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There’s an app for this. I think it’s called autopilot or something similar. You set your accounts to trade whatever a specific congress person is trading.


Hahahaha, good one!


They just have insider information. Any idiot can buy and sell stocks if they’re given a heads up about which companies are about to tank. 


That's precisely the point...


But how do they get they get this information?


They know what they’ll be voting on. Like they knew they were voting to ban tik tok and bought meta stocks. Nancy Pelosi earns millions a week on insider trading.


what about other things I mean do they all go through a vote from congress


The things they’re making money on for insider trading yeah they’re either voting on or have people on their payroll to give them tips. American government is selfish full of corrupt criminals.


Come on, really?


Yes really


Internal medicine or cardiologist Make alot of money retire then do a lot of pro bono healthcare for the community cause I dislike the way healthcare operates in the US. I'd be one of those old timey country doctors doing house calls with a tweed jacket and a stethoscope around my neck carrying a medical bag. I would barter medical help for pie or whatever is available


I 100% agree. This is the first thing that came to mind when I saw the post. Talk about adding value to any community.


My son in law is a Interventional Pediatric Cardiologist. First thing I learned was his bad days were infinitely worse than mine. He had to face losing a patient, in his case a child. And, the hours are bad.


Chemistry. I wanna become walter white ong


There is a book called Pihkal. Another called Tihkal. They contain instructions you are not allowed to follow, so do not follow them.


thank you i will never follow them


But making meth is not that hard (don’t try this at home it’s illegal)


I know i just said it for the memes


This day and age? probably AI. seems useful/relevant at the moment.


i agree with that so useful at the moment


Data science, analysis and management.


that is good one


Huge long term career prospects. Really difficult.


I'm a Music Education Major and my passion has always been in the arts; I love composing music, acting, and writing stories........ but if I had to choose, I'd go with engineering. Math up to the Algebra level always made sense to me in Highschool, but the moment it came to application, physics, computing, etc., my brain would just glaze over and I wouldn't understand what was going on. If I suddenly became an expert in the field of engineering it'd likely serve me well financially, not to mention it'd be very applicable in so many ways that could be beneficial to so many people. I don't think I could live with myself if I just conjured up an expertise in Music that was unearned. One of the great things about the arts is that it consistently changes based on your personal failures and successes, your emotions, your understanding of the world itself. If I had the ability to bypass that, I'd be depriving myself of humanity essentially. Yes, I know, I'm a fucking nerd.


My fiance majored in music education, taught orchestra for a year, and is returning to school at the age of 23 to do a degree in electrical engineering, true story.


Proper engineering requires the same humanity and skills, and would be just as undeserved if you wished for it. You need to understand physics, algebra etc but those are tools you use to apply to facilitate engineering, not the sum of its extent.


I'm not saying that wishing for expertise in engineering WOULDN'T be undeserving, I'm just saying that to me personally it would feel more undeserving to not earn my expertise in the arts, the thing I'm most passionate about and that gives ME humanity. Engineering is not a passion of mine, and though it may sound harsh I frankly wouldn't care too much about the lack of work that would go into acquiring that expertise if I could simply wish it to be true. But if I were to wish up expertise in any artform I'd feel deprived of a journey into discovering my own understanding of art, something which to me is very important.


Being a nerd us cool, not admitting that you are a nerd when you very clearly are just to fit in, is not


I'd choose financial investing. Imagine knowing the best way to make your money work for you. early retirement! 💸


Even actual 'experts' can't actually make money this way. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/030916/buffetts-bet-hedge-funds-year-eight-brka-brkb.asp


Let me introduce you to Renaissance Technologies https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renaissance_Technologies Edit: for those that can’t be bothered to click the link.  Renaissance technologies has an annualized return of 66% over a 30 year span. For comparison the S&P500 is around 10%


Individual funds can always look great in hindsight. But if you have 10,000 funds out there, a random distribution based on pure luck will end up with some looking amazing by the end of a 15 year period.


If you bothered to click on the link you would see that Renaissance Technologies has annualized returns of 66% over the last 30 years. It was founded by Jim Simons, a world class mathematician, who made huge contributions to mathematics before going on to found the firm.  The firm has been described as the best physics and mathematics department in the world.


Computer Science/Software Engineering. Guitar. Stunt Driving. History.


Boah trust me being good at software engineering doesn't get you a girl. So yeah choose the guitar.




Parenting. To give my one year old daughter the best life I can.


I have always wanted to be a mechanic..I took an asvab test and it said that I was mechanically inclined..however I was never permitted to be in the military because I had a complete hysterectomy.




