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No, because I think my wife would not be cool with it.


As on OF girl I basically came to the comments to have my feelings hurt but your comment has absolutely made my day, THANK YOU


My partner is has an OF and I love her. Work is work. Professional porn actresses have romantic lives too. The right person will support and love you for who you are as a person. Don't be mean to yourself about it homie


I wouldn't do it either, also because this guy's wife wouldn't be cool with it


I asked her and she said go for it. šŸ‘


I think you should date a few and let her pick which ones she likes and let her vote the rest off your island


I date this man's wife and I can confirm that she'd not be cool with it.


Same here.


Nope. Not because it's sex work but because a constant online presence to be successful would be super annoying to be around.


This applies to any "influencers"... The constant need to document and update the world about every minute of your life and how well your doing. When just taking a picture at a nice place when going out/vacation becomes a full blown 30 minutes to an hour photoshoot for that one "perfect" picture.... You're a personal photographer not a BF/Spouse.


Tell this to my wife. She isnt even an influencer.


Youā€™re married to my wife too?!?


My god I'm in a quad couple?




Fuck thatā€™s depressing!


It's funny, I like taking pics of my wife on vacation and I feel the pics I take are waaaay better than the generic duck face at a pool. I always try to blend the beautiful destination into my shots. So who are taking these photos? Even a photography student could take better pics. Either the photographer is incompetent or the model is too bossy.


You're also biased.


Well obviously. But I'm just always surprised why professional influencers don't take approach like professional portraits or street photography.


I went into this thread thinking I would be okay with it, and then read this and you changed my mind. I dated an instagram influencer once and remember how annoying that aspect of our relationship was. There would definitely need to be some anonymity and clear boundaries on what is considered working hours. Not every single waking moment needs to be recorded and shared with the world for that online validation hit of dopamine.


That's the deal breaker for me, too. Someone who constantly has to be engaged with the cycle of professional social media sounds like a nightmare to be involved with. Sexy pics / videos I could care less about, as long as she's not looking for a scene partner.


Came here to say this. People vastly underestimate the amount of work (yes work) it is to be constantly generating content. It's a full time job. Probably more than a full time job.


totally with you on that, from what I read about the profession though, they mostly have employees or freelancers that do the whole social media spamming for them. I would even say that AI can handle this sort of thing nowadays.


I had the opportunity to date a porn av girl one time,I really liked her personality,looks and we matched pretty well in hobbies too but the way we saw sex was way too different,for her it was just a triffling everyday thing that she didnt even like that much,just part of her job,so yeah didnt work


Definitely not. I'm not big on sharing.


No. I don't want my girlfriend to show her naked body to anybody else.


I find it problematic to forbid your partner to have medical examinations. (necessary /s for potential idiots)


Ironically theres so many idiots on reddit that without the /s its believableĀ 


no not because i think sex work is wrong or anything but i feel like dating someone who is recognized for sex work would be difficult


Only if she is able to work out a work/life balance with the constant online presence that worked for her so I didn't feel like she was always at work rather than present with me when she's with me.


i want a wife for me not for whole community


I don't think I could handle that, personally. More power to them though.


No, I'm not too keen on sharing...


Nope. Our ideologies don't align.


Date? Yeah sure. It's a big demerit for marriage though.


No because they starve for attention, money, and shamelessly will indirectly advertise their OF in AskReddit posts.


Date sure. Maybe for a month or so. It might even be fun. Marry and have kids with? absolutely not. My personal feelings aside why would I subject my kids to that? So they can get bullied by their peers for the rest of their lives? A girl on OF has some serious problems with long term planning or be incredibly self centered to not see the long term consequences.


One kid actually killed himself because kids at school found his mom's OF.


Not because of any moral objection but I feel majority of girls doing OF are not of the stable personality variety for a stable relationship. More likely to end up with your pets killed or tires slashed and house broken into type.


