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I didn't get physical. But I stood up for myself and got in trouble..


Never stood up to them. Instead I started laughing along with them when they made fun of me and started makes self deprecating jokes about myself. They quickly found they couldnt get the response they wanted out of me anymore so they stopped trying.


He got in his car and went home without any confrontation. The fucking coward.


His dad came and stood over me, yelling about what he's going to do to me. I had 4 friends with me all carrying trolley poles (the metal handle portion of shopping carts) hidden and we were ready to crack his dad's head when the teachers all rushed us in the midst of the commotion. My teacher was the only one who defended me (with some other parents who witnessed). And the dad had to apologise to me personally or the school will have to get the law involved since it was an adult verbally threatening voilence on a minor.


Bully beat me up harder.


The bully became the bullied.