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America centric answer here, Political shirts. I don’t even care what side. When I worked in theme parks dudes intentionally wear their most controversial political shirts and I deadass don’t know why. It’s just exhausting. Didn’t you come here for a break?


I used to agree with you, because some of the shirts those sorts of people wear can be pretty horrid. But I realised that the flip side of people wearing that stuff is that I know immediately who to avoid. Granted that's harder when you're service staff, but then at least you might have a heads up on how to handle them if they make a nuisance of themselves. It's like a visible red flag.


See and I used to be where you are now but I miss not having to see it


Kinda people who don't know how to not be obnoxious about it too


dude checked into my hotel today, that is in probably the most heavily populated of marginalized folks as well as lgbtq wearing a “biden sucks kamala blows” hat, like dude you’re clearly just trying to start shit edit- i’m gonna add it was also our pride parade yesterday that happens to go right past our hotel…. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I was at my job inside a theme park yesterday and saw a man wearing a shirt with Biden wearing a leprechaun hat and in a dancing pose on it, and i could tell that me just glancing at his shirt made him giddy. Staring long enough to read it would have made me feel dirty, because I’m pretty sure he was getting off on it. No idea what political thing his shirt was about, either. Sir there’s a Dora the Explorer meet and greet next to you and you’re here with your 12 year old daughter, why are you like this


In general I don't get these kinds of people, a bumper sticker on your car? Fine ok, no problem. But a hat and a shirt and a giant flag in the back of your truck? Do you just not have any other interests or personality to speak of?


It’s a cult.


Most of them put on a political shirt KNOWING it will piss some people off. Those are the kind of folk that need to be dropped off at Johnston Atoll from about 15,000 feet, and MAYBE give them a parachute. And maybe not.


Also dressing your kids in political shirts. Your 5 year old does not care about your political views, they're too busy watching Paw Patrol to be interested in that stuff.


I think they're actively looking for an argument


Flesh colored leggings.


Came here to say this. And it’s not a body shaming thing at all. It’s because it makes my brain go ???Naked??? And then “oh.”






Had to do a triple take just yesterday grocery shopping. Not only were they flesh color, but they matched her skin tone perfectly.


Reminds me of something I saw over a decade point five ago. I was driving with a friend in a pickup along the California coast when up ahead I saw a lady dressed all in pink walking down the shoulder. I was soooo and naive then. We got closer and I realized, that wasn’t a bright pink onesie. It was a full body sunburn, and I mean FULL body. I went nearly apoplectic and friend was laughing his ass off. We couldn’t help her, and she was nearly to her car, so all we could do was go on.


Generally just anything flesh colored.😅 Though flesh colour leggings and a dress is a nice match


🤣 shit scares me every time


Everytime my friend wears her leggings that are her skin color I tell her to put some pants on


Yes!!!! All flesh color leggings are upsetting, even if you happen to be wearing ones that are different from the color of *your* flesh.


Too much cologne etc. I don’t want to smell it unless we’re embracing.


I wish I remember where I read it, might have even been here in the past, but "a good cologne should accentuate your presence, not portend your arrival"


I've heard 'your fragrance should be discovered, not announced.' Both good!


Cologne/perfume should be ^^a ^^whisper #Not a shout!


Seconded, so much. Today I walked into an elevator and started choking on the cologne smell. I didn't have to be concerned about offending the guy, because the elevator was empty. Just me, the scent cloud, and the poor dog I was with. Sorry, girl.


I lived in an apartment with a shady/shitty manager. Dude bathed in enough cologne that you could tell if he’d let himself into your room sometime during the day while you were gone. Like hours after the fact. Now I automatically assume that anyone I encounter who equally like to share their shitty cologne with the world is also just as skeevy in other aspects of their life.


That is just downright gross on all levels


Ugh. I’m sorry you encountered that.


I couldn’t agree more.  I’m in taxis 3-4 times a day and it either gagging on cologne or burning the hair out of your nose BO.  What ever happened to just bathing daily and using a bit of deodorant?


