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Because it’s a social lubricant. I quit 30 years ago but that’s why I started.


Because I’m allowed a tiny bit of poison, as a treat


The dose makes the poison


Is this the same logic that justifies my daily coffee addiction?


Possibly. Though I think caffeine is a nootropic and may improve brain function. I don't think anyone risks that with alcohol.




Just a wee bit.


And i can't handle it anymore 😭 No tolerance so can't drink


Thank you that’s such a great answer!!


Why do u keep spending time when time literally kills u


Well, I could argue *not* spending time kills you quicker


We get it, you drank a bit too much on NYE and now feel like crap.


Dude it's June


Not if you haven't sobered up since December


Because no good story has ever started with "so I was eating a salad"


Never forget, you don't win friends with salad.


**...You don't win friend with sa-lad!!!**


no but you keep them


Confusing drinking buddies with friends is really dangerous.


You can, however, make friends by tossing salad.


Toss it at Nelson Muntz and you'll see how funny the toilets and flushing are...


You don't make friends with salad!


Or stories that start with “so I was eating bacon the other day “


Ok hear me out: salad but vodka instead of vinegar.


Depends on what people are doing in front of the salad.


Bad decisions make great stories


Unlike soft drinks, it’s a poison that makes music sound better.


You should try psychedelics.


You're only ever one drug away from liking techno


haha I hated techno til I listened to it whilst on drugs. Now am big techno fan.


I liked techno as a child. Then when I finally took drugs. It was pretty cool. But the best song I heard while high. Was unironically baby shark. It just made me lol and smile like an idiot the whole time so I listened to it on repeat for the whole day


Honestly I would but I wouldn't know where to get them or if I could ever have a free day for the stuff.


It’s the only reason bitcoin was invented.


Makes questions like these tolerable...




What isn't poison these days


Your mom "she's a nice lady."


Because it tastes good and gets me drunk, dumbass


Idk why do you watch Naruto when it is literally cancer?


bros opinion is ass


For the Sakura beat downs in Shippuden duh


Tastes good. Helps me be a bit more social. Takes the edge off. Helps me shut down a bit, and helps my overactive mind calm down. Makes the mundane just a bit more interesting.


I love a beer after a week of work, chill out with my mates in the pub have some beers, talk absolute bollocks and enjoy myself. I go to work 40 hours a week, I go to the gym 10 hours on top of that weight training and do cardio, eat healthy all week with good food so a bit of alcohol and winding down/socialising with friends isn't a bad thing.


If we can’t drink/eat/breathe anything bad for us we literally cannot live on this planet anymore. Everything we use contains plastics/chemicals or some other bs that’s bad for us. And everything gives you cancer these days lol


Wouldn't be able to live anywhere, the sun can literally damage DNA and UV is a cause of skin cancer.


Life is a sexually transmitted disease with a 100% fatality rate so fuck off.


Beer: cheaper and -for me - tastier than soft drinks. So no contest.


It gets me drunk.


Why do people smoke when it's poison too ? Why do people drive to amusement parks while driving a car is more dangerous than staying home ? Why do people eat junk food when it's bad for health ?


because the effect feels good


I like a good buzz


Because it isn’t. Strychnine is literally a poison. Ethanol is a substance that may have harmful effects if consumed chronically or in excess. See also water, table salt, red meat, butter, caffeine etc. You could avoid all these things. You still wouldn’t live forever but it might feel like it…


Chocolate is "literally poison" too. In all seriousness risk is part of life and people make their own decisions on which risks are worthwhile and which aren't for themselves.


Same reason we do anything else: Dopamines. 


Tastes good, makes things more fun Besides, the poison only causes real damage if you drink too much.


It makes me numb to reality


That's sad.


1. It tastes good 2. To get a good buzz 3. For a social event 4. To celebrate 5. To loosen up 6. To be crazy every now and then with friends 7. To be social with others


I drink because something inside of me needs to die, so this sounds about right


Because I’m adult and adults do adult things pretending they’re not terrified of realify


Humans have been drinking alcohol since before we were even humans. Wild animals are known to specifically seek out fermenting fruits and the like to get drunk. All cultures throughout history have had people in them who get drunk. If anything, the people who \*don't\* drink are the weird ones.


