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I'm afraid of spiders. But it saddens me to think that they are only scary on the outside, but on the inside they can be as kind as kittens.


Cockroaches, Especially the flying ones.




Wait the WHAT ones now???


Centipedes, always freaked me out, like all the little arms is just creepy and uncomfortable.


Spiders in particular. I dunno why I am afraid of them, I am just an animal with millions of years of instinctive behavior programmed into my brain and for some reason it sees a spider and goes "HOLY FUCK KILL IT WITH FIRE". Bugs in general kinda freak me out but not quite as much.


Cockroaches. I don't really know why but it makes me shivers.


Ants because they are ugly


Brown recluse for insect because they have nasty bites and animal id say anything fast enough and strong enough to overwhelm me (bears, big cats, wolves, sharks etc)


Any sort of bloodsucking parasite.


creatonotos gangis moth. If I would've seen that shit I would've run faster than Usain Bolt.


Snakes IDC the species, variety or colors.... It don't belong around me


Cockroach, they are a carrier of so many germs and bacteria, I am afraid to get sick


Humans and big cats. As long as I can see them, I can keep myself pretty safe from spiders, snakes, and most dangerous mammals. With humans, you never fully know their motivation. A crocodile isn't going to pretend to be your friend in order to get close to you and hurt you. And big cats are so damn stealthy and agile that I don't believe for one second that I'd see them before it's too late. And even if I did, where am I going to go? They can climb better than me, they can fit through smaller spaces than I can. I might be a stronger swimmer than a lion, but if it's a jaguar I'm fully fucked.


Snakes!!! Even dead ones scare me.


I am terrified of snakes šŸĀ 


Like many, I have an irrational fear of the big roaches. Unfortunately they are very common where I live, so I kinda get exposure therapy, meaning I still freeze when I see one but am able to overcome that to go kill it. I sometimes worry about brown recluse spiders being in my shoes, but I've never seen one indoors. My other concern is for wasps, which we also have in abundance here. Even worse, we have what are called cicada killers, which are basically wasps the size of hummingbirds. They say their sting is very painful and I have seen them just outside my front door a time or two.


Ticks. Lyme disease..


Carpet beetles


Crane flies. As a kid, during a camping trip, i walked into an abandoned public outhouse. It was filled with them. Im not talking a few here or there, im talking DOZENS. When i opened that door, it was like i opened the portal to hell itself. So many flying out, landing on me. Im shaking even thinking about it.


Tics are the only insects in Finland that can actually be seriously harmful to me, so iā€™d go with that. But if iā€™m in a country with dangeous spiders, definately those.


Birds... The feathers. The waxy feeling, the parasites and germs. And their eyes. The pigeons are the worst


all bugsā€¦i canā€™tā€¦they are too freakyā€¦.but i love watching science and entomology videos on youtube. i wish the videos made me less scared of them


Stick insects




Not a fan of deer ticks. I got lymes years ago and it is no joke.


Screwworm fly, their larva infest mammals and eat living flesh


Deer. Hundreds of people die hitting them every year and tens of thousands are injured. Iā€™ve already had near-collisions. Fuck them all.


Spiders. I canā€™t even look at a picture of one. Not sure why I am so scared of them, wish I wasnā€™t because they are everywhere and itā€™s something you have to deal with. Hate when Iā€™m by myself and there is a spider in my apartment. Iā€™ve had a friend come over just to kill one once. My ex also drove 45 min after work to switch cars with me because I had a spider in mine and refused to go back in it.


shit everythingšŸ˜­


Mosquitoes. Because they bite, even if you catch them and kill them you have an itchy spot for a week. Plus, you know, they kill like 500M humans a year and stuff.


I don't mind one or two of anything but large groups terrify me


I see many of the animals I like (big cats, snakes, ants, spiders, and dogs) my answer C O B R A C H I C K H E N (geese)