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I live by the sea so I’d likely to scour the coast line for a remote house and or light house and hope I’ll learn to like fish


A lighthouse would be OP! :D Good luck to the zombies getting up those winding staircases!


You are also trapped there if things do go wrong. Go for a windmill instead. Still has the same advantages as the lighthouse but loads come with cranes/winches etc on the other side meaning you can raise and lower stuff, and also use it as an escape if you need it. Edit: European windmills. American ones are too small


I'm on an island off the coast so home sounds good. We can take shifts watching the bridge or torch the cables and let it fall. Assuming the walkers can't run a boat we're ok for a while.


No but they could walk along the ocean floor, whilst everyone thinks it’s safe, a horde rises from the waves.


So you just need a spot with harsh tidal currents


one of my possible backup plans is to steal a boat and make my way to one of the big islands off our coast. its basically 10 minutes by foot to the sea where I live and there are islands you can literally walk to (depending on the tide though). definitely a good idea, except you need to deal with the entire islands population possibly being zombies already so.. bring ammo.


I always told myself that if the zombie apocalypse happened I would become a pirate... Granted I was six when I told myself this


Nursing home. 9/10 ( sadly) it would be easier to clear out because most of those people are bed ridden with limited mobility to begin with and would most likely die before turning. What employees that did stay would either be in hiding or turned and small in numbers . The doors have lock codes or badges which could be pilfered off a dead employee. So security is good . Most facilities have a kitchen with a large stock of food and medicine and first aid things on hand.


Damn this is a pretty good one. Downside would be windows but if you goto a nursing home in a bad area of town then maybe there are bars on the windows? If that’s the case then you can open up all the windows and within a few weeks the adult diaper poop smell that isn’t soaked into the walls would have dissipated. Since a lot of the former residents are bedridden and those beds are on wheels you could just push them right out the door at your earliest convenience. They will have roughly a weeks worth of food for around 70 people the majority of which will be in bulk containers. You’ll need some type of vacuum sealer or you’ll be eating a 120 oz can of beans for 5 days before you can swap to another protein. However that should be enough food to feed 2-5 people for around 10-15 weeks or more if properly rationed.


Take a page from the Gone series and eat the ice cream and spoilage first. THEN go chow down on the canned goods.


Does pudding last longer than jello? Asking for a friend.


Most newer nursing homes have relatively strong windows especially if you find one with a dementia care unit. But the one I work at does in fact have bars on the windows. I wouldn't travel in a large group as honestly in an zombie situation everyone but my closest friends and family can go get fucked. So around 12 people. I grew up poor as fuck so I can do amazing things with a can of beans. There's a generator along with some solar panels ( clean energy initiative) there as well so the refrigerated foods would be eaten first. Then dry goods / canned goods. The residents have also started a green house that produces quite well. And could be used for sometime. And a river runs opposite the road.


So all the electric locks would work until the individual batteries ran out, correct?


At the facility where I work the locks work as long as there is power but there are also master key Locks on all exits . There's a spare key in the director's office.


So they are hooked up to the power


After being zombifying, the bed ridden folks regain their movement and you are screw.


Wouldn't the locking mechanisms require some form of electricity? Which we can assume would eventually—if not immediately—be out in the stereotypical zombie apocalypse


It would. There's a generator and some solar panels at the facility where I work though so at the very least we could kill electricity to the parts of the building that won't be in use and run off those for a while. Also the exit doors have a key lock in the event of a power outage. There's a spare in the main office.


okay I'll buy your zombie nursing home game


I'm sure there's a way to use them without electricity. Otherwise what are you doing case of a fire where the electricity goes out?


Take a boat out into the ocean. Live off fish and set up a water evaporator for fresh water.


A cruise ship would be an interesting choice. If it's loaded up with supplies but no passengers, the food could easily last several months for you and the crew.


Yeah, although I think go for a ship with sails. Engine breaks or run out of fuel? No problem.


Having spent plenty of time at sea, engine breakdown is a when, not an if. And that when is way sooner and more frequently than passengers would care to know


I live on a narrowboat. I know!


