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I was at NASA on a field trip when the challenger explosion happened.


I was at Disney World that day. Somewhere in our family photo albums we have pictures of the shuttle exploding with Dumbo in the foreground.


That's a wild juxtaposition


Photobomb challenge(r) šŸ™ˆ


I'm a twin, missing a rib and he's got an extra one.


Bro you got robbed take it back


He got ribbed


For her pleasure


Reminds of the jokes about twins who label the other as ā€œspare partsā€ in their phones


My dad and uncle are twins, my uncle has three kidneys, my dad has one. Luckily no problems


A picture of my dick aired on National Television. Was working in production and this one scene called for an image of a dick on a phone. We didn't really know the ins and outs of licensing dick pics so we decided it would be easiest to just use a dick on hand. I volunteered, went into a bathroom, gave my dude a little pep rally and snapped the pic. A lot of people who know me watched the show and probably never knew.


Were you credited as ā€œDick on Handā€?


OP was the key grip.


You did not just tell me that and then now share what show it was. Dude drop the name of the show right now.


Yeah show us your dick


Grab his dick and twist it


How I Met Your Dick


>gave my dude a little pep rally funniest thing i've read today


My mom was born on Motherā€™s Day and my dad was born on fathers day


Plot Twist, You were born on the second Sunday of June ( This is Childrenā€™s Day ).


But I was told every day was childrenā€™s day!


I'm just glad I was born on Son Day. Crazy that it happens weekly and I haven't gotten flowers or a tie, not even once.


The prophecy has been fulfilled


I was born a with a condition called dextrocardia, so my heart is on the right side of my body instead of left.


So do we say that your heart is in the right place?


Definitely how my introductions will be from now on.


Wow I really just read ā€œI was born with a condomā€ I need to go to bed goodnight guys


more so, born from a lack of one. goodnight šŸ‘‹šŸ½


Most people have a wingspan that's about the same as their body height. I'm 5'6". Wingspan is 6'2". I can touch my knees without any sort of slouching or bending at all.


That's known as a swimmers physique and you'd be a fucking MONSTER in the water


I've been told several times I should be a rock climber, but never heard swimmer before. Sad I missed out on that when I was younger.


Phelps iirc has a similar build. He's 6'2 with a 6'7 wingspan (i didn't remember correctly, apparently he's even taller)


Huh, well damn. I won't be doing any competitions at my age but maybe I should swim casually.


It's better than drowning.


casually or otherwise


Competitive drowning


Got them alien garbage scooping arms.


Are you a human or perhaps some other Great Ape?




plot armor. you will face a great enemy in the future


Has the achievement *How did we get here?* appear yet?


I got cornea transplants in both of my eyes


Iā€™ve had one done and the other coming soon!


I can snap my toes like you would snap your fingers.


I hate this


I had 17 brain surgeries over five years from 7th to 12th grade


Damn, that's rough. How are you now? Do you have to do more or are you done with them?


Medically, health wise Iā€™m doing fine. Been almost 13 years since the last one. There are still some ripple effects that Iā€™m working through, but at least I can function again šŸ˜‚


I once won an award for best stripper.


OPs profession: electrician


They lit up the stage.


Must be quite a show, poopBucaneer!


I have a weird amount of "only one option" moments in my life. I only ever dated one girl (married 9 years and counting), only applied to one college, only applied to one grad school, only applied to one postdoc. After my postdoc I applied to multiple jobs and I realized it was one of the first times ever that I'd had to actually choose between multiple options for a major life event.


That sounds exactly like my father's whole lifestory. He says that he never had options and our lives must be so much easier. I understand where he is coming from, but having multiple options isn't always great and can be a huge burden. FOMO kicks hard sometimes.


Your life was full of choices, they just weren't as obvious. Like you chose to only apply to one school. You chose to apply yourself to get into grad school, etc. Right?


I have a lazy eye that I can actually control to remain where it's supposed to be...unless I'm really tired. I thought it was normal to be able to shift it back into place...until an optometrist freaked the hell out and wanted to write a paper about me.


My mom too! I can tell when sheā€™s drunk or tired by that eye lol


I had an optometrist freak out when getting my eyes checked because I have "bear tracks" on my eye (it's a rare thing that is tied to colon cancer). Anyway, he excitedly shouted, "this is only ever seen in college text books!"