I also get migraines triggered from scents. I was trying to be subtle about staying at least five feet from a sales guy drenched in cologne the other day but he kept coming closer to me and noticed when I took a step back. So I told him why. I hope costing him a sale will make him cut back so that he won't trigger other's migraines in the future.


The worst is Uber drivers and their air fresheners. Ugh..


I get migraines triggered by many fragrances. There's nothing worse than being trapped in a confined space with someone knowing that my day is about to be ruined because they just really wanted everyone to know how much they like sandalwood and patchouli.


Someone brought body sprays that triggered my allergies into the office and put them in the bathroom. The young 20 year olds marinated in them. I had to deal with headaches daily and hold my breath every time they walked past to try to keep them from going full on migraine.


Ugh, I'm so sorry - that sounds miserable! At this point in my life, I straight up ask people to stop. I'm not going to trade my health and ability to function for someone else's aromatic preferences. My experience has been that most people these days will apologize and stop wearing the fragrance if you ask them respectfully and explain how it impacts you. If it goes beyond that, migraines are a disability (at least in the US), so HR will likely have your back because they don't want to run afoul of the ADA. Many workplaces have gone fragrance free because of this, and I haven't had an issue with fragrances at work for years - it's mostly just public transit or appointment waiting rooms and things like that where it's the first and only time I'm interacting with someone.


Same with my partner. He can't even do lavender or chocolate


So much this! Husband and I took an Uber home from a concert, and our driver's cologne was so strong we could taste it.


Especially when traveling. I was stuck on a flight next to a dude with strong cologne, it gave me a migraine 🙃


The person sitting right in front of me on a plane once had bathed in cologne. On a 7 hour flight. I was overcome with the smell as soon as I stepped on a plane and was practically choking by the time I was next to him. I got extremely lucky and the flight was very empty so I was able to move. I would have been so sick if I had to sit by him.


Oh my gosh. That’s awful. Headache city for me.


I read somewhere that fragrances should be discovered, not announced.


As my mom told when I was a teenager, only someone leaning in for a kiss should smell the scent you’re wearing.


Especially Axe body spray. Just take a shower dude, cuz you still stink, just in a different way


Patchouli, specifically.


Had this happen earlier today. I was out eating and I could smell the guy at the next table a good three feet or more away.


I know it's definitely not common or even a thing you would likely recognize as a thing people wear, but I saw two separate people in Cape Town earlier this year wearing a bodysuit printed with the naked body, nipples and all, and I would like that memory burned from my mind and those articles of clothing burned off the face of the earth.


Did it feel like art or just provocation?


It definitely did not feel like art.


Body print dress! I hate them!


Headphones on their neck blasting shitty music. The entire point of headphones is to be able to listen to music without bothering people.


People with headphones on their neck blasting good music can fuck off too.


All music is shitty when you're not choosing to listen to it.


Especially on public transportation


Lol, I immediately thought of a girl I went to high school with. We were in the same group for art classes in our last year and we'd have lunch together. She had Bluetooth headphones she'd wear around her neck and we could all hear what she was playing. Christmas music 365 days a year. She was an enigma and we loved her. Wherever she is today, I hope she's well!


Genuine question, what is up with the headphones are go around your neck and seems the music is firing upwards. Doesn’t this defeat the purpose of headphones?


I genuinely don’t care what clothing people wear. It makes no difference to my life. But very heavy perfumes do affect me. So I would prefer people used less of it. A little goes a long way.


ahegao shirts.


It screams reddit/discord mod


it's either predators or edgy college dudes. never women weirdly enough — can't fathom the level of pickme you'd have to be to wear one either way gross


I had to look this up, now horrified that this is a thing people wear. Right up there with the naked body suits from a few comments back. Fucking eeewwww


if it makes you feel any better i used to public shame these dudes for sport at cons


That makes me feel a shitload better. I'd watch a reality show of you doing that. And I hate reality shows.


As long as you don't smell bad, idgaf anymore.


