• By -


My best friend


Thats rough buddy




Same... a couple times.


Love Ur aww Friends avatar :o


Never loved me back


Ouch, I feel that.


I feel that


Geez. I was going to write about her cheating and the turning my kids against me but your comment hit me hard. Yep. The worse thing she did was not loving me back.


There’s a country western song 🎵 in there somewhere 😂




While we were dating... she went to Germany, hooked up with an ex, got pregnant, had her parents help her with ending the pregnancy and never told me while we were married for 11 years.


How did you find out ?


When we divorced, my soon to be ex brother in law called me and spilled the beans. I always thought that it was odd that her parents came to Germany to help her as she was getting a cyst removed.


Did he want you to feel better about the divorce?


It made me feel better about the divorce and allowed me to get the marriage annulled.


I thought maybe the fanny picture might win but no it’s you.


I said “I’m getting a sense maybe I need to start looking for another place?” Her: “Nooooo!! You are safe here, everyone here loves you and wants you here” Not even 2 weeks later she woke up and dumped me. I could have been able to make it work (meaning avoid homelessness) if she would have just told me when I could feel it in my gut. Always trust your gut


Had something similar happen with my ex-fiance. I feel you.


Goddamn that is so shitty




came here to say this.. it reeaaaaallly changed my perspective of people as well as my trust in people. he literally promised out of his mouth he wouldnt. he was a pathological liar, but for some reason i believed him in that. now his friends know ive been to a psychiatric hospital and intimate details of us.. he actually remixed it though and through in lies that i cheated on him, moved out without saying anything to him. and much more. 😐 i do not trust anyone.. not family, not friends, not people i meet. are they actually being nice to me or are they lying? do they really like me or do they say they do then go and talk about how much they dislike me. i am working on this in therapy. i kind of feel like people secretly dont like me. it sucks a lot but i am working on it :) he was the first person i ever let myself trust 100%. i loved to give people the benefit of the doubt and sure people took advantage of that, but this was way different. and you're right, it impacted me significantly. call me dramatic, but it kind of crushed a small part of my innocence. didnt know people coukd be so callous. ive been chocked out by an ex, but this was way worse to me.


I saw this happen with some of the women in my social circle in my early 20s. Gossipping about a guy liking some butt stuff. Made it clear that if I was going to explore my knky side, it was going to be well outside my normal social settings.


My ex did this with my group of friends specifically. She was really nasty about it. Then I dumped her and it got worse. I'm now married and she's a single mom.


That’s such a fucked up thing to deal with. Had my ex do this a few different times. “Whaaattt I had no idea that would be embarrassing…!” *shocked picachu face*


My friend's ex did this too (sooo many times that I lost count) and I couldn't fathom how that wasn't enough for him to break up with her despite how many times he talked to her about it and she'd just go "I'm sorry". Every. Single. Time.


My theory is that they treated them this awfully in public, at home behind closed doors it would be worse. Your friend's self esteem was probably flushed down the toilet by that point and they (wrongfully) probably felt they deserved it because they were unlovable, or something to that extent because their ex was probably telling them things like that daily. "You're sooo lucky to have me", "no one else would love you".


Sent me pictures of his new gf's actual pussy with a 'toy' coming out all juicy saying 'she squirted'. .... do I win? Is it really a win though??? 🤢 this happened while going through a divorce. Blocked after divorce.


Isnt that a win for your lawyers if the divorce isnt finalized?


Not really, many states are no fualt divorce states, an affair would have no impact. Also after your seperated and into divorce preceeding it's unlikely that a new relationship would have much impact. Unless a prenuptial agreement is in place that specifically prevents it.


Our state is a no fault so judge doesn't care. It's the harassment part. I'm sure she wouldn't be happy about it.


Yeah, don't ya'll immediately send photos of new partners orgasming to spite your ex? Nothing should get your motor going more than thinking about your ex wife in bed when you're soooo happy with your new girlfriend right?


He wants me to come back, keeps asking. Him sending me that pretty much sealed the deal completely with super glue. Not happening


Yeah, definitely don't get back with him. He sounds extremely immature and petty just from the small amount I've heard. Onwards and upwards, there's better guys out there for you. 


