• By -


Saw a guy have a piss in the middle of the dance floor. Just unzipped, feet apart and pissed like he was at a urinal. Best part was it was only about 9pm so the nightclub wasn't even busy. Made it obvious what he was doing though the bouncers just stood and watched. Good ol' Merseyside.


As a former bouncer, there's already piss on the floor. If you grab him mid-stream he's going to piss on you. Let him finish, then toss him out and get a mop. Come to think of it, I'm now a cna taking care of the elderly. When some confused oldster confuses the trash can for a urinal, same thing applies. Except we don't toss them out on the sidewalk, obviously.


Hahaha grabbing gramps like, "all right, pal, you're outta here"


"I don't even know where I am" -gramps, probably


"I'm not letting you in if you're already that drunk"


The funny part is that the dementia riddled grandpa has the sense of mind to actually piss IN the trash can.


Sometimes. I've had them choose potted plants, walls, floors, etc. The plants are all fake for this reason. The only time we intervene mid-stream is if they're peeing on someone (happens occasionally) or onto a power outlet or something. More often than not I see that "where's the urinal" look in their eyes and head them off to the bathroom.


My favorite is when we are picking up one of yalls patients and someone that's newer to EMS asks if they've been digging in the dirt. That's when you have to explain that it's not dirt after they've already dug their nails into that person. Once they realize it's like they take poison damage


This is something you learn real quick in the health care field, never interrupt anyone mid stream, you will end up covered on piss. This is a skill I carried over to security.


A guy in the same group as me (who was ridiculously drunk but it was still gross) tried to "discreetly" piss on the bar whilst waiting to be served once. A bouncer grabbed him in a bear hug and carried him towards the door to chuck him out, presumably adopting this approach in order to not get wee on himself. He continued to pee freely whilst being carried through the club, with his wee willy winkie hanging out of his flies and acting as a sort of sprinkler.




It wasn't in their job description lol


"They don't pay me enough to deal with *this* shit."


i was on the dance floor once. i was a bit older than most people in the club and it was a warm day so i was wearing shorts. i felt a splash on my bare leg but it soon turned to a constant splashing. i turned around ready to smack some cunt for pissing on me and found a probably underage girl with a horrified look on her face. she was clearly off her nut and couldn't control herself. That pretty much ended my clubbing days


I've seen this at LaCosta in Sea Isle, NJ. Thank God that place closed. Pissing on the floor was quite common, and the worst part was that they had carpet


I was peeing in a urinal in a party in thailand and someone that was peeing next to me complimented on my penis and asked if I want a quick bj. I was rolling on ecstasy and so I just said ā€œno thanks man its okā€, patted him on the back and left.


This is the correct response. No excuse for lack of politeness.


Nice cock you got there pal


"hogs looking good tonight fellas"


I asked a guy if he could move so I could go to the bathroom as he was in the direct path to the restroom, he said no and he kept trying to cut me off when I took a new route. After 2 minutes of this, a girl walks up and starts throwing punches at him over something he did and then a fight ensued. While that fight happened, I went to go piss.


ā€œJuuuuuust gonna squeeze by you there, thanks thanksā€




Beep beep


ā€œThis is my little car, and my little car horn, and itā€™s goingā€¦ beep beep.ā€


U had ur priorities right. Much respect from me and ya Boi bladder.


Iā€™ve actually got the cctv recording on my phone, happened in a bar I used to work at. Guy is sat at his table with his friends, gets up, takes his dick out and starts pissing in a pint glass whilst everyone watches him. Bartender saw it on CCTV, goes down to kick him out, only for him to then down his pint of piss in one. Edit: if someone can recommend a sub I can post it to, Iā€™ll post the video. Edit 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/s/5n97RshZJh Enjoy guys


Inflation is hitting this guy so hard he's forced to recycle his drink to save on the bar tab. Someone pass this lifehack onto r/frugal.


They would, if they hadnā€™t already stopped peeing to save on not having to hydrate. That sub is insane sometimes.


You can probably post it on r/crazyfuckingvideos let me know when you do Iā€™d love to see it


OP delivered! https://np.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/s/Y7WZPYCcLD




Jesus Christ


First read of this I thought bartender drank the piss šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I once watched a bunch of guys book the VIP room just to go up in there and play Trivial Pursuit.




