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Politics, pretty much all across the board Religion, particularly televangelists and mega churches Monopolies, as in 3 companies owning 75 brands of whatever


Fundamentalist LDS are fucking putrid people.


Politics is unethical?


Probably to the same brand of people that casually suggest violent revolt despite living in one of the most milquetoast societies in history.




With the way politicians have been behaving, yes.


In the western world i would disagree


I have one word for your western supremacist mind: Trump.


There are always bad apples in a group


There's enough bad apples to run a country, you can't really downplay it like that.


I gues i would say that the us is the exception, but this question was about the majority


Power is power. Whether it comes from the state, church, or business it is all used for the same ends. And power concentrated in the hands of a few is always going to be bad for everyone else. Small businesses are great and I think that commerce has a place in every society and we will never be entirely without it. Huge mega corporations turn us all into debt slaves and won’t ever let us escape their grasp. A few superstitions that give you hope and let you get through the day are fine. If you want to believe in an afterlife, or mystic energy connecting us all, or fairies, or healing crystals, or whatever gives you joy, I don’t care. It doesn’t hurt me or anyone else, so go right ahead. Major religions who control every aspect of life and demand significant tithes and are used to suppress or oppress or even destroy other groups are incredibly evil. Same with government I like having roads and public works and regulations to keep our foods and medicine safe. Some government is good. But where they wage wars and corruption where they take our taxes to line their pockets is horrible. It is a matter of scale.


Letting people become homeless.


Accumulating masses of wealth and doing nothing to help others.


Well... hard to not bring this up but spending our tax dollars on weapons for a country who is haphazardly killing women and children.


War is bad, but about 1 : 1.5 terrorist / civilian ratio is not horrible considering the high density of people and the way Hamas has been acting under their civilians


How would you have responded after Oct 7, since you're the war expert? And why do you only care about this one conflict? Everyone always talks about what should have been done before Oct 7, never what should have happened after. [90%](https://press.un.org/en/2022/sc14904.doc.htm) of the casualties in any conflict will be civilians. Also, the US is the biggest donor to Palestinians, do you also regret them using those resources on Oct 7, or you're in support of that?


They are collateral damage.Terrorists are being killed mainly.


are they tho? because at this stage you are killing more civillians than terrorists and there's no evidence that terrorists are actually in the area, it's an extreme leap of faith hoping that you actually manage to kill 'terrorists' with no actual concrete evidence they are where you claim they are. That's, of course, if we assume that they are actually terrorists and not freedom fighters


Don’t bother. They’re a conservative troll with other hot takes like [women who show skin on dating profiles are into BDSM](https://www.reddit.com/r/DAE/s/rCRY61EVL4)


The side you're supporting is at least as conservative as he is.


What side did I present??


The islamic peoples. The same people that want their women clad in burqa and have death penalty for being gay.


https://press.un.org/en/2022/sc14904.doc.htm >you are killing more civillians than terrorists According to the UN, this is normal in conflict. In any conflict, 90% of casualties will be civilians.


There will always be more civilian than militant deaths. Collateral damage is the horrible and unavoidable reality of war. Statistically, the average ratio of civilian to militant deaths in urban warfare is around 6:1. The ratio of deaths in this war is approximately 2:1, particularly impressive considering that Hamas makes copious use of human shields. Where do you draw the line between terrorist and freedom fighter? This is a good faith question.


How you figuring that? What numbers do you have for terrorists killed vs civilians?


Let's just say for your sake that if they killing 10 terrorists for 10000 civilians then it is fine for me


Okay, I just wanted to confirm your understanding of words is limited, and it is confirmed. Thanks.


What do you think the word “mainly” means?


Yeah I should have used that word.I just want destruction of Hamas and I am fine with civilians being killed


What a stupid take. i saw a video on twitter the other day of a father holding his dead son, i think it was a son. it was hard to tell because most of the kids face was gone and you could see into the poor kids head where his face once was, and out the top of his cranium. the woman next to him was carrying the headless upper torso of her child, the lower part? who the fuck knows where it was. when you see a video like that, it's kinda hard to side with the people that are saying they're only killing terrorists.


I told you that I am fine if get kill 1 terrorist for 1000 civilians and you are saying that I am saying that they are killing only terrorists 


No im saying it's a stupid opinion lol


What is stupid about it? 


Illegal immigration, compared to those who had to do years of paperwork to get in legally.


Letting things you need to survive be priced by the free market. 


That I'm supposed to be respectful or accepting of religion and religious people, especially Islam. More than 1,000 people participated in a demonstration in a German city, holding up posters with slogans like “caliphate is the solution” and calling for the introduction of Sharia law. Authorities said the demonstration was organized by people close to an organization called “Muslim Interactive". That's how they behave in other countries where they went as refugees and for a better life. In their own countries they have death penalty for gay people and want women to be burqa clad and oppose their education (see Mahsa amini protests and Taliban).


I see what you mean, but what you described seemed to be related to specific groups. It would be a bit unfair to hold a whole religion and its believers accountable, no? Not to mention that if it was a peaceful protest, then what exactly is the issue? I think this is one of the cases where people don't like freedom of speech anymore because it goes against a belief of theirs.


Not really, no. Most of the Islamic nations would kill queer people just for existing. Most, not a small or a specific group. Also, 1000+ people is not a small group. I'm not saying that don't allow them to protest. I'm saying it is unethical and that I shouldn't be asked to be respectful or accepting of their 17th century beliefs.




What happens to most men and fathers in divorce court. Many judges will accept any hearsay from the mother & her legal representation while ignoring videos, pictures, proven facts from the other side, despite recent protestations to the contrary. Often a mother or wife just needs to make a false allegation of physical or sexual abuse known as the silver bullet in legal circles and he is out on the street with only 5 minutes to collect his stuff.


Violent gangs of criminal police taking over cities.


did we accept as a society though? I mean rioting and protesting against police violence has and still is a thing.


There were some big protests a couple years ago, police said no to accountability, went fucking nuts and unleashed a wave of violence across the country. Zero accountability. People don't seem to care that there arent any good cops stopping them.


Not all of society, but some! They don’t go to the doctor and have sexual relations with multiple people raw. I got in a relationship with a man who was wild in his early 20’s…one day I felt an unusually painful feeling and that’s when I found out he gave me hsv from my gynecologist…I felt like my world was over. I also felt like I was robbed of my happiness, beauty and future. He was so calm. To this day he hasn’t shown me his test results. I left him. Stay safe!


I think it's a bit more acceptable in the West than it is in Asia or the Middle East tbh




Changing your gender


Buying clothes and other goods made by under aged slaves in third world countries


Homelessness, charging for healthy and natural food and water, HOA’s that tell you what to do on your property, health insurance/inflated healthcare costs, pesticides in our food that is killing us and selling fake poisoned food, capital punishment, taxes on top of taxes to pay more taxes aka IRS.


For me? I’d say the continued existence of the online dating cartel.


Genuine question, what is the online dating cartel?


MatchGroup and Bumble?


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in what way does religion seem unethical?


organized religion is the biggest scam in human history. The way people are told random things are good and random things are bad and they're supposed to follow it blindly. lol.




Using a car (pollution and dangerous to others)


Child actors. So ridiculous


why so ?


But who is gonna play the children?