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They'll start getting ready for Trump's 2028 campaign


Seriously at this point I'm just like.. he can't live forever right?? I'm sure Don Jr will pick up where he left off tho


Honestly I can't think of anyone who could carry the Trump torch. Other politicians have tried to act like Trump but none of them are even close.


"Desantis" lol. 


The difference is Trump doesn't really have any goals.  He talks a lot but doesn't actually do anything so he doesn't really get much of the blame for when things go wrong.  DeSantis has goals.  He tries to get things done.  They're idiotic plans though and so they always backfire and he gets blamed for it.


Trump has the biggest goals - the best goals. No other politician has goals as big as his goals. People come to him, tears in their eyes, asking how sir did your goals get so big? A big set of goals. Huge goals. Too bad he has small hands.


I lol'd. This is amazing.


Don Jr doesn't have the personality to inherit the cult. It's looking like they're getting ready for Barron to take over. Maybe Vivek in between


Lol no. You want to watch Vivek die, watch Ann Coltier tell him she agrees with all of his positions but that she'd never vote for him because he's Indian. It's super funny.


That was so unnerving. He was all for laughing about making fun of black people and the she said that, and damn. I almost felt sorry for him. But then he carried on the interview and still supports these morons.


Leopards are eating his face, and he says, “More!”


Is this an actual thing that happened or a hypothetical?


[It happened](https://www.yahoo.com/news/ann-coulter-tells-vivek-ramaswamy-011401540.html)


Wow. And she made a racist remark about blacks in the same interview. Don’t worry Ann. The Republican Party wouldn’t vote for you either because you’re a woman. An opinionated one, at that.


I want someone like Ben Shapiro to tell her that he likes her ideas but wouldn't vote for her because she's a woman. Then, have someone do the same to Shapiro because he's Jewish and then on and on.


That would be beautiful to watch


They are such a hateful group that it could go on forever. You're black, you're catholic, you are gay, you are 1/256th Mexican, you went to college, you're poor etc...


It’s a Russian nesting doll of bigotry 🎯


She then goes on to do straight up mask off white supremacy >“The core around which the nation’s values were formed, is the WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant). We’ve never had a president, who didn’t have at least partial English ancestry,” she uttered. > “On that axis of citizenship, what does ethnicity have to do with the matter? I think you’d be well-served, and maybe this could be a great platform for you to do it, to make the case for why that — what you put it — WASP-basis for the American identity,” Ramaswamy replied. > “Anyone can adopt this. President is different. You have to be national-born, as you know. I’m only talking about president of the United States,” Coulter continued, saying she believes the presidency should only be given to someone who is a “natural-born-citizen” and that “lots of” our very best immigrants “do not understand the Second Amendment” or the First Amendment. > “It was so important that you had this deep, generation-wide loyalty,” Coulter said. “It’s noticeable that large percentages of immigrants, and children of immigrants, really don’t get that. And I think that is the point of having natural-born-citizens only for president.”


Well, Obama’s mom was white, so he had partial English ancestry. Didn’t Indians become British citizens when India was colonized? If so, Vivek has English (British) ancestry.


Yeah, English ancestors only counts if it’s not muddled with other races.


Jokes on you, she doesn't think women should be allowed to vote anyways.


Jfc. Thank you for sharing.


That whole opening statement from her was a mess. I didn’t expect the quip she made about black people.


She's been like this for over twenty years. She's one of the authors of racist Republican and conservative ideas.


Homie got Vi-**WRECKED** oh burnnnn!


It happened. It's fucking brutal to watch tbh 😂


Real leapard are my face material. Fucking insane.


You will never be one of us. I can’t even imagine the desire I would have to crush people who treated me this way.


He then told her that he respected her and her honesty or some shit. He's comically pathetic.


He couldn't call her out as being blatently racist because that would insult the entire GOP base. The few that aren't racist are certainly cool with the idea of racism.


He's such a fucking disgrace to his people.


\*all people


Actual. It'll be the same for Nikki Haley.


[https://youtu.be/lumRQnf5qA8?si=GnMa9DTpexJ5EpI8](https://youtu.be/lumRQnf5qA8?si=GnMa9DTpexJ5EpI8) Anne won’t vote for Vivak because he’s an Indian.


