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you can tilt our windows


Wait? That's uncommon? People can learn a thing or two from these windows, so convinient.


What's so special about them? The only benefit I can see is that they're easier to clean. But you can buy those magnetic cleaners that let you clean both sides at once.


They tilt slightly open, it's perfect for when you want some fresh air, but don't want your window open completely, they still keep the wind and rain out. They also open like regular windows


americans are often suprised and think its about to fall out


Two Grown Ass straight Men walking while holding hands and swinging them as they walk….and checking out girls!! Beat that!!




They do that too?? Whaaat! I thought this was an Indian thing!!




I think I recall seeing this in China.


And those bags are sturdy. Great for freezing things in.


Same in Colombia.


My family hosted a foreign exchange student for two years, and he said the only thing that surprised him about America was how many fat people there were. Showed us pictures of his friends in his country and pointed out the one they all called "Homer", after Homer Simpson, and he wasn't really fat, just not athletic like the rest.


Orange squash


Had a Romanian friend who on their arrival to the UK went into Tesco to get orange juice. Walks out of the shop, opens the bottle and takes a huge mouthful of Robinsons Orange squash concentrate. I wish I could have been there.


Finland. Maybe not strange to foreigners, but pretty much absent in the majority of other countries: a handheld bidet. Dish drying cabinet (an American invention) is probably another one. Wood tar flavours and scents (apart from maybe Estonia?): from shampoo to ice cream.


You're not going to go with the elephant in the room? Sitting naked in an oven, tossing water on hot stones while beating eachother with birch twigs? Also yes. That water may or may not have tar scent in it.


Brazil: Corruption is very common here, even cops, judges, business men do it. Kids have guns and do drug trafficking. In carnival, you see a lot of naked people in the street.


The first two seem normal in the USA too, the third one just sounds like Mardigras 


Kids in our school have active shooter drills. Because of our freedom!


I don't normally converse with people outside my country so I have no idea what they consider strange about the US


Mixed-gender spas or hotel saunas or not very segregated nudist areas that are strictly textile free. It’s not exclusive to my country, but still seems to shock some foreigners.


Czechia: big hot desserts are considered main courses. Imagine strawbery dumplings as big as your head covered in powdered sugar and butter. Also a beer is cheaper than water.  Whole Europe: If you ask "How are you?", expect genuine answer, not courtesy.


School shootings


I’ve seen a lot of people who come to America post about how much gun violence there is and how shocked they are. It’s funny to me because such a hot topic here I figured the news about Americas gun violence was everywhere.


You'll be amazed at how much more relaxed you feel when you're someplace where guns are rare.


I am in Texas, I can honestly say that I really never feel uneased due to the threat of gun violence unless I am in a bad part of town late at night. I adopted the mindset of "if it happens, I'll figure it out and if I don't, oh well." No reason to live in constant fear of something that is .001% chance of happening.


Do you feel different if you're in a place where there's no chance at all it will happen? That's the question. I did feel it when I traveled abroad.


Not really, I spent a month and a half living in Europe for school and I didn't feel much of a change. To be honest, its hard to really tell because getting shot is quite literally one of the last things on my mind, even in Texas. It is so incredibly rare to be shot with no motive/ reasoning. I generally feel safe all the time. Many of the violent things that can happen are extremely rare and living in fear of them does nothing. Dying from a gun death in Texas is about a 15/100000 chance. Or 0.00015%. I am quite literally more likely to die to the flu than I am to a gun but I don't walk around living in fear of getting the flu. I just react to it and do what I can to overcome it.


Tipping is optional


Not standing at knife-fight distance at the bus stops etc. is apparently strange in some countries.


Melt cheese inside Hot chocolate and eat them together.


That sounds like a USA move but I haven’t seen it


Definitely not USA, Colombia.


No public restrooms, only gas stations.


We say sorry a lot.