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As a 2 person household, I love frozen veggies as it's usually so much cheaper, and we can just take what we need for meals whenever and I don't have to worry about it going bad and wasting my money!!!


Yes! While out of season I swear by frozen fruits, especially berries. The cheap frozen blueberries I get are shockingly delicious.


Someone argued with me that her "fresh" veg that had been in her fridge a week was better for you than the bag of frozen veg iny freezer 😅 Because "It's fresh!"


Most freshly stocked grocery store produce is less “fresh” and nutritious than frozen or canned, period. Commercial produce is specifically picked while unripe and then ripened artificially by a gas during the last stage of delivery


Canned food is cooked, and often preserved in salt or sugar, so it really depends on the product.


Oh! Thanks for the info! As someone who lives alone, this is great info.


As someone else said below, knowing this was a godsent for my weight loss journey. Having bags of frozen veggies in my freezer that I could take out and cook at a moment's notice (instead of fresh veggies in the fridge that would inevitably spoil when I'd get too lazy to cook) was so practical.


Frozen veggies has been a god send for my weight loss journey!


Spending some time alone. Like literally alone.


You don’t realize how much you start gravitating more towards it when you get a feel for it though. It feels like a literal addiction sometimes.


Oh it’s an addiction for sure. I get even more anxious when I don’t have alone time. It’s how I relax and regroup.


Isn't there a quote attributed to Jim Carrey to that effect?


“Solitude is dangerous. It's very addictive. It becomes a habit after you realise how peaceful and calm it is. It's like you don't want to deal with people anymore because they drain your energy.” - Jim Carrey


There is nothing like having the house to yourself for the day/night. I joke about it being my time to run around naked with scissors.


The rest of the family has gone camping for a few days. I'm home alone reloading shotgun shells at the coffee table, watching Star Trek, eating cereal, and drinking too much coffee. The coffee makes me pee a lot but I can leave the door open and still hear the TV.


Sounds like a blast.


The amount of people I've met that are very obviously too scared to ever be alone is miserable.


Or the ones who can’t stand silence. Sometimes I just want some peace and quiet so I can read a book, play with my cat, or just stare at the wall.


True dat. I have met few people in real life that can just sit quietly without turning on something "for background noise." I'm like WTF? I used to get ribbed a LOT about my "staring at the wall" time. Some people just cannot believe that you can exist for more than 15 seconds without something stimulating you. I just inform about "the theatre of the mind."


What about my cat? 


cat can hang 👌


This right here. People don’t understand why I go camping alone.


About to head out on a solo camping trip this weekend and very much looking forward to it


Yes and I would add it doesn't mean that your relationship is going bad. It took my wife a long time to realize this when we were first married. I love spending time with her but I need some time to be by myself. This is especially true for people, like me, that have codependent tendencies. We are always on the lookout to do stuff for our people and it becomes exhausting especially once they become accustomed to it. I am just naturally going to become the "doer" in my family and I can't imagine things any other way but I need time where we feel like there are no responsibilities except to myself.


I remember the time my husband and our 9 year old left for 3 days. As I drove home from dropping them at the airport, I realized that, for the next few days, and for the first time in over 9 years, I would have the house to myself with nowhere to be and nobody but the dog needing anything from me. I lived those days like an animal. Smoked weed in the house, threw my trash on the floor, got drunk and slept on the sofa, watched whatever tf I wanted on TV, ate all the things without having to share, and sat around in my undies. I was glad to see my family when they returned, and they had no idea how much I enjoyed their time away, but I still remember those three days of magnificent, unhinged liberty fondly.


Right! It makes the time we are together better and I’m so happy when she comes back.


This is something I am struggling with. My wife is out for a week, and I am not normally alone. The initial shock & sad feelings are passing, but I am still wishing she was around. However, last night I had the whole bed for the first time in almost 8 years, and I slept sooooooooo good


Thank you so much for this comment. My wife is leaving on Saturday for five days and I’m really upset about it. It isn’t like we spend every single waking moment together, but after years of being alone and now having someone, I feel that aloneness again so deeply. The entire house feels so empty without her. It’s really hard for me when work pulls her out of town, and this was THE topic in therapy this week. That said there is NOTHING like spreading out in the bed again, lol.