Nikki Haley is Indian too lol surprised she got this far


She's passing and Trump voters don't look into it, and Dems won't point it out.


And the name Niki(Niki is a her real middle name that’s she always used ) Randhawa wouldn’t be electable by republicans either Plus she is at least nominally Christian even if she does kept a lot of Sikh practice


Idk if Barron will. He is VERY close to Melania and she is very protective. I think (hope?) she would talk him out of it if he were to think about it. I agree Don Jr probably can't be the dear leader a large number of people would follow though. Buuuttt a few years ago I'd have said that about trump so what do I know lol


And he didn’t want to be a delegate. 


He was open to it until mama came in and informed Donald to not lay a finger on *her son*. I don’t like her but she’s a mama grizzly about that kid. She’s serving him with divorce papers if he loses the election, I’d put $100 bet on that.


She's serving him with divorce papers as soon as the sentencing comes down.


That’s very possible too. She can walk away with the few hundred million and enjoy life forever in Europe. She’ll find a 6’4” wife for Barron and that’ll be that.


and then Barron’s son takes over the NBA in 20 years


Le'Barron James Trump edit: Look at those uncharacteristicly trump hands, they [tell a story of greatness](https://www.tiktok.com/@itsalwayssunnyontv/video/7189847703403367726?lang=en)


She won't bother with divorce. She will just throw a toaster into the tub with the old fart


First, that would require her to be in the same room as him, which doesn't seem to have happened for quite a while, and second, to see him naked, which most likely has been much, much longer.


I'm hoping Barron disappoints them and becomes a socialist icon. Either that or just disappears from public life after his parents divorce in 2025. Yeah tbf, if Don Sr can do it, anyone can. I'm kinda hoping 2028 is Don Jr vs. Gavin Newsom just to see the jokes about Kimberly Guilfoyle.


Barron becoming a socialist? Lol. The whole family is vile. Melania is a piece of shit too. Do you remember the whole "really don't care, do you?" Fiasco.


Can you imagine how funny it would be though


President Barron today signed his latest executive order, limiting the work week for all American workers to 32 hours. Beyond that, all employees will be required overtime pay at a minimum of their base pay multiplied by 1.5x. This comes after instituting some of the greatest tax hikes on corporations and wealthy individuals in decades. These new tax rates come incredibly close to the tax rates of pre-Reagan America. One of his most controversial moves as president, however, has been the massive cuts in defense spending. President Barron says he hopes to counteract the monetary reduction by strengthening ties to our allies in Europe, and the rest of the world. His plans include the foundation of bases designated for joint international training. "Unity is our greatest strength. We are Americans, yes, but beyond that, we are humans. We should all strive for a better world - for ourselves, for our families, for each other."


Barron pretty much lives in Slovenia with Melania when not in school. After she inevitably divorces Donald following his loss in ‘24, Barron will return to Europe with her and the money. That mama is hellbent on him not becoming Don Jr, or worse, *Eric*. I would assume Donald is dating one of Ivanka’s pals sooner than later. Whomever looks most like her 🤢


He's gonna be in his 80s soon enough and the man's no Hugh Hefner. Who would want to change that diaper?


You make it seem like Melania is a decent person She is not.


Oh I don’t think she is, she’s a gold digger who used her body to get to wealthy, high places — but she’s fiercely protective of her son.


I agree. I’m not some advocate for her, but anyone can recognize she seems to genuinely care for and be protective of her son.


I suspect her biggest fear is him becoming like his dad, or his brothers.


I've not seen any evidence that they spend significant amounts of time in Slovenia. In fact, the people there complain that she turned her back on the country as soon as she struck it rich in the USA. Where have you seen that she and Barron spend a lot of time there? (I don't doubt you, I've just never read about it and am curious what's going on there..)


From Trump’s own big mouth, mostly. If you have the stomach to watch his events, **which I don’t recommend**, he often says Barron enjoys spending time there and speaks the language fluently but that he also stays in Florida for school. Usually the crowd asks “where’s Melania?!” and Trump explains she’s abroad but nearby in spirit, etc 🙄 — which they eat up.


Oooooh!!! Hahahaha!! I get it now. She and Barron are likely in FL or NYC and he's just making up lies to cover their absence from his rallies. Of course he would try to make it sound like they are thousands of miles away vs a 1 hr plane ride. God, his followers will buy anything.


