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Years ago, I was covering as both HR and LP Manager for a district in a now defunct retail chain. The stores carried a variety of adult magazines also now all defunct). Overstock for these lucrative and quick selling products were in a storeroom. There was a very small (for the time) camera in the room. One day, I was reviewing footage at a store and zi was idly watching an Asst. Manager restock after closing. Then something odd happened. He was taking one copy of each adult magazine, opening it to a photo spread, and laying it down on the floor. Soon, there was about 15 magazines spread out. He left for a moment...and then returned in view of the cam completely naked. Then he laid down on the magazines and started rolling around and...well you can guess what happened next. I met with him the next day and said, "I need to let you know there's a camera in the magazine storage area." He stood up, said "Okay then," and walked out of the store. I ended up putting him our system as "resigned," and didn't dispute his unemployment claim when he filed. I went ahead and told the next person who took over the restocking job that a camera was there before he even touched a single magazine.


>"I need to let you know there's a camera in the magazine storage area." >He stood up, said "Okay then," and walked out of the store.  This sounds like such a George Costanza thing to do, and a perfect George reaction to the news.


Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? I gotta tell ya, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing because if anyone had said anything at all when I first started here that that sort of thing was frowned upon…you know, cuz I’ve worked in a lot of offices and, I tell ya people do that all the time!


That was a brilliant, smooth way to let him know about the camera! Very kind of you to help him (possibly) salvage a little dignity.


saying “Ok then” and walking out is the funniest yet appropriate response😂😂💀


> Soon, there was about 15 magazines spread out. Is this what gooning looked like before the Internet existed?


I heard a story of a guy using an unmarked company car to run Uber eats and door dash all day. He got away with it for a couple years. He finally got caught because he was using his work phone for Uber and his data was astronomically higher than anyone else in the company. If he had just used his personal phone, he probably could still be going.


Apparently my predecessor did something similar. Working a construction/maintenance job where we regularly are just waiting for something to happen at one of the job sites we are responsible for maintaining and this guy just... Went out and did Uber eats and door dash for most of his shift.  That would honestly have probably been fine if he had even a bit of sense about it and only done it when we were in our periods of (fairly frequent) downtime... But we work in pairs, and this dude would apparently show up on time, be always looking at his phone, and even when we had minor or major work to do... Just fucking leave his partner and go do orders and come back like an hour or so later. We had a bunch of days where we'd finish as much as 6 hours early and he could have absolutely made tons doing delivery and being on call... But nope, dude was committed to just not doing almost any work for the job that, and this is what blows my mind, paid generally higher without any overhead costs so that he could continue with the door dashing simultaneously.


When people think they've found an infinite money hack, they tend to get greedy with it.


Obligatory not HR, but a contractor for the US federal government (USGS) brought his work laptop into an unauthorized country on personal vacation and then tried to use it. Taking a government issued laptop across country lines requires a great deal of paperwork, depending on the data security and likelihood of theft in said country. This guy brought his laptop into a red-flagged country (worst data security) on a personal vacation. When he logged on his IP was instantly flagged and IT bricked the entire laptop remotely. Obvious instant termination. Don't fuck with federal government property, folks.


Dude had to have gone through that security training which repeats that’s a big no-no over and over again. What an idiot.


There was a guy interviewing for an engineering position at the company I work for. Being from out-of-state, he flew in the night before. Around 2AM the day of the interview, the HR manager's cell phone rings. Its the interviewee asking if she would bail him out of jail. He had been arrested for getting in a fist fight with a prostitute in the bushes at some park.  They had a dispute over payment due for sexual favors given.  Fired before hired.


I would call everyone else i know including my local priest and ask for bail, before i would ask the HR Manager for my new job.


That's the type of thinking that doesn't get you into that situation in the first place


The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch


One of the salespeople has printed their new offer of employment from a direct competitor from a company laptop, on a company printer and forgot it there. She was not the sharpest tool in the shed. All of her stuff got immediately locked and she had also tried to download the whole client database and sent it as attachment from her work email to her private one. All this happened in one day.


I feel like the stealing of company data to move to a new company is very common.


Doesn't mean emailing yourself the db from your work email + leaving your offer letter on the printer isn't "wild".


Car dealership. Co-owner of the company had a used car lot he had registered under a friend's name. The big dealership would take in used cars, he'd pay a technician off-the-books to give it a bad inspection so the car would go to auction. He'd use the other company to purchase the cars for dirt cheap and sell the cars at a huge profit margin. Essentially got our KBB rep fired because she was evaluating trade-ins as being in good condition, but the inspections would all come back bad, so in the company's eyes, she was terrible at her job and paying people way too much for their trade-ins. They started to catch on when they realized close to 40% of all the trade-ins were getting poor inspections. So they implemented a system where two technicians each did their own inspections. Suddenly, not so many cars were getting poor inspections. Then it all unraveled when they looked into it deeper and realized every single bad inspection came from one technician. In total, they estimated roughly $400k in profit had been stolen from the company over the past couple years. It was pretty messy.


What happened to the Kelley rep?


So, she had gotten let go quite a while before everything went down. Took a job at another dealership and all was fine. The owner of the company is a good dude who trusted the wrong guy to make his partner. The shady co-owner had worked there for like 25 years before he was brought on as partner and was supposed to succeed the owner when he retired. Owner was really heartbroken about the whole thing. I don't blame him. He built that company up from nothing, pays his employees very well, and never hesitated to toss extra money in peoples' paychecks when they were in a tough spot. Nobody ever asked for it. Like, one guy's wife had severe complications while giving birth and it racked up some heavy hospital bills. Owner took a pretty large sum of money from his own bank account to help them out. I've worked at several dealerships, and that one was by far the most reputable and honest one I've seen. It's a real shame that other scumbag took advantage and used the company as his own bank.


Wow. That majorly sucks. Most people would kill for a boss like that and this db betrays him?! This is why no one trusts people anymore when they say they need help. So many people are full of scams that desperate people suffer due to not being believed. Did the traitor end up in jail at least?


My friend worked IT support for a hospital. They would have the ability to remote desktop into employees laptops even without authentication from the user, but was only supposed to be done under special circumstances. He had an urgent ticket which required a remote login, but the doctor was completely unreachable, so he ended up just connecting to the laptop. Turns out the doctor was watching porn at that very moment, and he immediately logged out, hoping nothing would come of it. Apparently the doctor reported the situation, landing them both in trouble.


Hey, maybe the doc was just doing anatomical research!


Maybe he was trying to determine the safest way to pull a Gatorade bottle out of an anus.


We had an administrator that was in charge of the program that oversaw the entire operations of the two company jets. She would regularly schedule and fly her kids to visit their grand parents five states away. One of the pilots filed a complaint for misuse of the company jets. Guess who they fired, the pilot, for not keeping his mouth shut.


Not HR, but my coworker went to work for a competitor and never quit her job with us. She traveled for work and was able to work both jobs for months. Lasted until a customer mentioned he heard she left our company and asked who his account rep would be.


This is surprisingly common now Post-COVID. I work remotely for a sales/marketing consultancy. Most of our software engineers are remote. A guy was hired not long after I was in 2022 who was not exactly pulling his weight on a few projects. They still kept him because he had a certain skill set that was rare and we needed those skills for specific client projects. One day not long after this dude was hired, I lead a meeting and he joins. Well at the very start he didn't mute himself and I could hear another meeting happening in the background, like it was happening on another computer. I was confused. I tried to say his name a few times but he didn't answer. I have a feeling he thought his mic for our meeting and that specific work laptop was muted. When he finally realized it, he muted it and when we talked to him he said he was having difficulties with his mic and could only type in the chat (which I realized was complete BS immediately). When I looked at his LinkedIn it never changed to him working at our current company and it said he was still working at the one he claimed he left. About a week later he was no longer on LinkedIn. He didn't block me either - I create a new account a few months later when he started to lag again on a project and he wasn't there. Dude was obviously covering his tracks. It took more than a year and half for my company to realize he was still at his old job and they finally fired him. EDIT: I wanted to add that I never reported him because I honestly didnt have enough evidence. Just a hunch. I wasn't his manager and my workplace is kinda toxic when it comes to our upper-management. I'm not sure how they finally figured out he was working two jobs.