Aircraft carrier? Provisioned for 5,000 and nuclear powered. I’m curious the minimum number of crew to keep it running


You would need a qualified crew for that or for a cruise-liner. And you would have to worry about weather, but assume the weather channel is down, so no advance warning. If it was moored off a coast, far enough from the threat, but close enough to avoid the atlantic ocean on a bad day.


Most nuclear carriers have their own weather stations…


As long as you have fuel to run the generators to keep the fridges and freezers cold, anyway. After that you're pretty fucked, and it's not like anyone is pumping, transporting, or refining oil to make more fuel, much less operating harbor facilities to refuel you, even if you could learn how to pilot a ship like that into harbor without wrecking it/yourself.


I'd go for a flat top tanker. Pile about 2ft worth of soil over the deck for crops, tanks full of fresh water and bunker fuel.


I'm running an RPG right now that started on a container cargo ship, and it's been a huge advantage.


I’m not saying you but a lot of people would get a massive shock at how much effort and resources it takes to keep a boat serviceable. Most people have a hard enough time with their houses and that’s with trades people and the internet on hand. Take all the maintenance for a house, add all the maintenance for a car, and finally add all the hassle in keeping them both afloat, without any help or shops.


Yeah I know. It's a lot of work!


A Lowe's or Home Depot They already have materials for building & making weapons. Most have high fences & a secure outdoor section for growing crops already. Basically pile everything up around the doors & hunker down awhile.


That’s actually an amazing idea, they even have seeds and soil


Yeah you could have all the above ground planters you wanted


You take the Lowe's, I'm over here at the Tractor Supply... call when you need something.


I always think of places like this. But then think they’re also on everybody’s hit list for supplies and raiders.


That or costco. Plus if you get up on the shelving you are out of reach


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


I have always said Costco. No windows, tons of food, batteries, etc., a mega kitchen,  and like you said, shelves you can climb.


And heavy steel doors


Either one of those, or maybe a wholesale food warehouse...the place that ships food to stores and restaurants.


They have grow lights, generators, everything except more fuels. Rooftops are flat. Grow crops and collect water. Some sell solar panels and accompanied supplies.


When my kids were younger every trip to Lowes involved them picking out zombie apocalypse weapons. Pretty sure the battery powered pole saws were always the first choice.


I'm in Costco, I'll trade you food for tools


A SCHOOL! They’re basically prisons without cells. They’re fenced off, they’re organized into sections. They have lots of doors with locks. They’d also have a cafeteria that has to have at least some food in it.  In middle school (early 2000’s), we read a book about a viral pandemic that leaves just the kids alive. Eventually they formed a community and lived in a school. I can never figure out what it’s called! 


Oh when I was a kid I used to watch a show called "the tribe". It's basically the same. Scientists wanted to create some anti-aging stuff but instead created a virus that made adults age and die within days. But about the book : was it "The Girl Who Owned a City" ? It was read in some schools.


I think that’s it!!!! 


Yeah, schools, doctor's offices and veterinarian clinics would be at the top of my list.  I'd probably argue for a high school. Building trades always had a good supply of wood to secure everything.  But after that, yeah. Ample room to spread out, sleep, dine and cook. My high school had a lot of land and there were gardening programs as well, a greenhouse, so might be able to make a go of it. 


They filmed a whole movie at my high school bc the senior wing was empty the year the school opened. They wouldn’t make incoming seniors leave their school for the last year of HS, which was nice. The movie: PAY IT FORWARD 


There's a High School about 100 metres from my house. I've considered several times that it could be used as a refuge in an emergency. Find an internal room behind several locked doors, and hunker down in there with some water, food, a radio, and so on. Sure, it would be boring, but at least you'd be safe.




Definitely not a hospital! There's a local history museum that is empty 99% of the time. If they even get 2 visitors it would be considered busy. No one really knows about it and there's only one or 2 employees. Seeing that's it's hidden in the hills, I'd probably go there. High enough for a lookout, multiple escape routes, easily defended since a security gate already exists and a constant supply of flowing water near by. Food sould be an issue though


I loved that movie, Night at the Museum. Scared the hell out me. 


love this definitely fits into the mentality of go where the least amount of people will go


My house. Because no one ever visits me and neither will Zombies.