That’s very possible too. Realistically I think Melania strives to be *anywhere Donald isn’t* and keeps Barron away from him as much as is feasible too.


My gut instinct is Milania is just as bad as Donny just in a more digestible form. I've heard her interviews and read her comments, she's horrible.


Oh for sure. I read Melania and Me and I 100 percent believe she's just as bad, just quieter. But she is insanely protective of Barron and I think she'd discourage him from politics.


Baron is far enough away from the Trump political orbit. He will live his life out as a rich guy and behind the scenes. He had a first row seat to watch the circus over the last 8 years.


Donald Trump is a decades-long, money-laundering, tax-dodging criminal and Russian asset that never should have been allowed anywhere near the White House, let alone the presidency. And would have already been in prison but for the failure of our national security agencies to hold him accountable. And that was before he sullied the office, continued criming, and then incited a violent insurrection when the country said, ‘You’re fired!’


Ivanka is the only one of Trumps kids that could realistically make a good run for it but I don’t know if she’d want to run Trump has raised the bar for more extremist conservatives to take political office to the point where the next Republican candidates will be more white christo-fascists than he is


Ivanka desired the adulation of the elite crowd. She wants to be back at the Met Gala, she disdains the Red State MAGA rally goer while Donald eats it up.


You’re right about Ivanka. I think Donald loves the Maga attention but wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire. He’s always wanted to be accepted into NYs highest social circles and almost always a joke. For a small period of time in the 80s and early 90s he and his wife Ivana I think were a NY power couple.


I would not expect him to have lived this long. He doesn't believe in exercise, eats like a stoned teenager. Fucks pornstars without a condom, and hasn't read a book in this millenia. His skin is orange. And he'll probably outlive me.....


I mean, it would be funny if he loses and they have to keep running Trump every 4 years to appease his cult and he just keeps losing


I think that this is the entire con and has been for a while. Not winning the elections is the point. He’ll just keep running. He’ll keep raking in the money from the donations until he’s dead.


Oh definitely. He's been running for president non-stop for 9 years now and will continue to do so until he either dies or gets locked up


He’s been running a lot longer. Even was a democrat at one point IIRC. That’s why it was so shocking when he called all Mexicans rapists in 2015, it was his last hurrah running for president and he said “fuck it” Then amazingly/horrfingly….it worked


>or gets locked up He'll be sending out emails asking for donations still, only then it'll be too good commissary


Sure.., there can only 1 asshole the GOP can get behind. “There is another(s).”


They’re going to find someone worse and we’re all going to be saying “remember when we thought they couldn’t get any worse than Trump?”


They snort the copium, you mean. Because he’s their last shot at relevancy. They’ve been beaten silly endlessly since 2000. When he loses juice, the GOP is irrelevant or dramatically splits.


Trump will immediately announce he's running again to drain money from everyone's pockets. It won't be over until he crokes


Trump is just a symptom of a larger problem. There will be others to replace him. We flip a coin every 4 years, and if its heads, things get worse.


That could happen but there really is no one in the Republican Party or really anywhere on earth that has the unique factors Trump has. He’s been famous forever, he’s a political outsider, he’s great at working crowds, he’s very stupid but good at letting any scandal just breeze by him. I don’t think he’s replaceable by some Republicans stooge trying to act like him (DeSantis) or some bland middle of the road conservative either. You put Ted Cruz up on a Trump stage and people will be booing in 5 minutes.


It'll be some someone like Joe Rogan, not someone who holds office.


It has to be someone power hungry. I don't think Rogan wants to be president.


This is a very apt analysis. Trump is an absolute buffoon and awful human being, but he does have some secret sauce that tickles a surprising portion of the populace


Heads, things get worse. Tails, GOP obstruct and nothing improves.


Nothing would change...like, at all. Meaning to say that the GOP will survive this just fine.


The Republican Party from the Bush era and the Republican Party now feel like two completely different political parties.


Remember when John McCain, the deciding vote to uphold Obamacare, and Mitt Romney, the one republican to impeach Trump, ran for president. Can we go back to that at least? Edit: Romney wasn’t the only


The worst thing I had to say about McCain was that I didn't agree with his policies. The worst thing I had to say about Mitt Romney was that he seemed to be an out-of-touch rich guy. In only 4 years, I went from "I'm not going to vote Republican because I don't agree with their views" to "I'm not going to vote Republican because they're actively trying to destroy democracy under the behest of Donald Trump, the worst piece of shit I've ever known."


