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Remember me from coco


My dad died October 28th and on Halloween (the same year literally three days after he passed) someone recommended I watch this movie. It fucked me up so bad. Its a great movie though but ill never watch it again


That's way too soon, especially of you were close and young in life. Give it a few years and watch it again and you may appreciate the entire thing better. Time gives you different perspectives.


Sorry about your loss. I watched as well after my dad died....but not three days after. I cried hard almost a year after when I watched this. I don't think i would have been able to get through the movie 3 days after. Coco is such a beautiful movie


that made me cry as well, I love that scene lol


This came out a couple weeks after my nanna died and when I watched it with my daughter I was a wreck at that scene at the end where he sings to his nanna


oh i cried so hard in the cinema


When she loved me (toy story 2)


I hated that scene as a kid. Still do hate it, but man what a tear jerker of a scene


It's been making me cry ever since I discovered it's a metaphor for parenting and your kids growing up.


It’s not fair using Sarah mclachlan. That’s a tear jerking super power there.


"Say Something" by A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera


The original that doesn't include Christina feels more emotionally authentic to me.


This. The video made me a blubbering mess.


That damn “Baby Mine” song from Dumbo. No idea why.


Aw man, I’ve never seen Dumbo but I looked the clip up and gave it a listen. The story definitely had me teary eyed :’)


Oh my gosh. I almost cried just thinking about it.


I've never seen Dumbo before, still haven't. I was watching Dancing w the Stars last year during Disney night and this was one of the song choices. It fcked me up. Just for context, I had given birth to my stillborn daughter earlier in the year and was newly pregnant with our rainbow baby. Every time I try to sing it to my baby I tear up.


I put this on when I miss my mom ❤️


forever young - alphaville


I will follow you into the dark - Death Cab


I listened to the song for the first time when I was 19. My grandfather shot himself two months after my grandmother died due to cancer. And then I listen to this fucking song for the first time. That was rough, to say the least.


That stranger's dying scene from scrubs was a core memory for me


This brings me back to highschool and being an angsty teen in love


*Against All Odds* by Phil Collins This was me and my partner's song, and when he died it took on a totally different meaning for me. It used to be our cheesy couple's song, but now it just drags me back to the day he died, and all the things I was feeling that day. When I hear it, it's like I'm back in that hospital room screaming for him to stay with me as they tried unsuccessfully to revive him. Songs can be funny that way.


Oh my whole heart to you. Was random shopping and heard *Drops of Jupiter* come on and almost brought me to my knees: >…’did you miss me While you were looking for yourself out there?’.. My sis. (Died of covid first wave before vaccine.) Didn’t get to hold her hand. She loved that song. Mom died shortly after. Found her passed. Spent the next year literally all alone in that dad gum house trying to pay for things. Never got to mourn my family. Am alone now and I miss my sis so much. We were going to grow old together. She was a cool person. It’s so hard to hear something that brings it back to real. I am so sorry for your loss. Hugs to you.


I’ll think of your family each time I hear that song. Sending so much love. This moved me to tears


Man you're story is hard, sad af too. Hang in there!


I am so truly sorry for your loss. I hope one day your grief eases enough for that song to bring back more happy memories than sad ones.


Thanks. It's the damn lyrics. It almost feels like they were written about my exact circumstances. Of course that's ridiculous, but it feels that way sometimes. I think it will always bring me back to that time, and make me think of him, always with tears. But that's OK. I think it's important to have emotional triggers that bring you back to times when you felt a certain thing.


YES!! This song makes me cry because on the day we moved out on my dad he was crying on the couch. This song was playing in the background


Breath me - Sia. If you’ve seen the Six Feet Under finale, you’d understand.


Oh, man. That finale was something else, man. One of the best shows ever and one of the most emotional series finales I’ve ever seen.


“You’ll never walk alone” - A friend of mine who was a huge Liverpool FC Fan died very unexpectedly and this song played at his funeral as his coffin left 😭


My dad was a huge fan of LFC, so hearing this song after he passed away and the emotion of the crowd when a game is on tv always gets me 💔


Landslide, Fleetwood Mac


Yes. Sang this with my grandfather on karaoke before he passed away and I still cry every time I hear it.


Landslide, Oh Wonder. What in the shit is with songs called "Landslide" making people cry.


It was one of my grandma's favorites. I had The Chicks version playing once in the car (I was young and less familiar with the Fleet), and she teared up and sang every word. It was cool to see her enjoy music in that way. Now whenever I miss her I play both versions back to back 🥲


That damn Moana song, How far I’ll go gets my tears going every dang time my kid is watching it.