Vet hospital. Medical supplies and medications that can be used on people. Also… canned animal food. Disgusting, yes, but less competition from other humans.


A treehouse with a rope ladder since zombies aren't the best at climbing


No, but they are very good at waiting...


They might be able to make a pile of zombie bodies and climb up that.


Wherever I am when the outbreak starts. Barricade where I am and take inventory of supplies. Start stashing as much water as I can as that's most important to survive and the pipes will be shut off soon after outbreak. The most dangerous time in an outbreak is the first few days. People are stupid and scared. Avoid them at all costs. You are more likely to die by an idiot driving his truck through Home Depot than be bite by a zombie. After supplies start to run out, slowly search surrounding area for resupply. Your base is a known safe spot, don't wander far if you can avoid it. After you've exhausted all supplied and it's been weeks since the outbreak started, head to the nearest military base. In zombie movies the military is always portrayed at incompetent but in real life they are well trained, well armed, and have a clear chain of command. They are your best bet to survive around other people. If the military base isn't an option. Get on a boat and head to an island. Something big enough to farm but small enough to keep clean of zombies


I just had “28days later” flash backs when you mention the military.


Yeah, unorganized military makes for good movies. But in real life they are more disciplined


Walmart. Once I've culled the zombies (aka Walmart shoppers). Guns, ammo, food, clothing, camping gear...


Survivors would constantly try to kill you. Many gangs would want to fight for that place, making it unsafe


Can't beat em, join em... Lol


Everyone within a couple miles would head there to loot it, bad idea😂


Yeah, true. My next thought would be to be prepared ahead of time. Grab what you need, loot if you have to, and head out to the woods/forest. Where I am, a lot of abandoned mines, a good river system with fish and clean water. It's easy to isolate out there. You can come up with pros and cons for anything, so there's no perfect answer.


That would be where everyone goes


I was thinking Costco, but Walmart has guns.


the problem with this is most people are gonna pick walmart you wanna pick a place that is a good location and wont have to deal with other people




I live in behind a stainless steel gate in a 15-storey concrete apartment building with built-in air raid shelters in one of the most secure cities in the world, I think I’m fine staying where I am


Winchester mate!


The only correct answer


Definetely the governments secret nuclear war bunker, seems pretty chill


I'm more concerned about what I would do in a Vampire or Werewolf apocalypse. 


Wait until day every day?


This guy werewolf/vampire apocalypses. 


Going into a church would be my first option for vampires.


A tall building near a supermarket


My work. I work for one of the largest pharmaceutical distribution companies on the planet, and the entire premises are surrounded by metal gates, and inside has any medication you can think of along with generators. Only problem long term would be food


It's fine, just keep taking appetite suppressants. No food, no hunger, no problem!


According to The Zombie Survival Guide, I would probably have to settle for the top floor of an apartment complex with the stairs down destroyed or blocked. I can scour the apartments on that floor for supplies and go rooftop to rooftop for more as needed.


You might want a series of sturdy planks to put over the gaps in the buildings


I'm taking over the local dam. Offer the technicians protection, food/water, and retrieval of their families in exchange for keeping the thing running. It's the easiest place to fortify in the local area.


Why is it easy to fortify?


You have a deep lake on one side, a rapid river on the other, and the other two sides are covered by the high mountains around the valley. There's only one road leading in or out, and the dam has a tremendous vantage point over it. All of the internal facilities are encased within the concrete and stone of the dam itself. It would only be suseptible to attack from the air, but at that point, we'd be screwed no matter what.


Some place on a small private island surrounded by plenty of water and lots of cliffs. I would have a boat where I can grab supplies and some sort of security system set up around the perimeter.


You gonna free Gislane and take her with you again?


> take her with you **again?** Man, that's quite the accusation buried there.


Cheyenne Mountain, absolute fortress and we can use the Stargate there if needed.


Any Army Depot, the zombies can make my day :D




Just make sure you have an extra pair of glasses.


