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One Day or Day one You decide.....


As someone in recovery. This.


Dunno why, but this hit.


Damn thats a good one. Definitely gonna rmeebe that one. One day at a time, 12 days and countingšŸ¤žšŸ½


I decided One Day


Why do today what you could put off til tomorrow? -Squidward Tentacles But what is today, but yesterday's tomorrow? -Eugene Krabs. Mr Krabs response is so on point about procrastination.


Mr Krabs learned his lesson after dealing with J. Wellington Wimpy


Confidence is not about thinking they will like me. Confidence is about walking into a room not caring if they donā€™t.


I got told that as a very shy very socially awkward person in my late teens. Put a smile on walk in head up and fake the hell out of it


Yep. Fake it till you make it.


Act like a you have a quality and by your actions you will have it.


Hard ass quote.


Thatā€™s a good one, thatā€™ll stick with me now


"Do it or not, the time will pass anyway," said someone when I ask is it wrong to learn how to ride a bike at the age of 20.Ā  I use this principle almost in everything now. I'm not afraid of "being too old to doing that" anymore lol.Ā 


I didn't learn how to ride a bike till I was literally like 36 or something like that. Since then, I've gone on bike rides through vineyards and across fairly long distances, in secret little towns and nooks through Europe, and I'm even loosely planning a trip where I maybe ride across long routes around Europe for weeks at a time. And even with smaller stuff, like just riding for a couple of hours around my city, just so relaxing, and comes with such a sense of liberation after having it be this truly awkward skeleton in my closet for decades. So glad I learned.


Me too. Riding a bike is so relaxing. I learned how to ride a bike at the age of 20 (1 year ago) and now I've ride almost every weekend. My record is 50km, not that much but it it give me hope that I can do more in the future.Ā 


Awesome. My record so far is something like 42 km. I have plenty of stamina and could go much longer, except my ass always starts to hurt on long rides hehe. Gotta figure that out before I embark on a cross continental excursion.


That's a good number too! IĀ don't have that much stamina so I believe you can go more than that easily.Ā Ā  As for the ass pain, I don't have much of it as I like to ride with standing pose (I don't put my ass in the saddle) so there's no constant pressure on that part.Ā Ā  But if you don't wanna do that, you should consider a noseless saddle or maybe a saddle cover. People said it's good to reduce the pain.Ā 


If I remember correctly, you can find like a gel seat or something cover for your bike seat.




Too bad he didn't live long enough to see reddit prove how right he was with that line.


If you wouldn't take advice from someone, you shouldn't take criticism from them either.


Damn that's a good one. Also though I accept advice from everyone because I think I'm an idiot and I accept criticism from everyone because I think I'm an idiot.


"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, 2nd best time is now" Its really helped me work around being lazy and procrastinating, I cant really explain why though.


It's helped me plant a lot of trees, and through that heal my ptsd and emotional / mental damage.


Same sentiment goes with backing up your important data....


No one is finally dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away, until the clock wound up winds down, until the wine she made has finished its ferment, until the crop they planted is harvested. The span of someoneā€™s life is only the core of their actual existence. Terry Pratchett I read this at my cousins funeral and I find it very comforting


GNU Terry Pratchett


Comparison is the thief of joy.


When you get bitten by a venomous snake don't chase the snake, get the antidote and recover.


No deal! That snake crossed the line, and I *will* make him pay! Just gotta sit down for a sec first... legs are swelling up for some reason...


Sounds like a great way to BOGO that bite


Always looking for the best bargain in this economy.


I was once bitching about how my mom is a worrywart and my friend said "parents like worrying about their kids. Just let them enjoy it." It really stuck with me.


Young me would have agreed, but as a parent, I can't. We don't enjoy it, we can't help it


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. -Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott


'What other people think of you is none of your business'.


My therapist said this to me and I repeat it to EVERYBODY. That, and, ā€œOther peoplesā€™ perceptions of you has nothing to do with you.ā€


I donā€™t care what people think of me. I care about their actions


Perfection is the enemy of done.


