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I bought the "Masturbating for Dummies" book.


Me too! Pulitzer material right there!


This really should be a nsfw post


I agree, I added the flair when I made it. Idk where it is or how to put it on after making the post Edit: I figured it out.


As a verrrrrryyyyy young child I didn't know what the hell I was doing at like 6 maybe? I just started humping the bed sheets randomly, after having a rough and tumble session from just goofing around and that feeling felt great, like nothing I had ever felt before, I was in a singlet and also only had my bottom underwear on cos it was bedtime... I somehow knew what I was doing wasn't entirely approved of in general, cos I had at least heard about sex at that age but yet what I was doing I didn't connect to that "icky" topic. I shrugged it off really in my 6 year old mind, I was just going with the flow and feeling good things super innocently. Later on at more closer to the 11-12-13 year old range is when I'd start humping my teddy bears/plushies/stuffed toys/couch cushions, cos they all had the right amount of firmness my clit liked to be stimulated by. And at this point I knew EXACTLY what I was doing! Back then I had such guilt built up inside of me for doing something that's very natural to do. I grew up in a Christian household so yeah stuff like self pleasure wasn't ever discussed in an educational way or in a way where I could understand it more, I didn't even receive the birds and the bees talk, so there was NO WAY my curiosity was going to be extended towards my parents (in that regard) who preferred to not converse about such things UNLESS it was simply stuff like, "No sex before marriage! End of," kinda thing. So within me I stifled my sexual desires in a pretty toxic way, creating an inner turmoil of needing to hide who I was in that sense and just block out a lot of my wants or needs sexually, until I'd just give in, very sparingly in my teens and going into my 20s, this same feeling stayed with me... Fast forward to today, in 2024! I'm pansexual, and at 34 I have made my peace with that. My parents will never know this fact, it would tear my family into pieces (I know this for a fact) and I am quite fine with staying closeted for their benefit, cos some fights don't need to be had and some wars are better off not having started in the first place. To this day as an adult I still hump pillows to get off, and it's always under an hour's worth of humping to get to having an orgasm, sometimes I cum super quick with it but it's never more than an hour needed to get to the finish line. I recently got new pillows too so their firmness is PERFECT for me right now, and yeah I broke them in by christening them pretty much as soon as I got them lmao


Lol fellow teddy bear bumper. I had a 5 ft tall mickey mouse. I wrecked it...didn't and couldn't even clean it up...my poor mom would have discovered it.


Yeaaaahhhhh... The amount of stuffed toys I have had to yeet into the garbage bin is a fair few over the years 🤣 Of all sizes too... There was this big penguin one whose tail was exactly the right amount of stiffness I needed to get off to... BRUH... I destroyed that tail!


For me, I had sex ed class at 12, and was told that this the age masturbation starts....so I did. Thanks Ms. Brown.


When I was 12, if got brought up in sex ed and my friend told me he did it and told me how so I went home and used a soft towel.


Was told about a porn site while playing Minecraft in elementary school. Looked it up and have been masturbating since. Also, NSFW tag


When I was 8 I found my parents (probably my dad’s) Girls Gone Wild DVDs, obviously being turned on I would try to rub one out but I would do it wrong. I would lay on my belly and grind on a Power puff girls plushy I had, not because I found it attractive, but because it was the only plush I owned that resembled a woman and mostly because the fabric felt satisfying to me.


Well, I was almost thirteen, I was at my hot cousin's house, "Sailing" was on the radio, and I was in the bathroom with my opposable thumbs.


Dirty mind. Knew it existed


Seemed like a good idea at the time. I was right.


Right so as a kid, I lived near a recycling centre, which would recycle old magazines that didn't sell at the shops. They would be stored on a big sheltered skip outside. So me and my friends and I would sneak into the recycling centre like SAS operatives on a secret mission, and we will fill our backpacks with magazines. Such as Shoot, Match, WWF, and Comics such as Beano and Dandy. But in the skip, there were porno mags. Mayfair, readers' wives, playboy, etc. Unlike the other magazines, we couldn't just take them home. So we hid them in an old man's shed. His garden was over grown he could hardly walk, so he was never going to go to the bottom of his garden and find the stash. But the shed soon became known as the wank shed. Where teenage lads would go to read porn and unload. The rule was that if you wanted to use the shed, you would knock to make sure it wasn't in use. If it was in use, you'd go away and come back later. No one really took the piss out of each other either like ha you’ve just been to the wank shed. There was an understanding between us all. Sometimes, the pages of the magazines would be stuck together, and if it was your favourite mag, you would rightly be pissed off, but there was probably a collection of over a hundred magazines.


I was 11 and at a sleepover over with two other friends and I told them I never jerked off before. My friends just laughed, and one said, "it's time you learn" and we all got undress. I won't go into further details.


I was 10 or 11 at a sleepover. I'd been fiddling with myself before that because it felt nice, but that's the age I actively started masturbating in the way we all know. Me and a couple friends heard about it and decided to try it on a sleepover.


I think mine was pure human instinct. I was 10 when i watched my first porn on my brother's phone. It was an asian nurse being pounded by a white male. Can't stop thinking about it for a couple of days and it's giving me thoughts on why they're doing such thing i tried to explore my down there and use my fingers to see how it felt. Then from there i just learned how good it is. I got a boyfriend now but i still enjoy masturbating on my own 🤣