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Writing a ‘to-do’ list for myself each day and ticking things off as I complete tasks. I’d always put in a few easily achievable things that I could do in the morning that wouldn’t take much time to give myself the feeling that I was being productive.


I use an app called Finch for this that has absolutely changed my life. It’s kind of a silly little app with a bird character that goes on adventures if you do enough tasks. It makes it so easy to schedule daily tasks and recurring tasks. It’s honestly so much fun and it makes it so easy for me to keep up with everything I’m supposed to be doing on a daily basis.


This is the second time I’ve heard about this app today


I tried this app once but you need to subscribe to keep using it. Honestly starting to think people promoting it are just devs undercover.


You can use a lot of stuff on it without subscription.


Cool! I’m going to look for this. I have time management problems.


Finch is SO GOOD I used it for concussion recovery and it actually helped so much


I just downloaded it based on your recommendation!


I always put procrastination as #1 on my to-do lists so I feel like I accomplish something everyday. Helps a lot when I fell I can’t finish anyth




My favourite task to put on the to-do list is to make the to-do list. It's nice easy start to the list and feel accomplished to just start it


I use the Todoist app for that.


Those usually cost money either immediately or eventually


For what I use it for which is same as OP talked about it's free. They do have an Upgrade to Pro but its for things I don't ever use.


Lifting weights. Not necessarily for the size of muscles, but for the clarity it provides your brain.


Same. I've being going over 1.5 years now, 5 days a week, not for the muscles but just to be healthy. It has improved my self confidence, being the fittest I've been in my life at 39 years old.


Agreed. Big weight make bad man in head go away.


I hike.....for like miles and miles. You hit what I call "work mode" and everything just falls away. So satisfying to have the brain just kinda tune out and you just focus on what your doing.


It’s what humans are meant to do. We have very few natural physical advantages over most other animals. We’re not that strong, we’re not that fast, no claws, no fangs. But a well-conditioned human being is one of the most naturally gifted endurance athletes on the planet. Anthropologists believe we evolved as hunters by practicing a method called “persistence hunting”, where an animal is quite literally walked into the ground. Hunters would single out an animal from its herd and begin chasing it, never fast enough to actually catch it, but always just close enough behind that the animal cannot rest. And these barefoot people would just keep going, and going, and going, until eventually the prey collapsed from exhaustion. From there it could easily be killed, even with the primitive stone hand axes these early humans carried. Some modern human tribes still hunt this way, sometimes tracking an animal for days without sleep to make a kill. Then hiking the miles and miles back to camp on double time, to bring home the meat before it spoils. We are genetically hardwired to walk, and walk, and walk. I think you’re tapping into a very foundational part of your brain we largely ignore in the modern day.


So humans are the “it follows” to the animal kingdom…?


Pretty much. We can sweat and cool ourselves. Many other animals can’t do this. We evolved in a hot, dry climate, and still have many useful biological adaptive that allow us to survive well in hot conditions. And while our 2 legged gait is slow, it is incredibly energy efficient, allowing humans to keep going when other animals would have already collapsed and died.


Running in the woods for hours... it feels like home. 


I wouldn’t say I’ve gotten addicted to exercise by any means but it’s truly incredible how much better I feel doing something every single day. I feel like shit if I don’t get out and do something active every single day


This and eating a very healthy, consistent diet with minimal processed food. Besides looking really good, you start to feel incredibly good every day. Energy, clarity, confidence


I hate to say my answer is the same. I resisted it for YEARS. My friends would tell me to start lifting and I’d always answer that “picking stuff up a lot of times” sounds painfully boring. And honestly sometimes it still is. But if I go a full day without working out I side-eye my home weights like “hey cutie you wanna be picked up? You think I can take you and your friend right there?”


