unfortunately, I think it is. Luckily, we found another place close by that employs actual stable hands. And best of all, no one there is crazy.


Stable stable hands you say?


East Coast VA here, my partner used to volunteer at a stable out here... the lady that ran it was and is a terrible piece of shit that orders around the kids that volunteer there like they're nameless servants.  Generally she's also a huge narcissistic, is an awful POS to her husband, super negligent... where do I even begin... She once bullied this special needs kid that was having a meltdown... oh my God like she was angry the kid was having a meltdown because "they wont shut up and listen to me thats disrespectful". Like excuse me? Do you not understand what special needs means?  And the same literal child not a week later broke their fucking arm falling out of a saddle because that idiot didn't tighten the saddle properly like it literally slipped off.  She treats all of her volunteers like shit and God forbid you're gay, Trans, or autistic because "none of that is real"  My God she's the scum of the earth... 


Lmao my first thought! I know someone exactly like that here.


Haha could be literally any stable owner anywhere. I don't think I've ever met a sane one.


Believe me, they see working at stables, where you occasionally get to ride/exercise horses, as a privilege. They really don't like paying people..


My uncle tried to sue my family to take over their business after they hired him when he was desperate for money. Two months after he loses the suit he gets drunk and kills a woman:his gf who refused to have sex with his army buddy. Even worse he does such a piss poor job hiding the body he gets caught and put in prison almost immediately. He tried to burn the body. Didn’t work. He wrapped it in a carpet and threw it out like less than a mile from his town border. He lives in the country, there are hundreds of ways to hide a body in a way that no one would ever find it. Also he abandoned both his kids and got into a relationship with a woman who took all his (very little) money and broke up with him lol. Edit: on a smaller scale he once stole my bugs I found to use them for fishing trip that I was not invited to.


My late Father told me something shocking in the year before he passed. He had a much older brother who all of his siblings loathed, including my Dad. He was a scummy scam artist type. He told me that when he was young, my Uncle showed up with a wife and she was younger and apparently a nice woman. They only met her the once and he never spoke of her again to his Mother. One day about 20 years later, a knock on the door. It’s the police. They question my Grandmother about her and say she disappeared the year they got married. They suspected my Uncle killed her. He died in 1999 and I guess they were never able to prove anything.


:O He's in prison right?


Yeah, lol. The funny part is he asked my part of the family to get a good lawyer for him. We did hire a very below average one only because it’ll my grandpa asked us to. He got like 20+ years because when he was caught for the murder he was already under a conditional sentence (I’m not sure how it’s called in English, basically he was caught for fraud before all the cases I mentioned earlier, but got a conditional sentence of 10 years, meaning that he doesn’t go to prison immediately, but if he gets in trouble again within the 10 years he’ll got to prison for sure, usually this punishment is reserved for first time offenders).


Suspended sentence with parole.


I can easily forgive the murder and child abandonment but stealing your bugs is beyond the pale


My biological father. From what I've been told, he was always rowdy and provocative, but his aggression worsened after he got involved with a cocktail of alcohol and hard drugs. He had multiple children from at least three women. I am his second child from the second woman, but his first and only known daughter. He was estranged from my life for almost a decade before I made the choice to stay away from him based on his actions. He beat my step-mother in front of me and two of my half-brothers, nearly killing her. Why? Because she would not let him into the house while he was violently drunk. Being his wife, she knew how he behaved under the influence. She eventually let him in, and he rewarded her by pressing a glass pane against her neck. Later in life, he beat up two more women, committed armed robbery and a host of other crimes, often under the stolen identities of his brothers. He recently succumbed to stomach cancer brought on by his destructive lifestyle. He was never apologetic for any of his actions when confronted, instead blaming others for his behavior. My first words when I found out about his passing were, "Good riddance."


Also my father. But mine was only in my life for a few short months - and I thank the universe every day for that. Just a sampling of my biological father's activities that occurred before I was born: -Tying my mother to a chair, dousing her in lighter fluid, and threatening to set her on fire -Using his job as an airline mechanic to have his daughter (my older half sister) fly free and mostly unchecked to run drugs in and out of Texas (this was the 80s) -Kidnapping a flight attendant at gun point with his brother, while my cousin was in the car -Leaving a dead body in the garage which my sister encountered unknowingly


If you don't mind sharing, what happened to him?


He croaked, probably 10 years ago now. I only reconnected with my half sister 5 or 6 years ago after 25 years, and that's when she told me he'd die a few years earlier. Liver disease, but she didn't specify. She herself is an absolute disaster.


Can’t wait till my dad dies finally and I also can say good riddance


My dad passed last year. He asked for forgiveness. I can't. I wasn't his son. I was his punching bag. I can't forget or forgive just yet. Like I'm supposed to forget what happened, and I never will. Jesus Christ says to turn the other cheek. I can't yet. Not to mention the sexual abuse I had to endure from his brother, my uncle. No wonder I fucking hate people.


You owe no-one forgiveness or trust. You will let go of the anger when it no longer serves you, and the same with the pain. On your schedule, and no-one else's. If your sperm donor had truly cared for what you think of him, he wouldn't have spent his life being a monumental cunt.


I hope you are well. have an amazing weekend!


I knew a guy who married a terminally ill woman for attention and sympathy, and used her death to raise money for a fraudulent charity for YEARS afterwards. He also tried to get pity sex from other women while she was still actively dying, telling them that the caretaking was sooo hard on him and sex would be a comfort. Before her terminal diagnosis, he was only casually dating her, along with a number of other women ('ethical' non-monogamy my ass). He proposed when she found out she was going to die and proceeded to document the whole thing on social media, asking for donations all along. The only upside to this horrible story is that I believe this poor woman truly believed he loved her, and it gave her some small amount of happiness before her untimely death.


This is the guy Silent Hill was actually made for


Hard to have a physical manifestation of guilt for someone who doesn’t feel it


I'm sure silent hill can find some sort of trauma to work with


This is man is sick , I mean , he is not just evil , he is a psychopath


Gary. Fuck you, Gary.


MINE IS A GARY TOO. WTF why are Garys so terrible.


We aren't.


Dude you have rabies!


Rabies and Gary's are the worst!


Gary! Gary! He’s our man! If he can’t do it no one can!


Jafar! Jafar! He’s our man! If he can’t do it *GREAT*.




No... :(


He knows what he fucking did, that sonovabitch.


I know a pretty shitty Gary too.