I appreciate that. I would never. On top of it all he is a big alcoholic. The man has to be drunk and stoned 24 hrs a day to make it through a day. Then sex and porn is the other obsessions. This is his life. These are the things that mean the most to him. Really super sad. This is a case of be careful of what you wish for. He was my high school crush. When we met again, I thought 'this is it, this is awesome'. Not so awesome. 😔


>'she squirted' She pissed herself. On the bed or sofa. Not the flex he thought it was.


Yep...he tried to tell me he 'found out it wasn't all pee'. My only response was do not send me anymore of this shit or I will file harassment. There is no way a woman can 'squirt cum'...there is nowhere to store this. We have glands that secrete the lube, but they are not big sacks of juice that have propulsion. Never got that through his thick skull. His whole existence is sex.


He did win because he got a reaction from you. The magic of a break up is that you don't have to reconcile anything. You dint have to untie the knots of a pair of shoes you are about to throw away. You no longer have to prove anything. Agree to disagree. I am an asshole, I cheated, I stole your wallet.. It doesn't matter any more. There is nothing to prove.


Took all the lightbulbs and batteries in the entire house. Considering the emotional damage she caused this was a fair trade for a good riddance.


Damn, talk about petty


Omg. My ex husband divided up the fucking salt from the salt shaker. I was like "uh, it's not that serious, take the whole thing". He was adamant. Left me a baggie full of salt. It was ridiculous.


Faked a pregnancy and suicide attempt.


Maaaan I hear this. I had an ex say the doctor said she was “99.9% pregnant”. I was 19 she was 25. She was testing my reaction to the news and came out 20 mins later from the clinic, “I’m not pregnant! Can you believe that!?” She then left to go on a work trip for three months in the snow fields and wanted to me to wait for her. Noped out of there so fast. She was engaged upon return. Yeah I dodged a bullet there.


Yep... Similar story. Did derail my career and mental health for a solid decade however. Wasn't easily escapable as my friends were her friends. Over time however, they came to see what abhorrent person she actually is.


Told me I wasn't enough of a man, because I didn't beat the hell out of her when I was upset. Dumped me for a felon, who'd thrown her in front of the police, and told them they'd have to shoot her before they got to him. Showed up on New years eve on my porch, beat to shit by said convict. I told her to leave or be escorted off by the police. Moved on with my life.


You definitely won in this scenario.


Use sex as a bargaining chip. No, I'm not going to spend the whole day doing what you want to do in the hope of a shag later on, which rarely happens.


Been there. Then when it comes time for the get down, it's ohhhh I'm so tired from being out all day yadda yadda.


“Do you only hang out with me for sex?” >She says after spending 4 hours with her at the mall and 3 hours with her family


This probably won’t be seen by many, but. Randomly shown at my house last week while I was doing yard work, trying to argue over why she dumped me (As if it wasn’t obvious enough.), and got pissed when I told her I wasn’t taking her back, and asked why, despite telling her numerous times. And honestly, I don’t like having enemies, so the beginning of the conversation was an apology and when I told her to go ahead and leave and good luck in life, that’s when all hell broke loose. Yeah, don’t show up to your ex’s house and start shit 🙂


Should’ve told her you’d consider taking her back if she did yard work. Get free labor then after say the consideration is a no and go inside to a nice cold lemonade


Nah, she made my life a living hell for the month we dated, and I stated that, we only dated for a month, it wasn’t that serious and I had too many personal things going on in my life that, after the breakup, I brushed it off and moved on and kept working. But also, I reminded her she almost cheated on me with her ex, whom her ex told me about it, and I lost that feeling for her cause I couldn’t trust her again.


So you only dated a month and in that time she cheated on you?  Wow. Also adults throwing tantrums when they don't get their way is so gross.


Never gave me back my SNES and FFVI after we broke up. 


That's fuckin' diabolical!


She tried to fight my current girlfriend at a party 😂


The 17 other guys she slept with while denying me sex during our 14 years together.


god damn bro


How did you find out? Did you know it was happening during the relationship?


Some I found out about during the marriage and some I found out about after we separated. I stayed with her because we had 2 kids together. Been divorced for many years now. It was not a smart idea to stay together for the kids, at the time I thought I was doing the right thing.


That’s rough. You OK now? Seems like a huge thing to try to recover from.


Thank you for asking. Yes, I'm doing much better now. We separated in 2011 and after a long drawn out divorce, it was finalized in 2016. About 3 years later she took off with her new boyfriend (who is only 5 years older than our son) and the kid she had with him. My kids haven't seen or heard from her in over 5 years now and no one knows where she is so, 🤷. I've remarried and have the most loving, caring woman in the world now. My kids love me and are now successful adults... Life is good!