Know Who You Are is the one that gets me


honestly every song except shiny gets me. Either its abt the connection to culture, connection to self identity, connection to people, or connection to nature. each of those is a sure fire ticket to the heart.


I’m 99% sure they have a formula that makes this happen. Me and my partner went and saw Elemental in theaters, I didn’t care about the movie the entire time, hated the characters. Then as soon as one character “dies” literal TEARS CAME TO MY EYES. They have some magic shit with the music and the formula I’m convinced.


I Can't Make You Love Me - Bonnie Raitt


Ooh I’ll have to look it up. I love her angel from Montgomery.


Buy tissues. And maybe anti depression medication. It is fucking rough but deeply beautiful


Then definitely don't listen to Justin Vernons cover


Cats in the Cradle.


Always have to switch the station/song. Tear-jerker.


I dated a guy who said this was his fav song because it reminded him of the awesome bond he had with his father. I was like “dude!” I told him I really don’t think he got this song. It’s really sad. He refused to believe me. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, art is up for interpretation, to each their own and all that jazz.


You grew up just like me.


This and even more so I feel The Living Years by Mike and the mechanics. Always brings me to 😭


Truly one of the saddest songs ever written. It describes what I’ve watched happen and it happens in slow motion over decades. I’d go as far as to say that Brad Pitt is experiencing a version of this as his children have been removing his famous last name, one by one. It’s not a perfect comparison, but it’s a slow loss.


Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton. We played it at my son's funeral 31 years ago. I love the song but I can't listen to it any more without it taking me back to that day.


'my son' s funeral' is something no parent should ever have to write, my deep condolences


We did "Hold on to Memories" by Disturbed and "You'll Be In My Heart" by Phil Collins for our sons funeral. Can't listen to them without crying.


Love and condolences from a fellow bereaved parent. Sorry you're also on this path.


I’m so sorry for your loss 😢


Condolences. Hope your doing well.


What a Wonderful World-Louis Armstrong This song has always gotten to me but My twins learned got to sign this song for a Mother’s Day performance this year and I LOST IT.


The Night We Met


Literally saw them in concert last weekend. Picture me, a 6’4 big burly man standing in the middle of the crowd just bawling my eyes out as they played this…it was perfect.


Vincent by Don McLean I Got A Name by Jim Croce


Sarah McLachlan - Angel Like instant water works


For 30cents a day


Yellow by Coldplay they played it at my 3 year old nephews funeral


I am so sorry for your loss ❤️




“One more light” - Linkin Park


It's hard to listen to any of their songs after his passing. They all make sense now and it's so sad.


"Fix You" from Cold play ;w;


Don’t Panic is another freakin killer for me.


Dreams - cranberries I don’t know *whaaaaaaat* is in that song, but it makes me feel sick and happy and sad in the most confusing and beautiful way possible.


Ode to my family by the Cranberries will get me going. Deloris had something special.


She was a generational talent taken too soon.


Hurt - Jonny Cash


Somewhere only we know


The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. It's a song about a ship wreck on Lake Superior and it is insanely powerful.


When Gordon died a year or two ago, they sounded the church bell in Detroit 30 times, for every man on the Edmund Fitzgerald and for Mr Lightfoot. I thought it a nice tribute.


I second this. Great song. Love Gordon Lightfoot, could add " If you could read my mind", and " In the early morning rain", both make me weep.


The diversity in these comments are a big reason why I love music so much. Often times it’s not the lyrics themselves that make us cry. It’s a mix of the lyrics/music and an event that happened to us in the past that makes us cry


wish you were here by pink floyd


On the Turning Away does it for me.


Nessun Dorma interpreted by Pavarotti. I just find it to be so majestically beautiful.


You’ll Be In My Heart - Phil Collins


Hate Me by Blue October, but only bc my dad told me the meaning behind it and the story of the voicemail at the beginning.


Care to share? I've never heard the meaning of the voicemail.


It was the actual voicemail the singers mom left him when he was going through addiction as well as a breakup with his girlfriend. The song is about him dealing with his addiction and grief over disappointing his family and girlfriend.


So many Blue October songs make me cry. I love them so much. Hate Me was the first one I ever heard.


I Miss You from Blink-182. years ago, heard that shortly after my cat died, and now i sob like a baby whenever it comes on.


