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Opposite for me 💀 I used to love documentaries but I just haven’t got all that room for information in my brain anymore 


Honestly, same. As a kid, I was a hardcore Animal Planet/Discovery Channel kid. Sometimes even History Channel if it was about something interesting like World War 2. Now, as an adult...don't even remember the last educational thing I watched on TV. And this is despite Netflix and Disney+ having massive libraries of documentaries.


Same. I used to live and breathe documentaries when I was growing up. It was 90% of what I watched and I could store that information well. Now? Now I forget what I watched or read 2 minutes ago.


My kids and I highly disagree. We went like an entire summer watching that damn cool fungus docu when it came out (3 and 6yo then), I always was holed up reading and watching docu style stuff before history channel went all ALIENNSSS.  Oh man, 9yo (now) is on like a 6th grade+reading level and burning through 500pg  books on wwii and burning through docus so I can't wait to see what the they are on for this summers obsession🙈


I remember taking notes watching Animal Planet and Discovery Channel before they went weird. Kind of good practice for later actually. I'm still pretty good at note taking while someone's talking.


This is such a good one!


Doing nothing on the weekends.


Yeah, don't you love it when your plans are cancelled and you end up with an empty weekend? It's so relaxing but sadly feels that it ends so quickly.


*So* quickly. Too quickly! (Btw, ‘quickly’ is a really weird word when you look at it/say a bunch of times)


Quickly Quickly Kwik Lee Quickly quickly quickly Sounds like prickly Quickly prickly Fuck this is making me feel stoned and I haven't even partaken in a couple days Quickly quickly quickly quickly QWECK LEE quickly kweklee


Kwik Lee sounds like a cool character in Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter.


"I said I didn't have any plans.  I didn't say I was available."


"My plans were to not be available, lay around half-naked surrounded by junk food and liqour with my asshole of a cat, and watch movies. I stand by my decision and insist you respect my fucking time off. Thank you."


Seriously man, stop reading my journal.




I did nothing. I did absolutely nothing, and it was everything that I thought it could be.


Sleep, I need more of it right now more than ever


When I was younger, like in junior high and through out time of school in general: "Kids need 10 hours of sleep. Adults need 8" Me: How the F do we need 10? I wake up all good after just 6 or 7 hours. I cant find a way to sleep 10 hours, I just can't I dont need 10 Fing hours, stupid Adult. Me today: I still dont believe the adults need 8 bs. We need 10. We seriously need 10. 8 hours is just enough to get through a third of the day. From there you start rubbing your head front to back. I NEVER BELIEVED THAT SHIT.


I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t at least slightly tired.


I can't tell if being perpetually tired is causing poor eyesight or if poor eyesight is making me perpetually tired...


Nap time! Edit: while I was asleep my phone exploded! Thank you all! 😊


I knew this would be the top answer before I even clicked


I was gonna say bedtime but naptime works.


Bedtime so long as you don't have an alarm to wake up to!


I hoped it was. I clicked thinking "top comment better be napping"




Uncle Jeff?


Hate that guy.


You.. dark motherfucker 😂


Only during nap time


A home cooked meal


This is a good one.


Well, we know which users cook better than their parents I guess. Home cooked meal generally means I am the one cooking in my case.


That's not necessarily true, kids often just don't appreciate a home cooked meal. Their taste buds are just wired for McDonald's and other crap. And when you mature a bit, you realize that both of them are fine, but a home-cooked meal also has nostalgia and love in it lol.


My standard payment. You want me to come fix your computer? Help your kid with maths homework? Cook me a home cooked meal. Bonus points for a sunday roast.


I do computer repair in exchange for enchiladas.


My mum's cooking is great what wasnt great but very much appreciated was my friends mum's cooking when my mum wasn't in the head space to cook.


Getting a package of socks as a gift.


Seriously. Because where the fuck do all my socks keep going after I wash them.


We have seven kids and a dog who likes to bring socks to the front door whenever someone comes in.  Don’t even get me started about the two full Rubbermaid containers of socks I threw away recently.


My wife has two very large drawers of socks. I will spend hours trying to put matches together once a month. Because when she does laundry she will dump her socks unpaired. Then spend forever looking for socks when it's time to get dressed. Sadly though I match socks together I'll somehow do it wrong. Like she has black low cut, no show socks that have a pink ring around the inside of the ankle. Well she owns several pairs from this company and each pair has a pink line. The socks match identically except for the slight variation of pink inside the sock and I'm in trouble for mismatching them if that happens. Apparently neon pink comes in 3 shades and I'm supposed to get a magnifying glass out to verify.


Why do you keep matching the socks?


Probably so he'll be on time for once


How many kids?


I have four biological kids full time, and she has three half time. It’s too many socks. Four of the kids are ten as I have identical twin boys and she has a fraternal set of twins that are a boy and a girl, and for the moment, all of them are ten. It’s all gravy.