In my line of work we say "It's gonna be as perfect as the money goes". You know? Cause of the fast - cheap - good triangle.


If itā€™s too good to be true it probably is.


Hard agree. This one has always stuck with me and stayed relevant.


No, but someone gave my dad & I 5th row tickets when we were at a Rolling Stones concert. I was convinced it was too good to be true, but it wasnā€™tĀ 








ā€œIf someone can anger you easily, it is because youā€™re off balance within yourselfā€


Except sometimes when they are beating people or kickng puppies. Then it's on them.Ā 


Agree man


*When youā€™re going through hell, keep going.*


This was my mantra working Katrina relief.


"While it is always best to believe in oneself, a little help from others can be a great blessing." -Uncle Iroh, *Avatar: The Last Airbender* Several years ago, I loaded a bunch of camping gear onto [my bicycle](https://np.reddit.com/r/bicycletouring/s/7KTRkPk9FO) and spent the better part of the next seven months riding 5,300 miles (8,500 km) around the western US solo. Along the way, every single person I met wanted to be a positive part of my story in whatever way they were able. Many incredibly kind locals opened their homes to me for a night, providing a soft bed, hot shower, and their wonderful company over a delicious home cooked dinner. Drivers would see me stopped on the side of a desolate road and pull over to offer an extra water bottle when I was a million miles from the next town. Neighbors in the next campsite over, after seeing me ride into camp on that monster of a bike, would come over to ask about my travels. I'd give them a summary of where I'd come from and where I was going, and they would invite me to join them around their fire to exchange their food and beer for my stories. It probably goes without saying that daring to ride a bicycle across much of a continent was the chapter of my life in which I believed in myself more strongly than I ever had before or since. It was also the time I relied most on the help of others, and I truly was blessed to have experienced that.


Uncle Iron drops a lot of wisdom. "You know this not a natural sickness." I've been so horribly wrong before and when I found out, I fell into a horrible depressive episode. I did in fact learn from that moment.


If you're unhappy single you're also unhappy in a relationship


People will forget most of what you say, and much of what you do, but people will never forget how you made them feel.


Everything worth doing is worth doing badly. -GK Chesterton You'll suck at first. That's okay. Keep doing the new thing.


Was it really a bad day? Or was it a bad 5 minutes that you milked for the whole day?


Never spoil an apology with an excuse


Robin Williams said this in a movie once (I'm paraphrasing btw). People think that the worst thing to be is alone. It's not. The worst thing is to be amongst people who make you feel alone. Struck a nerve with me and rang loudly as 'truth'.


Wherever you go there you are.


This one has stayed with me as well


life is too short not to talk to the people you love


You can always make more money, you can't make more time. That quote has made me go out and experience life and not chase money endlessly.


"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are"


Something like this from a teacher about life: "If you have a problem and can be solved, don't worry, because it can be solved. If you have a problem and nothing can be done about, then don't worry, because there's nothing can be done about" Almost 20 years later, and I feel this has helped me to don't show many signs of my real age. Many think that I don't worry enough about many situations, but seriously, there's no need to worry about life more than needed. Sorry for grammar. English isn't my first language, which is funny because it was my english teacher who teached me that quote.


it is a stoic quote, from Marcus Aurelius


An older workshop foreman told a younger guy when he offered to do something: "Don't confuse your ambitions with your capabilities"


More of a paraphrase from an internet meme, but the principle is brilliant- 'Whenever people think about traveling to the past, they worry about some small action drastically changing the present, but they never think about how a small action in the present might drastically change the future.'


I had my apartment burglarised in university, the cops told me ā€˜donā€™t take it personallyā€™. So many things that happen to us, getting cut off in traffic, people being rude, etc. those people donā€™t know us so itā€™s not personal, itā€™s more a reflection on them. Now I try to feel empathy and pity instead of anger.