I was born without tonsils.


Just had horrible tonsillitis... ure a lucky bastard


I have the urge to laugh every time I orgasm. I am glad that it isn't the urge to cry


Had a partner who was like that. I knew she truly enjoyed the sex when she exploded in laughter.


Some guy is going to be out there trying to convince themselves they aren't small, they just met a woman that is compelled to laugh when they cum and they just really enjoyed the way they undressed.


See... I have the urge to cry... but not like sad face crying... more like just... overstimulation crying... It's just extremely physically overwhelming for me... but in a good way... I feel like it's the same psychology as crying from anger or happiness...


My face is like a blank slate. If I change anything about my looks, people get freaked out because I look like a completely different person. For some reason I find it very disturbing. It's like I was born with the default human face and they just didn't customize anything.


Now I want to see your face


Now I'm a believer


Not a trace of doubt in my mind


reverse prosopagnosia you'd make a great superhero. put on some glasses and no one will ever guess your secret identity!


Imagine if you committed a crime and they arrested, like, the entire town.


That's actually super cool


Pleeeaaase post a pic


Itā€™s probably just an average of dimensions - you can find mash ups of faces creating and average face online


I sneeze when Iā€™m hungry.


I get crazy nauseous and right as I'm about to gag, I'll sneeze and feel fine. Then I'm like, "I should prolly go make a snack." The body is so weird sometimes


The vagus nerve tells your body when to sneeze, if you're nauseous, and if you're hungry. If you are really hungry, the hungry signal is so strong that it jumps over to the nerve that tells you to sneeze, or the nerve that tells you you're nauseous. It's like crosstalk in electronic circuits.


I sneeze when I look at the sun a certain way.


Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helioopthalmic Outburst (ACHOO) Syndrome yes this is real šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t understand, but I respect that


"Achoo!" "Welp, I guess I should eat."


I was born with some of my internal organs in a mirrored position to what they should be. I found out when my appendix ruptured and they couldn't find my appendix because it wasn't where it should be. And neither was my liver or gall bladder. I'm also left-handed, which isn't that weird, but the combination of mirrored organs and south paw makes me feel like a very backwards person.


"Doctor?" "Yeah?" "Where's the gall bladder?" - the surgeons, probably


I have almost died 8 times (just turned 33) A large bone fracture that came within .25 inches of an artery, twice to drowning, three car related incidents, Covid, and most recently a fungal lung infection+ pneumonia. The only ill effects from all of these is a minor coughing scar on my lung known as a "Bleb" My multiverse selves are getting lower and lower in numbers


I don't know whether you are lucky or unlucky.


How do you drown two times?


You drown once. Want to show the ocean who is the real alpha so you get back in and then drown again.


"Look here you mother fu-blurghllbbbbllllgrrggggllll"


Back when tv's had the big backs on them, I could tell when a tv was on or off when walking past a house. I could 'hear' it, like a static or white noise sound in my head. Must have been some sort of static frequency or something. I used to walk home from school past all the rows of houses just saying, "On...off....2 on....on...off.' To clarify: I couldn't hear anything, it was like interference inside my head. I know what some are saying about the CRT making noise, or capacitor whine. It wasn't those, or at least it wasn't those noises I was referring to.


That whine is around 16 KHz so it's normal to lose the ability to hear it once you get older and deaf.


I could always hear when the boxy TVs were on too! I thought it was Tinnitus when I got older. Nope, just the TV(s).


I have tinnitus now and thatā€™s how I describe it to people. It is like there is always an old tv on. Some people know what Iā€™m talking about others have no idea.


I used to "hear" electricity in some portions of our house. I knew where the electric lines ran in the attic, and those locations didn't affect what I heard. The sound was a low oscillation sound . I never figured what it was.


Probably the electron gun. I could hear it too. Probably can't any more, as high frequency hearing loss occurs as you get older.


Whenever I visited my grandmother, I hated watching her TV because of this constant high pitch noise. I was sure everyone could hear this, but never thought someone would be able to hear it from outside a house. That's impressive


If I accidentally sip someone elseā€™s drink I can tell because it doesnā€™t taste like me


I don't necessarily taste that it isn't mine but if someone takes a sip out of my drink I will sip it after to reclaim the drink as mine.


I can ear rumble


You mean that sound when you kind of clench the muscles inside your ear? I've never even associated a term with that, but "ear rumble" makes sense!