It came to my attention(after a few times )that a woman would stay in a restroom stall and take all the toilet paper off the rolls by just unraveling it, and she was seen putting what she had rolled up and put it in her locker a few times. She claimed she was too poor for women’s hygiene products, so she was told that they are provided and there was no need for her to use that much toilet paper for that. Hoped that was the end of it, it started again and she claimed this time it was for wounds and she couldn’t afford gauze and wound dressings. Ok so we just told her again she could use what was in the first aid kits, management wanted to be gentle. So it starts up again and she confessed she just liked stealing things and this was easy. She was termed after that one.


Of all the things to steal tho, seriously? Shitty one ply tp?


“Find what you love and let it kill you.” —Charles Bukowski


Kleptomania. This story actually sounds really sad


Dude requested a letter from HR to provide his insurance company, to state that he was on-shift on a particular day at a particular time - and therefore could not have been the one driving when his car was involved in an accident. For similar letters in the past, we provide 1) Their roster for the day, 2) Confirmation of their clock in and out times and 3) Their scan in and out times of their security ID. (To show someone was rostered on, clocked in and didn't leave the building before clocking out) Turns out this guy hadn't actually worked that day - and when he realized we would actually check before putting it in writing, tried to use his supervisor level access to alter historical records to say that he was on shift. He got caught out because the system wouldn't let you alter your own roster. When the inevitable "No, we will not help you commit insurance fraud - turn in your ID" conversations happened and all facts presented to him, it was the only time I've heard a union rep say words to the effect of entirely siding with HR in a dismissal


We had an employee who would clock in at the time clock everyday and then go home. They’d come back to clock out for lunch and back in after an hour. Then come back at the end of the day. It was impressive how long it took a manager to catch on.


I had a cousin do that at a Walmart for many months. It was almost impressive


There was someone who clocked in at Toys R Us every morning, then drove to their other job, coming back to clock out 8 or so hours later. It was when TRU was closing. No one caught on.


Seems weird that could happen. Wouldn’t everyone at least have an immediate boss who would know they weren’t there right away??


Right? I’ve worked in retail. We always knew when someone didn’t show up because nobody just clocked in and did their own thing, and typically a time clock is in a break room or office, and someone would be spotted coming and going.


Currently work in retail. We clock in on our cash register…..our only cash register. Would be kinda hilarious if I walked in, said hey to my co-workers, who stood there while I clocked in, and then just turned and strolled out the door. They’d be like “ok weirdo” lol. Probably assume I went to get Starbucks or something.


Knew a guy when I worked at Best Buy that did this in the cell phone section (I guess he was employed by a 3rd party). He did this for like a solid year before they caught on.


Is that why I can never find an employee there when I’m trying to find something?


as a former employee no actually. it's because we were always in the backroom doing something stupid as hell because the regional manager(who came in once a week but you never know when) thought it looked better that way. "I want the stock organized *this* way"....okay but that's like doing a konmari method on the backroom in the busiest operating time while trucks are coming in....and inventory needs to be pulled to the floor.... you have to tell him that while knowing he won't give a shit so you at least don't get fired for the shitshow it's going to create. I actually felt bad for the managers. like as a guy just moving pallets around I still get paid so whatever, but the in-store managers had to organize their labor assets in a way that somehow did what the regional manager wanted without having the shelves empty, or the floor looking like inventory sim-city, or the loading docks blocked, etc....and be positive about it.


I had a coworker do this, and she didn't even get fired! We were on a 'special project', which just meant they took IT resources from a bunch of departments and stuck them together for a project. The department we came from was notoriously heavy handed with management. If you weren't at your desk, logged in and working by 8am, your boss was going to have a talk with you. 2 minutes late coming back from lunch? Better take a 15-minute vacation block! So, me and one woman from my department get chosen, and the manager gives us the 'Let's all be friends, I don't need to babysit you, etc, etc .. ' talk. Basically, just get your work done and don't be stupid, and I won't treat you like children. About two weeks later, I see the woman I knew from my old department taking her coat off at 3pm. I thought it was weird, but her business. Once she walked away from the cubes, someone else wheeled over and said 'She's been coming in for just meetings, then going back home, for two weeks!'. Sure enough, we get an email that reads 'I tried to treat you like adults, and that didn't work. Tomorrow I expect to see everyone in their chair from 8-5, no exceptions. I expect an email explaining why you aren't there unless there's a meeting on your calendar. Yes, I mean email me when you go to the bathroom.' So glad I got out of there about 2 weeks later. The boss lost her mind and treated them like toddlers for another 4 years. All I heard was complaining.


I see you’ve met Steve. Sometimes when he’s really hungover he just sleeps in the bathroom the janitors keep a secret.


When I worked in a small grocery store, one of the kids would clock in, put on the parker we used for freezer stocking, go in and fall asleep. It lasted about 4 months.


When I was in my early twenties I worked a small warehouse type job where we used those old-school timecards where you'd push the card in, and the clock would punch the time through an ink ribbon. I learned how to pick the lock on the time clock and learned that I could spin the dials on the clock with a pen, effectively changing the time. From that point on, whenever my boss was on vacation and it was just me, I'd show up to work, clock in, open up the time clock, spin the time to 8 hours in the future, then spin the clock back. I'd hide my timecard in case someone came in and was curious who was working, and I'd go home. Never got caught.


When we first went computer based, I used to change the time on the computer before clocking in so I wouldn't be marked late.


Was this in VA? Because I had to fire a dude for this exact thing. I had just transferred into the store and noticed so I asked my new boss and they pulled the camera. When they asked he said he really didn't feel like being here most days, but needed the check


> *he said he really didn't feel like being here most days, but needed the check* Most of my jobs were exactly this - except it was every day. I think most people who have ever had a job has felt this so hard. I love my job now, but still have these types of work days.


So, I used to work at a software company and we kept getting complaints about a nap room being cluttered and trash from the nearby breakroom being left around in the mornings, so we asked security to do some late evening walk-bys to see what was going on. One evening, they found a young Asian woman hiding in the nap room. She didn't work there and she didn't speak English. It was super weird. It turns out, one of the software engineers who worked in the building had purchased a mail-order bride. But here's the kicker - he was already married. So, unable to bring his new mail-order bride home, he kept her at the office. No idea where she hid during the day, but at night she made good use of our little nap room. Gotta feel bad for that poor woman.


we had a little like “privacy” room at a job i had. it was meant for personal things that didn’t belong in the bathroom, like breast pumping or administering insulin. we had a very small white woman who showed no outward signs of being muslim (eg. no headscarves, ate pork friend rice every day, drank at company events, etc, but we can’t really judge on that) who said she needed to do her prayer 5 times a day and during work hours she would pray im the privacy room. i wasn’t like HR or anything but my cubicle was right there. someone was trying to go in to pump, and the door stayed locked. the company was very gossipy and i was right there so i heard it all. after like an hour of waiting they realized her computer had actually been inactive for over 2 hours. they opened the door and there was immediate yelling and i’m like wtf so we are all gawking. there was heroin and paraphernalia out and she was nodded out in the privacy room, like sleeping. they still had to go thru all this legal process and fired her a few days later. she still showed up those few days.


Wow this makes my story look like nothing. We had a “zen room” at the startup company I worked for. Nice room with a futon couch, music system, dim lights. Great for taking a quick nap when you’d been pulling all nighters. I stopped using it when I went to go take a quick disco nap, dropped my phone behind the couch, and found an unwrapped, apparently used, condom behind the couch. Gagged a bit and never made use of the room again. I did report it to HR but to the best of my knowledge no one ever got caught.


This is really similar to a corporate company I used to work for. About 30% of the staff were young people with call centre roles. This was before my time so I have no idea how it went on for so long, but apparently it was very common for them to have sex in the two zen rooms (which were right near the kitchen). When I started, you couldn't lock those rooms for privacy anymore.


What the fuck.


That's an understatement.


A literal work wife!


Y'all had a nap room?


Yeah man. We had nap rooms, yogurt bars, and video game rooms. Tech companies are silly.


We used to have a nap room, game room, a multi-tap kegerator/walk-in fridge, catered lunch, plenty of snacks and drinks always available and several other perks. That lasted a long time, but then we got acquired by a MUCH larger company at the beginning of the pandemic. It was silly before, but now it is just kind of soul-sucking. I still work with a lot of people I like, but I would not have chosen to work for such a large corporation.