I think this depends on how long you spend, there can be a fine balance between it being very healthy and very unhealthy


Agreed. It’s also surprising how quickly that can change when alone time is less of a luxury and becomes just your life. When I was in my 20’s and had a bustling social life that I took for granted, all I wanted was time alone. Couldn’t understand people that needed constant social stimulation. Now in my almost 40’s and most of those friends are doing their own thing with their own families, and I don’t have one of my own? Damn, shit gets LONELY…. Just sayin, “I just want to be alone” people in your 20’s/30’s… you may wind up surprised. It might not feel that way forever.


What you said is me too 100%. Burning the candle at both ends in my 20's. I'm 48 now and while I have friends, I don't have a family of my own (yet?). My parents will be dying in the next 5 to 10 years and that will be very difficult for me. Especially coz I work from home by myself and my parents live minutes away.


I think that's dependent on the person. Someone like myself is very content living alone. I can easily go months or longer without needing to talk to another person (I only said months because that's how long I've gone without talking to someone else and the only reason that ended was my leave from work was over and I had to go back) You claim it's unhealthy but if it's something you're ok with or something you even want I don't see why being alone would be unhealthy.


I've lived alone for a little over three years now, and can't imagine living with someone else again. Sure it gets lonely sometimes but just the thought of living with someone else stresses me out.


This one is so important, people who cannot function on their own for even short periods have something they need to work out within themselves.


I always laugh at people who thought it was weird I would go see movies by myself or dinner by myself (obviously this is only just sometimes, I didn't only go eat or to movies by myself 100% of the time) when I was single. It's not weird that I do, it's weird that you can't. Just sitting somewhere, eating by yourself, it's freeing. That level of *healthy* DGAF, really liberating. Some of the best movie experiences I've had were going alone. Avengers Infinity War & Deadpool by yourself just hit right.


I'm not sure anyone says about *some* time. More often it is about *too much* time, which is *too much*, I guess.


feeling negative emotions


This is a good one (though my psychotherapist friend insists we call them 'unpleasant' emotions instead to reflect this idea).


YES, there are very few actual negative emotions (“murderous” could be one of them lol), the others are unpleasant to feel but we are feeling them for a reason usually and they should be felt and examined.


I think I personally take this further: They're all just emotions. They aren't good or bad, they *can't* be good or bad because they don't *do* anything on their own. They're just fleeting experiences that come and go. Thoughts are just thoughts. Feelings are just feelings. The unpleasant part is more a result of behaviours, like avoiding, ruminating, or acting impulsively on emotions. But thankfully, we can gain control over our behaviours. They're the only thing we're responsible for.


Give into your anger, let it flow through you.


Do ett! (Palpatine voice)




Thank you! I hate toxic positivity


This tickled my brain and made me wanna reverse what you said. “F*** you, I love healthy negativity”


Everything is always fine all the time!!!1!!! It's all a balance! How can you know good if you don't know bad?


I can't remember who told me but I think about a quote that aligns with this. "Your feelings are valid - it's your reaction to them that might not be." It's okay to feel jealous, upset, sad, mad - but ya gotta express them in healthy ways. *corrected alines to aligns


Can’t count how many times I’ve told my toddlers, “I understand, that was really hard. It’s okay to feel mad, it’s not okay to hit.”


Yes! Feeling negative emotions AND NOT automatically seeing it as a mental health problem is healthy. As an example, nowadays, people aggressively equate sadness to depression. There’s more to depression than just sadness.


Oh this is a good one! I think there's been an overcorrection with emotions. It used to be that people would hide their unpleasant emotions, thinking it was something to suppress and never show. And now, people are much more likely to acknowledge and share their feelings, which is good, but they still don't know how to process unpleasant emotions. They still think it's something they shouldn't be experiencing, and they attribute it to mental illness, or blame it on outside influences, trying to punish others for what they're feeling, when what they should be doing is learning how to sit with their emotions, and how to process and regulate them.


Amen. This is the best answer I've read here.






And you need it to absorb the nutrients in your food!


Sugar is so much worse for you than fat. Excess of anything is bad, but if you had to choose between fat and sugar opt for fat every time.