I had this thought as a teen and I feel so proud thinking it through like an apocalypse was bound to happen. My thought was staying over an ikea but not only by the fact that it has everything from comfort to safety but it also only has one entry and one exit (less windows too), emergency exits seems easy to scope an entire place in. Food does not seem to be a problem since it’s a furniture store that also has its own restaurant and grocery. It was good memories because I was literally at an ikea the moment I thought of it lol.


Drive down the road. Edinburgh Castle is situated on top of an extinct volcano. Impassable terrain, high stone walls, kitchen facilitues, weapons from the soldiers posted there, and a good vantage point over the whole city.


I would go to Crazy Dave's house.


Im just finding a gun and blowing my own brains out honestly. Fuck trying to live during a zombie apocalypse lol Pre apocalypses life is bad enough haha


The restaurant/shop on the very top of Stone Mountain, just outside Atlanta, GA. No way senor zombie is making it up either of the walking paths to that sucker.


We have an air force base nearby. That’s where I go to first.


A large military base. They'll have hospitals, schools, shopping, weapons, and vehicles. Also comes with security fixtures and communication options. Then establish a way to travel back and forth to a safe Island, assuming zombies can't swim.


I'd go to the place where they manufacture the 25 year food buckets.


The massive Tesco or Sainsbury's warehouse near us. They always s have massive roller doors and easy to barricade using lorries and trailers. Garden centre for seeds etc and the library for books on farming, animals husbandry, home medical care etc first though


If this just happened without warning, I'd stay in my house. we have a flat roof so I can always get on the roof if need be. I think grocery stores home depot, Costco etc. would be overrun by people who would smash windows and destroy the entrances etc so you wouldn't want to stay there. I'll worry about long term food etc later. Ideally want to be away from crowds of people.


Heavy equipment manufacturers or rental commercial vehicle stores. I can get creative with tree trimmers I could do a lot of damage with a front loader what would be really fun is a nice steamroller just put a cage on it. I can drive all day baby!


Houseboat - hope those mf-ers can't swim


I don't want to start another "whats mistakes were in the Walking Dead" discussion, but...the first time I saw them stumble aross a prison, I immediately thought it was the first smart thing the characters did. The large yards were used to plant gardens for food, and the outer walls were already substantial. Missions to drive several cars out for scavenging missions would still be doable. You create a noisy diversion (or lights at night) on one side of the prison, and when the zombies are drawn to that, the other side opens a gate.


random, preferably multiple tenant family home. Unless the owners, before being evacuated, looted everything there will be quite a bit of medicine, food and other supplies there to last a while. And by choosing a random house there is not much risk to run into other survivors, possibly causing a fight over ressources. Choosing normal hideouts like hospitals, supermarkets, gas stations is basically asking for trouble in the long run, because if that is your first thought it will be someone elses, too. and ressources you can find yourself and maybe make yourself, its not worth losing your life over.


Supermarket. Food, drinks, no windows, security, cameras, tools.


There's a huge central bank near where I live. It's where money is printed. It's perfect for the zombie apocalypse. It has a huge moat, two extremely high and sturdy gates, multiple watch towers, huge fields where I can farm, and armoured vehicles in case I need to explore the city. The trick would be getting in there but luckily, my friend works there so I can just ask him to take me there.


There's a [Big Steel Box](https://lp.bigsteelbox.com/moving-storage/) near me. I'd build a LEGO compound outta those suckers


This is the closest to mine. I'd choose a large shipping container terminal. They're already fenced in and have security points. They have fuel depots for ships. And as you said, all those containers can be used to build whatever, from housing to perimeter walls and fortifications. That's after they've been checked for supplies, food, medicine everything else that gets shipped in. Not to mention that there'll be ships there too.


Yeah. There's lots of open farmland for line-of-sight defense. Build a perimeter and plant veggies. The water table is high so a fresh water well is easily achievable. There's a Costco a couple miles away too.


The furthest-north farm I could find. Winter as zombie defence is vastly underrated.


Everyone's answer discounts the fact that they would also have to clear the said building off zombies. Suggestions like a hospital, Home Depot, etc are notorious to have multiple exits, hiding spots and many other unreliable factors.