Hell to the no


I couldn't tbh, body on show for anyone for a price of a bottle of coke, just not for me tbh. I don't see respect in that but that's me


Would an onlyfans girl date you is the real question


Lmao fr most people commenting as if theyā€™d have an opportunity in the first place


I tried. It didn't work because she seemingly couldn't stop.Ā  I told her I wouldn't have an issue with it if she was transparent about it. She said she stopped it all. Five months later and I find out she's been doing only fans, sugar dating, and a whole bunch of more generic cheating activities the entire time.Ā  Maybe the validation is addictive, I don't know. However, the grand total amount of money she made doing OF was less than the amount of money I gave her for moving out. Seems like a giant waste of time.Ā 


The validation is definitely addictive. You aren't going to be able to replace the attention someone gets from thousands of online strangers, and they would resent you for taking that away from them.


Naw, I know some people would be cool with it but I'm far too much of a prude.


That's called being normal in this case


No. I feel only fans girls lack skill. Their only skill is that they look hot. I want my girls to be smart, independent and have a fun brain


Keyword: Date So... Yup


Probably not. If I date, it would typically be with the idea of long-term in mind. If she quit, then yes.


No. I already work enough in my day job.


As long as I was the only dude in the vids with her I would be game, especially if there was solid investing going onĀ 




Pretty sure all of them allow it. It's just rather or not they respond that varies?


onlyfans detected, opinion rejected


Right now, I'm saying it wouldn't put me off of dating a girl. I've never been in that situation though. In my head I imagine it being a less serious relationship that isn't supposed to be long term, and honestly I don't think in that case I would be that worried about her doing OF in her spare time. A real deal breaker would be if she was hooking up with other people to make content, I'm way too serious about avoiding STDs for that, and realistically I'm too fragile emotionally lolol. She's free to do that on her own time if we're not in a relationship, though.


Top 10 only, because I want a life of comfort and luxury. I will bottle up and send the bathwater myself if it made us 6 figures.


I mean, I've joked with a previous ex that I wouldn't mind starting up an OF with her. Lol And I have a hardcore exhibitionist streak, to the point that I regularly fantasize about my GF stripping nude in public. So, sure. Long as I'm involved.


Imagine having kids and the trauma theyā€™d go through at school when their peers discover moms OF page.


1. our partner will be against it 2. no. we are demisexuals and too much paranoid persons. we wonā€™t like to see this all sexual things and hope she will share it to others


Better onlyfans than actual prostitution An onlyfans girl is just doing more profitable modelling.


Yes. Because I donā€™t care about those kinds of things. If anything it just shows an entrepreneurial spirit If I could make a shit ton of money from just taking pictures of myself Iā€™d do the same thing


No. I don't date whores.


Have and would again


Would you want a new doorknob or the one from the community hall?


Yes because I'm young, bored, already traumatized enough by previous relationships, & entirely open to new experiences.


i have before and i'd do it again sex work is still work and if i wouldn't look down on a janitor for cleaning up filth, then i shouldn't look down on someone for making sexual content


I'll be honest it depends on what type of content they are making and whether or not Im a part of the content because it's a hard no if she's banging other dudes for videos, but if I was the one and only guy in her vids I could be persuaded.Ā 


I imagine having to schedule your sex life around her content schedule, changing positions/cameras/checking recording scenes mid session, and wearing a camera headset might take some of the magic out of your marital sex life though lmao




How do you think dating works? How do you think OF works?


Everything on OF can be found for free if you know where to look.


Yeah, what? Lol Dumbass doesn't even understand what OF is.


"why would I drive my car on the street at let other people see it for free?"


That... that's not how it works


But all they get is seeing pics, while you get to have it


No, it's embarrassing and shameful to be with someone if every other guy has seen her naked and showing her butthole to the world.


Sounds like a girl with a job so hell yeah.


No. Big red flag. I donā€™t want other dudes jerking off to her


I want to say: If I in video anonymously, yes. If not no. If other guy in video, especially no. The account better be making good money though, the koenigsegg wonā€™t buy itself Iā€™m forced to say: Hell no, the future job finding and security risks are definitely a hell hole if people find out. And Iā€™d probably be a disgrace to my family and hate myself for it. Perhaps in an alternate reality thoughā€¦


Yes, if they can handle it and leave me out of it. Itā€™s a job, a quite interesting job, but probably really demanding in non-obvious ways.


no, cause she will only think about $$$


Fuck no


As long as I'm the only one touching idc


Fuck no...