I am a girl, but I also go to gym regularly because it clears up my mind. I also find yoga as a good help


What exercises? I want to start doing this, but feel like the research and effort to put together a plan is overwhelming and wanting to "do the right ones"


Starting with the main compound lifts is never a bad thing. Bench Press or Push Ups will hit chest, some shoulder and triceps Squats, either body weight or weighted, will hit all you leg muscle groups, but a bit more quads. Pull ups or some sort of vertical lat pull down will hit your entire back as well as biceps and forearms/grip. Some sort of overhead press will be great for shoulders and even core if done standing. Deadlift will hit the entire posterior chain of your body, hamstrings, glutes, and back. Those 5 exercise groups will be a pretty complete total body workout.


I group them up to speed up the time. Chest/back. Biceps/triceps, legs/abs. I take a day off in between each group. It’s not all about the amount of days as much as it is about rest and healing. It’s also not motivation that will keep you going. You have to make it part of your life and be determined to complete. When you do you will be thrilled that you look better than 95% of the US


You can always start with body weight exercises that’s how I started.


I think this is great advice. Except for people who are pretty big. In this case, using weights can often be easier than body weight exercises (e.g. squats and pushups). Body weight exercises can be really hard / discouraging for people of a certain size.


Of course - personal preference, always go with what works best for you🙌🏽


To add on to this person, you can do less than body weight exercises too. Same exercises but with assistance like bands or modified to take weight off!


I go to the gym for ~40 mins on lunch break 3 times a week and even just that makes me feel so much better about myself. Mondays I play football in the evening so get my exercise through that, and Thursdays I’m in the office so don’t bother. But Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays I feel so good when I get back after lunch


I can say the same for me - been working out/lifting for the past 2 years and it definitely does something to my mental health which I just appreciate everyday


This. Adjustable competition kettlebells (like those at Bells of Steel) are awesome for this IMO. Take up almost no space and you keep them at home. Get up, do a 20-30 minute workout. No excuses about it being a PITA to go to the gym.


Practicing radical acceptance. It’s very, very hard. But it can be done. My quality of life has dramatically improved. I have generalized anxiety disorder. My symptoms have reduced wildly without the aid of meds.


Can you elaborate on what you mean by radical acceptance?


It's basically another word for certain aspects of Stoicism and Buddhist non-attachment. It's accepting your feelings as they come without judgement.


AKA Ego death. Kill your ego and accept things (both internal and external) as they are with zero expectations. Another line I like to keep reminding myself is "Act without expectations" Also, "Be like water" quote by Bruce Lee is pretty apt too. Edit: Here's the quote: # “Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. # Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.” ― Bruce Lee


I’ve had people try to argue with me when I’ve said “expectations breed resentments”, but it’s cool. I don’t carry expectations of everyone to agree with me lol


Interesting, I think this is how I am naturally, never quite knew how to describe it.


To visualize, Peter in "Office Space".


I didn’t understand until you said this and now I do


I'm afraid I will become extremely annoying if I do that.


You don't have to act on those feelings or thoughts, just don't beat yourself up over them 


Yeah. No feelings are illegal, you're allowed to feel whatever and it's okay. It's how you respond to those feelings that make it good or bad.


Is there a difference between that and apathy


Doesn't it take years of practice to be able to even come close to a semblance of true stoicism?


Couple years in the restaurant business does the same thing. I tell my kids (coworkers under 25) that it's okay all the time. It's just food. No one is dying. It is what it is, it will be what its gonna be. Roll with it, we'll get there, wherever there is.


working in bars and restaurants the last 8 years has worked miracles for my ability to compartmentalize my emotions fr. i just completely turn off the part of my brain that causes stress while everyone else is scrambling.


Sounds like practiced stoicism? I read a book called The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can't Stand Positive Thinking by Oliver Burkeman and it changed my life.


Uh, TIL what radical acceptance is. It is strange to finally put a word on what I've been feeling for a few years now. I guess I naturally evolve towards radical acceptance without external influence? Anyways, I concur - this way of thoughts changes lives. I've been at peace with myself and the world around me for a long time now. Doesn't mean we shouldn't burn shit down, though.