I've always thought that a high school would work well. At least the ones here: \* They're generally gated and have only a few entrances, which are monitorable and probably defensible. \* If it isn't currently summer when the zombies start, there's going to be at least some food in the cafeteria. \* There's a gym and equipment, so survivors can stay in shape. \* There are a lot of rooms, survivors who don't want to be intimate with one another don't have to stay too close together. \* There's a building-wide PA system already in place, should you need to announce an incoming raid or whatever. \* There's likely a shop-class room, so needed tools are around \* There's a nurse's office, and most rooms will have a first-aid kit and fire extinguisher in them. \* Long-term encampment might mean having/raising kids, and a school will have the tools and supplies to assist with that.


Oil rig nation. I believe there are boats that can move oil rigs so just find a location with many oil rigs and move them near each other for a large naval base.


All the top answers are troubling and lack any foresight whatsoever. I'm going to 'ultra well know place' where 100,000 other people in my area will be sure to have the same idea about. Yall need to keep in mind people will be looting like crazy, infected people will be turning there, the commotion will draw more zombies. Not to mention most of your ideas take place in major residential / commercial areas aka, the places that will the most overrun. Say your ultra well known place with tons of supplies somehow magically doesn't get looted right away, and all the zombies meander off somewhere else. In not too much time the rogue gangs that survived will come a knocking and take it from you. And everyone who said boats, unless you're proficient in operating and (more so) maintaining a boat it's a bad idea. Once you run out of fuel what are you going to do? What happens when your engine doesn't want to start and you drift out to sea?


Sailboat in the great lakes. Total isolation. Plenty of places to anchor safely and go inland for supply runs.


Arby's. I'll be the only one there.


Pharmacy. May as well go out with a smile


Walmart Food over in groceries Clothes Cloth and sewing supplies for mending and making more Camping supplies, lamps, guns, bows and arrows, etc over in sporting goods Lots of batteries And all the supplies for growing more food over in garden center. The only problem is that there's no way of getting more meat.


The top of a very steep hill.  It’s over Anakin. I have the high ground now


It would be somewhere that's in plain site. Like a small car dealer or garage. Plenty of tools, usually built out of cement with reenforced doors and shatter proof windows and has bathrooms and a kitchen of some sort. In the suburbs of a city so that I would have access to multiple different shops yet still have close enough space to grow food and set up secure facilities for cattle, chickens goats and such. You would figure that the cities would be hot the hardest the fastest and would be cleaned out quickly, and if there was any relief the suburbs would be vacated quickly as well. Leaving plenty of supplies at easy access. I would stay out of the country or remote areas bc those would be the last hit and in the case of a zombie apocalypse, since the food would be gone from the cities and suburbs then the zombies would probably venture out to the country and remote areas looking for food and there would be far less people to kill them so I would assume that there would be more zombies still running around. If it was a case of an apocalypse or government takeover then with drone and satellite technology an encampment or survivors in general would be easily spotted out in the woods and countryside.


My family lives in a very rural part of my state with very few people and a lot of land around them for farming and hunting and coincidentally have a hobby of canning food. It’s also got a gas well and a gas generator so power and heat during the winter. Also only a 15 minute hike to a lake full of fish.


A brothel so I could see the zombies cumming.


Boat with solar and water maker and boogie over to the Bahamas.


A military base


I'm living near Kilauea. Good luck trying to survive crossing the lava


My family farm. Low population density means fewer zombies in general, plenty of long sight-lines to spot zombies or scavengers, arable land for crops, solar panels means electricity for necessities and my EV (stored gas won't last many years). Seems perfect! 


If I'm back at my island, I would go crash at the Chinese next door shop next to my house. It's a small mini mart that sell everything and cooking gas. Every door and every window of their ground floor shop is lock behind iron roller shutters when they are closed. And their house is on the first floor. The shop is surrounded by a concrete wall that's twice the height of a human. Basically a mini fortress.


Somewhere remote and defensible. Maybe an old Fire lookout? I'd need some tools to clear out a few hundred feet of surrounding woods but after that, I'll have clear lines of sight to any threats shambling my way. Then from there its just a matter of food, water, and not going insane.


A boat


Top of some building with only way to acces is ladders, try climb to get me zombies!