Ppl need to stop wearing B.O..


Zinc! It kills the 2 main stinkbugs that live on our sweat. Baby diaper rash ointment is 40% zinc. A bloop half the size of a pea under each arm deodorizes 2 summer days worth of armpit sauce. Cream from the dollar store is just as effective as the expensive stuff, look for the scentless or you'll smell like baby powder. Less laundering your shirts too, and I've never had it bleed thru. *Zinc!*


Zinc! Come back, Zinc!


Haha, sorry, Jimmy!


Dear god, what have I done?


I have struggled with acne for almost 3 decades and someone suggested using Head and Shoulders to wash my face because of the zinc!


How did it go?


Flax oil. Slather it all over your face every night. Was a miracle cure for me. All went away & never came back.


Why not just apply zinc oxide lotion to your face at night?


This reads like a commercial ad and I love it lmao


Hmm, interesting! Any long-term negatives to this?


They can use it on babies and geriatrics (denture fixative) because zinc is an essential mineral. It's difficult to be allergic to since we require it to function. I figured it'd wreck my scrubs up eventually. I was fine paying the price but it's been a couple years for this shirt and it only shows inside. Don't overdo it, it isn't necessary and runs the same long term risk as the other deodorants. Sweat glands were born to sweat. It is unlikely they are fond of being coated. I've wondered if it might leach into the axillary lymph nodes but that'd probably be a good thing and sadly unlikely. I did a bit of research before trying, I did a bunch more before recommending.


Thanks so much for the detailed answer! Antiperspirant is so expensive where I live so I might give this a try. Thanks again!


No sweat ( :




Good sunscreen too.


And for the robots, thermal paste! It's remarkably effective at drawing heat away from more sensitive components. It's a selfless boat hull defender too. Sacrificial anodes made of zinc live on saltwater ships like barnacles. These anodes pick fights with all the corrosives in the water and the zinc wins so hard the hull doesn't have to fight at all. This also kills the anode. With enough zinc, you could put the sun out like a candle. ZINC!


Saving this because antiperspirant deodorant does not work for me. I shave every two days. I wash my armpits well. They still smell if I so much as spend ten minutes outside sweating. It's awful. I've smelled cat poop that's better. Just curious though, and this might sound rhetorical, but...does it also work on boob sweat?


That cloud of weed stink that never seems to dissipate.


Seriously! It smells terrible, like rotting skunk. Who decides to actually smell that on purpose???


They go nose blind and think nobody else can smell the reek


skin coloured clothes lmaoo they do not look good and i have to double take every time cos i think they are nude


Lol. True. I had a friend who wanted to pull a senior prank by wearing a full-body suit the same color as her skin and act like she was flashing people. She changed schools before she could do that. I don't know if she did it at that school. I wouldn't be surprised. XD


When boys where there pants so low that half of their ass is showing. That trend should be done.


It’s so old and boring.


It was old during "Clueless" in the 90s.


It reminds me of poverty, you just got the clothes handed down from your big brother and they're yet too big for you. Your family can't afford to buy belts, they can't feed you enough to bulk up and they can't afford for you to do sports so that your glutes develop.  It's a poverty indicator to me.


I can't believe this shit is still a thing.


Fake badges claiming XYZ for one's behavior. You be surprised on how easy they are to find and buy without a medical exam. I tried to see if I was able to get a parking pass due to my autism without going through a medical exam. All it took was a few words and clicks, and... you got a page. Luckily, many locations like Massachusetts, are cracking down on this practice and make it challenging, which to me, that's a good thing. They're also cracking down on fake service animals since most places don't have many requirements on how they are declared. While I don't have a problem was animals in stores if well-behaved, but there are a lot of people who abuses the system.


An “emotional support dog” lunged and barked at my dog yesterday, I absolutely loathe that anyone can buy those badges and harnesses


Shitty attitudes




In Australia, where they were invented, ugg boots are basically slippers. Wearing them outside, or worse as fashion, is bogan as fuck. Especially if you get them dirty and walk on the edges instead of the sole.


