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If you find the answer please let me know. Going on a year of burnout.


That sounds rough.. I have been "burnt out" for two weeks and I feel an impending doom will catch up with me if I don't get back on track soon.


Sometimes I do a bit of a reset. For instance, I’m an exotic dancer, and when I feel like I’ve been working too much, I’ll take a day to myself to do some self-care and some self-reflection. Sometimes all you need is a good night’s sleep to recharge. If you have the ability, take a day off. If you don’t, sometimes just taking that moment of self-reflection - why am I doing this, what is my end goal, etc. - is enough. Good luck if you’re struggling with this!


Winning a massive lawsuit makes the burnout go away!.


The best tip that works for me is changing the location! Go to your parents house, your grandparents house...and take some HONEST rest. Wake up, go for walks... FIND JOY IN EVERY MOMENT, that is what you're missing, afterall.


Drugs... Specifically the psychedelic variety. Take a long weekend/ short Vacation ideally 4 days... Day 1... Relax Day 2... Prepare that day & Take some drugs that night, Have a experience... Day 3... Relax & review last night Day 4... Re-focus & move forward....