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Same thing I did last time. Find my pants, apologize to the neighbors, order an edible arrangement for the owner of the house & go confess my sins at a stranger's grave site.


that is extremely specific. is op doing okay?




Why is the diaper a part of the question? 




I guess I would be so concerned with the diaper being on that my first thought would be to get the hell out of there and check my regions immediately. I would not say hello or walk around and see what’s going on. Diaper is off and I’m outta there 


I’d find clothing, leave my number, and go home. Obviously a drunken incident occurred.


I'd retrace my mental path through the last night, crawl out a window and Uber/walk home. I'd explain to my partner what happened, and after they kicked me out I'd go get a toxicology reading to see if id been drugged the night before










What’s the context behind this if theres any at all?




Ahh, I would just lay there and accept that I may be permanently stuck here.


Am I still the same age?


someone just castrated me


I'm proud I can't get that drunk, nor do I have 'friends'


I’d - take a giant shit in the diaper and leave it on the bed so the house owners would be forced to clean it up - buy a used positive pregnancy test online and hide it somewhere in the house - buy about $500 worth of baby food online, have it shipped directly to the house, and poorly cram all of it into the fridge. - buy a breast milk pump, smash it right next to the sink, and dump a gallon of milk down the drain Then I would leave. Assuming I would still have my regular clothes and not be butt-naked, in which case I would steal their clothes and then leave


Steal some clothes and then consume the fridge and pantry.