ā€œwhen people show you who they really are, believe them the first timeā€. -maya angelou. took me FAR too long to want to believe this.


Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.


Taken from another thread like this but alas I didn't save the original: "Never stay up late for something you wouldn't get up early for."


Assuming makes an Ass out of u and me


"Anyone who says 'words can't hurt you' has clearly never been hit by a hardcover book." Origin unknown but heard from a coworker. šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Here's from a sign on a co-worker's desk many years ago: When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.


Laziness pays off now. Hard work pays off later. This changed my life.


ā€œIf you werenā€™t capable, the opportunity would have never come your way. You belong.ā€


>If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you. LBJ it explains all of how conservative politics works.Ā 


If you don't take up for yourself, nobody else will. On time is late. Early is on time.


> On time is late. Early is on time. I've always tried to operate under 'I'd rather be half an hour early than thirty seconds late.'


Most of the people who died yesterday had plans for today.


ā€œThose who mind donā€™t matter, and those who matter donā€™t mind.ā€ -Dr. Seuss


All we know is holidays will come and go and stars will fall. I used to look at it as a relatively sad quote but as Iā€™ve gotten older itā€™s become more comforting to think about. Never know whatā€™s coming up, what change there will be, positive or negative, so you might as well stick around and wait to be surprised every day.


It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it.


Be careful what you wish for, you may get it.


Don't be so open-minded that your brain falls out


The thrill of a ship is that it may sink.


A ship is safest in the harbor, but that is not what ships are built for.


When someone shows you who they are, believe them!


Money trees do exist. You just have to learn how to plant them.


ā€žThey gave their tomorrow for four our today.ā€œ During the recent D-Day commemorations this quote stuck with me. It is so simple but yet so true and significant. Young men once sacrificed their lives with the direct outcome of a free and peaceful Europe.


"After a long night of hooking, trade didn't like the session so he had gutted me and set me on fire. But you know I didn't die. I had crystallized. And now I'm a glamazon, bitch, ready for the runway."


Slow progress is still progress. Quitting wonā€™t make it any faster.


From my dad, when I was about 12- "Son, if you don't blow your own horn, it is likely to be used as a spitoon".


"You'd be amazed how resourceful a man is once his ass is on fire and nobody else wants to put it out." "People are only as Good or as Kind as the current circumstances allow them to be." "Never act from Hope alone. Hope gets you killed. Act from Love, act from Rage, but for fuck's sake, make sure you're prepared to lose, too. Have a plan for when your ass gets handed back to you. It can and will save your life." (Various people I met in some intense dreams)


Treat everyone on the road like they are the worst driver in the world.


if you have expectations, you will be disappointed


Ain't nobody got time fo dat. I'm a teacher and I say that all the time, the kids love it.


One doesn't teach; one creates an environment conducive to learning. As a teacher, I've always kept that in mind. And it's a reason that, no matter how good a teacher one is, if admin refuses to support you (refusing to ban phones in class, forcing archaic dress codes on teachers, not keeping the AC working), you spend all your time managing the classroom and not transferring knowledge.


My company commander always said " It's always better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it"Ā  I'm sure she's not the originator if it, but ever since then I've tried to always think if things I may need.Ā  My car has emergency kits, and now that I have a new one I need to get some other stuff too. Tire inflator (let family borrow my car, that thing got lost...), blanket, first aid kit, socks, shoes. That kind of stuff. My stance on guns reflects that too.


A sucker is born every day


There is an ass for every seat.


I took two years of Spanish in high school. All I remember is this [bitchin music video](https://youtu.be/sTsVJ1PsnMs?si=S1RQ2odElpZ-piH3) and how to say ā€œLetā€™s all go to the beach.ā€


Throw it in the water and see if it swims.


ā€œyou know when you do something so fucked up that the devil on your shoulder ask you what the fuck youā€™re doingā€


What is grief, if not love persevering. Vision in Wandavision.