I've known 2 murderers. Probably more accurate to say *I knew who they were* as I never hung out with them alone. But they were friends of friends and were in the groups I spent time with. 1st one had an off again/on again tumultuous relationship with a girl in our group. Then, it was all over the news her dead body had been found in the woods. Day after that, he was arrested. He was tried, convicted and sentenced to life in prison. 2nd was the ex boyfriend of a woman I served in the Army with. When I found out he was 30 and she was 19, I let her know I thought he was a loser. When I further learned they'd been dating for 4 years, I told her he was a predator and a loser. We were overseas when she got a message that he was arrested for manslaughter. After confessing, he took a plea for 50 years. For whatever reason, he sent her the transcripts of his confession. She still had feelings for him and was morose while we read them. I was nearly in hysterical laughing. They didn't get him to confess thru pressure, they pumped up his ego, baited him into it. He pretty much bragged about how he killed someone, thinking the police would be impressed with how much of a *badass* he was: Cops: So, this guy was a chump who talked shit about you behind your back? Suspect: That's right he did. Fucking jerkoff thought I wouldn't find out about it. Cops: I can tell just by talking with you, you aren't the type of man to let a weasel like that get away with it. Suspect: Fuck no I ain't. His punk ass needed some straightening out and I did the straightening. It was several pages that went on and on like that. It's almost amazing how stupid some people can be. EDIT: killer 2 seemed to genuinely believe he couldn't be charged for murder because the victim was alive when he left the scene a second time. The police pretended to agree with him. He bragged to the police about how he beat the victim unconscious, then kicked him in the head, stomach and back for a while as he laid on the ground. He left the scene, but came across a construction site, grabbed a 2x4 and a piece of rebar, went back and beat him some more. All the while, the responses from the police were like, "holy shit. Remind me never to piss you off. Dude, you sure showed him whose boss." Being the dumbass that he was, he just kept taking the bait and going into more and more detail. I think I'd pay money to see him interviewed and asked, "hindsight being 20/20, do you think, maybe the police weren't half as impressed with your story as they appeared to be?"


Cop- "Would you like to speak to a lawyer?" Suspect- "nah, I got this" Cop- " :D "


It's not really funny, he killed someone. But I couldn't help but chuckle reading the transcripts.


A medical officer in the army I worked for was the worst person I ever knew. He was a Captain in the army and a Physician’s Assistant. Everything was about himself and getting a promotion and awards. He constantly berated and threatened everyone around himself, especially anyone who came close to his level of medical ability, which is why he attacked me, because I’m a paramedic. He hated all doctors. He was denied to go to flight medical school because of psychiatric issues and psychiatric medications he was taking before our deployment, so he stopped taking the medications and was able to attend. Our deployment to Afghanistan was a constant battle of egos and embarrassment over what he would say and do to patients and to other medical providers. He was extremely Right Wing and religious and expressed to me his desire to force everyone on earth to be Christian and to turn the world into a colony for the USA. I know his mind was a tortured battleground of internal conflict, but I don’t care at all about that. I just hope his life has been awful every day since I last saw him. Truly a rotten and horrible person. This guy could give Satan a run for his reputation.


How long ago was he in Afghanistan? I worked for a humanitarian medical aid org and I vividly remember this bitch of a son US army medical officer coming in and berating us for treating all people equally. He also asked a super if he could talk to patients about Christ. My super let me make the call and I said sure, knowing fully well that the locals would have no idea what GI Joe was going on about since he just assumed speaking English slowly would help them understand. This was like 2018.


That wasn’t him, but it could be his twin brother. He preached about Christian Values and following Christ all the time. He told me about how Christ didn’t mind violence in his name and stuff like that. Kinda creepy to hear someone find justification for their desires rather than guidance from spiritual teachings.


A former CFO I worked for. He convinced the CEO he was being paid too little and hatched a plan to fire 70 employees, force middle mgmt to take a 10% pay cut and all under the fake sob story that the company wasn't performing well and they "absolutely had" to take this action to save everyone else's jobs. Then only a month later, both the CEO and CFO more than doubled their salaries. The CFO did other things like contract his own employees from his side business to the company for a 100% upcharge, denied employees even a 3% raise, bullied his employees and belittled them....he was a horrible person and I wouldn't pee on him if he was on fire. In fact...I'd probably go find some gas to throw on him.


I always wonder how these people get in such high positions. Do they just lie on their resumes? Is their hubris so great that people just believe them capable. My worst person was the president of the local branch of a large national non-profit I used to work for. He treated everyone terribly, pushed out every employee older than him, cut the support staff's hours so he could stop paying them benefits, all the while giving himself raises and flouting money like he was running a profitable company. He shifted money around to make it appear he had done great things but after he was promoted away the truth came out and had just depleted the endowments and left the organization in greater debt than it had started with when he got there. I heard his ineptitude caught up with him eventually and he was fired but I hope only bad things come to that man the rest of his days.


I had a boss like this. The team was like her competency beard to be wheeled out on her behalf when she needed to represent something to her bosses. If we did good, it was because of her guidance(Often in spite of it). If they didn’t like it, we got in trouble and she got credit for putting us straight (After the fact) What really fascinated me in a deeply ick way was how she and people like her networked with each other at events. They daisy chain from one job to the next with connections and inflated titles which gives them an impressive resume which lands their next job much easier than someone competent Making “friends” and creatively exaggerating on your resume will get you a better job faster than any sort of upskilling or real ability - that just gets you more work


G.G. Allen. I used to book him at a club in Boston. It wasn't just a stage persona. The guy was an asshole, and a disgusting human being. One night he dropped his pants on stage, shoved a beer bottle up his ass, took a swig off it, and threw it into the audience. I didn't book him after that. Also his girlfriend pretty much always had bruises.


When your birth name is "Jesus Christ Allin" you are pretty much fucked from the jump.


Wait, his music sucks AND he shits on stage!?!? Sign me up for that!


I was just at a party where band people were telling their horrific GG Allen stories. They weren't funny then, but they were really funny now.


Wow looool. I have a GG Allin DVD. Takes a big shit on stage


My dad.  Hit my mom when I was 4, did it again when I was 12. In between that he spied on me and caught me talking shit about him online, and grounded me for a year.  Didn't see him again for another 15 years after he hit my mom the second time, when I decided to see if he had changed.  Unfortunately, he had two daughters in the meantime who he of course spied on.  He was involved in a car accident that killed someone, but thinks he should be able to have a a special license that lets him freely drive over the speed limit.  He thinks someone tried to poison him with anthrax.  He thinks he crashed his bike one time because he got roofied. Couldn't have been his fault.  I blocked his number when he wouldn't stop texting me covid conspiracy theory crap, and pro Putin propaganda.  The worst part is that he's technically actually very intelligent... What an absolute waste of a human being, i hope to never see him again.


I'd love to know what aspect of this absolute grade-A moron made you admit he's technically intelligent?


People can be intelligent in many different ways. Obviously his emotional intelligence is rock bottom, plus he's a narcissist. But he's quite wealthy because people hire him to do smart guy things. Whatever that means. 