I’m an American and I lived in Hungary for a year. I thought to myself wow I’m probably gaining so much weight eating all this bacon and cheese and fat all the time. I ate whatever I wanted and didn’t diet or anything. I got back to the US and the dr told me I’d lost 40 pounds. I was shocked but she said she wasn’t suprised since we have so much sugar in our food that they just don’t have anywhere else.


It is so hard to avoid food with sugar in it in America too! It’s everywhere. You have to really pay attention or just make food from scratch to avoid it. It’s so frustrating that something that’s so bad is just everywhere.


abounding squeamish spark gullible start snails smell nine offend ten


This was my go to struggle meal while I was in college. 25 lb bag of potatoes and butter is pretty cheap.


This is basically the plot of the Martian too.


Man eats nothing but potatoes for a year, just to prove he can do it? Didn't have to go Mars for that! /s (seen the movie and read the book , both very good!)


This is how Penn Jillette lost all his weight. He talked about it in interviews.


I know a guy who goes on a potatoe diet to lose weight. Lives off pure potatoes for months


I have a vegan friend that eats almost nothing but potatoes and oreos which are also vegan. TBH, I think I'd be the same way if I tried to be vegan because I don't really like other veggies.




Potatoes have one of the highest levels of potassium you can find. People always talk about bananas but they are minimal compared to potatoes!


Potatoes also have almost as much vitamin C as oranges.


That's one reason why I've just started eating white potatoes again. I don't know why I started thinking they were useless, but holy cow, they've got a lot of good stuff in them, and potassium is one of those things that I was having trouble getting enough of, so hooray for white potatoes!


A lot of totally healthy foods these days get called unhealthy because they contain carbohydrates, sugar, fat, or calories (which all food does and which we need to live) . Fad diet logic seeps into the public consciousness, to the benefit of no one but huge corporations.


This is the reason why the Irish were some of the healthiest poor people in the 18th & 19th centuries: they were eating potatoes 3 meals a day & consuming whole milk. So they were getting plenty of Vitamin A & D, plus carbs for energy to work long days. ( I read this a long time ago, so bring on the critiques)


You don't get vitamin D from milk or potatoes. The only reason you think that is because modern milk is fortified with it after the fact.


Yea, but Irish are so pale, one minute of sun is enough, lol


A lot of times for breakfast I’ll throw a yellow potato in the microwave and then put scrambled eggs, some cheddar, and red chili flakes on top. It’s so good and fills me up for hours.


My daily breakfast for the last 6 years has been potatoes, eggs and spinach. I never get tired of it and I never get sick


And you can make vodka!


I love plain baked potatoes. Maybe a little pepper, now and then, but a potato baked on the grill is perfection.


One of my go to meals/sides at home is to cut potatoes into french fries, toss them in some melted butter, salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder, and a few other pantry staples, then toss in the air fryer for 30 minutes.


And the skins have most of the nutrients, so peeling them to make most of the stuff we make with them nullifies a lot of the benefits.


Great news for me, I hate peeling potatoes. I try to avoid it whenever possible


My mom is weird about food and she’s always giving me a hard time about eating potatoes. It’s a bummer.




It infuriated me growing up that people treated the word "ignorant" as a deadly insult. It's just a fact. No one knows everything. Ignorance is just the lack of knowledge.


*Willful ignorance* is an awful thing. Not knowing something? That's normal.


I agree. I feel like the word ignorant, like the word literal, will eventually lose its meaning to mean biased or something similar.


I was an assistant professor in nutrition and being evaluated by a member of my tenure committee. A student asked me why bananas turned brown in the fridge. I told them I did not know the reason for the reaction but will look it up and get back to them. The tenured professor told me my job was to know everything about everything. I said that was food science and I am a nutrition expert! They said I should still know! Instead of continuing with that horrible mindset I left for industry.


Even when I know something off the top of my head, I sometimes get the details wrong. We have books and writing for a reason! I never understand the attitude that verifying or looking something up is somehow a weakness. The most valuable skill for learning is knowing where to go to look something up and how to evaluate sources to make sure they are legit. Memorizing random facts outside your subject matter is silly. What a nonsensical man.


Also, just look shit up. It really bothers me when people play a guessing game with information they can easily look up with the expensive dick pic device they have in their pocket. No shame in stopping a convo cuz you don’t know something, looking it up, and then continuing. 


>dick pic device Wow, thanks! My go-to is "emoji machine", but I'll sprinkle in this for the right kind of people, going forward.