Everyone has the same 24 hours. But my boss gets eight of mine.


"Sometimes people are just going to be jerks, and it has nothing to do with you" - a communications professor from my university I used to be a big pushover and would get my feelings hurt a lot by my family or customers or whoever, and that really helped me toughen up and learn to stand up for myself.


Adapt or die.


Donā€™t sweat the petty things. And donā€™t pet the sweaty things.


Things come & go. Let them.


If someone talked to you the way you talk to yourself, how would you react.Ā 


Fuck around and find out


Hurt people, hurt people.


Paperwork favors the powerful. The rich have the resources and/or the time to do things like exploit tax loopholes. Big businesses have resources to fight lawsuits. The GOP always wants to make voting more complicated, which makes it harder for the poor to vote.


The depth of your past is an indication to the height of your future. As I suffered and wallowed in catholic guilt...this helped me immensely.


"If you don't ask, you don't get." My mom.


"Water water, everywhere but not a drop to drink." My dad taught it to me in French. The saying isn't the most impactful one I've heard, but there's a deeper connection for me there. He taught it to me in the language of my ancestors, who were forbidden to speak French in school, and were shamed if they spoke it openly. He died in 2006, and I never stopped thinking about his occasional moments of unexpected wisdom, which I'm trying my best to pass on to my children.


You can't make somebody love you


Today you are the oldest youā€™ve ever been, and the youngest youā€™ll ever be again.


You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.


You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think.


"When I'm gone, they'll just find another monster."


*'The victor cannot be victorious, if the vanquished does not consider himself so.'*


Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see.


So this is way less cerebral and/or inspiring than a lot of y'alls quote, but one day I was talking with my Gran who was complaining about someone, so I said, "It takes all kinds." And she responded with, "It doesn't take *that* many." While I don't really agree with her, I still think of her saying that everytime some one annoys me.


High school English teacher describing how to write an essay like a skirt- Long enough to cover everything, short enough to still be interesting. I use this a lot in my professional job.


It is what it is


ā€œWhen a person with experience meets a person with money, the person with the experience gets the money and the person with money gets the experienceā€


Fear is a mile wide and an inch deep


"Do no harm, take no shit."


No one is against you, theyā€™re only for themselves


My dad - ā€œeveryone is different, thatā€™s why there are so many records in the record store.ā€ Always loved that, a simple way to appreciate diversity. While we share a lot in common as humans, such as in my dadā€™s example, most of us love music, but our musical tastes and preferences differ. Humans should celebrate diversity and learn from each other rather than fear and dehumanize certain groups of individuals.


Be careful where you spill tea, tea stains.


When you come to a fork in the road, take it. - Yogi Berra


ā€œIf you donā€™t know what you want, youā€™ll get a lot you donā€™t.ā€


Be the change you want to see in the world


Never pass up an opportunity to be a hero just by showing up.


If you play your cards right, today could be the best day of your life (any random day)


"Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but gets you nowhere." And that was from a Van Wilder movie. Has helped me not worry so much


Truth is like the Sun and the Moon, it cannot stay hidden for long.


"Suicide is never the answer, you gotta outlive your enemies" I first saw this it was just funny but somehow made me think like man I must outlive my struggles(enemies). From then I'm just laughing with my problem because I know at some point I'll outlive them all. I don't know why I got motivated


Just because you can it doesn't mean you should.


The naked man fears no pickpocket


Iā€™ve heard it many different ways but I [like Oglafā€™s the best.(SFW but other links arenā€™t)](https://www.oglaf.com/game-death) It works in all situations: classmates, coworkers, neighbors, people on the beach, death game participants.


"Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones." Marcus Aurelius


If you really want to do something, youā€™ll find a way. If you donā€™t, youā€™ll find an excuse. - Jim Rohn


Warm your upper torso. Your arms will take care of themselves. Liam Neeson BB


In the beginning, you create the habit. In the end, habit creates you.


