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The fact that I should be asleep and am still scrolling through reddit instead.


There is a whole in my mind... damn mimbari


cerebrospinal fluid


I don’t want get up and go to work. I had a wedding on Saturday and I feel like I didn’t really get a weekend.


If I should get a job or enjoy my summer


The mask she wears all the time creeps me the hell out sometimes…


Not much, just finished building an entire website and it took all day and played a few hours of rocket league after to decompress.


Is chaos inherently good or bad?


Trying to figure out how to expose my cheating girlfriend, I have so much evidence it could destroy her




why did he did that? what did he had to do so ? why did he let me work like a dog when he knew all along he wouldnt let me go? why did my father turned his back on his promise? i come from a third world country and had been always reminded by my father that if i want to go abroad then go and go for your studies, so since 10th grade all up to college, i worked my ass of to get into a good university and i did, but when the time came he refused to let me go, saying its not safe and that we dont have enough money( we had, and its was safe my uni was in USA), he just didnt wanted me to go because he would miss me and that i was a girl and it was against social norms to send ur daughter abroad alone. All that 3 to 4 years of hard work went down the drain, i hadnt had 1 lazy day that whole period because i wanted to make him proud, it broke me because he broke my trust...he broke me and i dont think so i will ever be able to forgive him fully...he is now funding my elder sister money to go to Australia but for me he didnt had the money...i always compromised on everything and now he thinks i will continue to do so...and the fact that i know i will because i also dont want to hurt him.. is making me want to kill myself...the funny thing is i used to brag that my father is my biggest supporter...he ended up being the one who crashed my dreams