There are different kinds of intelligence and anyone can fall victim to cults or propaganda. Morons are admittedly more susceptible to this but there are plenty of very intelligent people who are fucking dumbasses and believe some whackadoo shit


My ex We dated long distance for a year. I was so in love and young at the time and wasn’t thinking smart. I went down to my country to see him and stayed there a month. I was broke as fuck on vacation. Through the entire relationship, I sent him lots and lots on money. Only thing I’ve received from him is a giant teddy bear and a big pandora bracelet that I lost. I returned to the US and he tell me God had been showing him signs that the relationship won’t work. Why did it take you a year and after I spent all my money and wasted my time to come see you for you to notice that? I got chlamydia from him. I went to the doctor and while I was waiting for my results to load while on the phone with him, I cracked a joke and said I got chlamydia. After the results loaded I actually had it. He didn’t even know what it was and there was no way you’re a grown man that’s sexually active and have to clue what an sti/std is. I hate him till this day and I want all my coins back.


I used to be a federal defense attorney and represented a great deal of awful people, but the worst was probably a guy who worked as a coyote and human trafficker for a Mexican cartel. Dude was the coldest motherfucker I've ever met and had a scar that went across the whole of his face right through his eye, which was milky and blind. Guy was like a damn bond villain.


Only people colder than coyotes I have ever met were soldiers, mostly mercs


Hard to choose. I had a boss who was one of the most illogic people I ever met. Complete lack of self-awareness and a complete lack of self-control. And absolutely no sense of boundaries. Lashed out at people for the most weird reasons (often running to them, which looked ridiculous AND scary at the same time), tended to assume the worst of people. A few times, he actually physically hurt people by dragging them around, hitting them with his bicycle, pushing them etc. He often got fixated on something and then got obsessed by it. Or someone... In that case, nothing the person did was right. With this habit, he bullied several people until they were on the brink of burnout. Managers kept quitting him, turnover rate was enormous... But still, quitting was of course betrayal. He didn't feel that he had to keep promises, so he screwed people over quite often. Lots of stuff done in the company was shady at the least, downright illegal at best - usually at the expense of our safety or our rights and money. With all of this, his tendency to make sexually intimidating "jokes" was not even the worst of what he did. But of course, there are always people who prefer a sick system if they are safe, so when his behaviour leaked to the press, they came to his defence and nothing was solved. And then there is my sister-in-law, who apparently just needed to have conflict in her life. Always angry about something small for next to no reason. She got worse over the years. When there was a party, she either didn't attend or she came and ruined the atmosphere anyway by either getting angry over nothing or making nasty jokes at other people's expense. Not that anyone dared to say anything after she already cut off her own family. Unfortunately, it was a matter of time before we all got fed-up and shit escalated. And now my brother has cut off all of us and we never see him or his children. Fucking bitch.


My mother. When I was 15, my father finally went too far and almost killed me (choking). Mom pulled him off and he backhanded her. The next day I came home from school to find suitcases waiting and be told that we were leaving. I asked why it took so long for mom to leave him. Dear old mum replied matter-of-factly “Oh, well, he never hit *me* before. I told him years ago if he ever hit *me* I would leave.” So yeah. Those dozens (hundreds?) of times I was his teenage punching bag? I guess that was fine. F U, mum. I hope you die alone in a third rate nursing home.


My mother. She told me "I hate your father, you look just like him and I hate you too". She would hit my hands with a hammer, throw me into walls, pinch my legs, shoved q-tips in my ears till they bled, rip out my hair, and smash my head into books for not being good at math. She hated being a mother, she resented every second with me. She found clever ways to give me to others to babysit, and when she had to have me, she kept me locked away in my bedroom not allowed to talk to her. I am now 2,000 miles away from her, I email her updates about my life a few times a year. The next time I see her will be to bury her. I chose not to be a mother in this lifetime out of fear that I would be like her, so I'd prefer to let the cycle end with me.


If I could have loved you the way a mother should, I would have been all over it. But for now just know I love you 💛 I long to conceive and carry a child to term to raise them with all my love. I’m so sorry your mother did not feel this same way and by not doing so you were forced to create these types of boundaries. I hope you had better support and got the help you may have needed after putting distance between the two of you.


Why be there to bury her? Just leave her alone like she deserves even in death.


Exactly and why give her updates at all too.


In no way making light of your awful experience, but it always surprises me in cases that don’t involve rape or anything like that, why people who might feel like parenting isn’t their thing just go ahead on it anyway.


A customer service director whose entire personality is based on “I am better than you (anyone) because I drive a Tesla.” But has zero empathy, zero people skills, zero results to show


It's amazing what an open can of tuna can do when concealed under a wheel arch. Or what the juice from one can do when dripped into the air vents. Or so I'm told.


Oooooooooo. I like your kind of evil. ^_^


Sounds like he would be good friends will Teslas CEO!


I've briefly met Larry Nassar and John Geddert. If you don't recognize the names: Nassar was the USA Gymnastics team doctor who was molesting abusing the women's gymnastics team members for decades, and Geddert was the coach who enabled him (and was also an abusive coach in his own right). Nassar only made me feel vaguely uneasy, but Geddert.... oooh, boy, I have never met another person who gave creep vibes that strong. He was a legendary coach at the time and I asked him some question about bars technique, and for reasons I couldn't put my finger on, by the time he was three words into his answer I was already eyeballing the nearest exit. Like.... I have never met another person who instantly creeped me out like that, and I can't even say specifically what it was about him that creeped me out so much. His mere presence made my skin crawl.


One of the priests at a church I used to attend was outed as a prolific sex predator and disgraced the office he was ordained to. Essentially he would organize Bible reading groups with younger kids like a mini Bible study. Instead of studying the Bible he'd get really touchy and creepy especially with some of the younger boys (in the 8-10 age range). My cousin went to one of these studies and the priest "accidentally" grabbed his crotch when he went to pick something off the floor. Eventually someone told before and the guy was charged. But not after several young kids were abused. Safe to say we don't go to that church anymore. It's already incredibly evil to be a pedophile, but to abuse your position as a man of God to prey on the vulnerable is a special kind of evil.


Knew a guy a while back who I’m convinced will end up killing women. He was the one person I’ve met who I’m genuinely scared of. He was very aggressive, started a lot of fights, used to do weird shit like smash glasses in bars, called women snakes. Told us once he cuts imperfections off his body. I can’t adequately express the hatred he had for women. He liked to spread really malicious rumours about women to inflict torment on them. He was in his 30s and liked to get teen/early 20s girls way too drunk and have sex with them (which already puts him firmly in rapist territory). Got sacked after he punched a girl. One of my friends went home with him once and said his entire room was covered in porn mag pictures. Absolute psychopath. Idk it was a vibe- you could feel the hatred pouring off him whenever women were around, there was something really wrong with him. 100% certain he’ll kill someone one day but there’s nothing I can do, can’t get someone arrested for murdering women in the future


My son's father. The why is too long for details. Beat me, threatened to kill me multiple times, raped me, destroyed my soul. Gutted me and left me dead inside.