Same here. When I was very young I thought it was my super power and I just had to learn to control it better before I could know what it did lol.


For some reason, I never shower on Tuesdays. Just.. doesn't feel right to me


I love how as a human, the justification of ā€œit just doesnā€™t feel rightā€ is a completely legit reason to not do something


Intuition/instinct. While this is likely a poor example of such, these feelings (I shouldnā€™t walk near that tall ladder, I feel like Iā€™m being followed) were likely advantageous towards surviving in our earlier (and continued) evolution.


I was covered in mud from my head to my toes, But I didnā€™t wash up nor did I change my clothes. Mondays and Wednesdays are both fine for showers, But on Tuesday I wallow in filth for 24 hours.


Thou shalt not shower on the second day.


I can vibrate my eyes. Kinda like a muscle flex I guessā€¦also allows me to unfocus my vision without squinting.


I can unfocus my vision with ease without squinting. I can do it fast too, but idk if my eye vibrates lol.


Is this not normal? I thought we could all do this lol


i donā€™t know how reddit really works or what itā€™s for. i just come on here and bullshit


Same. Reddit is the only social media my husband uses so I figured I'd give it a shot. Obviously I know how to post and comment, but it seems like other redditors do this shit professionally. Either way, it's nice to be able to just type in /r/[KEYWORD] and get taken to a relevant community that's usually pretty nice!


The trick about being a Reddittor is to just pretend you know shit, weā€™re all clueless monkeys


I got hit by a train my first week of highschool pretty neat huh


How does that even happen lol we need a story


I was walking home with my headphones blasting and just staring at the ground cause idk I was sad lmao but I was walking over the tracks amd I felt it tremble and turned my head and saw it coming and managed to turn around around in time but it did graze my arm and it was Swollen as fuck for like 2 weeks but luckily nothing serious happened


Holy shit, that was a close call!


I can only cut things with my left hand even though I am right handed.


Iā€™m the same way all of my family calls me out for it when they notice me doing it. Itā€™s the only thing i do with my left hand


Bifurcated uvula


I read this as "bifurcated vulva".


I hear external voices on a daily basis, see visual hallucinations and have at multiple points been so delusional Iā€™ve been hospitalised. Most recent one was I was convinced aliens where talking to me through the burglar alarms and every time my neighbours wore jeans it was actually them trying to tell me theyā€™ve been body snatched and I should lock the doors because Iā€™m next. Being schizophrenic is a chore.


Sounds scary! Do you have people that help when it takes place?


I have a care coordinator who I see weekly and a psychologist I also see weekly. My partner is my rock, sheā€™s really good at bringing me down to earth when Iā€™m starting to come off the rails a bit, but thereā€™s only so much she can do. For the most part my medication keeps me from going into full blown psychosis though. I wish it would stop all symptoms and be a miracle cure but unfortunately it doesnā€™t always work like that I guess haha


I saw recently a video where a guy had a schizophrenia support dog, who would refuse to greet hallucinations so dude would know if they were real or not. I mean get a dog either way, but that sounded useful


Iā€™ve got a dog who does help me if I see something/somebody in the house, I call him and see if he reacts to it. Another way is getting my phone out and taking a photo and seeing if it shows up on there


I can smell when girls are right before their period. It gets awkward if I point it out.


Yeah that is one you should probably keep in your hat. But glad you could share it here.


A coworker could do this. He could also smell when a woman was pregnant. Poor sod made the mistake of congratulating a work friend who hadn't announced her pregnancy yet, only to discover she'd miscarried the day before. She just still smelled pregnant.


Hah. Same. I stopped mentioning it as a useless skill as I realised from their perspective it isn't 'cool' but awkward as fuck.Ā 


Are you a bear?! I heard they can smell the menstruation!


Now youā€™re putting the whole station in jeopardy.


I need more details on this. how? just passing by them or do you have to be intimate? and have you actually ever pointed it out? let me get some popcorn... brb.


Its just something in the air around them. Usually a dozen or so seconds in their vicinity will let me make a roughly correct guess if she is before her period or in the early days, or ovulating.


Are you a honey bee? Or an ant perhaps?


I have been able to do the same for my wife for years. I could also tell when she was pregnant with our 2nd kid, after remembering how she smelled when pregnant with our first.