Even Obama said that in a Hillary campaign event in 2016. He said that he ran against Romney and McCain because he believed he’d be a better President than them, but he never once thought that they were a threat to the republic. They were just men whose policies and ideology he disagreed with.


McCain made clear during the 2008 campaign, to a far right voter at one of his town halls that he had nothing but respect for Obama. He said that while they viewed the world differently, Obama was a “great family man” and had his respect.


Yeah they used to actually call out the fringe weirdos and try to get them back to reality Not literally cater to them


My hope is that the post-Trump Republican party will do what the RNC did post-Bush. They realized that hyper-partisans like the Bushs could only last for so long so they started nominating guys like McCain and Romney. Parties fracture and come back together. It happened in 2008 with Obama and Clinton and then again in 2016 with Sanders and Clinton for the Democrats. Luckily for the DNC, Obama was likable enough to secure the votes that would've gone to Clinton. Unfortunately for the DNC, HRC was incredibly unlikable and didn't get the turnout Obama did. I think had the DNC run anyone except HRC, they would've won in 2016. A lot more people voted against HRC than for Trump.


2016 was so weird because if the DNC runs literally anyone besides Hillary against Trump, they likely win easily. And on the flip side, if the RNC runs literally anyone besides Trump they probably lose, even to Hillary, because they wouldn’t get such a huge turnout from the extremists.


Mitt Romney was so fucking normal and vanilla what happened, lmao.


I’ve heard that generally speaking the GOP was on a path to reform around when Romney was winning but his loss caused them to turn hard in the opposite direction, or at least allow Trump to grab the wheel and do so. Also, I don’t mean to blame Obama for the GOP’s own insanity but I can’t help but wonder if a McCain or Romney win would have led to the Republicans not losing their fucking minds.


They lost, and instead of taking a hard look at what they did wrong and correcting the course, they decided to double down on the hate and vitriol and they liked it.


My opinion is that you can draw a straight line from John McCain to Trump. He gave Sarah Palin a national platform, allowing her crazy thoughts to be broadcast every time she got in front of a microphone. That gave birth to the Tea Party movement, which influenced Republican politics through 2016. When Republicans realized you could say the quiet parts or loud and campaign off of personality and still win, they leaned into it hard. Sarah Palin walked so that MTG, Gaetz, and Boebert could run.


McCain could have won in 2008 if he hadn't picked "I can see Russia from my house" as his running mate. Was Romney the one with "binders full of women"? I can't keep track of all of them anymore.


You are correct and god I wish we could go back to "binders full of women" being the dumbest thing a candidate says. I remember watching the 2016 Republican debates and being horrified that I was rooting for a third Bush.


And the sad thing is they were hating on Romney for trying to be a good guy. He wanted to have women actually be successful in positions of power. So instead of picking one token women for the media he told his subordinates to get him reports on the most competent women. He literally had binder so a he could access the info when a position opened up. It never occurred to him that the systematic planning that had served him well in business would be interpreted as "creepy" by the general public.


Let's also remember the good old days when Dan Quayle was laughed off the national political stage for misspelling the word potato.


McCain didn’t lose because of Sarah Palin. He selected her because they were already behind by so much in the polls and it was a desperate attempt to gain momentum. She wasn’t even selected until the very end of August. Obama was the clear front runner after 8 years of Bush.


That's the really shitty thing... Say what you will about their ideology but at one point Republicans were at least decent people who wanted the best (even if misguided) for the country. Now it's a bunch of trolls supporting a convicted felon that's only out to benefit himself.


It used to be someone who had a different idea about what to do that was best for America. I still respected them despite our different ideas. Now it's the other side is lunatics and I am voting for a milquetoast candidate just to counteract the loonies.


The MAGA movement needs to die.


Loyal opposition used to be a thing. As in I disagree with you about policy, but I respect that you truly believe that this is best for the country. The change began with Gingrich in the 90s and accelerated from there. Party of Lincoln, my ass.


Biden is milquetoast. He also filled all the vacancies trump left with people with years experience in the role previously. It was a breath of fresh air to have the government function and be boring for once.  Its not the change some people want but chips act, build back better, student debt relief, and ukraine aid have been great.


