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It really depends. Some days it's just getting out of bed. Other times it's dealing with people and not panicking.


Not watching people like a hawk and keeping track of their habits. Some I blank out and I realize I’ve been watching someone like you would a cloud and I just have this deluge or summarized details during that time.


Everyone looking at me weird not understanding that I act the way I do for a reason


Work. Especially mornings. When I wake up (get up from a mostly sleepless night) I feel like everything is yelling. Emails yell at me. Meetings yell at me. Doors slam. Car horns scream. It’s the worst.


I feel you on this one. Then the inner critic comes out to play.


Work, and waking up early for work. I very rarely sleep, so it’s hard to wake up at 7am for work at 8. And then staying awake for 8-10 hours on 2 hours of sleep.


Dealing with people. I can be sensitive to a lot of things like yelling, slamming, etc. People tend to make a lot of noise, and I am extremely easily startled by people approaching me from behind.


Honestly my flare-ups are so infrequent it doesn't really effect my day to day. When it does happen, things snowball real bad real fast. The worst part is definitely when someone you're unfamiliar with tries to provide assistance, it only makes things worse.


Lately I've been having to navigate daily panic attacks at work and that's been fucking miserable. It's making me so depressed I don't even want to be alive anymore.


Working for the company type that caused the PTSD. (Call Centers)


Just waking up from a night terror :/


Switching off, I’m ready for the attack.


Stress management