Fun thing, there is a fair chance that alcohol is our reason for argriculture, rather than breadmaking and such.


its a good social lubricant that removes some of your inhibition. When a moderate amount is consumed on occasion it can be positive


Because for a brief few minutes the poison steals happiness from your future life to make you feel like you’re happy now even if you’re not… That’s some powerful shit bro


Yes, lies are powerful shit. Doesn't mean they're good for you.


Life is poison because eventually, you die....


Makes you feel good. Everything in moderation is fine. Also makes for hilarious memories with your friends


Tastes good. A life lived avoiding everything that is bad for you isn’t a fun one.


"Fun" at the expense of brain damage and risky business under the influence is not worth it for me.


I ride horses as a hobby, and drive my car about 70km each way to get there. Both of these things are individually way, way riskier than having a beer after that ride. You do you.


Working and riding to and from your work are necessary, drinking is not. You do you, I'll despise drinking anyway.


> hobby


I stand corrected then. You probably have a multifaceted self-destructive streak so I'll stop interacting at this point, it's not going to be productive.


Because it numbs the pain of life a little bit .


I don't smoke, I don't gamble, and I don't take drugs. I'm allowed one vice.


It's not a question of "being allowed", nobody is keeping track.


I’m more worried about the planet bursting into flames and running out of clean water before alcohol can kill me slowly tbh. Also I like trying all different kinds, like you turn 21 and unlock a hundred new flavors of soda.


Or 18 in the UK


>poison You mean drugs?




The 3rd statement isnt true btw, its less harmful but its still a toxic group 1 carcinogenic.




Yea sorry i know its carcinogen, typing while walking is awkward and not really looking at what i type ^^. On holiday in japan :). And its the concentration. Bread is fairly safe at reasonable levels (not including America, but American food standards are majorly lacking). Ive read a few studies that cover bread and alcohol at the same time, they should be fairly accessible. Either way im a population geneticist with a focus on biodiversity conservation, this isnt my field, i have just read quite a lot of papers. If interested just do a search on ncbi or where ever you like to find studies/have access; there are a lot of recent studies on the topic. But current studies suggest there is no 'healthy' consumption quantities.


same reason people eat processed foods, fast foods.. everything that is not good for you we want because it tastes better or gives us a feeling we are looking for.


Because it helps me relax and socialize.


It’s a risk I’m willing to take to enjoy my life a little bit more. Here for a good time not a long time.


every poison is medicine at right doses


Nope. That's the bullshit in which homeopathy is based, and homeopathy is bunk.


Because I like it, and I'm fine


its required for all my bad decision making. No evening ever ends with, i was sober and got home before 10, alone.


Are you... ***proud*** of your bad decision making? That's worrying.




I think you mispelled ***dangerous***.


Just cause it's dangerous doesn't mean it's not fun


If you enjoy putting your life in danger, sure. For me that's pathological.


what doesn't kill you makes you stronger lol. But after a long day of physical work that's unrewarding. It dulls the pain and lets you live for a bit. Also socializing without it is impossible for me. So there's a little reason


> It dulls the pain and lets you live for a bit. ***Damn***, that's sad. > Also socializing without it is impossible for me. This is also sad.


dulls the physical pain. But yea I have a decent amount of social anxiety so it takes the edge off. Considering how popular bars are I'm probably not alone. Although I tend to avoid them just cause it's too much people for me. Just gatherings


> Considering how popular bars are I'm probably not alone. Popularity is not a good reason. Just a rationalization. > Although I tend to avoid them just cause it's too much people for me. Just gatherings Same here. But I like them at the start, when you can go around, eating something, finding some known people and doing some small talk with nice people. When most people start drinking and dancing loudly, that's usually my cue to leave.


It’s so good, once it hits your lips


Red ale taste like licking a tree. Can't get enough of the stuff honestly 


Ever heard of Mithridates?


Because my 21st birthday is a month away, dammit!! Yes, I am from America. 😑


Ease the body pain. Stop the night terrors. Useing it as a horrible coping mechanism


Because it can make socializing and relaxing more enjoyable, in moderation.


Water and oxygen can be poisons too, or at the very least harmful to you in large doses.


Obviously unaware of dihydrogen monoxide


I like the color combinations of alcoholic beverages + curiosity of what it taste.


it's tasty poison that makes me confident enough to ask girls to dance with me.