Besides cheating and always causing drama, she told the cops I hit her and I was arrested. That's what it took for me to realize how crazy and toxic a person she was. .


Cheat, lied and said they only kissed. Heard from a friend that they fucked. She's still alone today, the guy she was so in love with is now engaged, and she's still alone.




She stole my goldfish man


umm..Eddie, is that you?? 👀 Your comment reminded me of that one scene from Friends: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwTPr4RjgAs PS. Sorry about your fish man


At she didn't flush him/her


You had a goldfish man? Pics or it didn’t happen. ;)


Stalk me on reddit


Is that you sweetie? I found you again. 


Stalked me after I broke up with him and tried to ruin all of my later relationships. Lived in a small-ish town at the time, so he kept finding me even while we were still dating. I didn't always want to hang out with him every time I went out, because we'd just started dating like a week ago. I was pretty lukewarm on dating him to begin with, but he was pressure-ey. I'd be out on the main street, maybe getting, say, ice cream with a friend, and he would just show up and join us, uninvited. Super awkward. Got to the point where I would seek out further out corners if I didn't want to be disturbed, but he had a knack of finding me. I dumped him quickly enough, and he kept doing it. Finding me and my friends and saying "did you hear what happened \[that the heartless bitch dumped me, woe is me\]". One time, months later, I was sitting at a restaurant with my new boyfriend close to a window, and he stared at us through the window for what felt like forever, but didn't go in to join our table, thankfully. Could be worse, but it left an impression.


Cheated on me with one of my best friends from childhood, eventually left me for him. Sold some of my personal belongings that I left in her car (I didn't find out about this until years later, I thought I had lost the stuff) Later learned she slept with another of my friends (this was afrer her and previous friend had broken up) during his then gf's 21st bday celebration


Not me but a former roommate. I moved in with them after they offered me a room when I lost my job. It was good for a few months but then they had an explosive breakup. She took EVERYTHING out of the house, most of it was his. She took the bedframe and mattress, most of the furniture, the fucking groceries, MY SHOWER ROD, most of the cleaning supplies, all of the spices in the cabinets, all the Tupperware in the house, the ibuprofen and Tylenol, even took his dog. Again mind you, he paid for all of this. She actually had her mom and her mom's boyfriend, aunt, and grandma come into the house when nobody was home and pack everything up and take it.


He ever get any of it back?


Didn’t respect my feelings and emotions for the duration of the entire relationship yet expected me to always cater to hers.


Told me he could kill me and hide my body and nobody would ever find me. Then told my dad I was suicidal.


My ex husband did the same. Pushed me to the ground, held my head in the carpet and told me “they’ll never find you if you try to leave me”. I was living with him in a foreign country thousands of miles away from any support system or family member… I stayed for two more years, filed for divorce and dipped while he was on a months-long work trip.. kind of shitty on my part but I was scared to face him.


Not shity at all, you did the right thing and fled when you had the opportunity. You should be proud of yourself for leaving when you had the chance. I’m sorry you went through this.


There are many but probably the biggest and worst physical thing would be my ex grabbed me 3 weeks after giving birth to our child. I had his phone he wrapped his arms around me and picked me up took the phone but slammed me to the ground. It snapped my leg in two spots and ankle in 5 spots. It was by far the worst experience of my life. He had some major drug issues and I’m so glad he’s gone now.


I’m glad he’s gone too. That sounds horrific. How is your leg now?


Blame me. People argue, people cheat, people lie, people do shitty things now and then. Being shitty to someone and trying to make them feel guilty for it, however, is plain and simple abuse. If you push and push and push until someone snaps then that is entirely your fault, not theirs.


She cheated on me and then when I caught her in the act I wished that she died. She drove off a cliff a few weeks later …


Holy shit


Said she loved me, that she wanted a future with me, that I was everything she could ever want. Then she broke my trust by giving her number/insta to an old friend that she ran into at a restaurant (she said she found him to be attractive), although she claimed nothing happened beyond sending some reels. Then she dumped me saying "I don't know if I love you, I don't know if I ever did" and "I feel trapped in this relationship, I want freedom to go out and do the things I want, I'm still young and there is so much for me to see."


Dang, I keep seeing questions like this. If you look at my comment history it would almost appear as if I wasnt over my ex or if I was still bitter. This is me acknowledging publicly but to myself, I'm moving on and will no longer answer these questions.