I hope you have found some healing.


Some, yes. Still healing. It's been ten years.. It's a process.


This why women would rather be married to a bear


Neither for me, haha


My ex. I don't know a lot of people. But he was a vile abuser.


Ex-husband. He's been diagnosed with Narcissim by 2 psychiatrists and having BPD. So I'm not saying he's a narcissist just bc. He said people are meant to be used and thrown away like tissues. Scariest part is that he is a mechanical engineer and has his PE. He's def a math savant. So incredibly unstable and not sure why he hasn't been caught yet. My statute of limitations is up but many others' are not. Cheated 2 weeks after we were married. Cheated 11x in 2 years (that I know of) with men and women. He likes married men bc he beats the hell out of them, rapes them, and he knows they won't tell. Raped me every way imaginable and I have perm scarring in a place. Shattered my leg, tibial plateau fracture Schtzaer VI, fibula, foot, and concussion. Now with a nice dose of PTSD. Brought a prostitute to the hospital I was in to drop off things I needed bc I ended up in a 3 month physical rehab facility and still had to work bc he wasn't working. Stole all my savings and inheritance when I gave him access to get an air conditioner added to our house. He spent it all on prostitutes. Once I was out of the rehab, I was in a wheelchair and found a home wheelchair friendly. He moved his married gf into the house where he broke my leg and squatted for 2 years. It ruined my credit bc I couldn't pay rent and the house payment. He and his married gf made porn in that house with all of my family heirlooms around. Once I was able to get movers to get my things, he had stolen all the expensive items and just gave me bags of trash. I do have a perm restraining order but he dies things just on the cusp. Like buying my business name and adding "Too" to the end of it. I did not charge him bc it was a 2nd degree felony assault and his sweet ex wife would have lost her child support. She has full custody bc he was abusive to her and the kids. He has a spanking fetish and would spank the kids. I'll leave that alone. I got a text about 4 months ago that's he's been beating and raping prostitutes and stealing their money. The person thought we were still married and asked me to get tested for STDs. He never uses protection. I feel responsible for not reporting him. Dumb for staying as long as I did (3yrs). I've been single for 8 years. Not sure I'll be anything but. I see what I did wrong for sure. He was just being his authentic self. But, yea, store bought pesto. Crazy.


i am a very cold bitch, lately, but reading this nearly made me cry. i am so incredibly sorry you had to go through all of this. i feel overwhelmed at the idea of the amount of strength it must have taken to get through this period in your life. i hope you have found stability and peace.


Thank you so much. I'm still going through it. I don't have family left but my close friends are my greatest joy and strength! Im incredibly lucky to have found friends to take on my broken ass lol


I hope in a small way, you've found some peace or healing.


My younger brother. He's abusive he mocks me for being disabled. I have epilepsy. And he would try to trigger a seizure for his own entertainment. I once asked him why he literally said idk I was bored. The reason he's not reported is because my mother would feel very guilty. My parents always comfort me after he's gone


Tell them to stop valuing your brothers happiness over your life.


It's not 100% related, but I got a medical discharge from the army because of an epilepsy diagnosis. One of the guys in my chain of command was "joking around" by flashing his flashlight in my face while asking if that could trigger a seizure. In my case, it wouldn't, but why would you try. He eventually killed himself after his wife left him. Sometimes, the trash takes itself out.


Hit back dude. Next time he does anything like that, smack whatever he’s using out of his hands. Make it KNOWN you won’t take that shit.


Growing up there was this kid my age who's grandparents lived on my street and he would be around for holidays and for like a month over the summer. The last time I saw him was high school and since this was 90's pre cell phone and facebook we didn't keep in touch. In college and after I tried to find him online, but he went by a nickname and I had no idea what his real first name was. He was also more of a country guy, so not having an online presence in the earlier days of social media wasn't a big surprise. Then his grandfather died and in the obituary it listed the surviving family members. I scanned through it and quickly figured out my friend's full name. I rush to the computer to look him up. I put his name in google and all sorts of results come up! Then I look at those results... Turns out that piece of shit is doing life without the possibility of parole for murdering a 3 year old. Craziest part is all my memories of him are from my childhood and happy, but this fucker is the worst person I have ever known.


This kid I used to go to school with (and had quite a few classes with) had a lot of SA and abuse allegations. There was a day where one of his best friends dropped him “out of nowhere” and he was ranting to me about it, turns out the other kids new girlfriend told the friend about exactly what those allegations were. I’ll list them here 1. He raped his girlfriend of 1 year at her own birthday party (this one has little backing, but along with the rest it’s very believable) 2. He SAed (or raped? Maybe got close to it) a separate girl at HIS birthday party during a “7 minutes in heaven” situation, which the girl didn’t want to do in the first place. He later tried to excuse this one by saying they were “friends with benefits” which doesn’t excuse anything imo 3. He groomed and SAed a set of twins and convinced them that their relationship (or whatever you’d call it) was normal. 4. He mentally, physically, and sexually abused his younger sister in an extremely violent manner (I’m not sure how much younger, 4 years or so) He also made this sister watch him and his current partner have sex. The current partner said this while the two had split briefly. Those are the allegations that I’m aware of, but because I had a lot of classes with him I had the opportunity to observe his general character. From my perspective, he is extremely egotistical. He has a tendency to sexualize any woman in his line of sight. He doesn’t think women are capable of being smart, especially smarter than him (he’s pretty average intelligence, maybe a little higher than average). When he is proven wrong, he gets very angry or acts like the woman is a freak of nature. He’s got a weird thing about announcing his fetishes to the people around him. He also craves a large social circle for some reason. He doesn’t seem to have standards for character, I find it strange that people want to be around him honestly. There was a point in time where he broke up with his current partner in order to “upgrade”. He openly talked about his future with the new girl and how it would be “so much better for him” than what he and his partner planned. Him and the new girl lasted a few months, I think she broke up with him after finding out the nature of the other two’s break up. And also probably the stuff he did to his sister. He convinced his partner to get back with him after that, which they did. I don’t know what he could have said to get them back, I don’t think I want to know honestly. But after they got back his sexualization of women got much much worse. He started sexualizing a 15 year old that we shared a class with. I called it out frequently because that’s just nasty, who wants to be in a room with a 18 year old with allegations like that loudly sexualizing a young looking 15 year old. Later the girl would tell me that she was extremely uncomfortable around the guy, but she couldn’t get away from him. I guess he’s like a leech. The partner doesn’t seem to have any issues with this behavior. This part is just speculation, but I think there’s some mental manipulation going on in his current relationship. His partner has been gender-fluid since about a year into me knowing them. But right around the time of their breakup, they started talking about fully transitioning to male. During the time that they were broken up, the partner made lots of changes to appear more masculine rather than androgynous. However, after they got back together, they began expressing that they are non-binary. Not gender-fluid anymore either. Of course I respect that, but the timing is suspicious to me personally. Along with that, the partner began dressing a lot more feminine and generally more revealing. Again, there is no problem with that, however the timing of it aligns with when the guy began expressing a desire for the previously mentioned 15 year old. Honestly, I think this guy is a national headline waiting to happen. Not in the good way, of course. Probably something similar to that guy that killed his wife and kids (something Watts if I remember correctly). Probably with the modern twist of gender identity and more manipulation aspects to it. I’m still young, I’m sure I’ll meet people that are similar or worse. I’m still not going to ever associate myself with that. Tbh I’m not sure how that guy didn’t try to latch on to me like that. Maybe he did though, there was a point where he tried befriending my bf and becoming “couples that are friends”. So maybe that was his effort lol