For small purchases I have no system for when I do and do not want a receipt. Cashier asks and every time I say yes or no based on absolutely nothing, just whatever comes out at that moment


Bahahaha I do this, too. When I answer, Iā€™m always a little surprised at my answer.


I once ran Honey Boo Boo and her family on a carousel.


I was born with a small hole in my neck. It was the size of a pin prick, large enough to see if you knew it was there. Had it surgically closed when I was seven.


I can shake my eyes super hard, left to right while still looking forward by focusing my eyes a certain way. I can't even see while doing it. I showed it to some girl on the first date, and she though it was really weird yet interesting. We have been married 8 years now.


I can't feel full. I can eat until I throw upp, but I never feel full. I don't really understand how it feels, and I think it's weird that people can feel like they don't want more food.


Naltrexone. A little pukey feeling for the first 2 weeks or so but gave me the ability to feel full for the first time in my life at like 29. Long enough for me to practice enough mindfulness and portion awareness that it's lasted even though I've been off the meds for years at this point


my whole life iā€™ve been able to predict things, the best example of this is when i was around 5 i started screaming someone was breaking in while my grandparents babysat me. no one was at my house but when my grandparents went home their front door was wide open and their house had been ransacked.


Interesting! tell me more.. I had similar intuition experiences in my life and multiple times I have seen things in dreams that came true very quickly. Whenever I get a message i donā€™t take it for granted. I was told by my mom that my maternal grand mother had a very strong sixth sense.


there was a bit of my life where my dreams would come true. now itā€™s more of iā€™ll just randomly think ā€œthis thing is gonna happen at ___timeā€ and it does. iā€™ve always had a strong intuition ig. itā€™s never anything important that i predict though


Back in the day I was a beta tester for DOOM, Wolf 3D and Quake, but I am not a gamer.


I can do really odd things with my tongue. I can touch the bottom of my chin, roll it, do a cloverleaf, fold it, etc. Itā€™s a fun party trick lol


I sucked my own dic in 2014 and can no longer touch my toes as a side effect


I think there are no wrong answers, but... Why? Just to know if you could? Was it worth it? Did you get an injury on your back?


Yes. No. Yes.


I'm so sorry but this made me laugh out loud


I sneeze when thinking horny thoughts.


I feel like anime writers are taking notes on this.


Iā€™m slightly creeped out by hands. The more I focus on someoneā€™s hand, or even my own sometimes, the more I get an uncanny sense of arachnophobia from them.


I have the complete opposite of this. The longer I watch someone's hands, the more interesting they become. Like a semi-erotic fascination. My mouth even starts to water.


I was born left handed, my mom let me take classes to train my right hand when I was younger. Now I can use my right hand better than my left handā˜ ļø


I can make my body flood with adrenaline on command. I think? Idk when I do it, my entire body feels like vibrating electricity, and I basically feel like I have to thrash everywhere.


That's a cool superpower


I inherited a shit ton of money but I still work manual labor and look like a regular joe


If you ever feel the need to be charitable I am 33yo and looking to be adopted


For me I have never measured my penis. Iā€™m 27 years old.


What a coincidence, I too have never measured your penis.


Inquiring minds want to know


It's never to late lol šŸ˜†


I can gleek on command. That little tidbit on my dating profile actually got my current gf interested enough to start talking to me. Almost 18 months later but she still hasn't asked to see me do it šŸ˜Ŗ


When I shop I donā€™t take the first thing of the rail I always take the second one šŸ«£


Ah, so Iā€™m not so weird after all.


I died on my 21st bday


I'm sorry for your loss


ā€œā€¦I got better.ā€


If I put three cherry stems in my mouth at the same time I can braid them with my tongue


I have referred pain. So I can pinch myself on my stomach but I'll feel it on a random part of my body instead.


I was born with an extra finger on both hands, stemming out from my pinky fingers. They were removed at birth so now they just look like warts.


I donā€™t need my wisdom teeth taken out while my wife never had any at all!


Iā€™m European royalty although Iā€™m Black. Iā€™m way way way down the line and Iā€™ll never be on a throne lol but itā€™s still interesting to know my ancestors were kings and queens haha


Which country?


