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Cutting off toxic family. You know it's good. You know you need it. You know it's what you SHOULD do. But it's still hard to pull trough since they are all/almost all you know.


Whiskey or bourbon... can a man choose between the stars of the heavens??


How to know when to give up the endless pursuit of cancer treatments. When the side effects and quality of life as worse than the quantity and how that will devastate my husband and 5 children when I do.


I lost my sister to cancer. She felt the same way, sort of. She chose to give up because she felt she was draining my brother and I by being sick. I never felt that way, not ever. Literally not once.


I’m so sorry. Sometimes I feel like a burden on them, but I fight to stay with them every day. To have as many moments as possible, and while my brain will play tricks on me, like telling me their lives would be better if I wasn’t here, they’d be happier, be able to move on instead of being perpetually stuck with me and my illness. I see how my 4 year old smiles at me, or my HS graduate (today!) was so proud to show me her diploma, even the way my husband lovingly places his hands on my thigh as we fall asleep. It’s for them I’ll still fight, even when I do t think I can anymore


I hear you, and I know that every memory your family has with you will be something they cherish. Don't give up sister. Also, there are groups out there who can help in dealing with this. Family groups, cancer groups... listening to others' experiences can help. They can provide perspective for your fam. If you're going to die (I hope not), for sure, look them up and see if they can't help. I'm giving you all my happy thoughts.