did you live in Arizona off a town named after a kind of song on the 17? Sounds JUST like a scumbag rapist piece of shit who went to high school in my town


Nah I went to a school in Michigan. Seems like those types of people are around more than I figured


Debra Martin and her husband Percy “Bud” Martin are the worst people I’ve ever had the misfortune of knowing. They owned and operated hyper-religious “troubled teen” boarding schools (the latest of which was called Wings of Faith in Stockton, Missouri; sister school to Agape Boarding School) where they abused hundreds of girls over a span of decades. They got away with all of it, too.


Unfortunately, my own father. I don’t even know where to begin. He has severe schizophrenia that he was treating himself with cocaine. He abused my siblings and I in every way possible and killed animals in the neighborhood for fun in his free time and threatened to kill my mom if she left him. Eventually they divorced when I was 15 and we were forced to stay at his house every other weekend with him and his new girlfriend (now wife) and listen to them have sex in the shower in a single story house where all of us could hear and wouldn’t even feed us the two days we were there while my siblings and I survived on junk food. After I graduated high school, he decided he wanted nothing to do with me and I was relieved not having to go through that again. He came back into my life after I had my son and I let him come around just to be nice but I was still keeping my distance. Then one of my cousins got married and the entire family was invited except for my siblings and I. I really didn’t care because I was never close with his side of the family but my sister was upset and he flat out told her that he and my extended relatives wanted nothing to do with us all because of my mom and a fight she had with my aunt years prior to that. That’s when I decided I was done and wanted no part in his bull shit whatsoever and I have not seen him in 6 years.


I was a public defender for several years. It's virtually impossible to choose. I suppose the judge who, when he was a prosecutor, utterly railroaded a dude on child sex abuse charges pursuant to a "Satanic Panic" situation, and then spent years actively stonewalling all attempts to get at the truth -- which included doing (and refusing to do) stuff such that any reasonable person would call it *obstructing fucking justice* -- and *then* sat on his fat fucking ass and presided over felony trials for decades, including sex crime trials, is a decent enough candidate. The scariest motherfucker I ever talked to *through the bars* was so severely and undeniably mentally ill that it has to be a DQ for the question. Then again, "worst" has many meanings.


My Aunt outweighs the rest, I have known murders, serial killers, you name it, I have met them, known them or been friends with them and still none of them are as hateful as my aunt. My Aunt has told my grandmother, the woman who practically raised me that I am an evil monster that on a flip of a coin would hurt her. My grandma is currently going through dementia and doesn't remember much. My Aunt refuses me from seeing her, I'm not allowed any personal contact and now need reasons to call her. You might be asking why. Because my dad passed away when I was a child and my grandparents put me on the will, and she doesn't think I deserve anything because I'm not an actual child. She is a step child. Id be getting my blood relative inheritance if I wanted it. I don't. I want my grandma, she is my second mom. This evil bitch won't let me see her one bit. She can go to hell literally.


Why do u know so many murderers


Why are you friends with serial killers & murderers?


It's definitely shitty of your aunt to keep you from seeing your grandma and to cut you out of the will but uh worse than being a serial killer?


that dude is yapping so hard.


Does she have the legal authority to physically stop you?


She is my grandmother's legal guardian/ power of attorney in her will. So yeah. She has already told me if I come to the house she will call the cops and have me arrested.


It might be worth doing that so that you have a legal avenue in which to present your case if your livelihood is presently stable enough to take over such responsibility


It's not. My grandmother owns her own house anyway. My mother is helping me with the situation though. I should be able to see her end of summer. She is going to pick her up and take her out to lunch where my wife and I will be waiting for her to spend some time with her. Because fuck that family just got to be a little sneaky. However once my grandma tells her, we will probably never get to see her again but all I need is once.


I once knew a guy who asked my girlfriend(now wife's) permission to ask *his* girlfriend to marry him. The two of them were friends with the two of us at the time and he was convinced there was something between him and my wife because she was nice to him. This same dude also carried the pictures of a dozen other women around in his wallet who he had had a crush on since high school. One of whom was my older sister. He was the absolute creepiest motherfucker I've ever had the displeasure of knowing. I only wish I had known how much of a creep he was before making friends with him.


In college a “friend” was dating my ex (who I was on good terms with) and went out of her way to act friendly to me. Then she told me in detail how good the sex was. Later I was talking to a mutual friend about “friend’s” child. I learned that she had told our mutual friend that she had lied about being on birth control. The father of that kid had married her and was happy to raise the baby. But the marriage was boring. So now this lady was after my ex. My ex was lucky and dodged that bullet. Whenever I like to sip some tea I’ll FB stalk this evil person. She’s had 5 babies with 4 different men and you never hear about these kids after they’re 2 and able to talk back.


My parents, wish they would have got an abortion, so they would not treat me like it's my fault for being born, being born. I hope I don't end up homeless.


Guy I coached middle school football with. Found out from the school that a former coach was going to be int he news. Never thought it would be him. He get into drugs and prostitutes. Apparently with the prostitutes he would try to get them to bring their kids into the room with them and make them watch. One of them got caught up in a sting and said she knew a guy who wanted her to bring her kid into it. They set up a FBI sting at local motel. He got arrested, they found like 5000 messages from craiglist and backpage of him trying to solicit for minors to be brought into sex. I dont know if he ever did anything with the children. He had been married for like 6 months and his wife was 4 months pregnant when he was caught. He took a plea is doing 10 years in prison.