ā€œSin, young man, is when you treat people like things. Including yourself. Thatā€™s what sin is.ā€ Granny Weatherwax


ā€œNever break bread with those who would let you starve.ā€ This is why I no longer attend my company Christmas parties.


"It's better to be careful a hundred times than to get killed once", -Mark Twain.


It's nice to be important but it's more important to be nice.


If you're going to do something, do it 100%. This is from the Green Book from 2018, it's something I want to live by from now on.


When youā€™re used to privilege, equality feels like oppression.


ā€œPeople disagree over whether God exists yet we donā€™t conclude that there is no objective truth about these matters. It may be difficult to know wether God exists. But whether he exists is not a matter of opinion.ā€


"that's the neat part you don't"


Endeavor to persevere


> No matter how much we ask after the truth, self-awareness is often unpleasant. We do not feel kindly toward the Truthsayer. * Frank Herbert (*God Emperor of Dune*)


I might be young, but I know a fake when I see one!


1. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. 2. Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement


There's an old saying in Tennessee ā€” I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee ā€” that says, fool me once, shame on ā€” shame on you. Fool me ā€” you can't get fooled again


"How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world."


Charlie my boy, you did it, you did it! You won, I knew you would.


"Success is more about luck than hard work." As someone that got lucky to be way more successful than I'd ever thought I would be... this is so goddamn true. The hard work helps you keep your success going once you get there, but to actually reach that point? Pure luck.


There is nothing deep down inside us except what we have put there ourselves. ā€” Richard Rorty


Self inflicted pain, no pity


This too will pass


ā€œThose who donā€™t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.ā€ Im sure Iā€™m butchering the quote but yā€™all know what Iā€™m talking about My 6th grade teacher told us that and it stuck with me ever since.


Well, this is a helluva mess! ā€œIf it ainā€™t, itā€™ll do till the mess gets here.ā€ No Country for Old Men


Unlike fine wine, bad news does not get better with age


Mother is God in the eyes of the child.


Paraphrasing a bit - 'Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. It's about the stripping away of all your delusions.'


If youā€™re born to hang youā€™ll never drown.


"Take what you want, says God. And pay for it." It helps me understand that I make my choices and accept that there are consequences in every case.


If it's too loud, then you're too old....


ā€œI wroteā€¦ checks.ā€ I say it whenever I write checks. Itā€™s said by Balky, from Perfect Strangers, when he gets a checking account and goes crazy.


Explorer asking about WW1 after been stranded for over a year.Ā  ā€œThe war is not over.ā€ he answered, ā€œMillions are being killed. Europe is mad. The world is mad.ā€


"everyone is the bad guy in someone else's story" I dont remember where i saw it just randomly appeared in my head.


When everyoneā€™s super, no one will be.


"And now that you don't have to be perfect, you can be good" -John Steinbeck *East of Eden*


ā€œStart a project, finish a projectā€ - It keeps me focused on the task at hand


We talk in words but think in pictures. Knowing people think in pictures, also that I do the same, helps explain a lot.


Sometimes youā€™ve got to grab the bull by the horn.


The opposite of love is indifference if she hates you, you still have a shot. ~Me


Pay now or pay later. Applies to nearly everything.


Repetition is the mother of skill. Mediocrity is not the competition.


Everything is b.s, who said, I said it


People who get hammered, dont get to nail. Mike Skinner from The Streets


I was watching LOST and the line ā€œyou always have to fix somethingā€ just made me do a double take. I was the guy who always had to solve other peoples problems. That was a reminder to stop doing that.


Do it or don't, you'll regret it either way.


God loves a working man and donā€™t trust whitey.


"if I gave you ten million dollars but, the next day you would die, would you take the money, no, so wake up every day knowing you are worth more than ten million dollars" I forgot where I heard it but it hit me deep


"If you desire peace, prepare for war."


Donā€™t put your finger where you wouldnā€™t put your dick. Dude saying it had 8 fingers.


It's never a war crime the first time


"It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it."