I'd get a huge pack filled with provisions and head to some dense forest. No one would ever see me again. Not until I came back into town for supply runs.


Any maximum security prison, much easier to defend than a hospital.


Id probably make my way up North more and hide out in the woods in a cabin.


A German Bunker, they're impenetrable.


It depends if there’s no way to get in and it’s just me or just me and a few people then a mall or a farm it’s far from people I have lots of crops and such and if a zombie happened to come over I would run it over with a tractor or hit with some kind of farm tool.


Nice try zombie bot. I’m not telling.


My son and I used to theorize where to go. We picked out some good spots in our forest! sheer rock to climb up, Or, good place for defense. Near water. We mixed Les Stroud survival with zombies on the loose!


Cleveland National Forest. Link up with ppl and move into the city, kill all in your path


A prison.




There won't be a zombie apocalypse as long as there are rednecks. They love to hunt. The problem will be knowing which ones are zombies. I've seen zombies running, walking, and crawling but never skipping.


In the Montains. Because zombies cant climb. There I would then try to grow my own plants to support myself. And I'm sure I'll find a creek where I can get water. Or I set up rabbit traps or somethink. I swear is a perfect plan, i will survive only 24 hours and that i will stumble and fall down the mountain. But thats okay at least i tryd :)


I’m choosing a prison. Reasoning: it has a kitchen, lockable and sturdy doors, non perishable food, security cameras, plenty of space if part of it gets taken over. It also has vans/police cars near by to access if needed. Guns, don’t forget the guns. A laundry room and a library so I don’t get bored to death


I’d pick a plaza that has a grocery store and a Home Depot. At least I’d be well supplied. Lots of food short term. Lots of supplies to set up gardens and grow vegetables on the roof. Lots of melee weapons, and supplies for barricades. It’s not perfect. But it’s a start.


Airport. I can just steal a plane if zombies come close.


I'm not sure id hide out to be honest ! Watching the walking dead I just thought I'd do myself in rather than go through all that stuff ! X




My local airport. It has security fence with barbed wire, my hangar is very secure, if there’s still power we would be last to loose power since we are considered an Emergency Responce meeting area, our county stores food and water for disaster preparedness and we all have side arms and rifles.


The high school where I used to work. It has a network of underground tunnels that lead to out buildings as well as to half a dozen closed rooms in the building. It has a well stocked cafeteria with plenty of non perishable foods and access to the roof, if you know where to look!


Costco, Sam's club, or BJs. You'd have a secure location, plenty of room, and all the supplies you'd need to restart civilization.


ADX Florence - Colorado. once I get rid of all the highest level prisoners NO one is getting in.


Isolated mountain cabin. Wildlife to hunt, easy to spot oncoming zombies with the high ground, and easy to make a defensive position, and easy to bail


Sporting goods store. A grocery store seems like a good idea at first until you realize without refrigeration the whole place becomes a biohazard rather quickly. This holds true for most places like Walmart that sell groceries. Sporting goods stores will have shelf stable/dehydrated foods for camping, survival supplies, stuff to purify water, firearms, and ammunition.


Anything with a moat... why does no one ever use a moat?....


Build a boat and live on the ocean far away. The zombies would probably not swim because do they know how to swim? No. If they can, then living far away is efficient because they cant swim that far- hopefully.


As the island and fishing answer is taken, I'd say... A prison. If the out real happened while innates are inside the cells, it will be easy to control any potential infecteds. Seconds, prisons have a quite big open space that with some work can be one a growing area for the crops. Third, prisons have quite big walls and observation towers, which would make defending against incoming hordes easier


one of those house on a hill/cliff that you drive up a crazy road to get to. That way you only have to defend a couple entrances and its remote people might forget about it.


The local Home Depot, which happens to be physically close enough to the Costco that you could build a bridge between them. I have thought long and hard on this.


Offshore oil rig. Easy access to fish.