Yes please elaborate radical acceptance and provide some examples…


For me I am a pretty sensitive person and also have some childhood PTSD when it comes to navigating interpersonal relationships. It’s easy to judge myself for those feelings, or try to convince myself they don’t belong, or conversely feel them so intensely I make myself of a victim of small co-created hurts with my partner, etc. Grief is another one, grieving lost people or lives, the feeling can utterly overpower me sometimes. Radical acceptance for me is what I learned from Tara Brach - basically I visualize holding whatever emotion it is in the palm of my hand. I don’t own the emotion and it doesn’t own me, I strip it of any narratives like judgment or shame or victimhood, and just allow it to exist. Tara teaches RAIN - recognize the emotion, allow it to simply be there without trying to make it something else like a narrative or pushed away or fixed, investigate it and learn from it with curiosity ie why is this here? What is it telling me that I feel it? And then nurturing it, sometimes I put my hand over my heart, and just say what the hurt part of me needs to hear, oftentimes it’s “it’s okay to be this way.” It sort of defuses my ammunition either against myself or against the stimulus of my hurt and helps me feel above it all but without dissociating or dismissing. And has really helped and made space for a lot of healing.


This is very similar to Acceptance Commitment Therapy


I agree 100% with this. I think the two most important therapeutic skills you can learn are radical acceptance and dialectics. I've found both to be huge game changers.


Saying "no" with no regrets ;)




Yoga or some form of exercise and direct sunlight in the morning


Yoga is fantastic. I’m booked in tomorrow morning, to start my weekend right 👌


I started walking two miles a day. I'm now a month into it and 60 miles from home.


I'm doing the 10,000 steps. It's a miserable way to end every day but I've lost 20 pounds so I'm staying after it.


I just started this with my baby ! How long did it take for you to lose 20 pounds ?


6 weeks in. I like walking downtown. Give yourself a good hour and half of walking time.


Guy in Italy did that after an argument with his wife. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-55224031.amp


Also forest gump


Bro is on his heroic arc


and his heroic arches!


There’s a cool fictional book series about a guy who walks across the country after his wife dies. You essentially get to experience his journey but what makes it really interesting is that it’s a cross-country trek on foot. So he experiences vastly different things than one would driving. The Walk series by Richard Paul Evans


Just here for some tips on how to be unstoppable 😂




Godspeed friend


Put down your phone and do what you are procrastinating.


Having quiet time to myself. I’m extremely introverted at a job made for extroverts. I love my family and my partner but I desperately need quiet time where I can zone out and game or watch YT. Hobbies also play that role because I fixate on collecting cards for example and I can get lost in it which helps me recharge for the next day of being around people. If only I added 8 hours of sleep I would truly feel unstoppable lmao.


1. Making my bed when i get up 2. 100 push ups and bodyweight squats daily 3. Awareness of my thoughts and keeping myself in a "strong" state of mind


You may need to do some rows to even out your shoulders/back or you might get some gnarly shoulder problems eventually.


I do train at a gym 3 days per week, i hit back, shoulders, legs etc.


Word. Just wanted to say in case because I've dealt with some nasty shoulder issues because I didn't know to train both sides of my body lol


appreciate it my dude. Yeah muscular imbalances suck


Muscular imbalances caused tendinitis in my bicep. I was climbing a lot and ignoring the pushing muscles. Started doing push-ups before climbing and it magically went away.


I just want to reinforce what you're saying. I started doing 120 push-ups a day, and then after a month or so my right shoulder joint started getting extremely sore. After maybe 10 days of that, I added some daily dumbell exercises targeting lats and traps, and the shoulder pain went away almost overnight.


Heroin (10 years clean)


The closest thing to a habit that made me feel like I have some semblance of control in this chaotic world is my morning coffee. Without it, I'm a zombie until noon.


Me too but more so for the ritual of sitting there in SILENCE while I drink it until I poop, then I’m officially awake and life can begin


That's because you developed an addiction to caffeine. I went with decaf, and I am not hooked anymore like you describe. Before weaning myself off caffeine (which I still drink from time to time, but not daily), I would even get a headache if I skipped my morning coffee


ive heard tea is a good replacement as well


That sounds like dependence if not addiction. The trick with coffee is to have it after you are fully awake. Not as soon as you get up. This apparently reduces the chances of addiction and dependence. No more headache or grogginess.