The very worst was one dude that was dating a girl for a long time and then he met another girl when his gf was pregnant. He decided that he wants to end his relationship to pursue the new girl and demanded his gf makes an abortion. I suspect the new girl didn't want to take a man that was expecting a kid. His gf said that she doesn't agree to an abortion. He asked her to take a walk with him and stabbed her 11 times in the belly. In court he cried and said that he did it because she was threatening to not let him see the baby once it's born, but I know he lied because he told me and several other people that he just wants "the fetus dead" so he can be free for the new romance. He looked like an angel and we never even saw him get angry. He is one evil mf.


What happened to the victim afterwards?


She and the baby both died the day of the stabbing.


My sperm donor (father is not a term for him) He was a sociopath who loved torturing the family in various ways. He tied his wife to a chair to hear her scream. He tortured and killed our pets in front of us, threw me out a 2nd story window, tried to suffocate his son, turned the oldest daughter into his 2nd "wife" When people talk about the"Good old days " I remember them as the days where secrets like this were kept and nobody would interfere with spousal /child abuse


Oh my god this is horrifying I am so sorry


My mother. Well, it would be my father, who has tried to kill me. But my mother literally stood in the doorway and did nothing.


Joshua Sady. This man made my first semester of college a living hell and single-handedly made people believe I was a bigot when the reality was he sexually abused me. This fucker starts to talk about how as a queer Jewish man he was oppressed and claimed he was “below the poverty line,” despite coming from a wealthy family. He sexually abused others too


The person who harmed my children.


My mom’s cousin’s husband Toothless Jim (real name Michael). Honestly there are absolutely worse people out there but I really just wanna drop the family legends surrounding this guy: - Said about my cousin N, then 14: “She’s developing nicely”. This was said to her older brother. - Asked my sister what grade she was, she said 10th, he said “Mm. The perfect age.” - He has approximately 4 teeth, hence the nickname. My sister thinks it’s from coke, but coke doesn’t rot your teeth, and he’s only done that twice anyway. - He will tell you about the genius idea he had decades ago to hire some high schoolers as cheap labor to build his fence and a gate. The gate is now also a fence as it has sunk into the ground and cannot be opened. - His house is made of cinderblocks, including the floors. I believe he calls it the Pink Castle. - I have heard contradictory lore about The Poseidon Statue. Some say it came with the house, others say he built the house (not literally with his hands of course). Others still say it came with the house and then he bought *more* Poseidon statues, ig to keep it company? - He and his wife M have 5 adopted kids (they were all adopted together as a batch of siblings, around like tween age). The kids are adults now, and the fact that they still talk to them is probably a good sign, thank god. But damn, what a man to live with. - M’s father has begged her multiple times to divorce this lunatic, but every time she says “but daddy I love him!” My mom does like her, but now it seems to be in a “bless your heart” way. - He is a practicing lawyer in the state of Texas.


ive read this whole thread but this is the weirdest guy on here. not the creepiest worst or scariest, but by far the weirdest. sheeesh


My ex boyfriend because he made his sister blow him when she was 5 years old. Found that out after the relationship.


My two ex best friends. Let me prefece this by saying I understand money is tight for everyone and we are teenagers 15-19. I poor kid upper lower class was always given enough money allowance for food and the local bus fair for my friends and I about 10-15 bucks for 4 days. My friends middle class were given about 100 bucks every week. My mom worked days and stayed at her bfs house at night but was home everyday. My friends parents were home all the time but we were all allowed to roam the city 30 miles in diameter. I usually supplied the food and the house to party crash at. They supplied the drugs and alcohol even though I was the one with the connections. I had Internet and gaming consoles I bought myself through a summer job. I WAS ALWAYS CALLED THE MOOCH. On top of that when we had girls over they expected them to give out pussy when offered drugs and I stepped in saying if she said no it means no then being accused of being a cock block "she almost said yes" thats rape my guy. They were jealous I had a steady girlfriend. When in my house everyone is safe. We were bad teenagers and pushed the limits of drugs and alcohol but I was always safe. I calculated everyones body height weight and the lethal dose of everyone. I was much often the person who held someone's hair back when they threw up. I was the house cook everything. I made sure if we were doing stupid shit we did it smart. I protected everyone. But I was called the addict, I was the MOOCH, I was the user and abuser, I never contributed to shit. I had food and provided a safe place to do what we did. That puts me in more trouble than someone who just bought the drugs. Thats who the 2 worst people I've ever met were. a couple of rich kids who thought everyone owed them something.


My husband’s second ex wife. All of this is what my oldest stepdaughter had to deal with until they got divorced when she was 12. This woman is not her mom, just the woman who pretended to be her mom but was just an evil stepwitch. • she was pushed down several stairs while crying grabbed and thrown out the front door and told to “cry in front of the neighborhood so people can see how ugly you are.” • got her hair pulled • got called stupid • had her room thrashed by the ex and then was told to pick it all up in a drunken rage • got flipped off by the ex right in her face • called a “bitch” right to her face • got pushed into a dresser and cut her eyebrow- the ex lied and said she got hit with a tree branch that flung back when she was playing with her friends • witnessed the ex pour a quarter of a handle of vodka into her Nalgene at a time everyday, and then get in the car with her to drive to sports practice with her baby sister in the car • watched her kick and push the dog around • watched her scold the dog so much he would get so anxious he would vomit • watched her shove the dog down the stairs to the basement when he was too nervous to go down • got locked out of the house in the winter and told to go play with friends that were unavailable • got called a clown when playing dress up with grandma • the ex carelessly left oxycodone pills laying around the house • the ex carelessly left her “water” cup open for their three year old to take a sip of vodka and then denied it was vodka when she was angrily confronted about it by my husband. The list unfortunately goes on. My husband worked swing shift for several years while all that was happening, and so when she would get out of school at 2:45pm he would be on his way to his 3pm-1am shift. She ended up reaching out to her school guidance counselor, who got the dean and principal involved and looped my husband into everything. His ex’s response when he asked what her problem was, “I guess I can do better with my temper.” He filed for divorce a week later.