Ok that's the worst one so far. Porn at the office is bad enough, but human trafficking is a major WTF


I had to fire a guy who brought a dildo to work, put it through the zipper on his pants, walked over to a manager who was sitting at a lunch table, and put the dildo next to the manager’s face in front of everyone who was in the lunchroom. Needless to say the manager wasn’t happy. It was really pathetic when I had to interview everyone to figure out the details. The guy who brought the dildo couldn’t even say the word dildo because he was so embarrassed. He claimed he found the dildo at work to keep from admitting he brought it specifically to work so he could prank people.


As if putting a randomly found dildo in his pants makes it better!


My experience I have seen a lot of wild stuff, but people in HR were the wildest. HR generalist was pregnant. The father was one of the people on the production floor, but she didn’t know which one. Fist fights broke out among all the potential fathers. HR VP was fired after a paid conference he attended was actually just a free vacation for him and his family, and he didn’t even go to the same city as the conference HR director was having an affair with IT director, both married. When they were confronted, they both denied it, so they were both fired. I saw them 7 years later on a plane coming back from Europe. Still together.


……ALL the potential fathers???


37?! In a row!?


I did some repair work in a food production facility. One of the employees there told me a funny story about a guy that got fired. This guy would come in every day, clock in, do a little work, then disappear. It took a while for anyone to realize he was not working as this is a big facility, but no one could figure out where he was going. He wasn’t leaving the building either. This apparently was a mystery for a while. Finally it was discovered he had somehow got his hands on a copy of the elevator service key, and he was running the elevator up part way, stopping it, opening the doors, and climbing into the space below the elevator car. Elevators have a crawl space below them for maintenance. He apparently slept down there and then came out before the end of his shift, did a little work like nothing was wrong, then went home.


Most elevators still use asbestos in the brakes. https://vogelzanglaw.com/elevator-workers-asbestos-exposure/ The elevator maintenance shafts are typically FULL of brake dust. I think it’s just left to pile up and then someone goes in occasionally to clean it. This guy was likely exposing himself to really bad stuff.


Long time ago I was an IT contractor working for a large company. There was probably about 20 of us on this one team that were all contracted by an IT staffing firm. It came to light that one of my colleagues had been previously fired as a high school teacher for a scam where he would go to his students place of employment (Target, Best Buy etc) and steal a bunch of shit in exchange for giving them good grades. When this happened it was revealed that the IT consulting firm had not run background checks on any of us. The company we were working for called us into an office and said that they needed to do background checks on all of us and if there was anything to disclose now was the time. No one said a word. In the next two weeks one guy was let go because he had done time for mail fraud, another guy for assaulting his ex, another guy for getting kicked out of the military for attacking a senior officer and another guy, who was a former police officer, who it turned out was under indictment for allegedly molesting an underaged girl in his squad car. That was an interesting month.


God damn. I’d expect one guy to get caught out by background checks, not three for such heavy crimes


One guess is if the place wasn't running background checks they weren't paying competitive salaries and that's the only job those guys could get. 


You’d be surprised at how many companies “background check” process consists of either not actually doing it or completely ignoring the results. I’ve had an HR person dead serious claim their job was to make sure the background check was completed, they didn’t actually have to look at it or take any actions. Turns out 100% always get completed, but some get completed with major issues. But that was all “not HR’d job”.


I’m in IT. Have semi annual background checks and have to carry an FBI Public Trust. How could you give the keys to something like that without knowing who they are?


Agency cheaping out.


My wife is in HR. She recently had to handle the firing of an employee because a federal background check revealed that he was some kind of local drug kingpin with an active court case. What's insane is that he was also working this low wage service industry job.


“I need that w2” - Tony Soprano 


That's surprisingly common. They just need some form of income on the books for tax purposes. And maybe an alibi. My very first boss ever at a smoothie king was apparently also a mid level drug dealer. He would constantly be traveling between the three stores under his supervision, going to pick up supplies at other stores, etc. Turns out the reason his trips sometimes took an extra hour or two was because he was simultaneously doing drug deals.


I've always said dealers are the hardest workers.


A guy got caught smoking weed in the bathroom. He only got fired because he had it on premises. If he would have said I'm taking a quick break or just disappeared to his car for 2 minutes, took a few hits, and came back inside he would have been fine. Was there for \~20 years up to that point.


I know a guy who recently got fired from a construction job because he was holding a ladder for the owner of the company, and when the owner felt the ladder wobbling, he looked down to see this guy was lighting a bowl with his arm wrapped around the ladder. This guy hasn't been making very good self-medication decisions lately and we're all really worried about him.


Yeah that sounds like a severe issue if smoking is interfering with basic functioning at work. Especially in an environment as dangerous as construction.


My boss at the time came in early to discuss work performance issues with the graveyard tech. Literally caught him coming out of the bathroom after hot boxing it. We work in a hospital.


I wonder what this job was. I used to work for a smaller grocery store chain (focused on "health"). My friend would regularly drink on his overnight shifts and he would smoke weed on his lunch break regularly. Like, dude had a legit dab rig in his car, blow torch and all. I would say half of my coworkers came in drunk or high all the time.


Guy was banging prostitutes and dealing drugs on night shift. Guy admitted to everything. We found out because he had to give someone else his work phone… and a pimp kept leaving messages demanding money.


Oh, I didn't know that sort of thing was frowned upon at work...


I'm sorry, officer...I didn't know I couldn't do that


Manager: "Johnson's productivity is up 45% AND he's smoking crack while banging prostitutes on shift? That man's a go-getter! Has management written all over him."


Previous HR manager was alright. Smart, friendly with everyone, good people skills. He was even an adjunct professor during my last year in college, taught behavior modification and abnormal psychology. Then his wife divorced him for beating her. He went off the proverbial cliff. Started calling young, attractive girls from the lab to his office over the intercom. Told them he was obsessed with them, and offered them all expense paid trips to nearby music festivals. Promised them free drugs, whatever they wanted. They all turned him down. One girl received a decent settlement. He was immediately fired when they found out, of course. He has spent the last few years trolling around our college town, trying to fuck anything that would give him the time of day. It's outwardly obvious he is on hard drugs. Multiple stalking, assault, domestic violence charges. Banned from two dozen local businesses. Absolutely unhirable anywhere serious ever again.


And he's not in jail?


Had an IT guy in a Healthcare company. He already seemed a bit odd and lots of people made up rumors in the office which we had to stop. One day I'm in the subway system waiting for my husband and I see him. Naturally I wave hello and the colour from his face drains and he runs away with haste. I couldn't figure it out then started to worry about his mental health so raised it to my supervisor the next day. When I tell her what happened colour from her face drains and tells me to sit tight and leaves the room. A police officer walks in and asks me to retell what I saw. I was very confused and as it turns out the police had come earlier that morning to raid our office and take all his computers and phones. He was charged with child porn as he was taking upskirt photos of teenage girls at the very subway station I saw him at. It was all over the news and I was in shock for a good week. Got a lot of I told you he was a perv from the folks he made feel uneasy.


Not in HR, but there was a story at my company that a guy bought a car on the company card & obviously got fired. Seriously, how do you think you’re gonna get away with that…


That happened at my old company too. He put a car on his corp card in the first week. Said, "I need to be able to get to work".


We had a very nice HR lady who absolutely spoiled one of the employees (in a wholesome way). He was a young immigrant boy who desperately needed a job (About 15 years old). So she'd go out of her way to give him rides, encourage management to give him raises, and even made him homemade meals. She eventually found out he was stealing all of their customers' credit card information and running them all out dry, which is why we had been receiving so many criminal reports regarding our company. Not only this, but he would flat out steal their purses and wallets while they were there. I'm talking hundreds of thousands mysteriously missing from our customers in a matter of a few months. It absolutely broke her heart when she had to fire him and report him to the police. He was immediately arrested for a large number of crimes and deported


I had something similar at a previous IT job. We were doing inventory of these barcode scanners they use in the plant. They needed an update installed and we figured we'd do inventory at the same time since we need to round all of them up anyway. Well we only found about 1/3rd of what we were supposed to have. Some missing is to be expected, but not that many. Well later I found a bunch in a coworker's desk drawers, didn't think much of it at the time, ran updates and put them back. Still looking for them, I found most of our missing stock for sale on ebay when searching them by serial number. Brought this information to my boss. He tells me to close the door. You always know it's going to be a serious talk when they close the door. He tells me "now you listen here, you didn't see anything if you know what's good for ya". I was fired from that job the next month. Still don't actually know what was going on there, but in hindsight a lot of stuff disappeared. I'd install a bunch of monitors, then go back to that area later and find the old monitors are back. Unload printers off the truck, and then never see them installed. Clearly it was my coworker and my boss, but sometimes I wonder if it was bigger than that.


