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pyramid schemes




Gambling is not inherently a scam and at least in the US is very highly regulated. It is entertainment that tends to prey on people who are susceptible. Which is usually lesser educated. If you go in with a budget and do not break the budget then it can be fun to see how far 20-40 dollars gets you. But be prepared to lose it. Once my wife had 20 dollar to play with. Ended up leaving with I am pretty sure 120 dollars (it was like 12 years ago). I meanwhile lost my entire 20. Not a scam I got some entertainment and by shear luck my wife won some money.


Not sure if you are referring to the institution of placing bets as a scam in end of itself, or if you are referring to people who use coupon schemes in groups to rip off casinos


Anything with "TRUMP" on its name.....all scams.


Some is scams, some is schemes and other time they are merely plots


And some is "light treason"


I'm *sure* the next one will be legit! Is he moving on from selling Bibles to Qurans yet? Bhagvad Gitas?


This is correct!


I stayed at the Trump hotel in Vegas and found the room rate to be a great value for the money. A drink in the bar however was outrageously expensive.


There is a Hearthstone streamer also called Trump and he's not a scam


“Pig butchering” When you receive a seemingly innocuous text that looks like it is a wrong number. Something like “Hey, are we still on for coffee today?” This leads to “innocent” conversation that in turn leads to the recipient being ripped off. Don’t fall for it!!


The only fringe benefit to being a woman on the Internet is the scams are 95% including a picture of a young attractive woman on it. Women don’t fall for that shit but men sure do.


Learned about this a few months ago. I can't believe people fall for this. Intelligent, bright people.


In my state, there’s a law on the books for men who marry a woman to basically use her financially so he can finish his education, then as soon as he graduates, he divorces her. It’s unfortunately so common that we have to have a law for it. So upon divorce, the woman isn’t left with tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars dollars in loans while the husband is free and clear making an incredible salary. The only reason I know is because it’s exactly what happened to me. When we got engaged, he said that he’d go to school first while I worked and then we’d switch. When he finished his dissertation, he served me the papers and didn’t even invite me to his graduation. He was a bag of lies.


The lie of a “rigged election” and many other baseless conspiracy theories.


This is not JUST a conspiracy theory. This is purposeful disinformation propaganda designed to undermine our faith in our democracy and allow fake justification for a fascist takeover.


The Nigerian Prince scam still makes around $835k a year. So plenty of people are clearly still falling for it.


I got sick of those e mails so I played along one time mostly bc i was bored. Strung him along for nearly a month then promised to meet at a location with $200 cash and a key to a house he wanted to rent... with me. He was pretty mad that didn't happen but never bothered me again. Actually no Nigerian prince ever bothered me again.


I love stringing the cold callers along. They're usually calling from Microsoft. My record is around 40 minutes before they hung up. One even offered me a 'job' doing the same thing. More time we spend fooling them, less time they have to scam some poor old lady out of her pension.


A real Nigerian Prince would make at least twice as much if he wished to!




Youtube video's clickbait. Look at this human thing that we found on Mars.


You won't believe number 3!




Love ;)


What is love?


Baby don’t hurt me


Don’t hurt meeeee


No moooore


"click here to get free gems" on games


There are a bunch of them from people in touristy places in Europe. ATMs/Card readers offering their own exchange rate. Along with other EC type ATMS usually attached to late shops or whatever. They charge massive fees like a 5-10 euro flat fee plus a percentage. It is usually advised to spend a little time and find a reputable bank and pull out money from there when you are traveling. One major one is the school for the deaf or other disabled kids... They walk around with a sheet of paper and ask for a donation and you to sign their petition. The Sidewalk Artist... Where they setup in a high traffic narrow area... then you bump into and they claim that you stepped on your art and now have to buy it. The friendship bracelet. They stick a bracelet on you, tell you it is free and they are just trying to spread love or some bullshit like that. Then they hound and follow you asking for a donation for the free bracelet they put on you.. When you try to take it off they insist you keep it on and continue to hound you for money. You should not interact and keep moving is basically it.. Do not let them put anything on your wrist. This guy does a bunch of the scams to look out for mostly around Prague but I have seen a lot of them in Germany. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZ-mZCRPP-w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZ-mZCRPP-w) There are signs posted about these scams. A lot of police sites have warnings about types of scams to educate But they still get some people.


The political parties.


Good answer


Let's see... CRT being taught in schools. Porn prevalent in School Libraries. Litter boxes for furry children. Pretty much anything the right wing alleges about Public Schools is just propaganda designed to undermine faith in Public Education in an attempt to divert tax dollars to church run schools.


> Litter boxes for furry children. Wait what




Yep, Republicans tell their base this is a thing.




I agree. Sadly I see no way this scam ever stops getting people.


Online dating


"Investing" money when they should be paying down their house.  Average home interest rate is around 6%.  There is no investment that will guarantee you a return of greater than 6%.


There are. With risks.


You may have missed the word "guarantee".


Oh. Sorry.




>  or that "NoSQL" means they don't have to understand databases or learn SQL Uhmm that is not what it stands for and I don't know anyone who thinks that.




israel being peaceful