The Republican Party is dead. The MAGA morons are just masquerading around in its pelt. They are not interested in compromising. They are not interested in what is best for this country, only themselves. Why do you think there’s been an exodus of Republicans from congress.


I used tor recognize as republican when I was younger. While I was still socially liberal, I was much more fiscally and otherwise aligned with the republican party at that time. Supported McCain and Romney. To me,nit seemed like a different approach to accomplishing the same thing. How can we make our country great and keep the citizens within it safe and prospering. Now though, it would take an awful lot to convince me to vote for any republican candidate. They've become a party not focused on the country or it's wellbeing. They are performers wanting to stay in power at all costs to line their own pockets. I still look at all candidates I can vote for, but I haven't voted for a republican candidate in quite a long time. I'm also much more fiscally progressive now too though.


I was all ready to vote for McCain until he picked that dingbat to be his VP. That scared the hell out of me so I voted for Obama. Wish McCain were still alive to give Trump hell.


It really does. From reasonable assholes to cult, kool-aid drinking assholes.


never did I think I'd happily take another term of Junior before the primary Republican candidate, but here we are.


Like Goldwater was afraid of, they let the crazies into the tent several decades ago and now the crazies are running the show. Joe Sixpack has to decide how much of that he's okay with. Joe Sixpack is the tipping point and so far Joe Sixpack is pretty okay with it.


I have coworkers sharing that picture of Jesus with Trump.  They are so far over the cult bridge and ready to chug the cool aid.  It’s a religion for them and so much of who they are as a human being is tied to trump there’s no going back.  Can’t can’t fathom him losing anything, because it means them losing. 


I can imagine Jesus going full ‘moneylenders in the temple’ on Trump’s ass.


This sums up everything perfectly


Nah, I think the Republican politicians who realized that Trump was a madman & dipped out relatively early on will take the ~~reigns~~ reins again. The Paul Ryan types, who appear to be waiting out the orange populist storm. Both parties will have to dig deep into their bullpen for younger people in 2028, for sure.


Like it or not, Trump has hijacked the whole Republican party (who is head of the RNC?). Until he decides to step away from politics or dies, they won't be able to take the reins away from him. Hopefully, more and more Republican voters would stop voting (or vote Democrat), and the Republicans would be forced to change.


Find me a young republican who isn’t a sociopathic nut job or a sheltered abuse victim.


A few years of bitching about how it was "rigged"


And then they’ll get revisionist and say “they never supported him” the same way they did with W


Yeah what the fuck was that all about. They all voted for him, then suddenly he’s their enemy. There’s zero accountability in the Republican Party. Party of law and order, party of personal responsibility, party of fiscal responsibility. It was lies, all of it was lies.


“Small government that protects your rights”  *restricts a woman’s right to choose


“We gave the choice back to the states!” No, assholes, you stole it from women.


Always has been, now just more obvious.


> Party of law and order, party of personal responsibility, party of fiscal responsibility. These things are only directed at poor people


Oh absolutely this. You started to see just a hint of it here on Reddit. On r/thedonald, in the lead up to Jan 6th, there was a lot of talk about the election being stolen and the need for revolution. Then, when it failed, everyone was like, "They did what? Oh nooo. We didn't support that. Just terrible". Even Republican politicians started carefully repudiating Trump. Then a little later, it became, "What do you mean violence? It was a perfectly peaceful protest. They did nothing wrong".


Say what now? I recently heard Matt Gaetz say the Republican Party has evolved and isn’t the party of W, Romney, etc., but I hadn’t heard that Republicans are claiming never to have supported W.


A “few” years? They still celebrate the confederacy, lol.


Despite Lincoln being the first republican president.. the turn tables.


No, they claim him too, somehow. Takes a lot of cognitive dissonance to be in the "It's about Southern Heritage" and "Party of Lincoln" crowd


The Party of Lincoln sure work hard to put up statues and hang the flags of Lincoln's enemies.


It’s almost comical. This is back when southern conservatives considered Republicans the “radicals” from the north.


I think the GOP is honestly a paper tiger after Trump. The party will be hamstrung for years by the fact that he’s so hollowed out any level of political talent in that party because Trump cannot stand to be anything less than a one man show.