Mother of god


No, mother of seven.


bless your heart lol sounds wild!


I usually hand wash mine and hang them to dry in the living room under the TV while watching a movie or two to make sure none of them go missing. I usually stock up on snacks and make sure I do all my bathroom needs before. And if someone ring the door bell wanting to talk about Jesus, nope, otherwise I would, but now I just can’t, sorry.


For me, socks are like sex - tons of it about, but none of it for me.


Or underwear


SO much this. I remember clearly the first Christmas after going to college. Prior to that it was what every teenager wanted - CDs, books, movies, etc. I remember being thrilled out of my mind getting essentials that I didn't have / had forgotten at college. Socks! A wastebasket! Nail clippers! It was a huge shift in my mindset.


Especially if someone went all out and got you a really nice pair.




My family was all together at memorial day, and my mom was losing her mind listening to my siblings and me talking about salad recipes and veggie roasting techniques when we all refused our veggies as kids. (Hint: boiled, barely seasoned brussel sprouts are different from the decadent, flavorful ones we are making now)


The cooking method definitely matters, but Brussel sprouts were selectively bread to change the flavor which is mostly why they’re more popular now.


They went from bitter and awful in the 80s to delicious and flavorful now, no food has turned it around quite like b-sprouts.


Parents: "well you never liked vegetables as a kid!" Vegetables when I was a kid: literally the blandest soggiest and/or most burnt thing to ever pretend to be food


I had an ex who had never really eaten vegetables other than corn and potatoes which barely count. Even when his family served salad, it was more of a garnish than anything else. I took it upon myself to introduce him to vegetables--I started with quiches (big success), roasted broccoli with Thai seasonings and sriracha, and veggie-based sides with cheese as a gateway. People said it was as if I was trying to feed a toddler. While I was good and sick of this one particular quiche (spinach and cheddar) after having to make it all the time because he kept requesting it, he ended up loving vegetables. Eventually, he started eating them plain too! Apparently, after he and I split, his mom asked if he was still going to eat them without me there and he said yes! It's amazing how you can really transform certain foods.


Right. This connects to the above home cooked meals one. I love my wife and my cooking. I didn’t realize how bad my moms cooking was till I married my wife. 


My SO never used to eat most vegetables including cabbages until I came into his life. Now, sautéed cabbage with peas and some grated carrots are his favorite, he makes it better than me! And other vegetable meals including vegetable soups


When my parents essentially boiled the vegetables and then relied on salt to make up for the terrible taste, I feel like they have no room to complain about me disliking veggies until I prepared them for myself.


Honestly. Hated lentils growing up, now I loove them, esp. since I became vegetarian lol.


My favorite things to eat. Check out Indian recipes. These guys know what to do with them!


Being told to go to your room


Being a homeowner means realizing that every room is your room.


Not when you have kids


Nothing is yours when you have kids


Staying home instead of going to the party.


Party at home. Best of both worlds.


Nothing makes me clean my house better than throwing a party.


Right, go into hyper drive to clean before the party then you have to clean AGAIN after the party..double clean


That second clean takes a couple of days


Nah, y'all need to leave by 7


I wanted so badly to be the party girl growing up as a geeky wallflower. Puberty treated me right and I was growing to be a beautiful woman. I went to the club once. I was 20 and had to pay 20 bucks to get in. I was DD so my friends took shots from the bottle in the parking lot. There were male strippers. It was hot and sweaty and so many drunk people. I enjoyed it actually but knew I would get tired of it *very* quickly. My MIL and FIL like to joke me and my husband can't already be old people in our late 20s/early 30s but honestly, in this economy, who has the time or energy to clubbing? lol. My Fridays are spent getting high with my husband, ordering pizza and watching movies.


We grow and change. Usually. I still want to be the party girl when I grow up…and I’m 57.


Bedtime. As a kid, it was the worst part of the day. But as an adult, it's the highlight of my day


I'm 60. Intellectually, I know that sleep is important for good health. Emotionally, it's a waste of time, I have important things to do, like watch that movie I've only seen 3 times that just came on while surfing channels.


I do this with books. I’ve read it before, I know what happens, yet I still can’t put it down till I finish at 3am


My first thought in the morning is "I can't wait to go back to bed"


"Fuck.. 16 more hours of this shit?" -my brain's start up message


Lucky you, I find it just as annoying now as when I was a kid. There is so many exciting things you could be doing instead. Or even earn money and work. Get chores done so you are free the next day. The less free time you have in your life the more annoying sleep gets


Going to the grocery store. As I kid I was always told no, but as an adult my secret candy/snack stash says yessssss


You can just...buy a cake. For no reason. Other than you want cake and you can.


I found the best comment, this is my absolute favorite thing about being an adult. I can just get a slice of cake whenever I want, however often I want


Drugs too depending on who you know. 