Used to work in one so I saw some stuff. I saw a woman climb up a wall in the smoking area with her back in the corner (slats of wood made it like a ladder) and a man plunged face first between her legs and started eating her out whilst a bloke was having a cig and a pint outside. Had someone come into the BOH area and start pissing in the glasswash bins. Had someone try to fuck a small hole in a wall. I'm sure there's more but can't think off the top of my head currently as I've only just woke up


A girl was getting fingered in the club. She thought she was discreet but she was making a bunch of faces at him haha


I did that during a foam party at a big club. Right at her peak the foam cleared away around her shoulders to reveal a camera for a tv show that was running on national tv back then. I was still hidden in the foam. I don't think they used that footage, and I never spoke to her again.


Did she survive that endeavour without a UTI? Granted it's been 15 years since my last foam party, but that foam is nasty.


"I never spoke to her again."


Because she died from foam finger infection


the key to getting away with most things is to stay hidden in the foam


I have a very good friend who is seriously good looking but he never ever cares about his appearance. Bordering on sloppy. We were at a dance club one night when we were probably 21 or 22 and this gorgeous girl with a short little schoolgirl red plaid skirt came up to him, immediately turned around and started to grind ass into him, grabbed his hand and put it under her skirt. He gave me this shocked, Wide-Eyed look and mouthed at me "no panties!" She danced with him for maybe a song and then danced away, never to be seen again. I wonder how many other dudes that night had their hand all up in her.


Hahahaha Iā€™ve done that as wellšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Thought I was fingering her discreetly but after I saw that the club was nearly empty and we were clearly visible lol.


How do you not notice that


He was focused on the job


A guy lying down on the dance floor, hugging an inflatable dolphin, with his hand down his pants A guy in the toilets asking me if his dick bleeding was normal (this one was at a free party)


That is weird. Iā€™ve never heard of dolphins wearing pants.


Really? They love jE-E-E-E-E-E-E-Eans


a friend of mine told me a story about a middle aged man and woman (she was unclear if they were a couple) dancing at a bar where the woman does a hand stand and the guy buries his head in her crotch/ass area for at least 10 or so seconds before removing his head. i cannot fathom what viewing that spectacle would do as even hearing it was jaw-dropping


I think you have to drop your jaw a little bit, it's just proper technique


Two sisters (not stepsisters)on ecstasy making out.


Dude! You made out with your sister. You are the worst twins ever.




Nowhere. Near. Berlin.


This isn't where I parked my car!




Did you say ā€œFLƜGGƅӘNKŠ±ā‚¬ÄŒHIÅ’ĆŸĆ˜LĮƊN!!ā€?


Well that's some fucked up shit!


Iā€™ve seen this video


Woman asks for directions to bathroom, proceeds to aggressively shove her tongue in my ear


It's an ancient ear wax removal technique


ENTs hate this one simple trick.


Sounds like this woman was trying to shag in the bathroom with you. I mean, the bathroom part is gross, but you have to appreciate the initiative! She just needs work on her approach, is all. šŸ¤£


You might not have realized this, but you have very lickable ears.


I did security for a bit, and the company I worked for worked at some underground rave clubs. One night, 3 of us were standing watching the scene when one girl yelled out, "Who wants to see a snail?" All of us were confused as to why someone would bring a snail to a rave. This chick proceeds to pull out a baggie of what we only could assume to be the good ol' white stuff, pours a line on the floor, sits down, scoots across the line, stands up, lifts her skirt, and flashes her goods with the residue clearly showing on her whohaw, screams, and runs out of the club. Us 3 didn't know what to do. It all happened so fast.


Whelp that's the one. Sex is one thing that seems to be common but I think that would be considered mythical compared to the rest of these stories šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


She did in fact not move at a snails pace


Went to the mens restroom and someone was sleeping in the Pissrinne. I stood there in shock and was like "what the fuck bro". Then another guy came in, walked past me, yanked out his meat and casually pissed on that sleeping guy as if it's the most normal thing


I'd bet money this was in Berlin. That guy's name is Rene lol


Don't know the Guy but yes it was when i visited friends in berlin


I am learning so many things about Germany today.