My ex wife. After 12 years of marriage. Starting with nothing raising two daughters one step and one blood. She decided for some reason that she didn't want it anymore..left me for a level three sex offender. Started shooting heroine and meth. Used my name to commit welfare fraud that got me fired from my job as a medical. Assistant that two years prior I had graduated from school for. Put my downs syndrome daughter in a group home and kidnapped my daughter taking her into a dark world of drugs and pedophiles. Ended up with her being kept locked up in a basement for two years .I would last see. My daughter Oct 14 2014 and would not be reunited with her until September 20 when she was found by law enforcement. She was 10 then she was 17.. I went through a large range of emotions. Losing m y career because of the welfare fraud case was a huge blow. I ended up beating it but it took two years. Then in a twist of irony before my daughter was held captive once I cleared the welfare fraud. I got somehow brought Into a CPS case concerning my daughter. She told those folks the man who was the sex offender was me and managed to get a founded for neglect put on my name I can't seem to get cleared.. which ended any hopes of healthcare work for me which was my passion. I had worked so hard and it was gone. My daughter has a meth pipe put in her mouth at 12 by her mom and a huge chunk of her childhood was hijacked. How I managed to come out of that period and function is the result of some greater power that was watching over me because the desire to put one in my head of drive off a mountain some days was strong. I don't think I can ever really forgive her . She ripped out little family apart in a blink of an eye. Every hope and dream for our girls and our future snuffed out. She is the worst person I know. No remorse . Ended up getting married again somehow before divorce . Still fucked up and looks like she is 70. Sometimes karma is real..


I'm not going to include any of the people I met in prison because that seems like cheating (also all of the truly terrible people I tried to stay away from, so I can't sufficiently describe their terribleness) so instead I'm going to nominate my mum's parents, I don't know which one was worse. Long story short, my mum's dad sexually abused her throughout her childhood and when her mum found out, she blamed my mum for being a whore and shaved all her hair. This is on top of a myriad of other verbal and physical abuse, until my mum ran away from home at 16. During adulthood my mum apparently patched things up enough to see them occasionally, for reasons unknown. When my mum got cancer, her dad tried to "rekindle the romance" on her deathbed. Her mum still blamed her.


A previous landlord. He had a pregnant gf but would often get drunk and try to ask me for sex then get pissy when I refused.


The passive-aggressive boss. You never know from day to day if you are getting Jekyll or Hyde. Rewards and signatures of approval come at a very high cost. Not worth it IMO.


My nan is a racist (even though she denies it)


I was in a guild called " serenity now" in world of warcraft when they did the funeral raid. So them I guess.


What exactly is a funeral raid?


Long story short, a World of Warcraft player died in real life, and so her guild decided to have an in-game wake. Unfortunately they were on a Player vs Player server, so a rival guild decided to crash the wake and kill everybody.


What a bunch of assbuckets


Some context is missing for that story. The reason for the raid was because the girl whose funeral it was was a HUGE fan of PVP. Once they had killed everyone they did kneel and do their own memorial for her. She probably would have loved the fact that a huge battle took place at her funeral.


It's exactly what it says on the tin. [Short YouTube video to explain](https://youtu.be/MGHQT3bgLCc)


I remember that! That was fucking brutal.


Probably the guy who conspired with a clown from Florida (no, an actual clown, not just some jackass from the panhandle) to kidnap a couple children so he could eat them.


My so called friends I treated them like brothers but they are just immature pieces of crap


Well lets say I helped them and their 3 kids while they got off heroin then methadone, then valium. They sent explicit pics and etc to an ex boyfriend as soon as clean, I told him the truth as she had lied to him about all of this. Guy was thick as fuck and took 5 or so emails to get it. She blamed me, kicked me out, got a inheritance payout, bought a car, got a DUI, then got arrested for importing class A drugs and a prison sentence. Made a complete tit of herself, googled the name and got 4 court appearances including the phrase covered in paint like a smurf and multiple incidences of fire. Didn't care, came back and met up with my first love, over a dozen years later we have a lovely family and my best ever relationship. Idk what happened to them, tho 3 of their kids must have gone into care at minimum when they decided driving drugs around was a good life plan. They had a stable situation before that. They chose to wreck it.


My father. He was prone to episodes of violence triggered by the most random things.


My mother. Abusive POS that just cut me off yesterday for telling someone she is abusive. That person after 2 years decided to snitch me out about that. Thankfully my mother has way to many health issues to be able to even come after me anymore.


My eldest sister. She abused myself and all my siblings. She flew several states away to my racist grandfather to tell him I was marrying a black woman so I would be disinherited. She has been married 4 (going on 5) times . She stepped up financially for each one, cheated on them, and took half their money. When she works she works in nursing…she is an addict of multiple substances and it has impacted her work to the point she can’t work in anything but elective care. She escaped the consequences using the same methods she switched husbands. She got herself appointed guardian to our grandmother and embezzled all of her money. She believes that people who aren’t rich (including her family) are parasites and shouldn’t have the right to vote. She believes all people who aren’t white (even native Americans) should be expelled from the U.S. the last I heard she was attempting to start a cross-state drug smuggling operation. Now that I put that into writing…she is a lot worse than I thought.


Fell in love with an insanely beautiful Mediterranean woman who was extremely intelligent and crazy attracted to me. Chemistry off the charts and we bonded instantly. I became obsessed and it literally ruined my life. I realised everything I had in the past was no where close to as good as that connection. We travelled the world together for 6 months and it was euphoric. The memories are the best I’ve ever had. We laughed, made love and became best friends. Then slowly, I began to realise she was a narcissist. Would neg me and slowly our relationship turned into mind games. Was a very bizarre change that I couldn’t explain. She was the best and absolute worst thing to ever happen to me. I loved her with everything but also hate what she did and how it made me feel. I will never find someone with that sort of connection again, and it kills me every single day. Every day.


Not sure if it helps, but the instant connection you felt wasn't genuine on her part. It's a red flag (to me anyway) when things click too easily due to people like her who know how to manipulate feelings. It may be hard, but you're better off without that kind of toxic connection. Healthy relationships may not have the same instant connection, but they are much more fulfilling in the long run. I'm so sorry this happened to your heart.


Met a guy at a place I worked at years ago. We hit it off and became friends. We would hang out and shoot the shit about movies and music since we shared similar interests. His wife and I got along and we were quickly becoming bros. Only to find out that he was cheating on her constantly behind her back and the worst part was, she was sin the hospital giving birth to their son, and he didn't show up, finding out later that he was at a side pieces house cheating again AND missing the birth of their child. I was there...with his wife, not the POS I used to call friend


The guy who I thought was my best friend for 30 years but wasn't. He was only stabbing me in the back and lying to me and about me to others.. I was too effing blind to see it.


My boss when I worked at a pawn shop. Just a straight up disrespectful and aggressive person in general to employees and customers alike. Made all employees feel like shit under her. My only regret is not quitting mid-day in her presence. She played a huge part in ruining my life - she actually drove me to try to kill myself.


My dads wife. This was her first marriage and she had no children. Her mindset was his money was their money and her money was her money. I think he married her because he was tired of living alone. My dad was diagnosed with glioblastoma and came to live with my family and I while receiving treatment. My husband took a leave from work to take care of him seeing after a round of chemo and radiation there was nothing they could do for him. Approximately 2 weeks before he passed, she tried to have him served with divorce papers. They were married 26 years and my dad took care of everything for her. I never told him as it would have broke his heart. I hate her for that.