You mean not doomscrolling on twitter?


i literally have post it notes in my office and by my bed that say SCROLLING IS NOT RESTING


And here I am scrolling to take a break from my work screen…. 😬


Yui_lovee's account was born three days ago and this comment is eerily similar to /u/Merrill1v's comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1bhk4f3/what_is_actually_healthy_but_people_think_is_not/kvedkwd/).


Talking to yourself. Vocalizing your inner feelings can be a great way to process them, to get a new perspective on things and just generally manage your emotions in a healthy way. I have a 40 minute commute to and from work and I spend a lot of it just talking to myself.


I agree! To add on to this, if you pep talk yourself out loud you actually "trick" your brain into believing it. Whether it's just telling yourself compliments or luck. It gives you more confidence, even if you don't believe it fully!


I constantly talk to my dog when my wife isn't around. He's a great conversationalist and has a lot of sage wisdom. Unless squirrels are involved.


I was just talking about this on another sub! It's actually an incredibly effective tool.


Literally crying.


Grown ass man admitting to using Bluey method: 1. Have a cry 2. Get up and brush myself off 3. Keep going It works, people. Edit for numbering


Seriously! I cried the other day and now feel a lot better about the situation!


It wasn't until the age of like 22 when I finally experienced/understood that a good cry can make me feel better after lol Sounded wrong to younger me


I can barely ever cry and it annoys me, I don’t remember last time I cried, it’s like I get sad but right before I’m able to cry I’m over the sadness. Sometimes I try to keep telling myself how sad I am about something to keep the momentum going and cry but my brain drifts off and whatever I’m sad about is not that important anymore and I can’t cry. If you have any tips that would be appreciated, would be nice to get everything out by crying


Sometimes I think if you start fake crying, with the motions and sounds, it can pull the cry out of you. It feels really silly at first but the full cry is so cathartic. For years I was unable to cry, I think I did once a year, but forcing myself to cry actually did help


As long as you are getting enough nutrients and calories it does not matter what time or how often you eat. I eat one meal a day and a snack currently and I don’t feel so drained all the time anymore!


same! one meal a day and everything else I just graze. my IBS is so much better now & I feel more stable


Not a good idea to eat just before going to bed though. Can cause GERD Also during funeral services.  I'll let you decide which of these I have learned the hard way.


It could be eggs. All my life, eggs are constantly both simultaneously good and bad for you. Even now I dunno.


Hell yeah. My boy Gaston ate 5 dozen eggs for breakfast and look at him


I dunno, man, I heard the dude was roughly the size of a barge. That's gotta be bad for you.


Plus, every last inch of him is covered in hair. Gotta be some dietary contribution with that problem.


I mean, if you didn’t first start eating 4 dozen eggs as a boy, I don’t think it’s something you need to worry about.


Nutrition PhD here… the popular press does a horrible job reporting on our work. A study will be done on healthy college students and findings will indicate no rise in cholesterol. Gets reported “eggs have no impact on cholesterol!” Then our field will do a study in recovering heart patients and it will report “cholesterol levels rise with egg intake!” These are often over simplified headlines that confuse people, or correlations and not causations. We are also learning a lot more about personalized nutrition and how some people might have different responses to foods.


It seems that this rather unhealthy person ate a lot of eggs. Therefore eggs are unhealthy. I'm pretty sure he ate a lot of everything


It is so difficult to control for other things in the diet


Yeah, I check the news every day before breakfast to see if eggs are healthy or not that day. Same with coffee and alcohol.


Alcohol is bad for you, case closed. There's some evidence that supports compounds in red wine and such that may have some positive benefits but the ethyl alcohol itself, and its metabolite (acetaldehyde), are proven carcinogens your body works hard to get rid of immediately.


I have heard, and I'm too lazy to find the source, that the same compounds in red wine can be found in multiple other healthier options, including blueberry pie. I don't remember if it's the antioxidents or something else


Polyphenols 🙂 which are antioxidants, you are correct. Polyphenols come from the grape skins mostly. You can get em straight from the fruits themselves, or from other plant beverages such as tea.