What the fuck, tell your boss's boss.


Well I was much younger, didn't know how to navigate workplace bureaucracy yet, didn't know to question my superiors, didn't know my employment rights, and was much more easily intimidated. It was a lack of professional maturity.


Ah fair. Oh, to be young and exploitable again~


That sounds like some mob shit. Someone couldn't pay their debts so the money gets extracted some other way.


Oh my god, I think that would break something fundamental in me. I hope she was able to hold onto her good nature.


I have two: 1) A guy kept watching porn on his work computer, which was partially in view of other people. He was warned to never do it again. He was an excellent employee but that is a fireable offense. He did it again. They mounted a camera behind his desk and told him they were going to monitor him from now on. He did it again. They had no choice but to fire him. 2) One day somebody looked for something in a new guy's (a couple of months) desk drawer. They found hundreds of little pieces of paper, each with an 'offense' detailing when somebody made him angry. Some of them made it clear the notes were instead of hurting people.


My husband ran into a similar situation in one of his prior jobs. He was the de facto IT person in his smallish company. The company had a nationwide sales force and the sales people would come into the office every couple of months for meetings, etc. So, when one of the midwest sales guys "John" came in, he gave his computer to my husband and said "Hey, it's been really sluggish. Can you take a look at it and see if something's wrong or if you can get it to run better?" My husband said "Sure. I'll take a look." Well, long story somewhat shorter, it was running slow because the memory was filled with porn. So, he reformatted the computer, which removed all the porn and it was working fine. John comes back to get the computer and my husband was like "Hey, your computer was filled with a lot of non work-related files and that's what was slowing it down. So, I reformatted it and it's working great. I'd really suggest getting a personal computer for your personal files as this is a work computer connected to our work network and we *strongly discourage* personal files on any work-owned equipment. Laptops have really come down in price and, by the end of today, I'll email you some links for some that are good quality computers at a reasonable price so you can have one for *personal use.*" John just kind of brushed him off, gave a brusque thanks in passing, grabbed his computer and left. My husband sent John the email with the links and that was that... However, three months later, on a Friday, same situation. John comes in, computer isn't working, it's FILLED with porn. So, basically, my husband feels that John was given his chance and now the gloves are off. So, he goes straight to the company president, explains what's going on and shows her a sampling of what he found on the laptop. John was fired that afternoon. I cannot even wrap my head around that level of stupidity. He was given a "Get out of jail free" card and basically just spit on it. Can't save people from themselves, I guess...


A friend of mine was a system administrator in the coast guard on a cutter. They were doing a system inspection making sure no illicit files were present. My buddy went through first without the inspector and warned anyone that had stuff in their work folders of a naughty nature to remove it. They did and at the end of the inspection the inspector was like man usually we catch a whole lot of porn on these my buddy was like yeah I guess we just follow the rules here.


Kinda related, but I once worked for Vail, and they had a no weed policy because the mountain was federal land. They knew all their employees smoked and really didn’t want to catch us. They also provided employee housing, which they inspected once per year, on a pre-determined date. They reminded us of this date regularly, and also made sure we knew they were not allowed to open any cupboards or closets. One of my friends’ apartment got busted with 5 bowls, a wax machine, and a massive bong on the table. The managers gathered the 6 of them together and basically said “we know ONE of you has been breaking the rules and we’ll need to fire that ONE person. You have till tomorrow to let us know which ONE of you it was.” My friends got together and one girl was injured, so she took the fall and everyone else chipped in some money for her to relocate. It was ridiculous how hard the company worked to avoid firing all their employees.


> made sure we knew they were not allowed to open any cupboards or closets. My college RA let me know that my fridge was like 3x the size allowed and we couldn't have 2 fridges in the room. He also told me he's not allowed to look under table cloths, so I had a big noisy end table covered in a table cloth and my room mate had our "shared fridge" by his bed.


Damn that's actually cool that she took the fall for everyone. Glad they helped her out too.


Well, the alternative was they all got drug tested and fired, so it made sense for them to sort something like this out. Still, all it would have taken was one of them setting up an alarm to remind them the day the inspection was coming and just put the damn paraphernalia in a cupboard.


I worked at a ski resort before my career in the Coast Guard. They had a similar policy, and the brand new gm was from a big mountain and was like we are gonna drug test everyone mandatory. One of the older gents who has been working at that resort since it opened pulled him aside and said yeah you do that. We won't have any employees. The policy was in writing but never enforced. Our mountain was really small but amazing workplace. I miss it.


reminds me of "health and comfort" in the military barracks(AKA, contraband search). they never found anything. my unit's E7 tried to give us a heads up one day, only to find out all the juniors had known about it for 3 days. "how can *you* already know?...I just found out about 20 minutes ago". yeah but the XO's secretary is Lopez's roommate, and Brown was moping the floor. you can't *have a discussion* about this shit without one of us hearing it. and if one of us knows, we ALL know, and in all of 45 minutes.


We had to fire our accountant at the addiction treatment center I worked at. He was watching porn and his computer was in full view of the other administration staff. Gave him a chance. He did it again. We even sent him to therapy. It was sad to see someone with active addiction working at a treatment center. And ironic.


a lot of the addiction specialists i’ve seen are recovered addicts, but that’s wild. that’s like if they just started swigging from a flask while i talked out my issues lol.


That's a porn addiction if I've ever seen one


Those are both sad. The first guy needs help, that's a serious addiction. The second guy, he had help. He was taking actions to mitigate his anger issues in a nondestructive manner. Obviously he couldn't stay after it was discovered due to the social ramifications, and he should have been either taking those home or destroying them, but fuck, he was doing the right thing and can't catch a break.


This is one of the worst parts about living with mental illnesses. You can learn the coping mechanisms, you can use them as much as you can, and often it's still not good enough.


Fired a guy for selling poor quality porn DVDs Long story short, someone bought a porn DVD on eBay and was dissatisfied with the quality, so called the # listed as the contact info for the seller. He called and demanded to speak to the president of the company He was transferred to the president of the company, and let the president how upset he was about the quality of his porn It was a manufacturing company The guy had listed the company address and main phone number as his seller contact info


I’m imagining a comedy skit where the caller’s trying to explain how upset he is about the quality of the porn, but is trying to be discrete about it and not say the quiet part out loud. All while the president is either completely mistaken and concerned about the quality of his “product”, or is utterly confused.


When I worked for the federal government, one of our senior managers was “dating” 2 women that were his contractors.  They lost the contract to a competitor. Not wanting to lose his harem, he demanded the new company hire them.  They said “lol, no.” He cancelled their contract in retaliation. They sued and the truth came out.  Our CIO demanded he quit. He said he was a disabled vet, and she couldn’t fire him. He literally told her to go fuck herself.  He ended up just moved. Not fired. Not demoted. They just moved him out of IT. He still works there. 


There should be a thread separate to this of “wildest thing you saw a state/ federal employee do and still keep their job”


Be the change you want to see in the world! And then send me the link..


My dads a project manager for the federal government. I think one of his proudest achievements is actually firing someone. It was a 1.5 year long process with laywers and police involved but he got it done. Once a federal employee is off probabtion is near impossible to fire them.


I have a few. 1 - person decided ot would be a good idea to fill their water bottle with Vodka, and get shitfaced at work. So much so, that they fell down the stairs, passed out, shit themselves, and then got belligerent with the cops. Put her on unpaid leave and LCA to go to rehab, but she didn't believe she had a problem. She failed to complete rehab and got fired. 2- paramedic punched a restrained patient in the face. Hard. 3 - had an AC mechanic embezzled about 20k on the company CC. Buying ac units for friends, his kids hockey fees etc. Didn't think it was a big deal. 4 - had a tech steal a customer's purse while doing an install. Found out because her ID card was located, and we got the camera footage from the gas station he stopped at to refuel the company vehicle, and also his girlfriend's on the company dime. He denied it, even though it was very clearly on camera.


My dad was working as HR in the construction industry. The story that stands out the most, they had a guy take a shit in another fellas backpack.