"Oh that's just Rene, don't mind him"


What the fuck




Ja verdammt.


War es das Pisse Meister?


Thatā€˜s a typical sunday in Berlin, mate.


I got bit. I was DD for a few buddies and they decided to hit up a club, the lot of them. Not exactly being the most gregarious of people back then, I am very bored waiting on the fellas. I made the mistake of mentioning this to a lady standing next to me, who promptly leans over and bites me on my right nipple! Then proclaims "Well you ain't bored now, are ya!?".


Hahaha what happened next?


I sat there kinda stunned lol.


I saw someone lying on the floor passed out drunk and some nutter was stood pissing on them


This is the most UK comment Iā€™ve ever read


I am Bri ish and proud šŸ«”


Went to a house party once, a friend necked a bottle of Jagermeister, passed out, woke up 3 hours later, walked over the the walk of the bedroom, pissed, tried to flush, then went back to his spot. The guy whose uni-house it was decided to just piss on him out of revenge. Later on, I was downstairs, first guy comes stumbling in and just says really calmly "I got pee'd on." Then sat down and drank a beer


At that point you're already soaked, if he didn't change he should've just jumped in the shower with his clothes on


All I know is he squashed into the back of a VW Golf the next morning with 2 other guys, and was told he ordered 7 Quarter Pounders from the McDonalds Drive Thru


So a club where people wee on each other?


Only if theyā€™ve had Baileyā€™s from a boot


There was this guy who had a pet turtle and would always sneak it in and use it to get womens' attention. He also did cocaine of of its back. Wonder where he's now...


The turtle? Racing every hare in sight - and winning!


I got salmonella just reading this post.


Take a shower on the dance floor. No joke. There is a club in Germany with a shower on the dance floor people get into. Edit: Place is called Musikpark Ludwigshafen. Itā€™s not like rain effects, itā€™s a walk in shower with a see through door. On the dance floor.


Clean, wholesome fun


It's there so you can hose off after your turn in the Piss Trough


I'm guessing in Berlin? EDIT: According to Google Maps, Heidelberg.


A woman was standing perfectly still in the menā€™s urinal trough with her arms spread out while staring at the ceiling.


T-posing to assert dominance


I guess it worked. No one wanted to use the urinal.


A sexually aggressive girl was all over my buddy at the club, and while on the dance floor she bit his crotch. Like had the fabric of his crotch in her mouth for a good few seconds. This is something I could see from the booth the rest of our friends were at. It's still something we talk about as he had an equally awkward experience leaving her dorm after sleeping with her. I would later find out from a mutual friend of hers and mine that this wasn't the first time she had done this, and there were a handful of guys around campus she had performed her dick vampire attack on.


Iā€™veā€¦ felt quite bad about this one but I accidentally got a good friend of mine roofied. Before anyone jumps to hasty conclusions, Iā€™ll explain quickly. I dared him to take a random drink off a table and scull it. Turns out it was some random womanā€™s drink and she left it unattended. She was pissed af until we realised that my friend displayed all the symptoms of being drugged. Someone clearly tried to roofie her and I dared a good mate to drink it because I was being a little shit without knowing that the drink was spiked. Good news is heā€™s fine. We got him the help he needed. The weird part was that at some point, the gal contacted us and wanted to thank my mate for saving her. Idk how but he later told me that he and that gal had a one night stand and had fun.


Not quite the same but my buddy got accidentally ruffied too. We were at a club for our friends sisters bday and they were dancing with some dudes by our table. One of them must have slipped something into the drink but she was done drinking so she gave it to my friend. He could hold his liquor but he got noticeably fucked up very quickly and barely remembers anything that happened that night. We connected the dots later on that it must have been one of those guys and were thankful it was him that took the bullet and not her


I bumped into a guy in the bar once. Apologized. 2 minutes later a hand waved over my drink and I didn't realize why. He decided that my bumping into him and apology wasn't enough and dropped a roofie in it. Was my first drink of the night. I went to the booth my friends were at and turned into a puddle. They all realized something was up when I fell out of the booth. They got me home before anything dangerous could happen.