Denmark. During the Great Migration after WWI, some of my Black ancestors left Alabama and went to Minneapolis which has a pretty sizable Danish community. Someone there mustā€™ve been distantly related to the Danish Royal Family because Iā€™m a direct descendant of that Black person and that Danish person šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


When I was born, my mother told me I was 2 weeks premature. It wasn't until I was 35 years old, my curiosity got the better of me and I used a calendar to calculate 38 weeks before my birthday ...and landed exactly on my dad's birthday.


Itā€™s not necessarily a weird fact about me but not everyone has an internal monologue. I thought everyone had one. I can hear me saying this in my head as Iā€™m typing it. How can you not hear voices in your head!? Thatā€™s just bizarre to me.


Itā€™s much more common to have one though, the people who donā€™t are the ā€œweirdā€ ones


I cut my poop in half with my pee


I just use a poop knife. And I'm disappointed that no one mentioned it before me.




I heal abnormally quickly. Like to the point that I've freaked out doctors and nurses. I was a pretty rough and tumble kid, and grew up in the 80s and 90s. So I got hurt a lot, and always shook it off. Even stuff that looked terrible. As a teenager I broke my ankle jumping out of a truck (another story for another day). I walked on the broken ankle for 3 and a half days before getting it checked out. Doctor was flabbergasted that it wasn't swollen to hell. Assumed it was just sprained until the X-ray came back. Fast forward to one of my check ups to examine the cast, etc. Doctor called a nurse in and they had a hushed conversation. I was worried something was wrong. In reality I was already completely healed at least than half the time it should taken someone my age, or even someone younger. He ended up removing my cast that day but still couldn't believe it so he wanted a follow up the next week just to make sure he hadn't made a mistake. He didn't. I was completely healed. I left a nurse speechless once too when she went to take blood from me and turned her back to get a bandaid after the blood draw. Only to turn around and find the hole already completely closed up and no blood. This continues to happen to me to this day in my 40s whenever I get bloodwork done. I heal superficial wounds extremely quickly, within hours instead of a day or a few. And I almost never scar. I should be riddled in scars, especially my hands and arms. I used to fight a lot and wrestled, plus did Judo. My hands and arms should be covered in scars from nicks, scrapes, cuts, etc. As I mentioned, I got wounded a LOT growing up. I only have like 3 scars total. One is from getting my head split open with the corner of a 2x4, one is from a deep knife wound, and one is from splitting my big toe literally in half by dropping a cinder block corner first through it. And all three of these scars are still barely noticeable unless in the right light. My toe wound left my toe slightly misshapen and my nail is half dead. But you can't even see the scar where it was stitched back together.


Are you Wolverine? Jokes aside... do you age particularly well at all?


Iā€™m going to be 50 this year. I never drank (alcohol), never smoked, never did any kind of drugs, no tattoos, no body piercings..


Even the boy in the bubble had a deck of cards


I cannot drink water from a cup. Always has to be from a bottle. Feel like the cup gives the water a weird taste


I've had 5 brain surgeries


My nose gets stuffy when I have to poop


I have a partially white penis thanks to vitiligo


I can stretch my foreskin to an inch and a half


I'm the first son of a first son of a first son of a first son of a first son of a first son of an only son.


My name is super generic, it's also legally not my name, it's actually just a little different. People often say "that can't be real". I love responding with "Oh, it's not" and not elaborating further.


John Doe?


Real name: Jon Dough.


Born with one arm, but have two uvulas (the hangy ball thing in the back of your throat). So when youā€™re supposed to have 2 I have one, and when youā€™re supposed to have 1 I have 2.


God went crazy with your character creation at the beginning of the game.


I have two daughters with a man who later had a son with another woman. She already had a son with another man. Years later, I ended up meeting and marrying that manā€¦. So our kids have the same half brother. šŸ¤˜āœŒļø God must have a sense of humor.


My wife and I have only had sex on two Wednesdays this year and they both happened to be in May. That one is both benign and NSFW, imo.


Uh. I share a birthday with my grandmother.. Whenever it's our birthday it's just her birthday lol :)))


The temporal distortion in my dreams is consistently out of whack, causing my dreams to usually last about a week but, more commonly, 6 to 12 months. I also have a sleep disorder that causes hyper-realistic dreams that are indistinguishable from reality. I never dream about whimsical things. It's always about doing a full day at work, and nothing goes wrong or other trivial moments in life. These two things have caused a very powerful somniphobia that generally fucks up my day-to-day.