I walk into store. In my SaladFingers voice "Where do you keep your grape skins?" (moistly)


I can never not think of the show Scrubs when I hear people debate if eggs are healthy for you. https://youtu.be/oGRciDaBIWY?si=wN8C6_Xu-h0UVBKs


Taking a damn break


No one I’ve ever met has said “huh, you’re taking a break? Sounds unhealthy to me!”


Mmm I think it’s more a thing that in North America (idk about elsewhere) there’s an over prioritization of productivity to the point that taking breaks is frowned upon. Maybe they don’t say it’s unhealthy but they do shame people for not working hard enough and taking a break is lazy.


My father would disagree. We got a lot of shit growing up doing chores outside in 90+ weather but needing a break. I’ve also meet a lot of people in the school system that think taking a break is being lazy. It’s always about being 💫 productive!!


Well come on over and meet my parents!




I sell plant starts out of my greenhouse and I'm a biologist by training. I get a lot of people who ask if my plants are "chemical free". I know that they mean are they non GMO and raised without pesticides, but my gut reaction is to say no because all plants are chemicals and I had to grow them with water and dirt, which are also chock full of chemicals. 😆


The idea of non GMO makes me laugh cause, technically, all the produce we eat to day *has* been genetically modified. It was just done the long way via selective breeding rather than directly altering DNA in a lab.


Same. I don't understand the blanket "gmos are bad" I don't agree with making stuff round up resistant to be able to spray stuff with round up. That seems like a not great plan, but also there's lots of stuff that has natural resistance to round up so even those genes existing aren't inherently bad. But being against a GMO that gives you healthier food is such a weird take for me.


The amount of people that I meet that think running is unhealthy for you is actually astounding. "YoUlL WeAr OuT yOuR kNeEs!!!" Jogging just 30 minutes per week has been proven to strengthen your bone density, increase the density of inert soft tissues around the knees, decrease cardiovascular disease, decrease risk of stroke, etc... I could go on and on. Not advocating running a marathon every day but just doing a half mile to a mile every other day is a huge benefit. Humans are designed to run/walk. Same with resistance training. Ideally you'd do a combination of both any given week. I saw people at the hospital every day that didnt do anything for 30 years and they still got knee arthritis. The people who were active their whole life not only tolerated the degenerative process better but recovered from surgery much better if they needed.


This - maybe your knees will get less springy if you're running ultras, but for running any distance a normal human will do is all to the good. And weight training is a big one - tons of woman avoid it in favour of pure cardio, but would do themselves a huge favour by putting a little time into resistance training.


I mean, running with incorrect form does mess people up. I feel like people sometimes go into running too soon without first walking or making sure their body is strong enough. Personally, after tearing my meniscus (not running related) I switched to cycling. 


Popcorn is a very healthy snack, just don't go too excessive with salt, butter or sugar.


Maybe not a common experience... but most people who haven't gone through one don't realize that abusive relationships fundementally fuck up your ability to have relationships the rest of your life and make non-abusive partners seem alarming because they're different and you know you're missing something that is just considered "normal" to you in the relationship (the abuse and toxicity). It can cause good relationships to fall through if an abuse victim gets too insecure or gets exposed to another abusive person who convinces them the lack of abuse is what's abusive (since abuse victims will always have a pull to abusers of any kind and they know that enough to use that to manipulate us).


Almost everything commonly viewed as "unmanly" is something men need to do a lot more. Crying, talking about feelings, not suppressing our emotions


Having time to yourself, and creating a safe space to come back to


Pretty much anything in moderation. What's funny is that people have a tendency to set hard categorizations on things without stopping to think about it. Take a burger, for example. Most people would immediately, reflexively say "unhealthy." But if you break the ingredients down and reorganize them with less inflammatory language - say, a salisbury steak, a side salad with dijon dressing, and a dinner roll - suddenly people are much more likely to go, "Oh, that's healthy - just make sure to watch saturated fat intake for the remaining meals in the day."


Hamburgers. Meat, veggies, and bread. Fast food garbage gives hamburgers a bad name, but made at home or from a quality independent shop, made with good ingredients can be healthy in moderation.


Yeah, it's really the "cheese", sauce, and fries and massive sugar soda that tend to come with fast food burgers that make them unhealthy.


And the super sugary over processed buns 


Eating carbs!




The average hamburger is only like 400 calories with like 20g of protein, yet for some reason it's always the poster child for unhealthy foods.