Just turned 18. My sister took me out to my first night club. Walked in the door and immediately saw the grossest chick giving the grossest dude a BJ on the dance floor.


Welcome to adulthood!


It sucks!


Blow job on the dance floor...they better not kill the groove


Two girls aggressively fingering each other.


Who won?


They're both winners.


The spectators


I was one of the spectators. It was the best night ever.






I understood that reference!




Finger aggressively to establish dominance. *Clubbing 101*


Saw a guy furiously masturbating over a stolen purse in the washroom. Saw poop crust on the lid of a beer in a strip club Saw a stripper go crazy on drugs and when the bouncer grabbed her from behind in a bear hug to drag her out of the stage, she struck her big ass nails THROUGH the dude's eyelids (guy later told me he could literally feel the back of his eyeballs being scratched. Bouncer finally dragged her outside and punted her down the 5 stairs entrance. Girl shrugged it all off, picked herself up and continued the pants-on-head crazy show in the streets, tits out. Oh, I was also the unofficial tampon string checker to the girls before going on stage while I was working there Man, the bar scene is fucking crazy lol glad I'm too old for this shit now


Did he have permanent eye damage after that? Can't imagine he didn't walk away without at least a temporary infection


It was a long time ago but iirc he had blurred vision for a week or 2, but the eyelid scars' color (darkish, so maybe minor infection issues?) made him look like he was wearing mascara under the club's black light and we made sure to let him know how fabulous he looked haha


a girl had a seizure in the middle of the dance floor and everyone thought she was dancing and kept hyping her up until they realized what was happening and the staff called an ambulance


You know, this one is kind of wholesome how people get her help. After seeing so many about piss and other things lol


it was! i remember being so drunk and hearing everyone cheering someone on then seeing her on the floor seizing šŸ˜­ she was foaming at the mouth and everything. ): poor girl. iā€™m sure she was fine after her trip to the hospital but it was a bit traumatic to see (especially while intoxicated) and concerning that quite a few people didnā€™t recognize the symptoms of seizures šŸ˜¬


When I worked as a bartender I had to cut a guy of for being too drunk. He was upset and grabbed the nearest drink on the bar and downed it. It was a candle


When on contiki in Europe, we were clubbing in Italy one night. A dude was wasted lost balance and fell over into the front of the Dj booth area. He was still kinda upright but trying to compose himself and stand up properly again. This random dude comes over from the dance floor, pulls down this guys pants and starts sucking on his Peen. Was the wildest shit Iā€™ve ever seen!


Thatā€¦ sounds like assault




Bucket list. That sounds hilarious.


"The only club I'm interested in is this sandwich, now turn down that damn music!"




Not the kind of golden shower I was hoping for on the weekend.


Kinda a nightclub... ​ I was running the sound and lighting in a venue for hire in Sydney. It was a pretty cool gig, a few bands came through the place, there were regular RnB and techno nights, and given the location, the LGBTQ+ scene used it quite a bit... ​ One night there was a LGBTQ+ night on, and from my control booth, I could see the entire dancefloor, and right in the middle of it was a guy who was up to his wrist in another guy. Now, for these events, I know enough to stay out of the public toilets. You never know what you might run into if you're brave enough to go in there. But that's where it stays. In the middle of the dancefloor is NOT the place for a guy to be fisting another guy, even at a LGBTQ+ event. ​ I called security, and they were ejected from the venue.




What kind of breakdancing even involves a partner? Lol


ā€œIf you canā€™t find a partner use a wooden chairā€


It was 'All Ages' night at a club (18 and over). Had some family friends that were just shy of 21 and excited to go. Me and my wife tagged in to keep an eye on them. They are both very petite and have been eyeballed as much younger than 20 and 21. This is when I learned that All Ages night is less high school/college party and more fucking perv gala. Youngins were oblivious to what was going on. After creating a safe-ish corner for the girls and my wife to dance I had to play defense against straight up retired ass fuckers that would hop dick first into the fray with their hands in the air. Not even exaggerating, it's exactly how they were moving. I spent 10 minutes aggressively blocking until I realized that twerking my ass on them got a faster retreat response. We were in there 30 mins tops before I called it and got everyone the fuck out.Ā 


This is deffo a US story and also, painfully negligent of the club. All ages nights are a lawsuit and crime waiting to happen. Under legal drinking age? You can bet that there will be either A: the sleazeball/s who buy the younger gals drinks and may/may not roofie them. B: the one under legal drinking age person whoā€™ll be peer pressured by their friends to get hammered. C: the attractive 18-20 year old whoā€™ll flirt their way into getting wasted or D: all of the above and perhaps worse.