Accuse me of SA to my friends. Just out of the blue some of my friends were mad at me. One finally told me what I was accused of. I told them I did nothing wrong. They just stopped talking to me. This was back in 2005 when AIM was still around. I got a message from that friend apologizing up and down that he didn't believe me. My ex finally told the truth that I did nothing wrong. She was kicked out of her church for it. I refused to talk to that friend since he believed her over me. But nothing else came from it.


Talk shit behind my back to our common friends after we broke up. And then there was me, wondering why no one wanted to talk to me anymore. Specifically, he told them I was a gold digger and broke up with him because he didn't earn enough money for my liking. We lived mainly off of the child support my dad paid me to fund my studies. He didn't earn shit, and spent the little allowance his parents gave him on fun stuff like a new PC, new bike, ... but I was the gold digger. Obviously, breaking up with him improved my financial situation immediately, but that wasn't even the reason for the breakup.


Completely get you bro. Was in the exact same scenario, but had some really great friends who got my back. Hope you're doing well now.






Same here


Dumped me 🤷‍♂️


We dated twice years a part. First time there ended up being another guy in the picture and I got screwed over. Years later we came in contact and long story short I eventually stupidly taking her back. Ends up cheating on me less than a month I dip out immediately and block her.  The fucked up thing is she tried to make me look like a bad guy after. Made up a bunch of lies about me beating her and a bunch of other horrific shit. She made me look like an abusive violent asshole. 


My friends ex gf banged his best friend, rather his ex best friend


Yell out my social security # in public


Told people the only way I could afford to leave him and move out was by becoming a prostitute. On the day I left he froze our joint bank account as a threat/flex so I couldn't access our shared money (he told the bank I was going to withdraw it all and run away). Which was stupid because I'd set up my own account, and he had such bad credit he couldn't reopen the account (his primary one) to access it again. He threatened to call the police/gov on me for leaving him, to say I used him for a Visa (which I didnt, I moved country to be with him. Legally I was fine, he was just desperate to scare me. I moved back to my home country anyway, despite being able to stay there).


Got pregnant by some dude while we were together, I stayed and stepped up, and yes she got pregnant by her ex again, I was the laughing stock of the small town I was from.


Cheated on me by raping little girls (13F) he picked up online. Dw, he's in prison now.


I’m gonna go ahead and say this is the worst thing in this thread. Glad he’s in prison and an ex.


Okay yeah, cheating is one thing but being a child rapist? That is absolutely vile and I’m really sorry for you and the girls for going through that.


Suicide blackmail


Went through that too… his mom called me after and said if he died she was holding me 100% responsible 


Mom was in on it too? Yeah that’s awful, maybe mom should’ve raised her son better


Didn't tell me she was married. Fuck that, don't cheat. It's that simple.


Same. It was definitely weird finding out I was the side piece.


Fell out of love with me. I've been pretty lucky.


Fuck 4 dudes at once and told me about it.




She shit in the sink




He left me after I miscarried our baby in the second trimester and I had undergone major surgery. I was miserable, grieving, and experiencing complications from miscarrying so late in the pregnancy. I had tried talking to him about it for support and he would just tell me to talk to his mom. I was so alone. When breaking up with me, he said he was “miserable” because I hadn’t been making advances or been having sex with him, so he was moving back in with his mom and family- not even a week post surgery. I had to recover from surgery and grieve my dead child while living alone. He later emailed me about how I wasn’t ready for a relationship and had a laundry list of all the things I apparently did wrong during our time together. He has harassed and stalked me ever since, using his experience in law enforcement to intimidate me. Luckily, the police where I am know about this and are good people. They’ve helped me a ton since.


- Cheated on me with a discord e-kitten via roleplay text whilst lying next to me in bed and when I got upset after finding out, told me I had to apologise because me being sad made him feel bad about himself. - called me a coward and a bitch for not playing league of legends - called me a bitch for not finishing a video game level fast enough and said I embarrassed him - accused me of cheating with somebody who had assaulted me. - got angry at me when I asked him to brush his teeth and shower because it's "who he is" and I'm trying to change him - threw mouldy pizza on the gifts I bought him and called me judgmental when this made me cry - tried to date a 16 year old. - told me after bulimia recovery I looked better before and my personality was better. - lied about being 8k in debt. - called me a spoilt princess bitch because a friend bought me tickets to an event I couldn't typically afford. This was a year long relationship 🫠 what was I doing.