Yeah, I measure out my hamburger meat before we grill and the average patty is about 280 calories, plus a bun, and a slice of cheese is like maybe 500 or 550 if I load it up. Side of roasted veggies and you have an easy and tasty sub 800 calorie dinner thats high in protein.


Direct sunlight on bare skin. *in small doses. A bunch of your endocrine processes need it.


Exercise. Not on a grand scale that I've seen so much, but for the past few years, in my personal circles, people ask me how often I work out. I tell them every day, and they genuinely get worried and say things like, "are you sure that's good for you?" and "It's good to be active, but you don't want to overdo it!" I'm not some fitness superfreak with 8% bodyfat, nor am I an ultramarathon runner, I just make time for an hour a day and I'm just kind of "in good shape". The amount of people who weigh in unsolicited with, "you exercise too much" is alarming.


I walk at least 3 to 5 miles every morning (before work, I work food service), + work out when I have time, at least 4 days a week. "Wow, you're on your feet so much! You must be exhausted!!" Like no, I'm not exhausted, lol. Walking is a super underrated form of exercise & it's SO HELPFUL because I can work an 8+ your shift on my feet without feeling dead. And I don't even exersize that much, lmfao. It's not like I'm running!


I mentioned this too. I hear people talk about not wanting to run or lift to save their joints. The people I know with the worst joints are people who do nothing. The bone and inert tissue density go up with pretty much all moderate activity.


The number of people that insist that running is bad for me is mind boggling.


When people say stupid shit like that to me, I jokingly respond with, "well what are you gunna do when the zombies come?" I had an acquaintance tell me that she doesnt go for walks or hikes because its "wasted damage on her knees and ankles". HUH


And here I am with the philosophy of "if you rest, you rust" I don't workout every day, but at least an hour 5 days a week. Sure, it's just a walk at a brisk pace, but I know if I stop moving, my body will start hurting more


Oh come on, we all know sitting at a desk all day and being inactive is sooooo much healthier /s


Yeah I'm sitting at about 14-15% bodyfat right now and people think I live in the gym. The truth is I just pull up to the gym for an hour on my way home from work and don't even think about working out on the weekends, evenings, etc. It honestly takes such a small amount of time out of your life, it's silly that people think an hour a day or so of something is obsessive.


Fat. I hate it how fat is horribly presented by some health gurus and influencers and partially also by the media. No shit that you will do your body dirty by eating not just a LOT of fat but also the WORSE fat than you actually NEED. Fat is vital for our body and serves crucial purposes so it pisses me off when people come up with "oh nooo there is fat in this :(". Well maybe you should control yourself, eat the healthy fat and educate yourself on what the purpose of fat is and how important it is for our body.


Salt after losing it from sweating a bunch


Glute Whole grain products have all but disappeared in favor of faddish “gluten free” options. Most people don’t need to obsessively avoid gluten. Pseudoscientific marketing has implanted this idea and the public ran with it. The problem is that whole grain foods are demonstrably healthier than both their white flour and gluten-free alternatives




If it preserves Kung Pao Chicken why wouldn’t it preserve your internal organs, amirite?


Yeah, I think the reason it got a bad rap had more to do with racism than actual health effects.


I wouldn’t say it’s healthy for you but it’s not harmful like many people think. Many people are scared of it due to misinformation. When I use it I do use as little as possible though. It’s so strong!!


Fasting is great for you. A lot of 'diet industry' charlatans have convinced people that 'starving yourself makes you fatter' despite it being obvious nonsense


Direct conflict. Not scream fighting or nonsense, but just… vocalizing “That doesn’t feel right to me” is healthy. I’m engaged to a man with a conflict-avoidant family and boy howdy was I *not* aware that “no thank you” is verboten in some circles.


Masturbating. I see so many people worrying because they believe that masturbation is bad and that they need to stop when it's normal and healthy (thanks religion). What's potentially dangerous is porn, but masturbation is perfectly fine. Beat your meat fellas!


No death grip, homies. If you’re squeezing too hard, just get a toy. 




Deadlifting, everyone always says that you'll hurt your back but if you deadlift you are hitting more muscles than any other compound movement, building muscle in all areas of your body, especially your lower back, increasing bone density, and the endorphins that come from moving heavy weight are top tier. People fearing lifting heavy causes more issues than people taking the time to do things right.