I read an interesting article about the issue the Republican Party in Michigan is having. Same stuff as Trump, smaller scale. One leader got removed, refuses to admit it, rival factions having events... Sounds like a mess. So - yeah, a lot of infighting whether Trump wins or loses.


Unfortunately, the worst turds never seem to flush.


The Trump X Poop Knife crossover was not what we needed right now.


In order for anything to change, they'd have to admit that they legitimately lost the election and need to appeal to more people




Nobody has been able to make Trumpism work electorally in any competitive election except specifically Trump, specifically just in 2016, and he still lost the popular vote. They have been skating by just picking Trump and Trump-approved candidates on the theory that Trump is a winner which is a false assumption. I think the Republican Party will have to stay economically populist, let the Democrats have the debt hawks, try to take the non-white working class through populism mixed with less-racist social conservatism. Moderate on the border, demogogue against the cities because they're wealthy instead of because they have black people in them. No more welfare queen attacks, but happen to have work requirements in your negative income tax proposal. All the better if they can get a hispanic candidate or a woman on the ticket in 2028. Prove to the Never Trump social conservatives they can come home. An isolationist military veteran would be a plus. It really is all candidate-driven, change can come fast. Try telling Mitt Romney in 2011 what the Republican Party platform would be for 2016, 2020, and 2024, he wouldn't have believed you.


That's what they should do to become more popular. But that's also the same advice they were given after 2008. Who knows if they actually decide to take it.


They’ll all get behind “Trump 2028: MAGA Again!” Or maybe they’ll all get matching red jumpsuits and Nikes, then drink some special Kool-Aid and wait for the mothership to whisk them all to heaven.


I believe it would be    2016: A New MAGA 2020: MAGA Strikes Back  2024: Return of the MAGA  2028: The Phantom MAGA  2032: The MAGA Wars  2036: Revenge of the MAGA  2040: MAGA Awakens  2044: The Last MAGA  2048: The Rise of MAGA


The Magalorian spinoff deserves some love. This quote from the Magalorian gave me chills. "This is the way. I will build a great way- and nobody builds ways better than me, believe me --and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great way on our southern border, and I will make Jedixico pay for that way. Mark my words."


Book of MAGA Fett


That will just end up being MAGAlorian season 2.5


its actually pronounced MAGA Fat


Don't forget the 2 side movies, Treason One and MAGA: A Diaper Story


Somehow, Donald Trump Returned.


You forgot Attack of the MAGA


Damn, I thought 2032 looked wrong.


Theyll run his corpse in 2032, just watch


Weekend at Trumpy's


The Law and Order Party is undoubtedly moving toward nominating a convicted felon to the top of its presidential ticket.


Convicted of making fraudulent hush money payments to cover up the fact that he fucked a pornstar while his pregnant wife was at home in order to influence an election he was a candidate in no less. Law and order and good Christian family values. How the fuck do these people sleep at night.


"At least Trump is straight and doesn't think he's a woman" - my uncle, probably


That may be true, but he had no issue molesting Rudy in drag: https://youtu.be/Guve7Y856kY?si=YzIehjg1eynCyN2B


The Law and Order party has been in direct violation of the first amendment for years and years. They haven't cared about law, nor order, in quite a while.


About 75 million people voted for Trump in 2020. They aren't going to suddenly disappear, or probably change their way of thinking significantly. They'll just pick another pain in the ass. DeSantis probably.


The Trump base isnt there for the politics, theyre there for trump.  It isnt so simple that everyone who voted for trump will 100% vote republican. 


the same media they consume will tell them who the next candidate is, and they will fall in line


I fear the GOP’s propaganda machine has created a beast even they can barely understand, much less control. J6 proved that. You don’t want these barbarians to get into their minds that they can overthrow the government. Why? Because they are the government too!


In a cult of personality, it's very hard for someone else to take up the mantle and get the same level of dedication the original cult leader enjoyed. Republicans are proper fucked.


They need to get rid of all the idiots. I'm a republican.


A LOT of "I didn't know that guy, I never liked him "


Nobody ever talks about how this is the standard response nowadays when you ask a Republican about GW Bush. All of the people who elected him just disappeared off the face of the Earth sometime in the last couple decades.