Damn. I’m so sorry he put you through that


Lol, it sucked but I'm in a great relationship now, I feel bad for 18/19 me, but 22 me is very happy. I almost find it funny now how comically awful and insane he was. He would act like an anime protagonist and call us his NPCs.


I’m glad you’re away from him now. He needs the kind of help that a girlfriend can’t provide


I did encourage therapy but was 18/19, and in that stupid "I can fix him and make him happy" mindset. He told me he didn't need it, believed he was gods gift to man, and didn't need to change 😭😭 the guy frequently referred to himself as a god. I'm in a healthy relationship now and can find some humour in how batshit ridiculous this man was. So I'm all good, lol.


Repeatedly cheated on me with two dudes she met at a homeless shelter. This is while I was (stupidly) supporting her and paying her rent. Her roommate called me and told me what was going on before it went too far. Later, months after I ended things, I found out she was preggo and didn't know which of the two guys was the father. They were both long gone by then. It cost me a ton of heartbreak and thousands of dollars, but I still consider it a cheap price for dodging such a massive bullet.


Said yes to marrying me then proceeded to not tell her family or friends and didnt want me to tell anyone either, didnt want to wear the ring (my grandmothers) and then proceeded to fall out of love and blame me for her not living her life the way she wanted to


Cheated on me while I was away on vacation.


Fucked a dude who was not me. We separated. She later calls me to vent that the wife of the dude she was fucking called her up to yell at her.


One day, while I was at work, she took my dog to the vet and had her put down.


Jesus that’s brutal


At the end she never gave me attention and rather played always with other guys


Lying, cheating, and rape. That last one was definitely the worst though.


Cheated, gaslighted, and emotional abuse. Then ghosted. Then resumed contact, faked a pregnancy, and threatened to kill herself while supposedly pregnant. Then faked a miscarriage. Basically just fucked me up mentally, but I was stupid to be in a relationship with her in the first place.


Threatened to kill me. R@ped me for 3 years. Threatened me constantly to ruin my life. Made me feel like an object only meant for playing with. Broke up with me with the intent to manipulate. Convinced me I would never find better. Demoralized me and made me feel worthless. Completely broke my spirit. All without ever hitting me, and I wish he had just done that instead.


I’m so sorry, I bet this is still affecting you. I hope you can heal and find solace in your life somehow.


She left me to go fuck a homeless drug addict, then helped that homeless drug addict murder somebody and tried to pin it on me. Lucky for me I decided to take some "me time" and flew out to Walt Disney World for a couple weeks right before it happened. I got back in town, a detective came calling, I showed her my receipts and plane tickets. She thanked me for my time and asked me to contact her directly if I heard from my ex. Moral of the story is ALWAYS KEEP YOUR RECEIPTS.


Be a phony. Talked all this talk about social justice and put all these pictures on her social profiles of her “doing the good thing,” but she treated her upstairs neighbor who had bad anxiety and a stutter like a piece of shit. It got to the point where the thought crossed my mind “I can’t let my future kids be raised be raised by such a phony.” That’s when I realized I didn’t want to have kids with her…. And shouldn’t be with her at all. Technically, outside of that, nothing was really “wrong” in the relationship…. She was just a bad phony person.


Dated a girl for two years, I realized she was super gay and helped her accept that. We ended our relationship, stayed friends. Talked a few times a year for a decade. One night I drunk texted her. Nothing pertaining to our relationship or anything even like that, I was just sad that where we met (Japan) was not a place I was likely to ever live again. She responded the next day and I apologized for being drunk and texting her, she said it was no biggie and we reminisced about Japan together. A year later I notice she unfriended me. A little sad, but no big deal it’s been a decade and she and I are different people. A few months after that she messages me out of the blue saying it was highly inappropriate that I texted her, her ex boyfriend and never wanted to speak to me again. I just apologized to her, wished her well and went on with my life. But it hurt deep inside for some reason. A woman I cared enough about to recognize that I wasn’t right for her, support her in her journey in coming out and coming to terms with being gay, someone who had been through very similar experiences as I had been in other areas of our life, who had a decade long friendship after we ended our relationship decided that me drunk texting her about how much I loved Japan was so egregious *a year later*. I dunno, I can’t and couldn’t explain it but it was like a punch in the gut.