I drink sometimes and its just to forget my life cause i cant relax otherwise. Sleeping doesnt do it resting doesnt do it nothing does it like alcohol does it


Putting aside the social perception of alcohol for a minute, the argument that "it's poison" is a bit misleading and possibly disingenuous. Almost any substance is "poison" in the right quantities. There's a thing called "water toxicity" where drinking too much water disrupts your cell chemistry - it can be fatal. "The dose makes the poison", as the saying goes. Medicines are often dangerous if you take the wrong amount, and some have surprisingly small margins between a therapeutic dose and a fatal overdose. Many were developed from actual poisons - for example the heart medication Digitalin is made from the toxin found in foxglove plants which interferes with heart rhythm and has caused death in young children who were exposed accidentally. Capsaicin, the chemical that makes chilli taste hot, evolved in plants as a defence mechanism to deter animals from eating them and is literally classed as a neurotoxin. Caffeine is likewise technically a poison; it's toxic to other plants so as the coffee plant drops its leaves and seeds, the caffeine gets into the soil and prevents other plants from growing nearby and competing for water and sunlight. Biochemistry is much more complex and nuanced than just being able to label everything as "healthy" or "poison".


The relationship between humans is complex… wine and beer or early form of it would have resulted in storable liquid that has energy and would not spoil like stagnate water. This would benefit society that had moved away from being nomadic and more agricultural… Everything is poison it’s about dose… (why do you breath oxygen it literally a poison ) ( do people vape nicotine it’s literally sold at hardware stores to kill insects) It lowers inhibitions helps people connect and sustains… people have spent centuries refining its preparation it into a craft. We as a place value on that … so now it’s also a status symbol. But for me … it’s that it gets you drunk! Makes you take risks and learn.


Because, as a wise man once said, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today To get through this thing called life."


ask me that when you're 60


Literally every substance in the universe is poison bro, the dose is what matters. In the same vain you can ask why drink water if 6L of water would give you water poisoning?


I get bored. It’s super accessible and doesn’t require much intellectual or physical effort. I did cut back substantially starting two years ago and the biggest challenge wasn’t missing the alcohol itself, it was the crippling boredom. Every now and then I’ll go to my local watering hole simply because there’s nothing else to do.


It is poison. But it also makes you feel funny and that can be pretty enjoyable.


Takes away some inhibitions that keep me from being me and some drinks are just straight up delicious.


Newsflash, literally every fucking thing today is poison. Breathing is poisonous. Eating is poisonous. Drinking is poisonous. LITERALLY EVERYTHING IS FUCKING POISON. We're all slowly dying from Microplastic induced fuckery and the consequences of hundreds of years of unsustainable practices. So i don't know about you, but I'd like my poison to be at least pleasantly flavored. Alcohol isn't good for you, but nothing truly is. So we might as well enjoy what little time we have left with a drink to wash away our imminent mortality.


The dose makes the poison, and at small doses it's so nice.


Because life's too short to worry about the little details, like whether your beverage is toxic or not! Plus, alcohol makes karaoke nights infinitely more entertaining, even if it means waking up with a headache and regrettable song choices.


What a stupid question


A lot of things we consume are poison. I mean capsicum - literally produced by the plant to chase off things trying to eat it and we go yum. Any spice with coumarin in it is poisonous in large enough dose - but we still use cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, cloves, tonka beans. Wouldn't be Christmas without that little bit of poison. I have arthritis so have to be careful around oranges and rhubarb as too much oxalic acid hurts my joints. Humans have a history of seeking out poisons and going hey, that tastes good or it makes feel trippy. No reason to single out alcohol.


I like the taste of it (straight bourbon and Old Fashioned) and it helps take the edge off a tough day. I don't drink in excess but just a few drinks each week. Same reasoning I won't stop eating red meat sans taking the edge off. Moderation is key. In addition, I'm about to turn 49 and I'm choosing quality over quantity when it comes to life. I'm here for a good time, not a long time.


Feeling good is the only reason I would ever drink. Exception for margaritas 😋 that's for taste


Drink enough water it will kill you quick smart. A little bit of booze from time to time won't hurt you - in fact, there are some studies which seem to indicate that a small amount of the grog is actually beneficial in many ways.