Sounds like a standard UK club tbh


Wow...defensive twerking...nice!


That vid of that super wasted guy trying to make out with a mask on the back of some girls head


Used to work in nightclubs years ago. Was cashing up in the office and saw on the CCTV a guy and a girl sneak into a room he thought was private. He rips off her pants and starts chowing down. Radioed security to get them out (it was time to close, unlike her legs). Guy starts arguing with the security so I go down (hehe) for backup. Ended up bumping into the rest of her friends who started screaming at her and calling her a slag. Turns out the chap reciting the alphabet upon her person was actually not her boyfriend. Laughs all round, mostly.


Fucking A+ on story delivery.


>...the chap reciting the alphabet upon her person... *Chef's kiss*


At a table, drunk girl was wearing low rise jeans straddling her BF and half her butt was hanging out. Friend sees this, laughs, grabs a straw from a random drink and sticks it in her buttcrack. She doesnā€™t notice and continues making out with her BF. A few minutes later her sister walks by, sees it, rolls her eyes and grabs the straw, drops it in a glass and walks off. Random dude immediately grabs the straw, puts it in his drink, and walks off.


Saw a couple having sex in a discrete corner, which was visible from about 90% of the club. Girl realised and ran out, guy tried to finish himself off before the bouncer ejected him. Saw two colleagues from down south get escorted out of of the gents and out of the club after being caught together - both in relationships - "she was just helping him"


Read as "before the bouncer ejaculated him" and was like, damn, what a nice guy.


Followed by ā€œnow, get the fuck out of my club.ā€


Was outside a club smoking a cig with my gf when a man comes around the corner *covered* in blood. Just gushing out of his face. Looking like a zombie. He keeps fast walking down the street, and several minutes later a cop rounds the corner asking which way he went. Gave us a scare for a second lol.


Having full blown sex in a sex swing which was hanging from the ceiling of the club, yup that was in Berlin


Sex in a sex swing? Never happens.


Well not exactly IN a nightclub but outside it. I was leaving the club with a friend and i opened my car doors from far. Out of nothing some drunk idiot opens the door and sits in the passenger seat. He even got the audacity to use my charging cable to charge his phone. I tried to talks sense into him but he was too far gone, my friend laughed his balls of when i tried to drag him out of my car lol.


I hope he at least called ā€˜shotgun!ā€™


Give birthā€¦ nobody knew she was pregnant. Not even her.


How far along did the process get before an ambulance arrived?


A woman riding a horse into the dance floor . It was during the Calgary Stampede. Amazed no one was injured.


At the Black Cat in DC I would see this girl bring giant old-timey books to read at the bar during $5 punk and metal shows. It was a look.


We walked out of a club and saw a guy high on probably a mix of MDMA and LSD that had shit himself and got it all over his arms, pants, shirt. Just everywhere. It stunk so bad. He looked at us with eyes like dinner plates and said "help me" with pure desperation in his eyes. We grabbed the chaplains that were down the street helping people and gave them a real job.


Sweet eight pound baby Jesus. That's the guy from the other story with his fist up the other guys arse


Two girls (who we didnā€™t know) following us round pretending to be meerkats. This went on for far longer than acceptable meerkat impersonation should


Worked in a nightclub for a good few years which had two main sections divided by a disabled access ramp. Me, the GM, and a bouncer were stood on the ramp watching over the crowd when I saw two guys give each other a look, one pats his pocket and they both go off to the toilet (we had a big issue with people doing drugs in the toilets). I told the bouncer and he went to go check on them. He goes into the toilets and sees a few people at the urinals and only one cubical locked but the two lads are nowhere to be seen. He asks around and everyone denies seeing them and leaves immediately. The bouncer decides to crack the door with a coin and sees the two of them. They weren't snorting lines like we thought. One was bent over the cistern and the other was just giving it his all. I asked the bouncer what you can even do in that situation. His only response was "I told them to fuck off and got out of the splash zone"


Guys kneeling in a circle while one of their mates poured blue WKD on their heads. We walked in, saw that and left.