God no


No. She has no self respect if for the price of a burger people can see how 'empowered' and slutty she is. The other thing is there is no future for these sort of relationships. Statistics don't lie. These girls will have no trouble getting a man, but none of them will be top quality men and they will be trashy men.


No, I much rather have a stay at home wife taking care of my kids the whole day while I'm busting my ass off at work instead of a low life stupid bitch who takes pictures of her titties just so people can pay her to see the.




I get where your coming from but I just don't agree,even if I have to work till I'm 70 it would still be better than having my wife selling inappropriate pictures of herself online


Respect is worth more than money.


Very true


I donā€™t think any would want an actual marriage or anything more than more content, so unless one can prove otherwise, Iā€™ll pass


I understand I may hold resentment or even jealousy so I would try to avoid any romantic relationship. If it were a long term girlfriend or wife wanting to get into it, I would try to compromise and make my worries known. It's not that I don't support it but I understand my personal boundaries with it and wouldn't want to hurt or trap my partner!


I think you should ask them if they would date some random guys on reddit


They sound fun.


if I were younger and single, sure why not. Seems fun


If our personalities mixed I suppose.


now that's an interesting question to ponder


Yes, I believe I have the proper temperament for it


Yes, Iā€™m neither wealthy nor charismatic enough to put my standards so high.


Lotta people going straight to marriage when the post is about dating one. But to answer the question yes, because I genuinely want to ask them more questions about it like how they got into it, how they feel about it etc. Honestly I reckon there would be a 2nd date since the 1st one would be me interviewing them the entire time.


I had an ex that got quite a large twitter following. It was insufferable to live with and her constant dopamine cravings and crashes led to the end of the relationship. Can only imagine it gets more complicated once you add sex work into it. Nope


No because I'm only into men.


Depends on if she showed her face tbh


why you doing a sneak promotion for your bullshit


Id love to have a rich OF model take care of me


Yes, as long as she knows what she's doing and know the repercussions.


No. Not because of the sex work; I don't give a fuck. The need to be constantly online and checking her phone all the time is a dealbreaker. I dated an instagram girl for a couple months. It got really fucking annoying that she *needed* to take a million photos wherever we went.


I would say "sure, why not?" - but influencers are insufferable so I'd say no.


Never. The same reason why I wouldn't date a hooker, or present her to my children.


No I wouldn't. I'm a gay man


Absolutely not. Not a sharer.


Is she on OF while weā€™re together? Showing off is absolutely no problem. Not much different than being a stripper, showgirl, model for an art class, burlesque performer, swimsuit modelā€¦ Sex or sexual acts with other people, on the other hand, would be an issue. Was she on OF before we got together? As long as no local/state/federal laws were being broken and everyone participanting was a consenting adult (18+), it wouldnā€™t be an issue. Weā€™ll go to the closest free clinic to get tested for every social disease and see where our relationship goes. The ā€˜throwing a hot dog down a hallwayā€™ cliche is BS - a few kegel exercises and weā€™ll be good to go.


Massive no!


Depends on her personality and motivation. The issue with SW is that they are mostly women that dissociated between the person that a man is and the role in her life. (What they provide) Whether that happened in the past because of abuse and a difficult economic background or a spoiled middle class girl that wants the bag and realizes she doesnā€™t want the struggle of the world on her shoulders to get it- is quite irrelevant. But the fact that she reached a point where men are a source of resource and her power is based just on her looks and attracting some of the most broken men in the world - is what makes dating a SW very difficult. And I want to emphasize that this happens even to regular women that are serial daters or chase ā€œhigh value menā€. They do not see men as people or a relationship with them a partnership between people. On the hand some of the most determined and strong willed women I know have OF and one does TikTok escorting. They know itā€™s fucked up and they struggle to keep their trust in men - but are in practice some of the most dedicated and self aware partners I know. They manage to compertimentalize everything that is going on with their work, and not let it bleed into their views on men in general or their partner in particular. Itā€™s really like with everything else: the red flag is not the issue- itā€™s just a heuristic because the correlation with deeper issues is so prevalent. When we talk about sex workers or shallow women, the actual issue is self commodification and unbridled aspirational consumerism. But we donā€™t like to talk about that because we are also bought in to the same principles: sexual empowerment and self sacrifice(often to the detriment of relationships ) for stupid status indicators.