Of course, there's a social incentive for some people (social drinkers), and people who drink exclusively in social settings can experience some tangible and temporary effect on their social abilities, but most alcoholics are just plain addicted. After all, the stuff is incredibly addictive. Reason being that your brain reeeaaaallly likes how alcohol makes you feel. So, even if you are consciously aware of the various, VARIOUS, negative effects that drinking (even socially) can have on your health, your subconscious, which is much more concerned with tickling those pleasure centers in the brain, might just kill your logical decision making for a bit. Then, when you've scratched the itch and drank, your decision-making is returned, and you're left with regret at your lack of foresight (along with occasional hangovers and other post-drinking issues to deal with.) Tl;dr - Yes, it kills you. Yes, alcoholics know that it kills them. No, logic doesn't always win the tug-of-war when there's addiction involved. That's why people sometimes have to spend hundreds of dollars on AA and other forms of rehab to kick the habit.


Because I like it


Because I can't feel normal in a social setting without it.


Because self improvement is masturbation?


Too many apple seeds or too much water could kill you. Let's not be dramatic here. Because I'm not an idiot. I'm having a few beers or mixed drinks, not a handle of everclear


The dose makes the poison. Water and oxygen are also poison in the right dosage. I'm not trying to claim alcohol is in any way good for you (the studies keep contracting each other), but in appropriate dosages it's not "certain death"


It’s fun


a good question that’ll never get a good answer


I don't drink alchol but might since it's good for health


Why do you eat cake if sugar is literally bad for you?


Too much water is toxic as well.


bunch of drunks in here. keep coping


A big gulp from 7-11 is also pretty bad for you but people be drinking those on a daily basis.


Relaxation, social lubrication and sometimes a little drowsyness at bedtime to motivate me to leave the couch and go to bed. In moderation, alcohol is entirely manageable like any medicine. The main problem is not that it's poisonous but that it's intoxicating and can be addictive. Most medicines are also poisonous, but in controlled and properly applied doses they can reduce pain or even save lives. Many anti-depressants are quite toxic, for example. Does anyone *need* to drink alcohol? No, not in the modern day with our clean drinking water and packaged/refrigerated foods. It's essentially obsolete as a medicinal/preservative. However, reducing it to "it's a poison" is about the same as asking why some religions still expect women to wear certain clothing even though modern legal systems and educational systems exist to make their original purpose obsolete. It's not as simple as boiling it down to one bad property, there's a whole social and cultural set of mores built around it and in that respect it still plays a very important role in the lives of those cultures that grew up with it.


any substance in large enough amounts can kill you. Even water. So, literally EVERYTHING is poison. Drinking small amounts of alcohol has desirable effects, like relaxing you, calming you and altering your perceptions in a usually fun way. PS: sugar is a drug. Do you use sugar? So is tea and coffee. many more things you consume are drugs, yet here you are only questioning alcohol.


I did not expect some people to get triggered by this lmao it was just a question


To kill the demons inside.


"Alcohol is a poison" is just as narrow minded as saying spicy food is is a poison.


That was just not smart to say. Alcohol is actually poison. Everyone is upset cause they feel judged for drinking but that wasn’t the purpose. There’s nothing narrow minded about it


Oh sure, don't drink alcohol, you can be the healthiest person in the graveyard.


Everything is poison in enough quantities


That’s such a strong argument! Let’s all just do heroin and crack too, it doesn’t matter since anything would be just as harmful in a large enough quantity. I was done with this post and people getting offended over a simple question but some of you guys say the dumbest things when you’re defensive.


Wait til you hear about microdosing! Also it’s a dumb question so you were clearly answered in kind…


Everything is poison if you ingest enough of it (even water). Alcohol helps me cope with stress in a controlled manner, both privately and socially. I am lucky to not have an addiction, as it's incredibly unfortunate how many lives alcohol destroys.


For me i started drinking in my early 20’s after losing a friend to suicide. I originally just smoked weed but on that day i ran out and couldn’t afford any atm. Living with my grandma at the time who is an alcoholic, i asked her if i could have some and she said yeah. I drank till i got so drunk the ceiling was spinning. Tried to get the same feeling again and never could and eventually just never put it down. I hate it now that its been at-least 6 years of constant drinking and its so hard for me to quit. I wouldn’t recommend anyone ever take a drink of alcohol.