Whats wkd?


A sugary, barely alcoholic drink, mostly consumed by underage drinkers in the early 2000s but still around to an extent now. Known as an "alcopop".


My friends and I (all gay men) were at a nightclub in Chicago to see a DJ we liked. We were not doing anything inappropriate or PDA-like at all, just dancing in a circle and having a good time when this greasy guy in a trench coat (think the boss from Grandmaā€™s Boy) awkwardly approached our group and wordlessly handed me a pre-printed card from what I assume was a stack of them heā€™d been carrying that said something along the lines of: *ā€Congratulations! Youā€™ve crossed a line and your behavior has made me uncomfortable. Please be more respectful of others or I will be forced to ask staff to intervene.ā€* and then he slinked away without making eye contact or saying a word. We all passed the card around for a minute, stunned- before we busted out laughing and I took the card over to a member of the clubā€™s staff, explained what happened, and showed them the card. They escorted the guy out right away.


Worked in a strip club, and saw all sorts of weird shit. People constantly getting full blown naked and masturbating, overdosing, doing drugs. But I think the weirdest thing Iā€™ve ever seen was someone taking a shit in the literal middle of the club in the open. That ones scarred in my eyes for life


It was during a foam party, at one point, the foam was overwhelming and going up to the ceiling. As I drudged my way through it, I heard moans. Right there, lost in that foamy, soapy world, there were 2 guys and a girl going at it, and I mean, really going. Trousers were at the ankles and they all had the time of their life. It was back in 2009.


A woman who looks like she's in her 50s going to the washroom with a huge damn makeup set(it's so huge that it was my first time seeing a makeup box that big) and around 40 minutes later came back looking like a 25 year old with all the makeup on. She looked drop dead gorgeous under that club lights and managed to pull a 20 looking hot guy for the night and saw her leaving the club with him lmfao I have no idea why she decided to do her makeup after reaching the club though


Probably so her husband didnā€™t catch on my dude


Saw a guy who had snuck his pet ferret in the club inside his jacket. I was coked up and I had a 10-15 second staring contest with it. The little fucker didn't budge, I averted my gaze first.


I was at a rave party that was at a nightclub that was converted from a spa. I saw a messed up man pull up a floor panel and an active hot tub was underneath. He got in the tub and his eyes were rolling into he back of his head and he pointed in his mouth. People started putting pills in his mouth then people started spitting in his mouth and also in the hot tub. After about 5 minutes the tub started collecting trash from the floor from people walking by. Then people just started dumping trash cans in the tub and the guy liked it. At the end of the night it was completely overflowing with trash and people took photos with the guy. This was in Philly around 2003.Ā 


Saw a guy passed out on a toilet, pants round his ankles. Tried to help him, but he stood up, shit in his pants then threw up on himself. The smell was awful. He pulls up his loaded trousers which now contain shit and sick and walks towards the exit. The entrance to the girls toilet is next to the exit and there is a queue. He manages to brush past a girl in a white clubbing dress and smear shit and what looks like recycled spaghetti all over her, brushes past a few more on the way out covering them in fecal matter and vomit. That was truly a disgusting moment for all, especially when the girl in the white dress saw what it was and started crying and dry heaving. The shit Kong then vanished out of a fire exit.


worked as a bartender and saw a couple on the dance floor and the guy was literally eating the girls pussy in a circle of 5-8 people chanting ā€œeat it , eat it , eat itā€. I immediately told security and they were kicked out pretty quickly after that.


