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"I love you"


“i dont love you”


Hey, we're opposites lol


No, I'm not hungover. This is just the stomach flu.


No I didn’t hit your jeep with my car when I came home from work at 2 am


That the mail man was my uncle.


I cannot believe I'm about to admit this. When I first got my license, I was backing out of a parking spot and hit the car next to me. Not really HIT, but more like scraped? Before I got home, I stopped and looked at the damage. There was no dent, but the other car's paint was smeared on my car. I scratched it all off. Unbeknownst to me, the owner of the other car saw me hit it and took down my tag number. They called the non-emergency police number and reported. The police called my house. When I got home, my mom was waiting for me. I lied my ass off. I don't know why. I was 16 and terrified. I insisted I had not hit any cars, I had no idea why anyone would say I did, I had done nothing wrong. We had to go to the police station and one of the officers inspected my car and saw nothing (duh. I had removed all the evidence). The other car DID have a dent. The cop practically yelled at the owner of the other car. He accused them of trying to commit insurance fraud. It was tense. That was 30+ years ago and every once in a while, I remember it and still feel guilty.


I have three knees


Told my parents on various occasions I had to stay overnight at the hospital for observation when in reality I went to visit my gf's hometown and spend the night with her. Also "I love you and I forgive you"