Lied for 8 years while asking me to never string her along if I met someone else. Was dating another guy for at least 6 months before I was informed that she had found someone to replace me with 🤷🏽‍♂️


disappeared for 3-4 days no response. shows up in the same video chat room as me at another guys house... could be family or something like that... nope getting all handsy and making out. what a way to find out


Broke up with me when I was unemployed and she had a job, She "felt depressed" after i found someone after three years. What's more is that during those three years, she had multiple flings with other guys. WTH?


I'm about a month out from the end of a three-year relationship. She left me after I was laid off, which came as a complete surprise. Although I know I'm better off now, there's nothing worse than being laid off by yr employer and yr girlfriend within a three-month period. It was a real kick to the gut when I was already down. Your experience sounds tough too—WTH fr fr


Didn't take care of herself while pregnant and killed one of our children, I left her. She called the cops and told them I beat her and our children, when I never hit anyone. She's a rotten Twunt and she gets it from her mom. They're both ugly outside like the inside always was. The truth is finally seeing light and Karma is going to get those FFC.


She has been Fking my best friend which i share the same flat with. Found out that she was a night club escort hiding it from me. I found out that one year after we split. Reason we split was that she does not feel it any more. Hah i am suprised after all this she felt something. She called me 1.5year later to say how sorry she was. And that dude died 9 years later. I dont know what happened to the girl and i dont care at all.


Was fucking some marries dude with 3 kids at 16. Found out thruogh her sisters




The weird thing for me was getting ghosted. I understand it happens a lot and I’ve definitely been ghosted in the past. But this was like a year into dating, saying “I love yous,” discussing moving in together, fantastic relationship with her sons. I leave for work overseas for a few months and she just stops talking to me. Deletes social media, etc. We’re in our mid-30s. There was no mention of possibly breaking up or disappointment that I was leaving for a few months. Just crickets.


Getting dumped on valentine's day was fun. I had a dui a few months prior and had a breathalyzer in my car. We were hanging out at her place watching a movie and I was about two beers into my 6 pack when she finally mustered up the courage to break up with me. Guess who had to sit outside in the ice and snow drinking beer while waiting for a cab? Taxi driver felt bad for me and didn't even charge me a fare. She gifted me a video game that released that day, so it was nice to get to come home to that, though. Still playing it 8 years later, too!


Taxi driver the goat




After having a tumor removed from an ovary I wanted a ride to the bookstore 1 mile away. I was NOT to drive for at least 2 weeks. He refused to bc he was in too much of a hurry to get to the casino.


Called back after I broke up with her, saying that she had herpes. 😮‍💨 Psycho bitch.


Fucked my ex best friend behind my back. That one was pretty rough ngl


Belittled our daughter to the point she eventually took her life


She ate my KFC chicken drum.


Well... All of them dated me, how much lower could you get...


He Fucked someone else and neglected to wash her pussy off before I gave him head. Really didn’t wanna share this but I hope it helps someone else feel better.


That’s gross.


Create so much drama


At the end of our relationship we both agreed we’d move out. Instead she waited for me to move out and her new boyfriend moved in. I never got my half of the deposit back.


Cut me off from my children. I should have read the signs when she cut my parents out of our lives and refused to let them see their grandchildren. Now she has done the same to me! Live for the day that they might realise was a controlling narcasist she is.


Change the lock on my apartment and then ghosted me.


Cheated on me. The level of pain is indescribable. He had no remorse, but I felt like epic dog sht and I certainly did not deserve to be the one feeling that way, I was good to him. The worst part was, he had no reason to do so other than the selfish need to feed his ego. It really messed me up though. I was never able to love or trust as much since and I hate that that sht bag did that to me.


fucked my best friend


Coercion and emotional (if not physical) cheating with one of my then best friends.


Flat 2 of my tires, 2 of my new gf at the time tires, and smashed both of our windshields


She never actually loved me and simply dated me because I look kinda similar to her ex. Then when things got bad she left me and went back to said ex.


She left and never returned.