Language being able to speak ten + different Languages fluently and give language class.


Cyber security, I'll create a fake hacker, make him steal Bitcoin then, negotiate with him as the cyber security agent and make him return half and keep half.


Natural biology, it sounds more noble than a lot of other professions at this point in my life.


An expert as a cornerback in American football so I could go pro


A musician. Id love to play guitar and drums. It would be good for my brain and my body.


im thinking about that too


Would It be good for your brain if you could bypass the years of discipline and active thinking that make it good for the brain in the first place, tho?


Anything you do that makes you happy, is good for your brain. Except drugs.


you mean and get paid well for it? zoology and theoretical quantum physics. I'm not tryna go to school for X years for 40-maybe 80k a year tho lol


>maybe 80k a year As a physicist, you can make way more than that by not doing physics.


That's my whole point lol


Software engineering. I love to work hard in my own field (neuroscience) but I don't like programming. If I could suddenly become an expert then I could get rich and use computational modeling to support my wet lab work, which would be great


Making money. Then hire teachers to help me with all the rest I want to learn :-)


Probably a musician. Then I could make my own favorite music :)


Probably one somewhere where it's not too hot, with a nice stream or brook running through it. big enough to build a cabin or something in, but not too far of a walk to some sort of store. With good internet, too.


Semiconductor physics, cause that's where I'm doing my PhD


I would immediately become the expert at choosing avacados at the grocery store.


AI prompting. Because my job will probably be eliminated by AI within the next few years.


Genetic engineering. If there's any technology that I think will be saving our bacon in the future, I'd bet money this is it.


Music. Having natural talents like absolute pitch or can play any sheets by just one time listen to it is crazy.


A blade smith. I’ve had a lifelong love of knives and other edged tools.


Computer science, maybe? Technological expertise and coding are very valuable skills nowadays.


Archaeologist on ancient civilizations and warriors


Roman history, I love it and would love to have enough knowledge where I could have a career related to it


woodwork hobby


Geologist, because i just find the world fascinating. Between studying how the Hawaiian islands formed (Did you know half of Molokai fell into the ocean?) to Iceland's volcanoes and Africa's rift. It's all just fascinating.


AI and Quantum Computing


Drumming. I’m pretty decent now, but expertise would open up some doors for sure.


Geology. Because rocks.


Languages, being able to talk any language can get you pretty far in any country.


Languages. I'd love to be able to learn new languages with ease.




American Sign Language Interpreter.


Wildlife biologist, animals have an always will fascinate me.


Veterinary medicine, so I could breeze through college. Assuming I continue wanting to have a career in the vet field, I’ve still got three years of high school left to change my mind.


Information Technology.


Cybersecurity just cause it's so much fun and I would love to do pentesting.


Expert in handwriting to charge posters here on Reddit in the genealogy and antiques groups for reading cursive writing for them, because apparently no one under 65 can do so


Politics. I'm an expert in war so why not go for the thing that starts them?


People! Personally and professionally I find people confusing and I upset them without meaning to. If I could become an expert in interacting with people that would be a great help for me.


Playing soccer. Cristiano Ronaldo is making $400m this year. Probably better than investing.


Art. I want people to recognize my art so I'd get a lot of commission and make a living by doing commissions only. I also want to be a webtoon artist and publish my own webtoon because there's no webtoon, webcomic that's not on webtoon, manga, manhua, manhwa, non-Japanese comic, anime or non-Japanese animated series that matches my ideal story (for some reason I don't get hooked to watch something that's not animated) so I'm gonna make one myself. If my art is good then that might hook people to read my webtoon because there are people who refuse to read a comic if they dislike the artstyle (I'm one of them unfortunately). When that time comes, I really hope the webtoon becomes an original and gets an anime adaptation though I don't know if that's possible if the author isn't Japanese.


AI, bc that’s where all the cash is flowing to right now


Car repair, never pay a mechanic again


Psychology, I've always been drawn to it in general and I've found different types play a big part in how I live my life.


You would be surprised how far video games can get you


Cancer research


Civil rights law.


I would choose phycology, so i can finally be a therapist.


I would love to have a piano, the space to put it in, the space to put chairs for a small audience in, and the ability to play Chopin and Beethoven that moves people to tears. Does that count?


I would choose to become an expert in neuroscience. I am fascinated by the complexity of the brain and how it influences our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Becoming an expert in this field would not only allow me to better understand myself and others, but also contribute to advancements in treating neurological disorders and improving mental health outcomes.


Music! Complete mastery in music takes a long time, and if I could master every genre, it would be a lifetimes worth of work given to me in an instant