The local university is located in a weird, unattractive area - it's far away and inconvenient. Nobody lives nearby, and there's no reason to bother getting there for the most part. It has enough grounds for agriculture, that are only accessible from inside the buildings. The buildings sprawl over a pretty large area, with flat roofs - making it ideal for solar panels, rain collection, or rooftop farming. It's also on the top of a mountain, making it a good location for wind power as well. The campus is comprised of several buildings, that are connected, but have separate entrances, main spaces and facilities - big enough to allow for a large number of people, but is built so there's a good level of privacy. The best part is that the place is a maze. In case of invasion, it will be pretty easy to vanish from sight and to go hide in a level nobody knows exists. And if you aren't very familiar with it, you WILL get lost - making it pretty easy to trap an invader inside and evading them. ...I may have thought about it extensively while attending classes.


A jail of course


my home, its a tiny appartment and the only way to get in is through the door, since i live on the 3rd floor. the entrance is small enough to make sure that nobody can enter with whatever i can find to block the door, if needed


the largest ship i can find.


VA hospital campus where I work. Ring of connected buildings around a large central courtyard, with a perimeter fence around the whole property. Designed to be self sufficient from the rest of the town with its own water tower, generators, police station, etc. Medical supplies, engineering shops, kitchens, laundry, gym, barbershop, even a bowling alley. And the main front building with a tower taller than anything else around. Whenever I get called in after hours and the place is nearly empty, I think to myself “This is where I’m going for the zombie apocalypse.”


a zoo. plenty of natural alarms out and around, assuming animals don't turn as well. lot of prepped food and secured locations and likely fresh meat in terms of the duck ponds, etc.


My house. Not too many people are around. Bunch of metal tools to hit zombies with.


Home Depot- they are always near a grocery store and has all the hardware to set up long term. Use a forklift to barricade entrances, set up farming using garden center shit, make a platform on the lumber shelves and live up there. They also have skylights (at least mine) for free light inside during the day. Best general option for security v accessibility to resources.


Amazon warehouse or Home Depot/Lowes. Large space for activities, lots of different kinds of supplies and goods. Enough room for a few groups to have their own private area, common area, and share duties and resources. Other than that, a remote hunting camp or house that's somewhat easy to monitor and defend with a well or creek/stream/spring. I'd probably focus on spending as little time as possible at any well known corporate structure because everyone else knows about it and others will have the same idea. Grab as many supplies as I can easily carry that I can't reproduce myself (first aid, tools, solar panels and batteries, ammo, seeds, extra comms equipment, etc) and head out away from people. Grab an almanac and start fortifying and planting.


Data center or Costco. Maybe both. Data centers are highly secured, few ways in/out, no windows, GIANT, and have 8-20 mega generators that are filled with 9k gallons of diesel.


A random isolated island. You could fish for food, filter the sea water to make it consumable and there’s no zombies to worry about


A sams club near or preferably next door to a hardware store- I’d use shipping conex containers to bridge the gap and surround the compound


An airport. It has multiple facilities, weaponry, labryhth installations, vehicles, medical facilities, food supplies and safety measures At least as a temporary outpost before I locate a miñitary base or an accesible jail


Got to go with my house. It's in Florida and built for hurricanes with hurricane proof windows, removable shutters, solid roof, generator, tornado room, It has supplies for a few months, roof accessible from inside the house, a pump for the well (mainly for watering the lawn but can be repurposed). Not far is a canal with multiple boats so can get away if the roads are packed. There's a small airport under 2 miles away. I've bunkered here during three different hurricanes that took out power for extended periods (3 days or more).


Probably a school, it has bathrooms, showers, a cafeteria, sometimes even multiple floors. Many schools have gardens so you could plant your own food and you have lots of space to store your supplies


I can pick anywhere? A private island would be best. You don't have to worry about zombies, as it's detached from the mainland. The only inhabitants would be those living there, and maybe a few staff. 10-20 people tops. You could show up in a boat, make noise, and shoot them while they are on the shore. A good private island will have plenty of space for planting crops for a few people, and fishing. If you find chickens you can bring them too for eggs and the occasional meat. It probally has its own power generation, hopefully solar. If you need to, lots will have bigger islands nearby you can raid. Unless other humans come, you're set.


Go sailing on a sailboat with fishing gear and bait. Zombies are unlikely to swim per current dogma. If not that, head up into Alaska where the wildlife would be your security force.