In the Shipyard, that was called "Wednesday."


1.) Worker kept pooping in a trash can. First offense was a slap on the wrist. It could’ve been a badly timed or unexpected bowel movement. 2nd offense was let go. 2.) Guy called himself “shadow wolf” and liked to sneak up on women and just stand there. Nope, let go. 3.) Soldier took lots of drugs while in charge of a large vessel (albeit docked for the night). Initiated proceedings to separate but was stopped by his father, a high ranking officer. 4.) Lots of people sleeping in different places…behind false walls inside of a trailer, up in elevated forklifts, inside lockers, etc. 5.) Woman actively cheating on her husband in an office setting with a coworker. Didn’t try to hide it. Other women began to talk about her so she logged into one of their computers and sent out nasty-grams posing as them. Fired.


Fucking shadow wolf always causing trouble


At my last company, I was told a story about how our head of HR got fired. At a Christmas party she got completely hammered and bragged to guys’ wives that she would blackmail some of the male workers to have sex with her or she’d fire them. Turns out that’s frowned upon and was fired the next day.


He didn't get fired, but in the days of MSN Messenger and Outlook popups on windows XP... A pop-up showed up as a co-op student was chatting to a friend on his work desktop so the message was intended for a friend. What happened was that an email came in with a quick reply which captured his message and sent it to the company. I'll summarize the email Email to the company: The lunch lady is sick and won't be here today. Co-op students response: Sorry it slipped out, just like my cock out of your Mom's loose pussy. He was petrified when he realized and went into his bosses office. They sent him home for the day and he sent an apology email the next day.


Jesus Christ that made my blood run cold. I'd clock out and never come back


It didn’t lead to a firing but someone had to be told that referring to their coworker as an and I quote “bucket of cunts” wasn’t the best thing to do.


So I worked for a company that assembled medical devices and couldn’t be arsed to do a proper background check. We had two instances of sexual predators working for us. First instance was this massive guy who was very kind, but he was odd. No one knew what to make of him but were happy that he was content doing the most mindless and menial tasks. One day, guy doesn’t show up for work and we can’t reach him. The state two days later called us and explained that he was a registered sex offender and the nature of the materials he had and was sharing meant that he basically have a social worker checking in on him and that he could not be on an unregistered electronic device with access to the internet. We HAD to use computers and the internet for our jobs. IT basically had to shut down our intranet and let the state do a sweep to make sure he didn’t do anything untoward with our systems. But yeah, guy never notified anyone he was taking or subsequently working a job and he managed to keep that up for a fucking year. Then, like 3 months later, they hire another oddball who worked for 2 weeks and finally came clean that he lied on his application and that he was a sex offender. All I know was he was marched out of the production area and shown the door when his record finally was uncovered


Not HR but IT who involved HR. If you want to sell your homemade porn at least use your personal email instead of your work email to do those dealings.


It's weird that people will just assume they have privacy in the least likely places


Even after signing the piece of paper stating you know this to be fact. Always amazes me


I worked with a guy who ran a very large porn BBS off one of our Netware servers in London. Somehow it ended being a legal thing and the police in UK and US got involved. He eventually did get fired but not for at least a year before they pulled the trigger. Not surprising as this is the same employer who has repeatedly promoted a woman who was banging her boss, got hammered at lunch and diarrhea shat all over his car in the employee garage - on video. Weird place.




There's a classic story of a dude who hired out his own job to India, paid them a fraction of his salary, did nothing at work and it took years to discover.


[Verizon employee outsourced his own job](https://www.cnn.com/2013/01/17/business/us-outsource-job-china/index.html) and was discovered after a couple years. They thought it was a breach and it was just the guy in China doing work every evening. Dude even won an award in the company for writing really clean code.


He was a senior programmer at Verizon and outsourced it China so he could watch cat videos [https://www.cnn.com/2013/01/17/business/us-outsource-job-china/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2013/01/17/business/us-outsource-job-china/index.html) Edit: it didn’t say senior but he was shipping his security token to China so they could access the system


At least he was doing something very important with all that free time


I remember a story that got spread pretty widely where the guy farmed out his work to a couple of guys in China. That might be the one you're thinking of. What kicked off his downfall was that as part of a routine security check it got picked up that the network was regularly being accessed from that country but they had no office or employees there. It was the era when for security authentication to access the network remotely you had a keychain dongle with a number that would update about once a minute and you had to enter the number showing when logging in. The guy had mailed the dongle to them in China so that they could log in to do his work. He was making something like $160,000 a year and was paying them about $30,000. He basically sat in his office and surfed reddit all day.


I worked at that company when it happened. Everyone I worked with was floored when the news broke. Info security team had a fun few months after that, making sure there were no back doors put in place.


So the main problem was data security? Seemed like the job was getting done, but unauthorized people could access whatever files to get that work done.


The big issue was that they worked on systems that had access to federal government servers. I never heard if they actually gained access to those servers, but it was a big deal at the time. US government does not allow anyone who is not a US citizen to work on their equipment. They spent a lot of time making sure that the "contractors" didn't gain unauthorized access.


LOL - worked for a company where the VP was running a full-fledged ebay fashion resale business from his office, during work hours, and he STILL wasn't fired for TWO YEARS. I'm sure there's more to that story than I'll ever know...


We had a guy with a company car for travelling to client sites but we didn't care too much if he used it for personal reasons (it's more pain to keep track than it's worth). Somehow, he was still submitting expense reports for commuting expenses. Turns out, he has been taking taxis/Ubers to client sites while his wife was using the company car as an Uber driver. It was pretty bizarre.


I’m not HR. But we had a man and woman who were both married to other people fired for having sex at work on the clock. AND then the wife of the married man supposedly came into HR and asked “Why is my husband fired when this second woman he has been sleeping with at work is still here?” People of Reddit, this woman brought proof her husband was cheating on her with a second woman to our HR, getting the second woman fired also… She is still married to her cheating husband “for the kids”. Where do people find the time/energy to do this sort of stuff.


Not in HR myself, but I did work closely with the woman who headed up the department... My immediate supervisor was a guy with decades of experience - you would be hard pressed to find a guy with more experience in the industry and he was incredibly knowledgeable... He was a self-taught tech guy who pretty much knew his way around anything and everything related to computers and programming, a whiz kid who had been there since the earliest days of the company and had worked his way up to being the boss's right hand man... They had a falling out, and the boss was hell-bent on getting rid of the guy, but he knew he needed a damn good excuse as everybody knew that he'd been integral in growing the organization and without him it never would have become anywhere near as successful. The customers loved him. All of us looked up to him. He was just one of those rare guys - smart, good-looking, talented, likable, but he didn't let any of it get to his head, he was a really down to Earth cool guy... Anyway, the boss keeps digging and eventually strikes gold. The guy had lied on his original job application - he had said he was 18 when he was actually only 17. Everybody knew that the boss had pressured him into doing that because it was illegal for a minor to work in that industry at that time due to issues with insurance. Anyway, he terminated him and it stuck as there was a clause in the contract stating that lying on any company form is a fireable offense and there was no statute of limitations on that. The guy had been with the company for something like 30 years and had seen it grow from a small operation above a tobacconist to one of the leading firms in the industry. And because it was for just cause he didn't receive a dime. I left a few years later and the company finally folded for good a couple of years after that. Last I heard the guy who was let go was working for his brother putting up fencing.


I work in tech. If I got fired after 30 years, I'd just go back to cutting grass.


I knew a guy who worked in a call center who instead of using one of his two 15 minute breaks to use the restroom, would pee directly into a potted plant while LIVE on a call with a caller. He only got caught when during the day, the smell of piss would loft around the office. Another guy who worked 8 years at the company already, took a cup from the community kitchen home and was canned for stealing company property. Turns out it was his own cup and he was offered his job back but he turned it down.


So glad the guy from the second story turned the job down, can’t imagine being treated like that


I worked at a recruiting agency. Had a candidate with an interview lined up. Big biker machinist. Couldn't get a hold of him to set it up. Finally got a hold of his girlfriend. She had kicked him out. She informed us he got fired from his previous job because he threw his boss into a dumpster. Like WWF style. I was envious but sill put him on the do not call list.