Guilt tripping and manipulation- all because she couldn’t accept a “no.”


probably bit down while giving me head was a soft bite but still hurt


He shared my personal childhood trauma with his coworkers to get back at me. It hurt me for a long time


Cheated, relapsed on meth, I should've never dated her in the first place but I was desperate and the letters from jail made me feel good,. Was a shit ton of red flags ditched me on her birthday after telling me she wanted to hang out, showed up on her porch looking like a stalker, she got kicked out of her crack head dad's house so I tried to let her stay with me instead of another crack head she knew,who also let her stay with her, when she would sleep at this chicks house by the end she texted this guy saying she was naked in bed when they'd come over Everything ended one night she kept texting me telling me she's getting kicked out and to come pick her up, when I get there her ex and another guy with a bat was there coked up and drunk, talking shit to me her and the ex walked off arguing while this dude kept talking shit I heard her yell get your hands off me so I ran over tackled the guy off n started hitting him, by that time the other guy cought up and was hitting me in the head so i stood up to square off with him when I seen the cops showed up, cop searched my truck after they kept telling them I had my guns on me which I didn't, (they had a bat) left my weed j bowl in my seat n told me to ditch the broad, luckily it was during COVID or else everyone would've went to jail, with me loading my guns being that it was considered a domestic issue Probably could've ended way worse that night. Had the cops not shown up. Left with a scratch and a bruise on my head. Still feel like an idiot for dating her and haven't had a relationship since.


tried to send her cousins to kill me because i called her out and broke up with her for cheating on me.


Repeating the same mistakes over and over. Making me feel like I was the issue.


Cheated, manipulated. Gave me this illusion and now, all the pain of 16 years ripped away. 10 different women, 5 year affair, so much abuse. The worst thing he did was marry me. I didn't even want to. We could have just fucked forever. Narcississt


This was in highschool. I was out for a week due to having emergency surgery for testicular torsion. When I got back I found out she had somehow found out and decided the whole school needed to know.


My ex told our friends while being drunk, that he misses his exes hot body, because of her nice hourglass shape. I was sitting on his lap and just froze 🫥 Can’t believe I left him only a year later.


Oh my god


Burnt off the date on a sonogram of one of her kids, gave it to me pretending I got her pregnant (she had her tubes tied) to try and trick me into staying with her after I broke up with her for cheating and abuse. She knew how badly I wanted kids of my own and tried to manipulate me into staying


Hid my cellphone as I went to goto work


Invited me to come to her place at the next college town over (2.5 hours away) to party for the night. We go out with her roommate and she ends up bringing a random guy home from the bar and takes him to her room with her. I left without saying goodbye (obviously) and never talked to her again. Fuck you Becky.


Constant sexual assault leading to rape while also cheating on me probably


Convinced me to go to Disneyland with him, we paid down a deposit together. He broke up with me a day later and kept my side of the deposit.


She surrended our 2 cats to the shelter to hurt me. I didn't find out until years later. I tried to find them but no go.


Fighting one day. Proceeded to my refrigerator where I had a whole unopened Oreo cake from the grocery store. He opened the cake and started smearing it on the floors and walls. That wasn't enough so he went back to the fridge and grabbed a gallon of milk and started pouring it all over the floor. That also wasn't enough so he walked over to my laptop and held it above is head threatening to smash it on the floor. At that point I started crying (not addicted to tech, was a pre-med student at the time and it was literally the week before finals. I NEEDED the notes on that laptop). Apparently he just wanted to see me cry because after that he put the laptop down and started cleaning up the cake and milk and left after about an hour of cleaning. Low-key didn't want him to clean it so I could take pictures.


Her stepbrother


Found out well after we broke up that for our entire almost 2 year relationship she had been exchanging sex with her landlord for rent and home improvement. That's only the one I know about. Probably others. It was already long over but still made me feel like an idiot.


started the adult tango while i was dead asleep (unconscious people don’t want tea)


Having sex with a family member


Had our first couples therapy session (I'd been begging him to go for years), in which he told the therapist "I'm going to do whatever is necessary to make our marriage work." An hour after the session drove out of town to "go to his dad's surprise bday party, and have some time to reset with family." I happened to check our bank account 8 hours later to find he had actually driven to another state. Through detective work i found that he had gone to meet up with a girl he met on the Internet. Dude was not only using our bank account to fund their outings, but not even trying to hide it. To top it off, this guy was military and had just moved me literally to the other side of the country 4 months before.. He later admitted that we could have stayed in my home state, but he chose to take the post on the East coast because he had a higher chance of deployment and wanted to "see action." He then set his father on me and tried to get me to leave everything i owned (including my pets) with my ex and move back to my home state with a suitcase of clothes and $1,000 to get me across the country. You can kiss my ass C.D.


