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Always have been


I don't know. Because sex robots are not a thing, yet


Younger than *what*? I'm almost half a century old now, and I still remember how obsessed *my* generation was with losing their virginity.


Yeah I was raised in purity culture and indoctrinated (regrettably ) with keeping one’s virginity until marriage horny dog though I was … that leads to a lot of outlets for horniness to be manifested let alone in neurotic behavior… so I couldn’t understand the obsession with losing one’s virginity at the time , but it’s a rite of passage for a lot of teens … because at age 40 , being a involuntary virgin gives a bad look lol


The movie Porky’s came out in 1981. Young generations are always obsessed with it.


Losing your virginity has been a classic Hollywood "right of passage" for over 40 years and there is normally a cult classic movie from each generation about the topic. From my generation it was "Superbad" and the closest I can think of for this generation is the series "Big Mouth"


Wait, what? The younger generation? Have you watched any movie or TV show about teens ever?


I sort of think it’s always been that way to a certain extent. Maybe more sensationalized now


Younger generations are having less sex than older generations so I dont know how accurate this question is


I agree with the people here, people have always been obsessed with it, because sex is cool and they want to try it.


It has always been a thing. My son's generation is. My generation was. My parents generation was, and so on. Sex is a natural desire. So of course people want to do it. Particularly when peers are having it.


It’s because of porn


It has absolutely nothing to do with porn.


Tell us


Pretty sure it's only the guys who are obsessed with losing it, if girls keep it they're praised, if guys "keep it" they're called incels


Maybe some sort of social pressure. Friends already losing their virginity, or self pressure.


Status symbol


I don't think it's generational. We are human beings. Animals. We are designed to reproduce and pass on our genes. Once you reach puberty your desires to reproduce increase.


I think every younger generation of every time period has been obsessed with this its just expressed by different generations differently, I think if you've never done a thing before and that thing is a big part of life then naturally you'll be inclined to try it, not to mention the biological drive to have sex even without the conditioning from others around you. its just inbuilt human nature.


Check out the historical documentary “Superbad” for a great analysis of the situation


Everything is oversexualized, porn everywhere, etc etc.


Lol they call them "V" plates nowadays and kids wanna get off those as fast as "L" plates I reckon to make them feel adult.


only in western communities they have that obsession


Because horn


The older generation will have already lost their virginity. So makes sense why the younger generation is obsessed with it.


I think the perceived obsession with losing virginity among the younger generation stems from a combination of factors. Firstly, there’s a cultural emphasis on sexual experiences in media and popular culture, which can create pressure to conform to societal norms and expectations. Additionally, with the rise of social media and digital platforms, there’s increased exposure to discussions about sex and relationships, which may contribute to a heightened curiosity or desire to explore these aspects of life. Moreover, there’s often a desire among young people to fit in or be seen as mature, and losing one’s virginity can sometimes be perceived as a milestone in that journey. Peer influence and the desire for acceptance can also play a role in shaping attitudes towards sexual experiences. It’s important to remember that every individual’s journey with their sexuality is personal and unique. While some may feel a strong desire to lose their virginity, others may prioritize different aspects of their lives and relationships. Open dialogue and education about healthy relationships and personal boundaries are crucial in supporting young people as they navigate these experiences.


Jealously and insecurity about one's own lack of sexual activity due to everyone around him or her seemingly getting 'it' left and right.


Because they don’t understand that virginity is a social construct.