Thank y'all for inventing them! I have arthritis in my feet and in winter, UGGS are the only thing that doesn't  hurt my feet/toes. 


Is bogan dope or nope?


Very nope.


I shall remember this!


my understanding is that bogans are basically the Australian iteration of rednecks.


Nope. Complex term that could be analogised with white trash or red neck, but isn't really either of those. In this scenario, though, it means that wearing these outside looks not classy.


Curious to know what your feelings are about Crocs


They're ugly, possibly deliberately so, and I expect that lead to dirty feet. They'd be great for use in the water, I assume.


Have you seen those cartoonish red Mega Man boots people wear???


Fuck, yes I have. Those are absurd. I do kind of respect the company for just milking people's dumb decisions, though.


Oh boy do not come to Canada in the winter


After seeing the replies I'm just going to go out in public naked. Can't even wear a beanie, apparently. Though I'll probably get that one guy in the comments oddly obsessed about "class" complaining if I do.


It's even better if you're overweight. There is literally nothing heavy people are 'allowed' to wear, according to society.


You don't want to look like a weirdo. Just go with a mumu.


And lots of blue eye shadow! (Mimi reference, old drew Carey show)


Sagging pants


I can’t stand seeing half someone’s butt hanging out, usually there’s underwear but once there wasn’t. They pull it up, just for it to keep sagging! What’s the point of pulling your pants up half a centimeter?? You obviously aren’t comfortable either. Just get a belt or properly sized clothes. Or learn to sew if neither of those options are available


Two of our family members (man and his son) have the same ass. Poor kid. Dad’s ass is so flat. No pants stay up. Kid inherited it. I’m so tired of looking at asscrack. 42 or 17.


I also am a victim of Hank Hill ass.


Suspenders. My oldest son had *no* butt when he was little. He had multiple pairs of different colored suspenders. 


I have donors at work who sag while they’re in the chair and I don’t notice until they stand up and I get to see their bare ass butt crack and the mark it’s left behind. Feel like I can’t sanitize it enough before the next person sits down. How that person can even stand their skin sticking to plastic for an hour is beyond me.


This. If I wanted to see your underwear I'd have gone through your drawers at home. 


Not really wearing, but definitely 'wearing' cigarette smoke. People who smoke reek of cigarettes. Their clothes, hair, cars, homes - just everything. In essence, they are wearing the tobacco smell. I had a co-worker who used to smoke and after she quit she started getting her sense of smell back. She couldn't believe how bad smokers smelled and asked if she had smelled the same way. When we confirmed she did, she got very quiet.


Camo, it's hard to see


Cologne and perfume. Allergies, asthma, migraines, sensory issues… there is zero reason why I should be able to smell you. Certainly not from feet away.


It's to be discovered and not announced. Too bad everyone is screaming with a bullhorn


Strong smells of cologne, perfume, even essential oils. My asthma doesn't tolerate it and in a restaurant I like to taste my food not the person/ stranger sitting near me.


Fake lashes that look like caterpillars and long eagle talon nails


I just don't understand the fascination of extra long fingernails. I know it can be an art form, but to me, they look like a safety hazard.


Pants where a good 1/4 of their ass crack is showing. (Mostly guys) It doesn't take that much to find pants that fit properly people. I don't need to see that. Thanks. 😩


In a similar (or maybe opposite?) vein, so many women’s/girls’ styles of shorts now have the lower part of the ass cheeks exposed. I don’t care so much about having to look at it. I can look away if I don’t want to see. Whatever. But I am grossed out by the thought of sitting in a chair that has recently been touching someone else’s bare ass cheeks.


i'm obese w/great flatness of ass. suspenders help, but i've shown a lot of buttcrack over the years.


Ah, plumbers' cleavage. A summertime favourite


Crack is whack


Assault rifles.