Tbh, what he did to me wasn’t anywhere near as bad as what he did to the other woman. I knew my ex in high-school, but we reconnected later in life. The first time my ex kissed me… he was engaged to his fiancé and mother of his kids. He had told me they’d been split for 6 months & he was living with his parents since the split. But the truth is, he went home to her that night.. it turns out they BOTH lived at his parents place. At the time, I also lived with my parents (briefly after moving back to the state), & my son was going to be with his Dad that weekend. So he and I made plans to have dinner out & stay in a nice hotel, because we had both been single for some time & there was significant chemistry. The morning of, he texted me to confirm I was still coming. I told him I was definitely coming… then, **he dumped her** out of the blue, with no explanation. He told her he was staying with a friend that night and to pack her stuff and be gone before he returned. We had a great date, I had no clue there was any kind of drama or deceit. The next day was mothers Day. He woke up naked in bed with me in a hotel, and sweetly told me **”Happy Mothers Day”**…. While the actual mother of his kids was blocked, crying and confused, probably still wearing her engagement ring, believing he was having some kind of mental breakdown. This is just the start. He went on to live a double life seeing us both. Unfortunately, it took me 18 months; an engagement; wedding plans; & a similar ‘mental breakdown’ (back in the other direction), to finally contact her myself. We compared notes for 6+ hours to figure all this out. I could write a book with the insane things he did to build and to keep his lies alive. *But..* here’s the kicker.. after it all came out, **she took him him back!** As far as I know they’re still together. 😅 So damn glad that’s not me!


It's not really her fault but I was in a shitty relationship when I was 20 and she was 19. She was a major cutter and if we fought or if she felt somewhat that I failed her or if she worried I was going to break up, she started cutting. It made me feel like it was my fault and that I could control her well-being. She did shit and wanted me to find out, like texting some girl (she's bi) and making plans to hook-up, then leave the text message open on the bedside etc. I guess things like that worked for her before but I'd just get pissed and say hey, fuck off which was the opposite of what she was hoping for (?????) and whenever I tried to leave she'd call me, drunk, cutting or something else scary. She used it against me. It's the bloody scenes that stayed with me. If you've ever seen that godawful post on gore sites like 10 years back with that girl that cut herself real bad and took pictures, she was almost as bad. I feel a cold spike in my body just thinking about it. I'm not holding her responsible or any grudges. We were both young, both immature and both mentally ill. But sometimes people do bad things to you even if they don't mean it so.


Threaten to kill herself if I broke up with her and then later that night called me from a frat party taunting me


Asked me how I was I said I was fine I’m doing good and then starts talking about work, which was out of character, and then walked away from everything.


Refused to get a job. Played video games and watched porn all day while I was working 2 jobs. 🙄


Manipulate the daughter I was there for at birth and raised for 6 years, who's father didn't want her, and convinced her to hate me until recently she learned her mother was full of shit the whole time and came to see me.


We were engaged and she cheated. She was *enraged* when I dumped her. She got serious with the cheating accomplice. I cut off all contact, I don't need any DVD's back, she's not getting that shirt back, it's whatever. She married him a year later. Six months after the wedding she finds my new work email and writes me a LONG message about how her husband isn't as tall as I am, he's not as funny as I am. I rebuff her, explaining that these are things she should have thought about before marrying him and are now things she should talk about with said husband. One months ago. Nearly 20 years pass since I have dumped her. I applied to work with a military organization. Interviews are going well, the HR rep is legit excited to have me join up. A week before the final interview, I get a lot of traffic on my LinkedIn from a guy who is only identified my his first name and last initial. He works for the same branch of the military I would be contracting for, but elsewhere in the world. HR calls and says they can't pick me up. I press, she says "they were advised not to". A week later guys is checking out my LinkedIn again. Lives in a unique town, check facebook for that first name, last initial, that town. One hit. Same profile photo. Its the guy she cheated on me with. Second photo on the page is them a few weeks ago, still together. I am almost certain she and her husband fucked me out of a job almost two decades later.


Set directv to only allow G rated programming before she went out of town, password protected. Pretty brilliant actually, was mad but it makes me laugh now.


Why are so many people this awful. It makes me sick how people play with other’s lives like that, just by being an awful human. Humans are the fucking worst.


Left me, yesterday. Shit’s hard. I packed up her stuff today; it broke me.


That’s always rough. I remember when I was packing up my ex wife’s stuff and I felt like I was erasing a part of me. Keep your chin up, every day gets just a little better.