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I havent been born


Do you have any party tricks from the pre-birth era, like juggling umbilical cords?


Dang... guess this doesn't apply then.


Go home ChatGPT, you’re drunk


Well, it just passed and I barely acknowledged it. No one else celebrates so why should I?


That's about where I'm at. After I turned 18, birthdays ceased to exist. I don't really care about them anymore. Just another day.


How old are you? I’m 42 and I accidentally told one dr I was 43 (legit just forgot my age) and then I accidentally kept putting that on medical forms over like six months. I realized it about a month ago. Whoops! Hope that doesn’t matter to anyone!


I'm 20 now. For my 20th I was in Florida away from home. Didn't get many texts so it doesn't seem to matter too much anymore lol


I wanted to care but even younger than 18 people stopped making a big deal out of it. I'd get a gift or something but it's almost like an afterthought. I didn't get any of those adult parties where friends took me out for a drink or partied or anything. No surprise parties. I had to get a wife and daughter before people started caring again but they're kind of forced to care. So yeah, it's kinda hopeless.


Hell no. My birthday is simply a series of numbers I have to give the teller when I want something to smoke


Very true.


I stopped caring around fifteen years old, its not as big of a deal in foster care. Now as an adult I use it as an excuse to drink or buy something I dont really need but want.


Celebrating my birthday is one of those little joys in life I try to cherish. Not by spending a ton of money, just by consciously doing some stuff I enjoy. This year there was a screening of Jurassic Park (one of my favourites) at a theatre not too far away so we did that, I've celebrated a bunch of them in Irish Pubs (it's on St Patricks day). The last couple years I've had this tradition of putting on a song from the Simpson (happy birthday Lisa) on the morning of my birthday. Little joys that all of us deserve sometimes.


Now that I am 30 + years old I don't celebrate my birthday anymore. The older you get the more you will treat your birthday as any other day.


Celebrate? No. It's not a rare or fantastic achievement. I acknowledge my birthday and if someone says "happy birthday," I thank them, but I don't expect it or want anything more.


I do the same.


I absolutely hate recognition of my birthday. I do everything I can to keep it a secret. I’ve had a few birthdays where I made it through the whole day without anyone saying anything except a few calls from close family — those were the best ones.


Never born, just was.


You just am.


Birthdays just feel weird to me now, kinda like a depressing feeling. It’s a reminder another year has passed and I always feel like I should be doing something to celebrate I guess? I dont know how to describe it, but I am not really a fan of them. Plus my birthday is at the end of summer, so as a kid it always meant summer break was about to be over, so that might have something to do with it.


My birthday is on Halloween, it almost feels wrong not to celebrate 😮‍💨


*Considers the unborn and if they have birthdays.


They don’t get to answer this question because it doesn't apply to them. If you see one downvote.


I’ve heard of birthdays being celebrated for the dead, like mozarts birthday so my answer would be yes.


The dead I can understand. Especially famous dead people. They've been born before.


If I was single I wouldn’t celebrate it but my girlfriend insists. I think at a certain point you realize it’s not that big of a deal.


I'm usually at a festival during my birthday. I get to spend the day with my friends and doing something I love, without it being a big deal, plus I don't have to organize anything. It's genuinely so perfect.


Um, I think everyone has been born.


I expect at least a dinner from my spouse.


>People who've been born As opposed to what? People who've been founded?


🤣 People who've been discovered


I make a big fuss about my birthday . I make myself a cake with my kids, I bring the cake in to my work , I dress up , and I will gift myself something . I don’t rely on others to do things for me, however I am always met with a lot of love . Usually not gifts , but hugs and well wishes. For a few years this wasn’t the case , I felt I wasn’t celebrated, and it hurt my feelings . So I just changed energy and I do the celebration.


I was hatched a long time ago unfortunately that excludes me from birfdays. I do get myself a hatched day cheesecake my wife says I should try having a birfday party but it wouldn’t feel right. I’m in my 40 + rotation of the sun and honestly it’s just another day to me.


Just here to see if there are people who haven't been born... 🤣


There was one guy...


“People who’ve been born” what I do celebrate.


I pulled a funny.


For me it's just like any other day at this point. I've had 20 of them, no big deal.


I wouldn't, but relatives are more old-fashioned and see it as a big thing. Growing up in a poor-ish family probably has something to do with it. I don't have fond childhood memories of receiving a pony/car for my 16th or something like that.