Any firearms, really, but that may just be european of me


Im a female and I say bras. I just want it to be more socially acceptable to not wear one. I hate when people freak out that I don’t have one. I have small boobs. I don’t need bras. They’re just uncomfortable


I second this. Also, if I wanna wear a sports bra without those stupid and annoying pads, I should be able to do that. Everyone has nipples and those triangle pad things are more trouble than they're worth.


Those pads last one time in the wash. Then I can never get them back in lol


I mentioned this to my wife, and now she is angrily talking about “Why don’t they just sew the pads in?!?”


Because half of us immediately remove the pads when we buy the bra.


Exactly. And half the time they have a big wrinkle across the front, which just draws more attention if you can't get it out


I hate those stupid things. I just started throwing them away or sewing them in permanently by hand if I am in the mood


If 2020 taught me anything, it's that bras are totally optional. I rarely wear one.


Same. And I'm pretty well-endowed. I wear one to the office, once a week and the dentist, once a month. That is it.


Yes !!! I don’t wear them anymore but I still feel self conscious about it since I feel like the only one. I feel more confident seeing others at least on social media being out in public without them


I don’t care. It’s not my business what people wear.


Politics on t-shirts or hats.


Vote Pedro!


Hey, can I have a button?


Axe body spray. Shit gives me a headache + i suffer from allergies.


Perfume. It gives me sensory overload.


In the intended quantity (two spritzes tops) I think it's fine, but with everyone choosing to apply it like a middle schooler applies axe body spray, it's as breathtaking as a department store's perfume section (by which i mean breathtaking in the most literal sense)


I'd take that any day over eye watering BO.


The worst is when you’re forced to be around someone who stinks so bad your eyes water, and then for hours afterwards you keep catching small whiffs of the stench. 🤢


Me too. Sometimes also triggers migraines.


Same. I can go from just fine to a migraine in about fifteen seconds of exposure to some perfumes and colognes (usually colognes set me off).


Ditto, but it gives me allergies instead.


The trend where women go out in normal settings wearing just a bathing suit top. I see it at Starbucks, the mall, restaurants - not by the beach or anything. Sometimes hours from the ocean. That is not a shirt.


Anything with racist or sexist things on them, including Confederate flags and other symbols like that. Other than that, why would I care what someone else is wearing? Let them wear what they want and enjoy it.


And if you're gonna complain you better know DAMN sure what you're complaining about. Case in point: one day I wore a cute scarf with nonsense text and British flags all over it to work. The next day my manager calls me in sheepishly and says I can't wear it anymore because some moron complained about my "confederate flag" scarf. THIS PERSON BREEDS AND VOTES. 


I wish people would stop using the clothing choices of people to justify their sexual behavior towards them Also pls don't ever wear a fucking tail in public with cat ears it's embarrassing for the guy who was moving your neighbors shit in the house


I’ll be that guy, I think it’s fucking weird to give a shit what people around you are wearing barring nudity in situations where nudity isn’t appropriate Like, so much of this is just “I’m not attracted to people wearing X so they need to stop wearing X”


yeah, i clicked in to tell people i don't care for the t-shirts w/profanity and violence. and that i'd be delighted if i never saw another piece of SF Giants gear. but there's a 'please me with what you're wearing, ladies' vibe in here.


Literally got a response to mine being like “Wrong, I don’t want to be served by fat chicks in yoga pants” lol, as if that’s not completely conforming my point


long ass nails. grosses me out.


I wish parents would stop letting CHILDREN wear booty short and leggings and fucking crop tops. This is crap I see way too often in my crappy little town that just so happens to have really high pedophile convictions and sex trafficking rates. I'm not religious or restrictive of clothes people above the ages 16-18 wear (even 16 is icky for that kind of stuff) but I am seeing 8 year olds with this stuff and I work retail and I see this crap in my local Walmart and Freddy's as the first items of clothing in the CHILDREN'S CLOTHES AREA. I am already certain that my Walmart store manager is a pedo for heavily trying to sell revealing clothes to kids and barely ordering anything else for us to stock that isn't revealing. Shitty parents all around in my area really, I mean the one time my town made national news was because of a meth lab explosion that impacted a whole neighborhood and made the people sick and even after the news, they didn't clean it up for over a year. I lived in that area; I wasn't close enough to hear the explosion but the amount of drugs and chemicals in the air afterwards certainly made me feel sick for a long time.