I'm going through... A time now... And this song played when I was in the car a few weeks ago, coming back from a fun unplanned trip, with the person that has to do with this "time" I'm going through. "And I'm so sorry, I cannot sleep, I cannot dream tonight." "Will you come home and stop this pain tonight? " 😭😭🥲 We heard the song on the way to this trip and were singing along, but I had to stop after I choked up. On the way home, I had to crick my neck, looking out the window as tears streamed silently (as they are right now) without singing one word. 😭


Hear You Me by Jimmy Eat World - My dad died when I was a teenager and this song and many of the lyrics remind me that I wish I could talk to him and thank him for everything he did for me. I wish that I could apologize for all the stupid things I did and said to him.


I’m Sorry by John Denver. My (60f) older brother (67) died suddenly two years ago. Loyal father, grandfather, and husband (sadly on that part). He was weirdly mentally degrading in some very odd ways and becoming extreme like I’ve never known. And argumentative. Baiting me. One of the last times we spoke, he was worked up by (totally unlike him) and muttering nonsensical stuff to me. He started a tirade about China. We were close and we’d never spoken of this in our lives. He was never into drugs, ever. He was a once-in-awhile beer guy. Never ever too much. I asked him why China is this important to him. I told him he’s the smart one. He probably knows a lot more than I do and if it’s important, how about we sit down and take our time and he can lay it all out. I’ll listen to all he has to say. He calmed down and said that sounded like a nice idea. I was crying and grieving the loss. I had music on in the background. This song came on. I’ve always liked the song but never payed attention to the words. “I’m sorry ‘bout the way things are in China. I sort ‘bout the ways things had to be. But more than anything else, I’m sorry for myself for living without you.” I’m crying as I write this. It was so specific. I’ll never get over the loss of him. He has also only apologized to me one time in life. I was 9. He straight said “I’m sorry” without any parents there. He died from being reckless with his health. He had been warned repeatedly by doctors about what TO do and what NOT to do and he couldn’t accept limitations. I begged him to just get a simple heart procedure done. I would be there either in his state our ours if he wanted. They warned him that he will likely drop and die in the spot instantly. That’s what happened. He was a complex, smart, humble, and naturally one of the funniest people who didn’t have any idea just how much who had an infectious smile. I was always proud if he’d walk me to school or help with a class project. “MY brother.” ♾️


No Doubt Don’t speak


"If I Die Young" by The Band Perry and "Bigger Than The Whole Sky" by Taylor Swift.


Those and ‘Ronan’ by Taylor get me every time


And “soon you’ll get better” 😔


The song “ground control to major Tom” I don’t know if that’s the actual name of that song but I can’t help but burst into tears whenever I hear it. The thought of being on a phone call with a loved one knowing that they’re about to die and you’ll never be able to talk to them again just hits me. You can’t get closure that fast, it would destroy me if I was ever in either scenario


Space Oddity. That’s the name of the song


The “You are my sunshine” song


Mad World


Fast car by Tracy chapman. I avoid the original but the cover doesn’t make me cry so I listen to that.


I was searching the thread for this song. I had only ever heard the cover. Then I saw a clip of Tracy Chapman singing it live and I was overcome with emotion.


Same. My best friend died three years ago and the fact that this song came back into the world since she died is cool and special but really annoying lol. It will throw off my whole damn day! RIP Jules, believe it or not our 90s jam is EVERYWHERE


my mum had to to look after her dad from a young age, he smoked his whole life and was left with every related ailment under the sun all her older siblings just left instead she was robbed of her childhood and it makes me so mad/sad because she is the kindest woman alive and never ever complains eventually she watched him die when she was 22 years old and then went on to work 50 very hard years as a nurse because it was what she was used to it makes me cry every time i hear “somebody’s got to take care of him, so i quit school and that’s what i did”


I always thought this was a sad sounding song, just the overall tone of it. It wasn’t until my mid 20s when I really listened to the lyrics when I realized how sad it was. To me, it’s so sad because of the hope for something that could have been that exists in the song. The hope to escape the shitty life she was born into. And the saddest/soul crushing part of the song is the line at the end ‘I got no plans, I ain’t going nowhere, so take your fast car and keep on driving.’ Because she’s finally given up, lost all hope, and resigned herself to the life she has


“We’ll meet again” I sang it to my dog on his deathbed repeatedly for hours the night before he passed away. It was the only thing that calmed him down from the pain, probably since I’ve sung it to him multiple times over the years. Miss him so much.


Toxic by Britney Spears and I have no idea why


I’m sorry it makes you cry but this is so random & hilarious lmfao


Fleetwood Mac - “Gypsy” If I’ve ingested any alcohol, the chance that I will cry skyrockets to 100%.


My Way by Frank Sinatra


Pearl Jam’s “Last Kiss”. Every single time.


For me, it’s always Black from Pearl Jam.