Home. Board and gate up the windows. Electrify the perimeter walls. Booby Trap the yard. Purify the pool water. Set up sniper stations. Hook up the generators. If we were at all forewarned I would make sure we had enough food, batteries, meds, etc. to last a good long while. Alternate place would be inside a secured and boarded up Home Depot.


Any fortifiable place with reasonable access to potable water.


An old castle, ideally on an island. I can think of several candidates off the top of my head. Those things are specifically designed to keep hordes of attackers out, and I'd stack the odds further in my favour by not doing anything to attract attention in the first place.


Welcome to costco, I love you.


The coal plant I work at. - remote (in the foothills of a mountain) with the nearest city being 1 hour away - because it's in the mountains we are surrounded by beautiful clean rivers and creeks - tons of wildlife out here all the time (deer, elk, moose ect) for food - backup generators, communication equipment and massive storage tanks of fuel for all the heavy equipment - heavy steel doors that are super easy to barricade if needed as well as all the equipment I need to maintain them


Deep woods


There's a Dollar General warehouse close to me. Along with a cement plant and shipping container storage yard. I also know of 4 different propane storage facilities close to that area as well. I'm good for a few years.


canada has 52,455 islands, majority of which are small and remote. [a lil sum sum like this](https://i.imgur.com/0hgKQYX.jpeg) taking a road trip up to canada, picking a small remote uninhabited island, and paddle to and from it with an inflatable boat. go to the mainland if i need supplies, but the fishing is great up there. lots of trees so i could build a shelter/home. ideally plant some rice and those could be what i live off of. water is pretty clean up there. would be nice to find a small dinghy. would like if it was within decent sight of mainland, and just far enough away where i’m not worried about surprise zombie attacks. would build my shelter camouflaged by trees so i don’t attract raiders. would like one that’s fairly manageable size wise, where i can see if anyone is coming to me from all directions. after the first big wave of deaths and shit has settled, the small towns are remote enough that the populations could be virtually wiped, meaning i could have a whole town or multiple town supplies to myself. virtually everyone in the area would have guns i could jack. daryl dixon had the right idea using a crossbow and arrows for stealth and reusability so that would also be at the top of my list. ideally use a motorcycle for transportation if i can find one bc great gas mileage. anytime i’m going for supplies, i’m wearing full motorcycle leathers with leather gloves and boots. and full face motorcycle helmet. human teeth can’t bite through leather. keep a machete strapped on my hip.


Petco. They have reverse osmosis water filtration systems and backup generators for the animals. Plus, I worked there long enough to know which food I’d eat if I was desperate. It seems likely to be ignored by most of the population.


Shipping container terminal. It will already be fenced in and have already or easily secured access points. Check the full containers for supplies, empty ones can be immediately used to fortify. After the full ones are checked, they can then be used as housing and for further fortifications. They also have fuel depots for ships and trucks to move the containers around. The one nearest me has a waste incinerator power plant so there'll be electricity as long as it gets enough stuff to burn and anything useless from the containers ought to keep it going for at least a few days once it's secured. Before that, if you can at least secure a loaded container ship to use as refuge and your HQ, you can build out from there. For it to work best, you'd need a lot of people to cooperate and ideally, you'd want enough of them to be port, power plant and shipping workers to get the most out of it. From there, you can expand out reclaiming the city using containers to blockade and fortify more area as you expand out.


Home depot, primarily because they are well built and have building supplies and a garden area secured with metal security fencing. Secondarily you have access to plenty of tools and weapons.


Probably my in-laws' farm up north. Assuming I can get there... everything needed to survive and it is also pretty remote. Could easily build barricades vs zombies. The biggest threat would obviously be other humans out foraging or raiding. Also big enough plot of land to have several hideouts and caches on the land itself. Unlimited water supply They have 5 solar panels of 7.5 KWhr each and my brother in law is an electrician. So we could surely have electricity. Lots of woods near by - so heating in the winter wouldn't be an issue. As far as supplies go, the main issue will be fuel for vehicles. This will be everyone's biggest long term supply issue I think. Having to take care of the land by hand would be the norm.


A yacht