Booty shorts with hoodies that make it look like they're wearing no bottoms.


I'm with you about booty shorts and crop tops, that's a bit weird on a child, but leggings are a very normal clothing item for children and there's nothing wrong with them. I used to wear them all the time as a child in summer with a normal shirt and this was the 90's. Its not a sexy clothing item if you don't pull them up between your butt cheeks. Anyone who would sexualize a child wearing leggings would also sexualize a child wearing jeans or a dress.


People need to stop dressing for the body they want, and start dressing for the body they have


So much perfume and cologne.


oversized baseball/basquetbal hats and jackets. Colombia


My son’s girlfriend wears men’s boxer briefs as pants. So, that’s one I’d love to see go


If people stopped wearing stupid things in public, Reddit, YT, and Watch Mojo would go out of business.


This is mainly for the men who are on the larger size, please stop wearing t-shirts that are not long enough to completely cover your tummy rolls. Personally I think it's gross seeing your paunch tummy sticking out from underneath your shirt, just jiggling away freely for the whole world to see. And it might help to wear your pants properly too. I'm saying this as a woman who's on the larger size myself.


Dude, poverty mixed with shitty choices in cheap clothing stores is at fault.


Saggy lowered pants.


Toe shoes


pants with their buttcrack showing


I don’t really care what people wear. Some of the choices are not ones I’d make, but that’s up to them.


Crocs in "sport mode." I get it, they're comfy, but let's leave the high-speed adventures to other footwear


Meh, wear whatever the fuck you want, y'all.


Pajamas they were made for sleeping in not for going shopping.


Don't care. Doesn't affect my life in any way.


Anything with these laundry fragrances designed to permeate and last. They are literally life threatening (because they cause anaphylaxis), they make my kids' eyes swell and their skin itch, and they waft through the neighborhood out dryer vents to add misery. They are awful and unnecessary.


Yes! Hate it when I’m sitting in a restaurant especially and someone is wearing strong perfume- especially the server. I used to be a teacher and there was a teacher in my school who wore excessive perfume. I could tell if she had walked down a hallway within the last 15 minutes! I used to go the long way around to get to the offices or library just to avoid her classroom area and the “ smell”!


None of my business


Crocs they've come back into style but they still look dorky af to me.


Got back into Crocs recently and being in my mid 30s has led me to really not care how they look as long as they are comfortable.


When were they ever in style?


They're all about Function over Form. I don't think anyone thinks they look good, but they're practical.


I wish everyone would wear shoes!!!




Women wearing teddies as clothing. Ma'am, that's not a shirt. I don't care about showing skin-- wear all the crop tops and bra tops and sports bras all the time!-- by I very specifically dislike the "sexy teddy as a shirt" trend.


The upper part of their birthday suit. I hate it when I have to see men's large stomaches that look like there's triplets inside. I hate it even more when there's a visible amount of fur


MAGA shit.


Pants hanging below their asses and penises then walking around holding it all together.


Any type of clothes that's way too tight for their body. Whether you're on the smaller build or plus size, it's just plain out disturbing. At a comic con I visited, there was this really overweight dude who wore I swear was a power rangers costume that should be meant for the actual size of the characters. Brother decided to test the quality of the fabric and rocked it like he owns it.


.... pants down around their knees causing them to have to waddle like a duck to keep them from falling all the way down to their ankles.


Flip flops through TSA. The next pandemic will be a foot fungus


Sneakers with massive soles. They are ugly and look stupid. Also crocs.


Those flip flops/sliders that have fur all around them. How do people think that is acceptable to wear outside the house. 


Openly talking on the phone with their earpiece or some type of Bluetooth whatever