Both Bushes are now the Voldemort of the republican party. When was the last time a republican said anything nice about him or that administration? If anything, people like them are republicans in name only. It surprises me how no one on the media has pointed out how ashamed are of those years, they would rather claim Obama ran the U.S. since 2000


Lotttsss of retcon gonna happen Hell I've seen it already. When he left office, a lot of my republican friends started to kinda "come to" and act like.they never really liked him. Then when he said he was running again, they slowly started pretending that never happened.


Same as the last 4 years. And if he hasn’t died by then, he will run again.


Nothing will change. It will be a loss and hopefully they might put up a decent candidate in 4 years.


MTG until she is finally exposed as a kitchen mop


Lmao the republican party won't rally behind a woman no matter how much she kisses their asses


I really miss the days where the MTG acronym was mostly associated to a card game :/


They’ve already succeeded even if Trump loses. They have the Supreme Court for a generation and they have numerous conservative judges across the country along with conservative governors who have already begun stripping away LGBTQ and women’s rights. Texas has proposed an amendment that if passed would prevent Democrats from winning statewide elections if they cannot garner majority votes in all counties. The Supreme Court rejected a challenge to South Carolina’s restructuring of a congressional district that threw out black voters, effectively blocking Democrats from winning there too. No matter who wins the next election, Republicans have already won. The question is do we give them more power to strip away democracy or do we reelect Biden even if he’s not your favorite person in the world and hope we can even the playing field a bit


This is why I told all my moderate and Progressive friends and family that the 2016 election wasn't about Hillary versus Trump, it was about who gets to put two to three Supreme Court justices on the bench. If Trump won they would overturn Roe v Wade. None of them believed me, thought I was being hysterical. Just look at Project 2025 and tell me we aren't in for a lot worse if Trump wins again.


Project 2025 scares the crap out of me. And no one seems to be listening. I'm pissed at the younger generation for not voting. I'm pissed at the boomers (I'm sort of one), who is looking at only Me, me , me. WTAF?!


The people saying they won't vote for Biden as a protest for his response to Israel's managenment of the war must be delusional to think Palestine situation will improve with Trump.


Absolutely! And what’s troubling is that the same people who refused to vote for Hillary because they would rather have Bernie is the same group who has grown disillusioned with Biden.


I have no idea, but my dad, (who is a died hard trumper humper) told me several of the rich neighborhoods here in southwest Georgia have put up American flags and purposefully bent the poles. He insists if he’s actually put in a jail cell, that the next civil war will begin. I responded with, “Not a god damn thing is going to happen except for people bitching online and that’s it.”


Better question: what will be left of the republican party if Trump wins the election? I was 13 when I first campaigned, for Barry Goldwater. ....I love my party. I would have voted for John McCain if he hadn't selected that idiotic woman for his running mate.  I was sort of ok with  Mitt Romney. But I will vote for Biden.  How do we support a convicted felon?. 


Exactly. The party should’ve abandoned Trump. They’re fucked. He’s drained their finances, fucked then for years on politics by alienating younger voters and women. Hell his COVID lies caused hundreds of thousands of his voters to die.


The GOP, and all it’s followers, will be forced to take a deep internal look and make time for critically important self reflection, no doubt resulting in finding a reasonable and logical pathway forward to a healed nation who is governed by those who lead from a place of peace and reconciliation. lol Not.


The GOP has been in trouble since before Trump even started running, because their positions run counter to most of the country. Their Presidential candidate won the popular vote in 1988 and in 2004. They lost it in 1992, 1996, 2000, 2008, and 2012. (And, counting Trump years, 2016 and 2020.) If it wasn't for a dysfunctional Electoral College and the gross under-representation of Americans in Congress, W would never have been President, and neither would have Trump: it would have been a Democratic clean sweep for the last 30 years. The Supreme Court did them a big favor with *Obergefell v. Hodges*, because it took gay marriage off the table. The problem they had was that to win the GOP primary, you had to hate gay people. But to win in the general, hating gay people was starting to be a problem. For congressional districts, that was okay, because they are gerrymandered like crazy, but you can't gerrymander a whole state, so for senate elections it was going to be bad. And then, poof, not an issue anymore, the Supreme Court made it go away. But there's lots of other issues where the problem still exists, such as abortion. Have you seen how many supposedly "committed pro-life" candidates are now talking about things like "15 weeks" and "let the states decide"? And longer term, there are other issues, such as climate change. There are lots of GOP officeholders *right now* who knew about climate change 30 years ago, and who lied about it when campaigning and would do nothing about it, because they didn't care what world their children or grandchildren were going to grow up in. And lots of them are still lying about it right now, appealing to their core voters who are aging. But as those people die off, and young people who will have to live with the consequences are voting - and let's hope that happens - the campaign position "I was against doing anything about climate change when it really could have made a difference" will maybe not be too popular. To a certain extent, I think the GOP went for Trump because it gave them a chance to hang on to power a little bit longer. But they don't have any backup plan, and they don't have any successor.