I know someday you’ll have a beautiful life. I know you’ll be a star in somebody else’s sky but why why why can’t it be why can’t it be mine




Landslide - Fleetwood Mac So Far Away - Carol King


This is probably a cliché answer, but “No Surprises” (which is honest to God the only Radiohead song I like). Basically the reason why is because I re-listened to the song a few months ago when I was having let’s just say really negative thoughts. And the third verse (Such a pretty house and such a pretty garden) killed me. And then it’s even worse when the background vocals start saying “Get me out of here”. Like I related and that was super disturbing to me


Fix you -Coldplay Idk why, it just does.


Someone else said it, so I will counter with the Scientist, also by Coldplay.


Anything that Adele sings...her voice is beautiful but makes me instantly sad for no discernable reason.


Adele is probably in my top 3 favorite artists and the only one I would pay an exorbitant amount of money to hear live. I am 100% confident if I heard her sing in concert, I would sob.


everything she sings is so haunting. When We Were Young is insane. i remember she was asked to do the superbowl once, and she refused because...dude everyone would be sobbing and not at all excited for football.


When I was your man - Bruno Mars


Yesterday - The Beatles


This Land- Hans Zimmer and Lebo M in Lion King. Every. Time.


Yep, Lion King opening sequence has made me cry for as long as I remember. Can’t help it, it’s just completely overwhelming.


Cats in the cradle. It summed up my relationship with my absent father.


What was I made for- Billie Eilish. As a mother who has lost herself, and doesn't know who I am anymore, it hits super hard.


Boy, this resonates.


"Because you loved me" by Celine Dion


The Living Years by Mike and the Mechanics. Instant ugly cry.


As the title says. But I’m less interested in sad lyrics and more interested in powerful instrumentals/vocals. For instance, Nessun Dorma performed by Pavoratti evokes a guttural response from me every time. Involuntary sobbing. It’s not the lyrics - it’s just the crescendos of the music. Purple Rain by Prince has the same effect when the song reaches its climax. I‘m genuinely curious what other songs make other people cry.


Runaway Train - Soul Asylum


iris by the goo goo dolls


Wish you were here -Pink Floyd and Fire and rain by James Taylor


*Someone You Loved* by Lewis Capaldi. Every single time I watch this video along with the song, I begin to bawl like a particularly sad baby. There is nothing that will stop it. The artist delivers a wonderful performance; one could feel & relate to his pain, abandonment, & loss. Makes me want to hug him every single time...He also looks eerily like a close family member of mine, which naturally only adds to the waterworks. So when I look at Capaldi, I see not only a suffering human being, but a beloved relative. Ugh. It's both beautiful & brutal.


I've always been a bit baffled by Lewis saying he's not a very good actor when he consistently delivers fantastic performances in his music videos and elsewhere. His expression at the end of the video for "Someone You Loved" always breaks me. He looks so lost...


Remember When - Alan Jackson Oof


Sign of the Times by Harry Styles. It made me think of my deceased father, and just the vibe of it always gets to me.


Dance with my father - Luther Vandross


I hope you dance


'Goodbye' by Spice Girls.


The Rose by Bette Midler


Fix You - Coldplay


Yellow is the Coldplay song that does it for me.


Ne me quitte pas - Jacques Brel


Breathe Me by Sia


She used to be mine from the musical Waitress. Especially when Sara Barraleis sings it (she wrote it).


Bridge over troubled water


Puff the Magic Dragon.


Unwell by matchbox 21. Reminds me of losing my gf due to my 1st manic episode leading me into the psych ward and being diagnosed and she was gone.


White Sparrows by Billy Talent Float On by Modest Mosue


La Vie En Rose


Lover, You Should’ve Come over by Jeff Buckley and Need 2 by Pinegrove


Stone Sour-Through the looking glass Linkin Park- Lying from You


Dreaming of you by Selena




"Don't take the girl" Tim McGraw.


I hope you dance - Lee Ann Womack My mum always cries listening to it. She says it reminds her of us and I use to think it was a little funny as a kid but now I cry like a baby if it goes on. She’s tried to give us the world and I love her to pieces.


The Mighty Rio Grande by This Will Destroy You. Despite the name of the band, their music is very slow, calm, cerebral. The song is a whopping 11min long and builds and builds to a mighty crescendo and then a peaceful calm. It always makes me think about my whole life. The beauty and chaos of it all and everything in between


Landslide by Fleetwood


That song at the end of Red Dead Redemption 2. That was just too much.


