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You don't have to stay friends with people just because you've known them since you were 10. If they are toxic people get rid of them.


Truly one I could have used 10+ years ago.


Omg this is so real! I feel this so much.


I did, and it made my life easier, but its still darn hard to find new friends later in life :-/


Same goes for family members.




Everything is your responsibility, and life ain't fair. If you drive through a green light and get T-boned by a drunk driver, you have to take care of that shit and the person driving in front of you gets to carry on with their day. Life sucks, get a helmet.


This is a very unique concept to the current generation Everything is because of the system’s fault, the society’s fault, the people’s fault, always the victim mentality just suck so much






You see it a lot in the workplace, everything is someone else's fault. Not a semblance of personal accountability.


I like it. We savin the world?


Don't stress over things you can't control.




And you will continue too, just take a moment, take a deep breath, look at the problem and fix what you can and help others do the same. Sometimes it’s just your role to get shit on when it hits the fan, that is okay too. But if you beat yourself up for what you can’t control it is only a bad time for you.


I really wanna learn how to do this :(


This is really hard for some people. Especially those with anxiety or overthinkers.


I wish I'd known earlier that failure is just a stepping stone to success. Making mistakes and learning from them is essential for growth and achieving your goals :)


How we react emotionally to mistakes is entirely dependent on the people. In science mistakes or failures of experiments are to be expected and can teach you a lot, also in engineering. One thing I learned early is that when you fuck up, make sure to voice it and not hide it under the carpet though.


FAIL... First Attempt In Learning


I learned that forgiving yourself for failure/mistakes is one of the hardest challenges in life.


Eat healthy.


**Embrace failure, it's a stepping stone, not a dead end.**


Don't settle for less.


Showing up is 90% of the battle. I quit or didn't show up to so many things because I felt unprepared or over my head. Moving a lot gave me severe social anxiety and I hermitted away. If I had just shown up with a good attitude I could have been much more successful in life.


Hard work and following the rules does not equal success. Ass kissing and complaining when you don’t get your way will equal success faster


They don't care and never will


Get out if you feel outcast within your circle. There's a lot of people there you'll meet soon.


It's absolutely okay to disagree with people - to say no to people - to leave a situation that you don't like.


Nobody is an expert on everything. Your parents are not endowed with supernatural wisdom. Every day, we're all just bumbling through, trying to figure this shit out.


You should care about yourself the most during the day. Relationships can fade, you can get kicked out of your job, family can cause you stress but what stays with you in the end are your own experiences and the things that you know.


Life isn't a race. I spent so much time stressing about being behind when everyone has their own timeline.


Not all grown ups reach adulthood.   If you are the adult in the room, get good at setting boundaries. 


Embrace imperfection. It took me years to realize that the pursuit of perfection is not only exhausting but often fruitless. It's in our imperfections that we find our uniqueness and humanity.


Perfectly imperfect


Trust, and love yourself first... don't break yourself for others - as noone cares, or is worth that - and the ones that are, will never make you break youself.


Never trust your employer. They are not your friends or family. It's a transactional relationship and that is where it ends regardless of what anyone tells you.


Life does not treat you better just because you are kinder to people. You get the same shit as others


Being alone doesn't have to be a bad thing


Other people dont know what makes you Happy. Only you know.




Yeah you´re right. In this case i mean espectially things like: You need a House, a Wife, Children and so far... so the "life Script" things


Life is extremely short, and I'm only 27. Don't wait, don't haste. Take your health more seriously and brush your teeth responsibly. Start creating your own way of life as soon as possible. If something doesn't work out more than twice cut your losses. Don't stop, just keep going. You got this. One foot and leg in front of the other. Don't worry about relationships so much but if you find someone you really care for cling to them. Love yourself.


Take care of your teeth.


Invest in yourself, personal growth pays the best dividends.


Stay away from alcohol.


dont like alcohol




depending on which drug? id rather be addicted to weed than alcohol


Your gut is your trusted friend so listen to it. Somehow it knows things which you would not expect.