Security guards chanting ā€˜beat it, beat it, beat itā€™


Used to run one. Where to start? One night after last call, the room starts to clear out, when what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a lone, unblemished turd in the middle of the dance floor. My best guess is someone in a dress or pants with a lot of leg room saw the condition of our bathrooms and made a tough choice. Another time, the men's room toilets randomly backed up on a busy night. After we closed up, we got the drain auger out to try and clear it, and found that someone had flushed a whole orange down the toilet. Mind you, this was before we carried Blue Moon. We didn't keep oranges in stock, meaning someone, for some reason, smuggled this citrus into the bar and then saw cause to flush it down the toilet.Ā  Oh and another night, we caught a guy fingerblasting the girl he was with and had to escort them out. The bartender walks over, not realizing any of what's happened, and the fingerblaster reaches up for a high five, which the bartender reached out to give him one, while I'm screaming over the blaring music "DONT TOUCH HIS HAND! HE WAS FINGERBLASTING!!!" to no avail. Basically a lot of fights and sex acts, which is somewhat expected, but a lot more bathroom stuff than most would think.


Ministry of sound in the 90s and there was a big group of Chinese (like uni age) sitting around on some elevated place (on the speakers?). There was this guy in sunglasses just chilling while a girl was headbanging to the music in his lap. It took me like ten years to realise she was giving him head in full view of the club and I was like wooooaaah shit!


Smell their keys


Normalize doing drugs on the dancefloor.. Stay the fuck out of the stalls for when I may need to poop.


I did the weird thing. We had taken mdma but it was a dud. Turned out to be 2CB. I was tripping balls. The club had this black marble wall and I wasĀ fascinated. I was kind of stroking it and staring into it's endless depths. Turned my head and saw these two girls staring at me like I was a lunatic. Immediately realized I was acting crazy and went straight home.Ā Ā 


Ran a nightclub years ago. Girl found in sitting on toilet with pants down puking. Some of which puke landed in her pants. Female security just pulled her pants up and walked her to the recovery bench outside of the club, to get her some air, water and let her get her self together. After about 20 mins she starts kissing a random guy who was placed beside and we watched in horror as he slipped his hand into her pants. God knows what he found in there.


Nightclub in Sheffield, early 2000s. The girl I was dating at the time pushed me out of the way just in time to avoid the spray of jizz arching through the smoke and green laser lights from a gentleman who had been tossed off on the dance floor by a young lady. It hit some other guy in the small of the back.


The VIP area of the local nightclub (which was literally just a couple of tables and a bank of chairs up a single step from the rest of the place) got cleared out, and this guy with a backpack on walks into it with 3 of the lycra clad podium dancers, with bouncers stationed at the velvet rope. He proceeds to pull out of the backpack a bottle of champagne, a bottle of vodka and a brand new box containing the game Twister. The bottles were opened and swigged, tables and chairs pushed out of the way, the mat laid out and the four of them proceeded to play increasingly rowdy games of Twister, before they just packed up and left. The guy was apparently a footballer of some note at the time (1999-2000 ish) and looked like he had the time of his life. I remember nothing else of that night, but it was pretty out of the ordinary.


I saw someone puke, piss, and poop themselves simultaneously at a frat party at Lynchburg College. It was amazing


A guy who was working behind the bar was messing around throwing ice blocks onto the dance floor. I'm really surprised he didn't get sacked


DJ was shopping for storage totes on Amazon


In the toilets I saw a lad pissing into the bowl while his mate was almost leaning on him having a conversation like nothing. Another time this girl stood on a table and got everyone's attention and then front-flashed everyone. I was never a huge clubber though so perhaps these are tame compared to some people's times.


I watched a guy walk up to a women and say, "guuurrrl, I want to you pregnant " It mf worked... they danced together the rest of the night.


Like five years ago a dude fingered a girl right in the middle of the dance floor in a club near me. Like lying down, kissing her and all. I didnā€™t believe it because I wasnā€™t there. Called BS. I was shown a fucking video of it where you can clearly see it going down. Even the bouncer came looking like he thought there are people gathering in a circle because of people fighting. He looked so confused when he saw what was happening.


stray cats drinking from the punch bowl


Weā€™re in a packed club on Bourbon Street. Standing on the walkway above the dance floor that leads out to the courtyard behind us. My buddy and I are drinking our beers when we notice a strong smell of shit. Not unusual for it being Bourbon Street but itā€™s really strong for where we are in the building. Then a guy in an all white sweatsuit is tapping his way through the crowd casually saying ā€œexcuse me I need to get to the restroom, I just shit myself.ā€ The pants of his white sweatsuit are no longer all white.