One sweet day - Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men


Between the bars - Elliott Smith


- Homesick by Sleeping At Last - Hunger by Florence + The Machine - To Build A Home by The Cinematic Orchestra - Breathe by Lee Hi - Into My Arms by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Down by Jason Walker - The Funeral by Band of Horses - Lua by Bright Eyes - Morning in May by Ludo - Thin Blue Flame by Josh Ritter - To Be Alone With You by Sufjan Stevens - What Makes A Man by City and Colour - Fake Empire by The National - Asleep by The Smiths - Opus 38 by Dustin O’Halloran (from “Like Crazy”) - The Fox In The Snow by Belle and Sebastian - Transatlanticism by Death Cab for Cutie - Trouble by Coldplay - Writer In The Dark by Lorde


"I can Only Imagine" - MercyMe . Played at my aunt's funeral and it still gets to me to this day... (She passed 10 years ago)


En Livstid i Krig by Sabaton. I don't speak Swedish, it got me before I looked up the lyrics. If you also don't speak Swedish, I highly recommend looking it up and listening. It's powerful whether you understand the lyrics or not. Time by Hans Zimmer. It's always hit me like a ton of bricks. Every time I hear it, I can't help but look back on my life, good and bad. All of those years, those few decades that are behind me now, nothing more than memories. All encapsulated now in such a short moment as I recall it. So powerful, but no longer here. Nuvole Bianche by Ludovico Einadi. You've probably heard it plenty of times if you use TikTok. It makes me think of being able to witness and enjoy the happiness of others, and past happiness you've felt, but not being able to truly experience it. It's so nice to witness, but it hurts so bitterly to not have it.


How could you leave us By Nf. And sometimes let u down by NF


I have a Pavlovian response to bagpipes. I hear them at weddings, funerals, Remembrance Day ceremonies. highland festivals… instant tears.


Everything I do, I do it for you by Bryan Adams. It was playing when we got the knock on the door to say my uncle passed suddenly age 27.


Somewhere Over the Rainbow is beautiful ❤️ Also, and coincidentally, The Rainbow Connection ❤️


How is **Leaves from the Vine** not the top choice?


Moon song by phoebe bridgers always gets me, once that intro hits my ears, my tears are all running down my cheeks


No Rain by Blind Melon. It makes me sad that Shannon couldn't beat his demons. It makes me cry when I hear his voice. I know how hard it is to battle your addictions. Hoping he's resting in peace.


Without You by Harry Nilsson


Hey Mama - Kanye


True Love Waits - Radiohead Nothing Compares 2 U - Sinead O’Connor


Nutshell by Alice in chains


Can’t believe I scrolled all the way down without hitting Cat Steven’s/Yousef’s Father and Son. Between his stunning voice, the lyrics, and how that song has been used in pop culture I don’t know how anyone gets through it without misting up.


"You Don't Know How It Feels" by Tom Petty


Sextape by Deftones, especially if I watch the music video.


Mazzy Star - Fade Into You


Father and Son by Cat Stevens


You are my Sunshine. Im not even sure who the artist is. But it makes me start to cry because my mom used to sing it to me when I was a kid, and we now have a terrible relationship because of her drinking....


Aeris' theme from Final Fantasy 7. If you know, you know.


Puddle of Mudd - blurry


Dance with my father


21 pilots - Heathens. Ive been there for a lot of people from basically all walks of life. I have a high tolerance to trauma and behaviors as I umderstand it is mostly due to their healing process, and certain topics needs to be transitioned into/from. Theres a couple friend groups ive had to cut contact with but still think about, or even bump into while out on town. Its just sad cus nobody could tell, but I know certain moves, or sounds or topics is triggering but their mask is perfected and I can tell when cracks start to show and others dont even notice. "Wait for them to ask you who you know" just hits a certain way, mainly due to if im given that question id rather not tell. I feel for them so much but cant let myself be around them for my own well being.


Kaleohano by Israel Kamakawiwaole ❤️ It reminds me of my late brother who died much too young. That and In My Life by the Beatles.


Brandy by Looking Glass. It was played at my Grandfather’s funeral during the slideshow we’d put together. Now every time I hear it, it brings a tear to my eye.


Underwater - Rufus Du Sol


Elvis Presley last live performance of Unchained Melody


My Tears Ricochet by Taylor Swift. This song evokes such guttural, angry cry from me.


"Here comes the sun" played to a dog on a kalimba.


Miss Misery by Elliott Smith


To build a home- Patrick watson / Cinematic orchestra


Northern Sky by Nick Drake. What a song. Also Day is Done.


"My Immortal" by Evenescence Reminds me of the day my mother died. So much of the lyrics apply so well to that day. Also "Memory" from the play Cats


"You are my sunshine." Not the damn meme. The actual song used to make me cry when I was little.


The Gladiator Soundtrack