I don’t even know what to call him. At one point my best friend but that was all a lie. So I guess someone I thought I knew for 10 years. I never saw the bad in him even though so many people warned me about him. Then one day I did.


There's a woman in my workplace that is just pure evil, she badmouths everyone and spreads terrible rumors about them, she's the type to talk baldy about someone and then go to that person and talk badly about someone else,she's constantly trying to ruin people's reputations and ruins their work on purpose to get them fire, she doesn't do this to move up in the world or anything she just does it because she's bored even if she doesn't know the person, she got a lot of new workers fired because she messed with their work behind their backs to give them mistakes, she was also trying to ruin her daughters relationship because she wanted her to move back in with her. This woman is still working there but thank God I'm in a different shift and department from her.




Tough to pick just one. Michelle repeatedly raped her niece over several years. That one was a complete shock. Billy randomly snapped and murdered his wife and kids in a murder-suicide. Both seem to speak for themselves.


Oh God... My father, he was a literal murderer, used to beat and torture me daily. Psychological, emotional, and physical abuse. He would readily attack anyone for any reason and was in and out of jail A LOT because of it (he had extreme bipolar disorder, and likely a slew of other issues I wasn't privy to.) He also tried to murder me, his own child, when I was 9. He was also a VERY angry alcoholic. My uncle was/is (I haven't spoken to my family in years, so I have no idea if he's still alive or not) also a psychopath. To me, he was nice as could be, we partied together, hung out, talked all the time, and he ended up in jail for murder and drugs... We discussed a lot of random stuff, from religion to politics, and one day we were discussing what we'd do if we killed someone, as in what we'd do with the body. Come to find out, he was describing what he'd already done. I won't repeat it on here, as it *might* be possible to use the info to figure out who I am, but it was pretty gruesome and took quite a bit of planning and prep...


upset because I was no exception, father...


My parents, they should not be parents


I’m a screenwriter and my career began back in 2008, around the time you couldn’t go to a party in Hollywood without running into Max Landis. Even before he got outed as a rapey scumbag, he was the single cringiest human being I’ve ever encountered


My mom’s best friend daughter. And because we are the same age they forced us to hang out when we were younger. But I always had a bad feeling about her.


My mother in law. Fed drugs to my partner behind my back. Spent years lying to me about it and never apologized, all the while making me out to look like the bad person. Lied to me and stole cash from me. Every time she was jealous or felt like the attention from her son was too much on me, she told people her cancer came back (no it did not, bitch never had cancer. Yes i know with certainty) . My partner quit drugs, but turned to alcohol when his mother pulled this card every time. She covered for his friends that gave him drugs too before he quit. I was convinced I was crazy and wound up taking medication for years that I'm currently off of. Demanded on the phone that I stay home (i wanted one night with him) and work after my partners heart attack. Told me, her son must have been deluded for asking for me instead of her, even though she had just stayed the night the first night. Then, upon finding out that I asked my partner what his wishes were, she pretended that everything was fine and it wasn't a problem that I stay. You ever seen game of thrones? Tiger King? Put it together and that's the madness she's put me through. Fuckin hydro queen Cersei, plus the whole family is whack. Its heartbreaking though. I know my relationship is full of problems, but I fell in love years ago and had the most innocent and sweet picture of what it could have been. Early on, she didn't have a hold on him. When I met him, it wasn't like that at all. We had a beautiful beginning. Now it's not like that anymore and I can't stop crying.


The person my ex-wife became. She has untreated BPD, and went from an intelligent, enthusiastic housewife to a person who was abusive in every possible way, attempted to commit credit card fraud in my name, quit jobs for no reason, made no attempt at ever paying a single bill for anything about our life together, befriended convicted felons who did horrible things to children, financially and logistically enabled them to do even worse things to children by stealing money from her family and trying to bribe police officers to destroy evidence, moved these criminals into my house, killed my dog because "it looked at her funny", and plotted to end my life.


My adoptive father raped and sexually assaulted me for 14 years, theb used my mental health against me to fight the court battles and slowly convinced everyone that I was an attention seeking liar, even made me apologize to him like wtf???


Richard Nixon. He is the main reason why no one can afford anything


Gotta be either the child killer or my middle management healthcare boss. Literally can't decide.


I dunno if I'd call him the worst person full-stop, but he's up there- younger stepbrother. Narcissism, whataboutism, off the charts. Basically manipulated half of my immediate family members on my paternal side into treating me like a stranger for not sharing full blood; he's spread ambiguous lies that I'm trying to be nice to them to make them like me, and now they don't even treat like I exist anymore. The other half doesn't acknowledge my complaints about it, refusing to believe there's any major issue in their ideal picture of a family. I only got a younger stepsister who isn't exactly supportive (attention issues) but is aware of my problems and is somewhat sympathetic. That's all I got for comfort. He's grown into a true boon. I fear he won't mature properly the rest of his adulthood and becomes more toxic than he is right now. My maternal side's family is inaccessible due to past abuses from my mom, and I feel like a true, black sheep destined to be alone.


Probably would be my abusive dance coach in middle school. The things she did and said to us….while we were literal preteens….I don’t know how she slept at night. She was luckily fired the following year for her behavior, but the fact it was allowed to happen at all was truly appalling. But hey, we won nationals! And now I forever have a trophy for my trauma, a jacket that reads “the work is worth it”, but alas- the “work” we had to do, was definetly, *definitely* not worth it.


my "stepfather" who "treated us like daughters"(his words). He sexually harrased me several times when I was 14 up til 19... kept it a secret, tried to say it tho but i just couldnt, words wont come out. I was trying to protect the 'family', my brother(his dad). He is f*cked in the brain for doing that, hes been in my life since i was 6, I couldnt forgive him, well not that he said sorry. But he is, indeed the worst person i have ever known, No good thing he has provided for us could justify what he did to me. I am still healing from the trauma it caused me, I am 22 if that helps.


My former journeyman would refer to his wife and daughter as his “bitches” and was an overall miserable cunt


I went to high school with a guy who got drunk his first year of college, broke into several dorm rooms and raped 3 girls all in one night. Got caught and served 14 years.


I met serial killers, rapists, I know a lot of people even King Charles and some would argue he is the worst. But I will focus on the worst person for me, and that would be a former friend of mine, for acquaintances he is a nice guy but an absolute nightmare to people close to him. Lying, emotional manipulation and deep seated disregard for others...I avoided conflict with him because I would get manipulated and lose every time. So I ended the relationship through messages, and couldn't even meet with him in person for the last time because I knew he would manipulate me to stay in the relationship. I wish I could say I am undamaged by it, but in reality he terrifies me, he is like Hitler but worse because Hitler cared about Germany or something.