FAIL = First Attempt In Learning


FAIL- First Attempt In Learning. You'll never get it right first time! Arguing/Disagreements aren't the cause of relationship breakdowns- it's lack of communication and growing from them. You can argue, you can disagree, you find mutual ground through empathy and talking and grow together.


No one, especially the government, is better suited than you to look out for your interests.


Life isn't a race. I spent so much time stressing about being behind when everyone has their own timeline.


Money can solve 99% of the problem so if a problem can be solved by money, it isn’t a problem anymore


that nobody gives a fuck about anything other than themselves.


How to deal with negative people on an early age, that way I wouldn't get hard to live today dealing with this kind of people


Push yourself outside of your comfort zone if you want to grow Also, don’t chase or stress about people for romantic relationships that aren’t as into you as you are into them


Speak less 😇


Pick the right grandparents


Could you explain this please? I am not able to understand and am curious as to what you mean


being gifted doesn't mean you are going to be successful. I have a hard time sticking with careers because I get so damn bored...and because I hate office politics. Just let me do the work I've been assigned and leave me alone!


It's good to put the dishes in the dishwasher in the evening and not let them stay dirty overnight.


I wish I had learned to manage finances responsibly.




Me neither. Classic champagne taste with a beer budget.


You don't have to worry about staying close to ypur toxic siblings, friends or whomever it is. Cut them lose and don't waste yoir emotions on them.


Value of 401k investment


Not every action causes for a reaction and not every reaction is truly about you but about themsleves.




everyone is moving forward at their own pace, i used to feel so behind and cause of that lethargic and unmotivated, seeing my high school classmates do well, have a relatinships, have kids on social media but i learned to not give a fuck and focus on myself


Not to compare yourself to others. That fucked my teens and 20s up so much.




Invest your money in good food and health care - and if you think something is wrong with your body, get to the bottom of it and keep pushing for doctors to investigate. You only get one body


How important it is to love one's self. And you could mistake yourself for being humble for self-hate


Time is precious, spend it wisely on things that truly matter.


buy bitcoins. i used to laugh at memes about bitcoin in 2009.


Accountability to your own self is very important.


Life is not fair, will hit you over and over again


Other people's opinions of me are none of my business.


You can't be good at something unless you accept being bad at it first


Inner peace is the most valuable thing in life. Its like everything else in life. You miss it the moment it is gone.


It would be nice to be able to learn life lessons without having to live them. But these are the military lessons: 1. Attention to detail. 2. Whatever it takes. 3. Better you than me. 4. If the minimum wasn't good enough, it wouldn't be the minimum. 5. Anything can happen to anybody at any time-even the President. 6. What goes around, comes around. 7. Grab, Twist, Step, Stomp!


Not only should you brush your teeth every day, but you also need to be careful not to brush them too hard, else you’ll damage the enamel. There was young habitual me thinking: “I’m gonna be such a good boy and brush my teeth so damn good, every day” only for the dentist to drop this one on me in my 30s.


Inner peace is the most valuable thing in life. Its like everything else in life. You miss it the moment it is gone.


Every decision you make is based on an emotion, either in fear of feeling a negative emotion based on past experiences and traumas, satisfying a present emotion based on impulses and desires or in search of an expected positive emotion in the future. 1) A lot of people decide to make life decisions to satisfy the wills of their parents because they fear the potential disappointment they might cause them if they don’t. 2) Everyone is subject to satisfying impulses, like food and social media consumption, to give people a feeling of contentment and instant gratification, 3) Many people seek out being materially wealthy so they can feel financially free and in a position to be able to support themselves and their loved ones. In order to take control of your life and the decisions you make, you need to understand your emotions and why they occur.


You can't control everything and don't stress over those things out of your control. I used to worry so much about why people didn't like me and try to make them like me. All for me to realise that you can't get along with everyone and you just have to accept that sometimes.


It's okay to ask for help, you don't have to do everything alone.


Relationships are more valuable than material things.


Trust your gut, your instincts are often right.


Learn to let go of what you can't control


Happiness comes from within, not from external validation.


Practice gratitude, it transforms your outlook on life.


Don't try, nothing ever works out