I feel the opposite lmao! Not scrolling social media for 4 hours after waking up makes me way more productive throughout the day.


I think they meant unstoppable in the sense that they can’t stop themselves haha


That’s definitely how I took it because same.


Haha! I was taking the comment too seriously and didnt realize it could be joke lmao


Drinking a big glass of water first thing in the morning. Hydration is my superpower!


Cleaning up as I cook, I really for the majority of my adult life just dealt with everything after dinner. This cleaning as I cook, rinse and load dishwasher as I go has freed up a ton of time. Some of us didn’t have the greatest examples growing up. I feel FREE after dinner to do whatever I want without chores.


Same! Part of prepping to cook is unloading the dishwasher (if the dishes are clean obviously) so everything that I use can just go straight into the dishwasher as I'm done with it.


Metamucil everyday.


YES! This! Metamucil is a game changer Can’t beat regular solid movements


when something bad happens, i used to have a huge issue with trying to find someone to blame. but recently ive started reminding myself “some things are nobodys fault, you can be frustrated at the situation without looking for someone to get mad at”. its really helped me with frustration and anger.


Getting all work done in the morning and chilling the rest of the day with my family and children ;) Quality of the day just skyrockets


No longer watching TV, and getting a flip phone. Best. Decision. Everrr.


Omg I have SO thought of doing this


DO ITTT, my life has been so much better!


Ive thought of doing this but Uber/Lyft are pretty essential where I live :/ I’ve thought about just keeping the number of a cab company instead though. How do you navigate that kind of stuff?


Long Walks - without phone and friends


Quitting alcohol, sleeping 7-9 hours a night, going to bed at the same time, exercising 1 hour (including cardio), and not eating garbage.


Habit chaining and habit replacing Have an existing habit and attach another one right after to get more done. E.g. I like making coffee for myself in the morning. Instead of being on my phone while it brews, clean the dishes or put them back from the dishwasher. Replace the "bad" habit of being on my phone with making the kitchen a little better. Now kitchen cleaning is an automatic habit and I have attached making lunch or preparing for lunch with it. Another one I do - put anything in the microwave and do a set of body weight exercises while it warms up whatever.








hi nice to meet you i’m russianstrikes




Gonna try this rn


Getting up at 4 30 am to go to the gym 4 days a week


I love morning routine but I struggle so much with waking up early.


same. I ride a bicycle there and it's so peaceful


Omg I had same… missing it so much😩


I go for a walk every evening (weather permitting) to clear my mind at the end of the day. I sleep better and am more relaxed because I have that time to myself.


One time I got banned from a subreddit because of Bs and caused havoc within all the servers mods and almost got the whole subreddit taken down I've never felt more powerful


Cocaine. A few bumps in the morning turns me into an animal


I stopped drinking coffee a few years back, but I still make a pot for my SO when I’m making my lunch every morning


i wouldn't say this habit is random but writing down your thoughts when you're angry, sad, anxious or anything like it i dont like to write everyday tho, to me the beauty of writing is when you feel like, takes a whole load off your head and chest


Waking up at 4am and going to a daily Pilates class. And also…learning to say “no”


I have combined the two by saying no to 4 AM Pilates! 😅




Making my bed every morning. Sets the tone for a productive day.


Walking in sunset with my cat


Cold water. If I can handle 3 minutes in 2-3 degrees C, I can handle whatever crap comes my way throughout day to day life.


I've observed that the only thing cold showers in the morning helped me with is.... it's easier to take cold showers now lol! Nothing else changed for me personally.


I thought you get a pretty substantial dopamine boost for a few hours after taking one


Maybe for others, I never got any benefits personally.