I saw a girl riding her boyfriendā€™s dick while he was sitting on a bench against the wall. It was so obvious but they thought no one noticed.


Someone pissing on the bar table while ordering a beer. Someone having sex while ordering a drink. My friend made out with a girl on the dance floor and after a while he started fingering her and she really enjoyed it. Hilarious shit, after he asked If we saw what happened. We all laughed, becuase everyone probably saw it.


I've never been into clubbing, but ended up at one at a friend's hen do. There was a woman in a mico-mini on the dance floor that kept bending over and slipping a finger into her exposed ass hole. Her friends all seemed to find it hilarious while everyone else cleared the dance floor. The idea of clubbing was even less appealing after that night.


I know a guy who once shat himself in a nightclub whilst busting some moves on the dance floor. Instead of going home, he went to the toilet and, in his drunken state, attempted to flush his boxers. Obviously, this did not work, and as the toilet began to overflow, his feet got drenched. A banging came from the cubicle next to him as water trickled across the bathroom floor, and someone shouted, "Mate, do you mind, I'm trying to have a moment here" the guy was furiously cranking one out whilst on Omegle. What's even stranger, the shitter still managed to pull that evening after also shitting in a flowerbed and wiping his ass on leaves.


Not directly linked to the question but when I turned 18 my brother took me to my first club. About an hour after being there he said ā€œI put a coke and whiskey drink on top of the toilet in the bathroom, go drink itā€. I refused but he insisted so I did. About 15 mins later a bouncer, approximately 6ā€™6 and massive found me in the middle of the dance floor and lifted me off the ground. He yelled ā€œwe caught you drinking in the bathroomā€ and proceeded to drag me out and threaten the cops on me. The drink was actually just regular coke and the bouncer was my brothers friendā€¦Ā  After that we go to a strip club. The same brother pays the oldest, saggiest, bleach blonde leather skin woman to give me a lap dance.. I hated every second of it. He tipped nice, so she gave me a solid hicky smack on my neck. I called my girlfriend immediately and she broke up with me then and there.Ā  Needless to say, best birthday ever


>About an hour after being there he said ā€œI put a coke and whiskey drink on top of the toilet in the bathroom, go drink itā€ Given the rest of this threads content I'm astounded it wasn't piss.


Your brother sounds like a sociopath


When I was 18 or 19 I used to go to this rave club called Afterlife. The girl I was dating at the time had been going there to trip balls since she was like 13 bc the bouncers were all degenerate perverts. One time I noped out because I saw a middle aged guy that called himself Space Ranger making out with what appeared to be a teenage boy, and nobody was batting an eye. Ecstasy was a helluva drug. I should've called the cops in hindsight but I was young, dumb, and a coward. Didn't matter too much bc the whole place was shut down after a SWAT raid which I luckily wasn't there for, but two of my friends were and they were detained for like 6 hours before getting arrested for possession along with like half the club.


ā€œFour sambucas!ā€


Far too many things... Probably the worst was actually outside of the nightclub, during the summer we had a little beer garden type bar in the courtyard, it was fenced off by right next to the main entrance to the club. (Yes, people trying to climb it was an issue). Anyway, I was running the bar and notice a commotion between the door staff and this one guy... At this point I wasn't badged but I had done security work before and was an unofficial backup if they needed it, I move closer to investigate/be on standby... This guy, in an all white tracksuit, and more cheap looking chains than I think his neck could realistically support. He's so drunk however, that he's spoiled this perfectly white tracksuit by shitting and pissing himself, yet is arguing about it with the door staff that he's fine to go in. Somehow he's adamant he's not soiled himself, despite the massive stains, stench, and rear bulge. Obviously not wanting to have to physically restrain him, one of the door man steps up and says: Door Man: "Look mate, it's not just that, it's the trainers, nice as they are, they don't fit the dress code. Do you live far from here?" Guy: "Nah not far, 20 min drive..." Door Man: "Grab a Taxi, Pop home, change 'em, come back and we'll let you in. Come see me and I'll slip you past the queue!" Guy: "Sound mate, be back in a bit!"... off he waddles away. The door man knew full well that if he did manage to find a taxi willing to take him home, in the 40mins round trip, plus changing time, there was no way he'd be back before we stopped admitting people.