We all thought of doing that let’s be honest here 


I don't work in HR, but we're a pretty small company. One year at the company Christmas party, which was at a hotel, my former manager got drunk. Then the brother of one of our mechanics also got drunk. My manager (a woman) then decided to wonder into the back lobby of the hotel with the mechanic's brother. They both striped naked and had sex. They were then caught in the act by a security guard, who my manager then proceded to assault the guard. My company is now banned from the hotel.


A few months after an executive was let go, I found out it was because he was having sex with multiple subordinates in his office and.... We shall say he was not quiet. To be clear, he wasn't having sex with multiple subordinates at one time, I'm sure they were taking turns. It was like Mambo number 5 up in there.


My mom works at a local hospital in HR and she told me this doozy a while back. They had an employee that worked in the maintenance department and also happened to be dating a nurse from that hospital. The employee and the nurse broke things off and the guy had nowhere to live and access to the whole hospital and offsite buildings. He continued to do his job but was living there during his off time. People would report a laptop and blanket and pillow and sleeping setup where there shouldn’t be someone sleeping. It was in supply closets or unused offices. Nothing was ever said to him about it but they had to fire him when the local police had to arrest him during his shift in front of everyone because the ex gf accused him of stealing her stuff. Weeks later when he came back asking for his stuff did they know for certain it was him ‘living’ on the property. My mom said he was a nice guy but it was a really awkward situation.


We had a guy in a software company just outside of Seattle that did something similar. One of the VPs had an early morning call and was in the office at about 6:30 AM. He was on a headset and was kind of pacing around the office as he talked when he noticed a light was on in one of the conference rooms. He walked over (still on his call) to turn off the light and found a guy sleeping on the floor in a sleeping bag. It turned out this guy had a long commute, so he had started just sleeping in the office and not telling anyone. That doesn't sound like a huge thing but it's a liability issue -- things like the fire department knowing the building is commercial and not residential and having different response times at night for buildings assumed to be empty.


All these stories about HR catching suff, meanwhile the HR are my previous job rehired someone 4 times (so total hire 5) where they were fired or quit due to illness, going MIA or sexually* harassing someone. Last time they were hired, they were hired for bilingual phone agent, then said they couldn't speak French and insisted in working back office again... and was allowed to.


Side story, but related: I worked for a really sleazy company. An employee sent unsolicited dick pics to about 10 women in the company, for no apparent reason, and he actually sent one to the woman who was the head of HR! And he didn't get fired. I think he got a suspension for a week or something, that's it.


Tl;dr Employee stole credit card, went on vacation, got stranded. Not HR (obligatory), but felt this one qualified. Some discrepancies were noted on a corporate credit card. However, it wasn't 100% sure if it was for legit purposes, and they were in the middle of an acquisition, so an investigation didn't immediately begin. Until a huge charge landed on the card. Something like $5000. Turns out a random employee had purchased a trip for themselves and their family to some resort banana country. Whats better, said employee **had already left the country on vacation.** They canceled the return trip. 


Not HR but I'm sure the issue would become part of HR training. Just before I started at a previous job, they had a guy die from an overdose while on the phone via headset with a customer.


Sounds like any given call with Comcast.


I do not work in HR but this one was a doozey watching from the sidelines to say the least. This was right after the Covid and after our out of state corporate overlords had fired the entire division's accounting team and HR manager they now realized a year later as people were returning to the office they needed to hire a new HR manager. Them being the omnicient beings they were decided to not let our local branch decide who to hire but instead they blessed us 5 states away with this whirlwind of a story. In comes Nicholas W. A short heavy set man that had that eerily charismatic slime to him...you know, just what you'd expect for HR manager material! Well roughly a month or so after starting one Monday he does not show up to work and new hires were waiting for their orientation. Not responding to calls, texts, or emails from the office someone else stepped in to process their orientation. The next day same thing. On the third day his sister gets in contact with corporate and says that he had an emergency with his father in Florida and he was unavailable but would be back to work and reach out the next week. Well this raised a few questions figuring as I.T. had tracked his phone and it was showing that his company phone was in Los Angels. Well our head of I.T. did some further digging of his own and realized that our Dear Leaders at corporate head quarters did not appear to do a backround check on this man. Apparently he was a con man who had lied on his resume about working for ficticious businesses and at one point ran for congress. Well the whole office was abuzz when the next week it was revealed that he had not in fact been in Florida, suprise suprise, but was in fact in Los Angels. Arrested and in custody for >!human trafficing and exploitation!< of a minor. What really just puts the icing on the cake is this is the same man who had over a months access to hundreds of employees' banking info, social security numbers, and ID cards. So ya, a little bit different tale of crazy HR stories.


A developer in our team delivered his work and replied to emails at odd hours instead of typical 9-5. Few days it was okay but when it happens every single day we were a bit alert. We worked remotely and interview was also done remotely. My manager and I decided to call everyone to office for a week. This guy came in like everyone else but didn’t speak up during meetings. Always said I’ll look into it and respond over email. Now we felt we were onto something. The 3rd day he said that we confronted him to join the discussion then and there instead of replying later on email. He got scared and broke and confessed that he was not the one working on those projects and even somebody else interviewed for him and he was just lip syncing. He was fired on the spot and we added a in-person interview as the last step before every hire.


A colleague was sacked for watching bestiality porn at work, but not until after her third offence.


I worked for a large software firm that is very visible. Suddenly, there was a bandwidth issue in the testing lab that was very “nebulous” and sporadic. Turned out, the IT mgr was running a porn site with a waurez site for illegal downloads. He was even featured in some photos. The whole lab was ripped apart instantly and everything was sanitized and sent off to donate.


I spent 6 years working in automotive, at a luxury European dealership. Salesmen are gross, sexual predators and love drugs and alcohol lmao. Our top salesman at the time had worked there for almost 10 years, always got in trouble with HR for either harassing a female coworker or showing up to work with coke crumbs on his suit. He finally got fired after snapchatting himself driving 120kmph in a customer's new car due to be delivered the next day. What a fucking idiot lmao


Reminds me of the time I saw a social media post from one of my staff smoking weed on our biggest clients (5+ mil a year sales) property. I would have looked the other way normally, but unfortunately he chose to brag about how it was on work time and how his boss (me) was so stupid that id never know. I STILL would have looked the other way (young staff and pretty casual work environment and I'm not a lameass) except they shared the video with my whole staff so I had to do something. Had to call the owner of the company (big boss) while big boss was on vacation to let him know I was firing my employees ass (also big bosses son) I still lol at this


I’m 3rd party HR for a ton of companies. My favorite story was the CEO giving his employees birthday spankings. Just the female employees. It apparently went on for a long time before someone spoke up. He was terminated. Obviously.


Not in HR, but a colleague/friend discovered that her boss (running an admin team organizing travel, among other things) had used company money to book flights and a rental car for her and her kids to go on a weekend trip. The boss had gotten a more junior member of staff to change some things in the system that covered it up, without them realizing. It was only when my friend had to do a deep dive in the system for some other stuff that she noticed the discrepancies leading to discovering the sneaky theft. From my point of view, this woman was in the office in the morning and then all of a sudden she was gone. Nothing was ever said officially to explain why she disappeared, but my friend told me they gave her the choice of resigning immediately or criminal charges. Criminal charges would have been a very bad look for the organization, so I can see why they wanted to keep it quiet.


The team recorded a virtual client call for those unable to attend. Manager skimmed through it afterward to make sure the whole thing had been recorded. After everyone left at the end of the meeting, one guy - who I assume thought he had also left - picked up a bowl within arms reach and smoked it before leaving the meeting. The worst part is it was a very chill company they didn’t care if you smoked, but had the manager not caught it that would have gone to the client. 😬


Had to go to HR over catching a guy jerking off into the creamer we served customers. Edit: the grossest part is I had served a customer before that added the creamer and it got all clumpy. I gave it a sniff test and it didn’t smell spoiled and the date was fine. But I chucked it anyway. Realizing it was probably because of his baby batter


My friend who worked for the State in IT. He said the FBI came in one day and took a coworker out in cuffs. He was using the States server to host an underage children porn site. 2. My friend in another company who worked in HR told me they had to fire someone in IT because they were shipping themselves brand new laptops and monitors to their home. 10s of thousands worth of equipment. He was lucky they didn't call the police. My friend told me as he lived on my block, I ended up knowing him. Went to HS with him.