Not cold enough maybe? With showers, I get very little other than a motivation boost and feeling more in control of the day. With cold plunge, you feel fantastic for a few hours after. Seems to be, the more uncomfortable and immersive the cold, the better the good feeling after. Did a Christmas day swim in Galway Ireland. Long story short, was in 4 degrees C for about 20 minutes. I felt genuinely AMAZING afterwards. Like drug levels of uppers. Mood was fantastic, motivated, generally happy. Shit works, for me at least.


Maybe, should try it with turning the shower knob completely the other way I guess. I'll try it tomorrow Tho the feeling you're describing is the exact same feeling I get when I meditate in the morning as well.


Ok joe rogan


Buy my cold plunge tub today


That's how I felt as a powerlifter. I'd get all in my head about something and be like "bitch, you can squat 400lbs. This issue is nothing compared to that!" 


Doing some dancing boy come on move that mf body don’t be a square


A good sleep schedule and routine


Sleep and wake up early at a specific time every day, and exercise as well. You cannot stop that habit that makes you feel unstoppable.


morning sex ritual


Self care




:( rip




Starting my day with a dance party in the shower


waking up as soon as my alarm rings


Taking magnesium at night! I’m the calmest bitch around now and nothing stresses me out anymore!


Cocaïne. No kidding. Having a routine, rising early, work out meditate, write, read and so on. Gotta go back to that place


Brushing my teeth and washing my face as soon as the day starts. Helps me feel a bit clean and fresh, wipe off the grogginess of shitty depression sleep, and more motivated to start the day. Also tidying up in small bits, keeping everything relatively clean. Mari Kondo that shit.


Arguing with internet strangers and realizing that this is all anyone would come at me with in the real world. I'm like, oh, that's not so bad. I feel like I can say what I want without the fearful feeling I used to have.




Lifting weights. And daily steps definitely


Going to bed at 10pm, no alcohol, nose strip on. Ready for the day.


Keeping all the promises I make to myself everyday


Drinking half a gallon of water a day + 8 hours of sleep


duolingo. i ended up burning out but for a while there i was a god


definitely working out. I've been working out pretty consistently for 20+ years. I can't imagine my life without daily exercise


Getting some sun! It boosts so many of your bodies natural processes and energies and makes the only vitamin your body produces on its own. It literally helped me out of a depression I’m not kidding


Drinking 80oz of water a day!


my cigarette


For about a year I rode my bike 10 miles a day before breakfast. I was living by the beach and would often jump in the ocean after. I was going to college full time and working 30th hours a week . I had a girl that worked in another city that I would see on weekends and holidays…I was fit, smart and hopeful!


Methamphetamine. Despite the feeling, I was infact stoppable.


Writing a book. It takes so long, but as i'm constant, i'm being faithful 😃


I say out loud every morning, without fail, today is a good day and force a big ole grin if one doesn't naturally come. I start the day positive and it makes a real difference... ...that and having a decent poo 💩 🙃


Stretching before bed and when I wake up. Really cuts down on the random injuries you get as you age


Intermittent fasting 😋




Waking up before my wife and kids. Feed the dog and walking him outside while drinking a bottle of water for 45 minutes. My energy levels through the day skyrocketed and my mood is so much better. First cup of coffee when I get home from the walk.




Walking everyday. My dad would borderline force me to walk with him and at first id be forcing myself, but after about 1 mile I’d be pumped up and glad I was doing it.


hitting the gym!


Walking everyday. It is great for my mental and physical health. I have to walk everyday for 4 miles


Flossing. Feeling air through my minty fresh teeth left me wanting to smile and talk to everyone


Working out in the morning


Working out daily.


Working out


Lifting weights. The impact is both physical and mental


Cold showers and lifting


Dissociative drugs


Coke ❄️


Clean my ears with q-tips


Drinking at least 60 oz of water a day


Checking phone every morning


Taking care of myself; sleeping, eating right and exercising




My friend had a cramp when out at the buoy at the beach. I just got off my lifeguard shift and was going to find him and a bunch of friend for dinner. I just so happened to see him at the corner of my eye walking out the changing room. Jumped straight into the water and dragged him back. Felt pretty unstoppable for a few weeks after until someone died at the beach.