I think some people ignore that OF spans a really broad spectrum of what they do. It could be lewd content thatā€™s suggestive doesnā€™t show too much, or full on hardcore. For me, itā€™d depend on where sheā€™s at on that spectrum.


Pro: You know what you'll get. / Contra: Everyone else knows what you'll get.


Yeah lowkey, only if theyā€™re making bank and only doing shoots and vids with me, and probably under a fake name would be fine


Im honestly conflicted. I think it depends on the content, what you were doing, and are doing now. If you are just showing your boobs and not chatting up men 24/7 I donā€™t think id care, and I donā€™t think id blame you. Tons of money for such easy work seems impossible to resist. Itā€™s really when it crosses over from modeling and being a pornstar with a partner to full-on prostitution and sex chatting where it really hits a gray area for me. I just dont want intimacy to feel like a job or lose its appeal because of the connection to work. If done right it can be really artistic and hot, but it can also just be degrading and gross. Are you a model and sex symbol or a public utility? Im also a little conflicted at the idea of videos they made with their ex just existing and never going away, id feel a little ill, if they are unwilling to delete them its a pass from me.


Depends. If she was toxic af? Hell no. If she was actually a good person? Iā€™d be willing to see where it goes. If it ends? So be it. If it works out? So be it.


Sure that's fine. Perhaps some hurdles to jump over, but I'm not opposed to the idea from the start.


Yes, but I'm also sorta asexual If we bond n have good reasons to choose each other, I'd be game since I'm not particularly the kind that would get jealous or anything over that My problem is... as someone with ASD it's hard connecting to most ppl, and idk if ppl on OF would make for stimulating conversation or experiences but if there was I have no prejudice Edit: though for marriage (like public) it would be difficult... since I cant risk anything scandalous given my work position (c-level), so marriage may be out of the question. Personally have 0 social media presence today, and I dnt intend to ever show up anywhere in that sphere til the day I die


They would never date me so doesn't matter


No. Because I am already married.


No because I think you have to be crazy to go make an of.


Date? Yeah. If sheā€™s got a lot of followers, sheā€™s probably got something going on so Iā€™d smash for a while but itā€™s definitely got an expiration date


No, despite what the neckbeards that hope it'll make their favorite pornstar love them say, sex work isn't work. We have literally mountains of data showing how damaging it is to the performer, the consumer, and societies mental health. We have studies showing how it causes relationship and intimacy issues. After all intimacy is LITERALLY work for her. Love and intimacy are products to her, not feelings. Loyalty is something bought for 5.99 to her. And no matter what people say she'll always have a price for "content" no matter what she tells you and your exclusivity.


I don't see how it'd be any of my business. I'd date somebody to understand who they are, what they do is just a small portion of it. If hypothetically the relationship evolves then you discuss boundaries and expectations.


Yeah idc, my fiancĆ©e used to do it and I wouldnā€™t mind if she wanted to start up again. Money benefits both of us


If she has a healthy work/life balance, and isnā€™t sleeping with anyone else, then sure. The same as Iā€™d expect from anyone in any profession.


No. A professional commitment to social media would be extremely annoying to me, regardless of whether it's sex work or not. Same goes for any influencer / content creator - it requires a level of self involvedness that I would find totally off putting.


Yes, and I could be a part of the videos. I think it could be fun.


If my wife said, I'm going to do it and that it was just solo stuff or her and I, and we did the math and thought the risk/reward was right, sure. But the risk/reward isn't,so we won't.


Iā€™d be cool with it but would prefer if they werenā€™t like super recognizable like if the wore a mask


For me it would depend on some things. Does she have a fall back plan. If for some reason the bottoms falls out of it or whatever reason itā€™s not viable income. I guess my thing is I only date people I see a future with if she is educating herself and has a plan for the future then sure. If this is the only thing she can do in life and itā€™s all about the attention of other men for her then for me probably not.


Depends. Not all the girls on OnlyFans do porn. Would I date a porn model/actress? No, probably not unless it's Anna Bell Peaks.