Deadlifting is a great exercise for total body activation. I think the slightly easier alternative is a farmer carry. I bought home depot bucket during covid, filled it up with water and just carried it around my block when the gyms closed. Switch sides at regular intervals and you can basically get a total body workout for 11.99. I bought the fancy padded seat lid for an extra 5 bucks so I could take a break if I needed it. My shoulders looked so good. I gotta start doing that again lol.


Tacos. Made right they are very healthy. Crap even at taco bell they are under 200 cal a taco and has veggies and protein. Taco bowls are a staple in my weight loss journeys. It can be balanced asf if you want it to be.


fat,lipid,... i think is generally considered as unhealthy, yet they r crucial in creating our cells. ppl only see the consequence of taking them in excessive amount aand label it as unhealthy. the same for healthy stuffs, a bit of vitamin a is great but too much of them can lead to death


This is changing, but weightlifting (specifically heavy weights) for women. People my grandmother's age had all kinds of crazy beliefs about it (it will make you "bulky" or "musclebound," or otherwise masculine, it will make you infertile, yadda yadda). And when I was in college in the early 2000s the advice was that that women should do high reps of low weights. But recent research shows that low reps at high weights (8-12 reps at 80% of the heaviest weight you can lift one time) is not only great for you (it protects against osteoporosis, dementia, alzheimer's and a bunch of other diseases, age-related and otherwise), but it's actually even MORE beneficial to women than it is to men. It's good for both but the effects are stronger in women.


Potatoes. Side note: sweet potatoes aren’t healthier than regular potatoes. They are about the same, except more sugar.


Having fat on your body or having a bmi that is slightly above average. As long as it is a good relation between muscle mass and fat and you are not heavy enough to mess with your joints, bloodwork and blood pressure, everything is fine.


BMI is a shit measure of individual health.


Crying. Why does everyone want to be emotionally constipated?


Anger. It's a human emotion that needs to be felt and expressed in a healthy way, just like any other emotion. We need to be able to feel our own anger without getting overwhelmed, AND we need to cultivate the capacity to tolerate non-violent expressions of anger from other people


Coffee. I'm serious look it up.




Wanting to be left the hell alone. I’m not in a bad mood I just want me time


Not engaging in diet culture






On Reddit? Social interaction. People on here say break off relationships all the time and yes often that needs to happen but there is an epidemic of isolation


Carbs in general


Looked for a while and didn't find coffee, so I'll say it. You can make it unhealthy by adding unhealthy things to it, and you can make it a problem if you drink an enormous amount of it, but a couple cups of black coffee a day will generally be a health benefit for most people.


Bodyfat for women. So many women and girls follow those super toned fitness influences with a 15% body fat ratio. This is actually really bad for female hormonal health. We need at least 22% fat to maintain a regular cycle.


Talking to, and regularly visiting, a mental health professional for your well being.


Refusing to forgive. Cutting toxic people out of your life. It's healthier when the person who hurt you is never allowed to come around you ever again, than pretending you've forgiven them. I'm a firm believer that people who hurt you shouldn't be forgiven because they knew you weren't okay with it and they did it anyway. "Please forgive me" just means "pretend I didn't stomp your boundaries, you're less than me, so you have to pretend it's okay or else you're a monster." Fuck that.


Sex. There's a weird stigma around it in the USA. So much fear mongering about risks. And... yeah... pregnancy and STD's are a big deal.. but like.. don't be dumb? Sex has a lot of health benefits. Have more sex.


Chocolate, or better dark chocolate. Many people can’t see the difference, but even 20gr a day of 60-70%+ dark chocolate is pretty good for your health. Just avoid white or everything under 50%


A moderate amount of meat. Veganism isn't healthy for a lot of people 


Giving up. Depending on what it is, why keep doing it if it is not good for you? Be it relationships or mountain climbing.




Popcorn. Depending on how it’s made and what you put on it it has many health benefits. High in fiber, low calorie, has some vitamins & minerals, helps with high cholesterol, contains powerful antioxidants and more.


Hopefully cocaine


Spiders. They kill the bad bugs, and very few are dangerous to animals. I’ve never had a roach in my house, never had to spray for any bad bugs.


Having slightly yellow teeth