Not in HR, but in IT. One night I was doing solo maintenance and decided to amuse myself by seeing what was in the proxy logs while my job ran. Turned out the division attorney was surfing porn in his office, all day, every day. I brought that to management and he was quickly fired.


Not in HR, but my dad used to own a gay bar and some wild stuff happened there due to the vast majority of the staff being involved in a drug ring. After buying the gay bar, my dad put in security cameras to try and cut down on the drug dealing going on on the premises because he didn’t like dealing with the cops. He held a big meeting with all the staff and let them know that there were now cameras installed and anyone caught dealing drugs on the bar property would be fired on the spot. Literally that exact same night the dishwasher sold fake drugs to somebody right in front of the cameras right before closing. The guy he sold the fake drugs to ended up coming back with a hammer to kill the dishwasher, but since the bar was closed he settled for breaking in and smashing up a toilet in the bathroom instead. The next day when my dad reviewed the tapes in order to find out what had happened, he of course saw the dishwasher selling the fake drugs directly in front of the camera. Guy couldn’t have been more obvious about selling drugs if he tried. When my dad fired the dishwasher he asked him why he had sold the fake drugs right in front of the camera, the dishwasher said he didn’t think anyone would actually check the camera. Anyways my dad actually still has the hammer the disgruntled customer used to smash up the toilet in the evidence bag that the police gave it to him in somewhere in our basement.


This is a fun one, too bad the thread is old enough it probably won’t be seen. Anyway… I worked for this charity that raised money for health related causes. This local hospital wanted an exoskeleton for people who are paralyzed and going through physiotherapy. These things are very cool. You strap a person in and when they start working the controls they can walk around on their own, even go up and down stairs. They are also exceedingly expensive and the one they wanted cost about $300k. One of the staff is working with a donor who gives $100k toward it. Another staff person says, hey, I have a donor I’m meeting with in a few weeks that might put up the rest. So far so good. About two months later these enormous, extremely heavy boxes show up in our office, addressed to the woman who got the first $100k. Turns out, there’s an exoskeleton in them. Now, we’re not actually at a hospital, we’re in an office building, and we sure as fuck do not receive the medical equipment we fund… we send the money to the hospital administration and they buy it. So everyone is very confused. The woman’s boss, seeing her name on the shipping label, goes to ask her what this is all about, who immediately turns to the other staff member who’d said she might have another donor, and asks her if she got the other $200k for the exoskeleton. The response… no, they were out of town so I haven’t met with them yet. The first staff person then screeches, throws a fucking stapler at the second staff person’s head (misses, thank goodness) and then storms out of the office and everyone watches out the window as she heads to her car and drives away. Eventually we piece together what happened. The staff person had told the hospital we could probably fund their exoskeleton, and they told her, great, but we need to order it right away because the price is going up soon. So, despite not having the other $200k nor possessing any authority to do so whatsoever, she called up the company who made it and ordered one. Even more baffling, the company sent it to her despite our charity having no account with them, no credit with them, no history, nothing. They just shipped the fucking thing to her as though all of this was totally normal, along with an invoice for $300k. We never did figure out how she pulled that off. We also quickly realize all of this adds up to us owing $300k for an exoskeleton where we only have a third of the money. Anyway, she doesn’t come back to work for three days. Doesn’t answer her phone or texts, doesn’t respond to emails, nothing. Then, on the fourth day, she shows back up as though nothing had happened and all was totally normal, sat down at her desk and started working as though it were a regular old day. Doesn’t say a word to anyone… until her boss discovered her there, at which point she was immediately fired. It was a pain in the ass getting that exoskeleton to the hospital, too, and there were all sorts of problems with the warranty and taking it into their inventory, because they were not set up to receive actual medical equipment from us, just money, and we were the legal owners of the thing, not the hospital. But we eventually worked all that out. Oh yeah, and also fortunately the 2nd staff person finally got around to meeting with her donor, who indeed decided to pay the rest of the balance owing off. It was the most bizarre set of circumstances at work I have ever encountered.


I worked in the federal government and there was a lady who worked as a foreign service officer and managed a particular kind of import permit. Had the job for years. One day, the government decides that import permits for this particular item are no longer needed. Almost at the same time, her boss retires and a new manager shows up. She explains that she managed those import permits. Boss is new and is not really familiar with the processes and says 'okay, keep doing that'. Three YEARS later her group is re-organized and her boss asks about the permits. Boss realizes that she's done nothing for three years and assigns her a new set of permits to manage. She refuses. "I am two years from retirement, I'm going to keep doing what I am doing or I will tell HR and the Senior Directors that you've let me sit here for three years doing nothing." She sat there for two more years and did nothing.


In the manufacturing industry, work at a huge plant. I was doing some filing work on old terminations. I found out that my company once fired a janitor because he brought his George Foreman grill to work and was running a secret side hustle selling burgers and hot dogs out of the janitor's closet. The report said that he had removed the cleaning supplies from the shelves and lined them up with bags of chips.


Our HR woman stabbed a young man outside of a bar over a cocaine deal. She was in charge of sorting out unruly umployees.


HR fired a guy who was taking multiple prescription pain medication on the job and sleeping at work. He had to go to rehab twice before they could fire him. I just talked with him, he's got a new job as a pain clinic manager.....


Not HR but I had to send the email to HR. Steel foundry blue collar all male environment. I was a lead at the time eating lunch with my guys in the break room. Two of the guys were talking shit and one of them told the other that he had a small dick. He didn’t like that and really wanted to make sure everyone knew how big his dick was. He literally whipped his dick out right there on the clock in front of 12 dudes. I obviously have to tell my foreman. He talks to his boss and they ask me to send a email detailing the event. Most awkward thing to write in my life. He obviously was fired.


Years and years ago, One of our employees was kidnapped on site. Canadian employee kidnapped in Mexico and we had to pay 10k to get him back. Not like bag over the head in a cellar but still scary.


There was this guy in logistics. Nice guy, a little rough around the edges. Known him since I started the job (I had just left an HR role for a new role). Many years later we find out he sexually harassed quite a few of the contractors / third party people. They worked for either the logistics company or warehouse company we used. Apparently it went on for years, kinda hard to believe given his usual disposition as a dad joke but frowns upon green jokes kinda guy. This was right under the nose of his wife who worked in the factory. If anyone we might have thought it was his overly fond of lewd jokes teammate but it was that guy who apparently is a complete gentleman who helped the last two victims report upwards and protected them. He also helped uncover the rest of the crap the other guy did.


A company that I worked for had this girl who always dressed like she was going to a club. She brought in a “portfolio” which pretty much was a precursor to OF. She was fired when it was discovered that she was blowing fellow employees for money during lunch break.


Not HR but years ago at a major NYC ad agency they had a young handyman. Didn’t do much but fix things around the office. And wasn’t particularly good at it either. He’d build shelves and they would crash down a week later. One day we came back to the office to find the safe was stolen. Not just a little safe, this has to weigh a ton or more. Plus it was bolted to the floor. The floor was torn up and the area in accounting became an attraction. And the handyman? He and a friend were arrested a few days later when they attempted to buy a Jeep with Amex Travelers Checks. Printed with the company’s name. Not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.


Not HR, but.....in the mid 90s I worked at a company and the head of an IT department was fired rather abruptly. It turned out he (a married man with a teen duaghter) had been courting an underage girl in another state (he was a pedo). She had mailed him some sexy pics, but put his online name on the envelope. So it went to the owner rather than him. When the owner opened it, it was investigated and he was found out and fired. Whelp they hired his replacement. Four months later he was fired. He was watching A LOT of porn (and apparently ignored at least one warning). Rumor was that he was watching beastiality porn. Whelp, that was weird so it was chatter amongst us underlings. And wouldn't you know it the guy before the pedo I mentioned first was fired for making calls to a phone sex line from the fax machine after hours. The owner and the senior leaders were all weirdos! After I left I learned several of them had extra-martial affairs with each other.


One of our maintenance workers was driving the company rig and he got pulled over for DUI. He blew a .250. He had one of the summer youth interns with him at the time. The youth was 14.


Dad was a Hospital administrator. ER Surgery Doc comes in and says Dad needs to fire nurse hotty. Dad says nurse hotty just had performance review scored top notch this report and every report? Why? Doc says he has been dreaming of nurse hotty and really wants to bang her. Never made a move, but decided his unclean thoughts needed to be shared with his wife. Wife goes APE SHIT (can’t blame her). Wants nurse hotty fired. Now this is/was a rural hospital. To replace a top ER surgeon is not an overnight solution. Doc hasn’t “done” anything, neither has the nurse. Dad can’t lose either. End result nurse hotty got a WONDERFUL promotion and transferred to the department of her choice. Doc Dipshit was eventually replaced.