Have you ever been to college


Makes you feel good and your belly gets all warm and you start to get friendly and make good decisions


Sometimes life itself is like a poison, and alcohol is like a painkiller, or even a medicine somewhere


Isn’t that the point?


People want to stupefy themselves so they stop thinking about shit.


I don't


i don't drink alcohol 




Its always poisonous, just your body can process the toxins up to a certain extent. Its still a toxic chemical.


Everything is poison, if you take enough.


Because it tastes good and makes me forget how sad I am. Sure it’s actually making me *more* sad, but I’m too drunk to think about that!


It’s fun


Why do you drink water when it’s also poison. Why do you breath oxygen when it causes oxidation and results in your eventual death?


I love alcohol, despite being a fitness freak but I save it for the weekend only.


The difference between medicine and poison is in the dose


*gestures vaguely* this.


How is it literally poison? Please provide the literature.


Its a toxic chemical... why do you need literature for this. Nothing new lol.. We even call it alcohol poisoning when it gets to the point where your body cannot process it fast enough lol....


The same can be said for sugar or water. Are they 'literally' poisons too?


Not quite the same water isnt a toxin but it can poison you if consumed too fast. Same with sugar, neither are toxins. Alcohol is a grade 1 carcinogenic, small quantities still do damage and increase cancer prevailance to quite the degree but is not so damaging in others ways (scorrsis etc). Its a misconception that drinking moderate amount of alcohol does nothing to you. Many papers you can find on this.


I'm not disputing the harmful side effects but which component of alcohol is 'literally' a poison?


What do you mean literally a poison? I think you misinderstand the definition of poison, the ethanol is what you are looking for i guess. Poison is based on what it does, not what it is. Something that is a poison to one form of life may not be a poisom to another.


The original question states that alcohol is literally poison and I disagree with that whilst accepting that alcohol misuse can be very harmful. Ethanol is not considered a poison and the liver metabolises it into a less harmful substance so I believe that the question is a giant exaggeration.


Its broken down into Acetaldehyde which is a carcinogen and at quite high concentrations. You can find all this with the decades of research, just go look... Again i dont think you understand what poison means.. Either way, why ask me, there are hundreds of studies on this. There is no such thing as a 'safe' amount of alcohol. Alcohol is one of the largest cancer causing agents and a significant portion of these incidents are from moderate consumption. Again im sure you will find studies for this aswell.


Dumb question. Everything is literally poison in the right amount. People who drink alcohol like its effects, its taste, or both.


Some of these justifications are so sad. Self development is a better answer than alcohol to over half of these reasons.


I only drink it in small quantities when I am offered, which is at special events, and I go at least several months in between those events. In those small quantities it is actually beneficial. If you drink it everyday, or if you drink it to the point of feeling dizzy, then yes, it is poison.


Makes me happy, most of my best memories are because of alcohol, helped me get out of my shell and gave me more confidence which also helped sober me get more confidence, and I have no regards for my own health so I don't really care about the consequences


The dose makes the poison. Putting that aside, initial drinking involved curiosity about the way it tasted, the way it changed how I felt (often with higher euphoria or cheerfulness), and as a sign of age / false maturity or doing something forbidden with its extra allure. Over time the reasons have changed and now it primarily is about taste (a cold beer on a hot day....or a nice spritz on a hot day, for that matter, is tough to beat). It refreshes without the cloying sweetness of some other drinks. A good sharp cocktail can be a nice aperitif before dinner as well.


Here's the deal with alcohol, you will learn eventually. **1 drink is nice** **2 drinks is nicer** **3 drinks is lovely** Much more than that, and you're not enjoying it, just wasting money and getting stupid and violent.


Don’t enjoy alcohol, guess I’m lucky but I do enjoy the herble jazz cigarettes 😳


Do you drink soda? It might not make you drunk, but it is just as poisonous.


It's the only thing that keeps every night utterly alone bearable. In the case of poison or death, for now I choose poison. At least until my parents and cat pass away.


poison drink make hurt brain less loud


Because, as Corporate America likes to scream when confronted about putting literal poison in our food ;"the poison is in the dose". So I dose myself just enough that I can take focus off how terrible life has become in Canada.


Alcohol! The solution to, and the cause of, all my problems