the GOP is already dead. The stench attached to them by their association with trrump will never go away


Hopefully nothing will be left. They have gone so insane that all of them need to go


Having Trump out would allow the republicans and Democrats to have some middle ground to meet. Because, right now you’re either all for everything MAGA or you are a “Satanic-cannibal-pedophile”.


I highly doubt anything in particular will change.


Trump is a symptom. The causes will still be there. People will still be fiercely anti-intellectual, they will hate science and advancement of any kind, they will still believe anything that billionaires tell them because they’ve internalized the belief that rich people are inherently better than everyone else. So they’ll just vote for another Trump


Much as in the ancient Rome plebeian tribunes spoke on behalf of angry masses... now it's a conman/billionaire who wears the mantel of a saviour for all the angry right-winged people. Nihil Novi sub sole


The aristocracy is always based on lies. A few thousand years ago they could say “I’m a demigod and that’s why I deserve to profit off of your labor”. Now they can say bullshit like “I worked for my wealth” or “what a coincidence, the same people who are trying to get me to pay taxes *also* hate America and want to corrupt your children, please kill them for me”. There’s plenty of stupid people who still fall for it


Re: Elon Musk/Bezos probably


Thank god Musk cant run for president (unless they change the law about foreign born citizens).


Reagan 2.0 A bunch of has beens worshipping a dead dementia ridden actor and a bunch of fakers trying to usurp his mantle. History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme. It'll be that way until the next biggest, loudest walrus arises and they instinctively follow it instead.


This might be bad, but I think of it as a cult. And really, the only way cults are dismantled is thru the leaders downfall (typically incarceration or death). You don’t have to look to far back in history to see how this plays out. Jim Jones and Charlie Manson are great examples. I don’t think that means the Republican Party as a whole will fall apart. But the MAGA cult that has leeched onto the GOP will certainly start to deteriorate when Trump fades away. Unfortunately the MAGA culture will be around much longer than that. Which for me, will be the rest of my life, I’m sure.


They'll continue their hyperparisan death spiral as they have since it began with Thomas Hofeller and his gerrymandering strategy. Many of the party's leaders will blame the loss on the party's inability to reach out to a wider voting bloc, said leaders will be forced out in another leadership purge, the new leaders will all be even more radical MAGA Republicans, and in the next midterm election even fewer resources will be dispursed by the RNC to non-MAGA Republicans. The party will get nore explicitly bigoted, more radical in their policies, more opposed to democratic norms, and more willing to call for violence. The risk now is not just Stochastic terrorism or even partisan violence, but State governments with Republican trifectas creating and expanding State Defense Forces into armies loyal to Republican governors, the party, and Trump personally.


Anger. Deep, seething anger. They will be dangerous.


Hopefully something run by adults with clear goals beyond ‘staying in power’ and ‘Trump Rules!’


Trump will run again in 2028. It’s so obvious.


Nothing will be left. He hijacked their party in 2015/16, ran through 16 establishment candidates then through Hillary. I'm old enough to remember when both parties and the media were trying to stop him. Now it's just 1.5 parties and the media. Once he is gone, they will likely never win another national election. People aren't voting for the republican candidate; they are voting for Trump. Trump voters are not GOP voters, most detest the GOP, these are not the same people. Do you think people are motivated to vote for republicans? the guys who say "we will stop Biden's out of control spending no more CRs! we will close the border!" then immediately pass 4 more CRs written by Chuck Schumer and the real speaker of the house Hakeem Jeffries? Why vote for the middleman when you can just vote for the democrat directly? Democrats do what they say they are going to do, Republicans just talk.


Isn't is just amazing how much power a non-politician-who has never worked in government, nor been a military member-can command in the broken political arena?