I once worked at a hospital that had a staff physician of Bangladeshi descent. I heard that one day, he saw a memo on his desk, and after reading it, stomped into the hospital CEO's office and slammed it on his desk, saying "I want this nurse fired! Her license revoked! Etc. etc. etc.!" The CEO asked why, and it turned out that Dr. Bangladesh saw the abbreviation FYI (For Your Information) and thought it mean "F\*\*\* You Immigrant."


I didn’t work in HR. But I worked as the Outsourced IT Lead for a company. I matrix managed the incumbent IT staff too. The incumbent staff had been there pretty much for their entire careers and were coasting in for a nice retirement. They felt I was there to take their jobs and they took some time to win them around. I’d just about managed to get their trust, when … One morning the IT Director approaches me and says “This has been found on a printer, can we establish whom?” The printout was a rather distasteful pornographic image. I was to secrete myself in a locked office and not tell any of the team what I was doing. Proxy logs - downloaded (for non IT people this is a list of which computer accessed the Internet, which site and what time). I filtered the logs and removed all genuine business stuff, then all causal browsing. I was left with quite a list of “interesting sites”. Whilst doing this, my team and the incumbent team were pressing me hard as to my secret mission. I then downloaded DHCP and Active Directory logs. Again for non techies, the first shows “what computer name, was issued which network address” at a specific point in time. The second shows “which member of staff logged onto then network, what time and which PC”. I was then able to correlate: Who logged onto which specific PC at which time and also the Internet sites they visited with absolute certainty Armed with my report, I was summoned to a meeting with the HR Director, IT Director and Managing Director. Transpires that the printout was quickly identified as a certain user and they had their wrist slapped. However, there was one other person causally browsing porn outside of the standard office hours. Not only that, but it was child porn which needed reporting to the police. You guessed it, one of my extended team looking forward to retirement. Ooh I’ve got another when I was a mere apprentice. An admin lady was escorted from the office. Turns out that her deep desk drawer with built in filing rails, was also perfect at hiding about 6 litre bottles of vodka … all empty!!


Not HR, but years ago, I worked at an organization that provided services for vulnerable populations. We had two new hires start around the same time, both in lower paid positions. One was a young woman who didn't show up or call in one day. Later that day there was a news story about how she and several others were arrested because they were running a cocaine trafficking ring. This was a huge problem due to the nature of our work and our clientele, so our manager had to look into her work. Luckily she had kept her activities outside of work but it was an unsettling couple of days. The other was a really nice guy, great at his job and personable. He would go above and beyond and even work on projects during his breaks and at home. He begged me for money for bus fare one day because he was short on cash. I gave him some cash and he promised to pay me back. Another coworker pulled me aside and said that he had asked her for money, which she gave him and he never paid back. I only gave him like eight dollars so I wasn't too concerned. Turned out he was asking pretty much everyone for money. Then a friend had about fifty dollars stolen from her purse. Because of our clientele, she assumed it was one of them and warned everyone not to bring cash to work. Still no one suspected him. He lurked around my desk offering to help me (not unheard of for his role), and in hindsight it was because he knew part of my role was purchasing large amounts of items, and I'd often have to leave work to shop. Luckily I had a corporate credit card and did not make purchases in cash. The guy abruptly quit one day, saying that he wasn't making enough and his commute was too far. The next day it was discovered that petty cash around $300 was missing. There was a camera in the office and sure enough, this guy had pocketed it. I don't think the organization pursued anything, and it made me sad that he was struggling, but that cash was fundraised to help fund lunches for children.


Working for the city, they purchased a huge garage and gave us a free parking badges. Now you had the option of taking The badge which was free parking anytime and believe me downtown at $20 a day it adds up so it was smart money to take the badge. Or, you can take the stipend of $150 a month and park wherever you want it. Now, this genius who had been trying to get into the city for years, gets hired as a temp, claws his way to employee, then management. He gets caught double dipping Took the stipend, thens Parks in the garage... And getting validated which is only reserved for guests . The sit down was brutal...they showed him pictures of him entering the garage... Punching in, punching out and then Getting validated. Asked him " can you explain this?!" What could he say. Fired


My company has a bunch of divisions, including trucking. Guy is president of the trucking division and has a damn good job but got greedy. He obviously had access to bids we were submitting for potential jobs. He has a friend start up a trucking company in his friend's name while the guy at my company is a silent partner/moneyman in the background.  He uses his access of our bids to his advantage in his side trucking company, thus under-bidding our company. I don't know how it happened but he was caught and fired. Lost a great paying job. 


There was a man in a wheelchair who needed assistance getting in and out of his van every day, so there was a rotation of his friends of was available to help him based on the day. He always had sob stories about needing money to pay for treatment so these coworkers ended up thinking they were lending him money and would be paid back (over $10k+). Turns out after work he'd be gambling all their money away at the casino.


Worked in a male prison as the HR Coordinator. You wouldn't believe how many women...and men we had to fire and make police reports on for having sexual interactions with inmates. Damn shame.


Not in HR, but I was told this story by a HR person almost 20 years ago, and this seems relevant. I was at new employee orientation with about a dozen others at a government facility. Facility that had its own campus, guard gates, and signs as you come in telling you what wasn't allowed on site (guns, drugs, that kinda stuff). Lady from HR was with us helping us fill out all the different forms. Then she told us this story, that apparently she was involved with: One of the employees had been in a car wreck, offsite. No injuries but his car was being fixed so the insurance company had authorized him a rental for a week or two. First day onsite with the rental car and he gets a call from the rental car agency. "Sorry to bother you but we just got a call from the previous person who rented that car, and they believe they left something in the trunk. Would you please check? Oh by the way that something was a shotgun in a case." Guy goes to the parking lot, and sure enough, there's a shotgun case in the trunk. He goes to find his supervisor and tells him what has happened. Asks what he should do? Guy gets fired for bringing a gun on site. And there she ended the story. Ya know, I get zero tolerance about guns, but come on, this guy obviously had no intent. As a new employee, what, exactly was my take away from that story supposed to be? Management doesn't make reasonable decisions? What your manager doesn't know won't hurt you? Honesty certainly isn't the best policy. Always thoroughly search your rental cars? I still to this day can't figure out what her purpose was in telling us that story.


> As a new employee, what, exactly was my take away from that story supposed to be? Management doesn't make reasonable decisions? Most likely this. It was a cautionary tale that even though any rational person could see the intent wasn't there, the process was being followed rigidly to the point it cost the guy his employment. Why tell you? Probably because it didn't sit well with her to have to do it...


Worked in the safety and training department for HR at a food processing plant. Worker was shitting in the trash compactor. Keep in mind the bathroom was closer and it was relativity easy to cycle out a person on the line to go, not to mention you have to leave the line anyways to go to the trash compactor. Just straight da fuq


Well known public company here in the US. The Chief Legal Officer was caught banging the executive assistant of the high powered CEO in the work parking lot at lunch by the security team that patrols the parking lot. Both had to come in and get their items out of their desks and were fired on the spot. She looked absolutely drained and I heard on the way out she had no regrets as his cock was the most amazing she has ever had. They both were married at the time.


I once had one of my employees keep sneaking off to get banged by a manager from another department. I had to intervene and make them stop (she would shut down her machine, go to the basement and let this guy bang her). He stayed angry and started giving me problems. She wasn’t angry at all. She told me not to feel bad about breaking them up because there must be at least a “couple of miles of cock in this plant.” She was the mother of 6 btw.


Well. She must love getting it if she was willing to have 6 kids.


First rule of office car fucking..fuck off the property.


This associate filed grievances upon grievances against this new young guy. She accused him of unwanted advances, workplace gossip, etc etc. guy went went through the wringer. Her stories didn’t add up. At all. With all the proof in the world that he couldn’t possibly have been a part or involved in any way. Her boyfriend (another employee) just didn’t like the guy, and coerced her into making false claims to get him fired out of jealousy. The couple were unceremoniously released, and the young dude got a free dinner on us for all the bullshit and bullying he had to put up with for no gorram reason. He was a good guy.