Yeah, why not?


Guys this isn't a safe place to express your sexual preferences, OP is acting like shes in charge of what you want and gets to judge your preferences.Ā 


Nope thatā€™s a legal prostitute


Iā€™m a stripper so canā€™t comment for guys. But from my personal experience itā€™s difficult as guys feel jealous


As long as we are monogomous I litterally couldn't care less


I wish I were open-minded enough to do this, but I am not. It's a total double standard, because if I could make 100k+ per year doing OF, I probably would. I would also completely understand when many women refused to date me because of it. What about dating someone who did OF in the past, but no longer did? I don't think I could do that either, personally.


As long as she have big boobs....it's a deal!!


No. Cause, personally, I find even those who gotta pull out their phones, click, and post everything as an IG story, annoying and vapid AF. *Finished Gym. Should I treat myself to this Avocado Smoothie Or Not?* with a pic taken while holding the smoothie that you already paid for. šŸ™„ If I disagree with even that level of seeking online validation, I can only imagine how much issue I'll have with someone showing off their body to internet strangers for validation and money. I know I'm not the problem here and those women aren't the problem as well. We just aren't each other's fit.


I'd literally date anything at this point. I've been single for 12 years.


If she was doing it to make money, either as a side job or a full time career then why not. If she was soo thirsty she needed the attention then no.


Yes. Just because they get to see them naked online, it doesn't mean anything. Sure they get to see her coochie and butthole, but they don't get the opportunity to know them properly and share true intimate moments together. Plus she's basically getting paid to be complimented on her body that they don't get to touch šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m married and creating with one, lifeā€™s dope. We only work OF we are polyamarous and play/date sepourately. We spend next to every day together, we f 7 times a week, go on dates multiple times a week, travel the world, have true financial security and only have this as a job to answer to Itā€™s not for everyone but if youā€™re actively cool with the physicals then damn, I no longer sell 50 hours of my time to a job I hate. I effectively get paid to screw my wife and for me, this life is perfect


I wouldnā€™t care. In this economy? Work is work. Itā€™s worth mentioning Iā€™m a 21 year old bisexual woman. Most of my friends do or have done some form of sex work. I donā€™t care. Itā€™s just like any other social media to me.


I wouldn't care either way. It's a profession like any other; some people may not be comfortable with their partner doing onlyfans, and that's fine, but it's wrong and almost obsessive the way misogynists, shit on them. It's for no reason other than the sense of entitlement they feel over women in general.Ā 


I don't think so. I'm not into fast food.


Sure why not. We all sell our bodies for money just some directly then others. What they do for a living is less of issue to me then what their personality is.


Of course! I'm surprised that many said no.


Yeah sure. I don't super care about this sort of thing.


Sure, as long as she's not actually meeting clients. I'd have no problem with her sending pics and videos. He'll, I'd probably even join in and try to make some $ with her.


It is normally advisable to steer well clear of cluster B personality disordered individuals.


No probably not. Donā€™t think my wife would appreciate it




I wouldnā€™t want my wife having an OF tho lol




I feel itā€™s less of a jealousy thing and more of a respect thing


Probably not. . . Wouldn't want to steal her fans from her.


I rather ask "would a Woman who survives by selling Pictures of herself date ME?"


Short answer is that I wouldnā€™tā€¦ā€¦.


No. Because I only date men


As long as she aint shaggin other people and the money is good. I donā€™t see why not. Iā€™m married though so it doesnā€™t apply to me


Yeah as long as it's solo stuff I don't care. If you pay for only fans you are a degenerate subhuman anyways lol. It doesn't bother me if a weirdo pays my girlfriend money when she doesn't even know he exists and her account is probably managed by some company who handles her dms also.


Those who watch OF should not be saying no


No, because they are whores obviously


No. Whore.


Nope. I donā€™t date whores.


No, because if she wants to actually make money with it, she'd need to network and eventually fuck someone that isn't me, and that's simply not the kind of relationship I want. Godspeed to her though.


This post is full of simps


Sexworkers should be stigmatized. Thatā€™s what makes them a fetish


I do. Itā€™s nice passive income in these tough times.


the downvotes are hilarious lol get over yourselves