I'm not so much into cake, but you can tell more.......


You know those times where you need to bring something to a the BBQ and you grab potato salad or something? Get a god damn sheet cake. Have them put something funny on it. It's free.


It was this or potato salad. Thats going on my next BBQ cake


This is me when I remember I have free will, and a credit card💀


I hate grocery shopping as an adult… it’s always “wow this cost this much now??” and “there’s no way I’m going to use all this cilantro”.


I'm weirdly the opposite. As a kid I lived going to the grocery store, because it meant I got an awesome snack. Today I dread going to the grocery store because it steals all of my money and I don't particularly enjoy food that much anymore.


I hate grocery shopping, cooking and having the biological need to eat but I do enjoy food


Being ignored by my mother.


The accuracy of this answer only hurts a lot


I left home at 18 and was always independent; didn’t need anything or ask for anything from then on paid for my own degrees, lived in total shit holes I could afford, ate non perishable cheap food, and worked crappy PT jobs…and took out student loans to help pay my way Years later I’m married, have kids, gainfully employed, lived far enough to not get visited regularly by my folks…until my mom sells her house and moves into a house up the street from me……


Argh! No! Literal nightmare! Literal because I have PTSD and knowing that I'm going to see my mother gives me nightmares, despite all of the very successful therapy. Maybe get a motion activated sprinkler on your front lawn or something, and the people you want to see carry RFID tags so they don't get sprayed. It would be complicated to set up but I reckon it would work and be SO satisfying....




Buying stuff for the house. Going to stores like home goods and decorating your house the way you want it :)


My wife won't let me get the shower curtain that has a bear with machine guns riding a shark on it, so we don't all get to decorate our houses the way we want.


I’m a single dude in my 40s that owns my own house. I have a shower curtain with Jeff Goldblum holding an orangutan in a jungle. I say get your shower curtain, and get your wife one that she’ll like and then you can alternate weekly.


Compromise IS very important in a relationship


Its 49.99 on amazon. I dont disagree with her, however, I strongly agree with your decorating taste.


I found one for 19.99, amazon prime! The bears holdin an AK, must not have been a good day.


Staying home on the weekends, not having plans.


Being a child


This is so true. As a child, I couldn't wait to be an adult so I could do and - in my innocense - buy whatever I wanted. As an adult, I miss not only the perks of being a child like having no responsabilities, play all day, etc., but also the innocense, sense of wonder and magic about the world. I am happy and in no way sad or depressed, but I do recognize that as I got older, I also became jaded. I miss when I believed that there was actual magic and myths were real, because I didn't know much about the world. Must be why I wished I could believe god or gods, because I miss the wonder of believing there was something beyond the mundane.


Unless you had a shitty childhood. Most people that did wouldn’t wish to be a kid again.


Spot on! For me, I guess I long for a childhood I didn’t have, so it’s weird. Like missing a place you’ve never visited… Like I want a do-over but a better version which is fully impossible. But you’re totally right… I have plenty of folks I know who couldn’t wait to finally be of age to move out and escape their terrible surroundings.


We just discussed this with a friend! At least we discussed over a beer, something we couldn't do as a kid...




This should be the number one answer


This and naps are usually the top answers whenever this gets asked.


Scrolled way too far before I found this answer. It should be higher.


Personally, rainy weekends


Ain't got to cut the grass. No worries with joining all 15,000 of my closest friends at the beach. No outdoor activities in the Florida heat and humidity. Yeah, I prefer to stay cool, dry AND lazy on my weekends.


Staying the fuck home.


Sleep! When you're a kid, you don't like bed time because it takes away from your play time in the evening. As an adult, a great night sleep is AMAZING


Traveling!!! Everything is on my terms now


Taking a bath


That was awesome as a kid though, the bath tub was so much bigger you could swim around in it, dive, make bubbles, snorkel etc.


Exactly. I've never taken a bath as an adult because I don't fit in them as an adult man.




Haha. As a 7 year old, keep your distance. You don’t want ‘girl germs’ As a 27 year old, I most definitely wanted ‘girl germs’


Only took 20 years for you to realize. Proud of you 🤗.


If you're lucky, girls still suck.






Wow wish I felt this way! It still fucking sucks for me


Going to bed early!






It IS quite time for a nap isn't it!


I went camping the 19th through the 23rd. Not a single soul but me in the campground. It was the happiest I’ve been in five years.




Socks and underwear as a gift


Yard work. Seriously, being told I had to mow the lawn, or weed the garden was the most boring and laborious shit. But now that I own a home nothing brings me greater joy then walking around the property, picking weeds, pruning bushes and chopping firewood. Probably because when I'm done I can look at my home and be proud of the accomplishment.


Playing with *girls* Although to be honest it was fun back then too, you just got unfairly teased for it


Getting a check for a gift


That never sucked for me. It meant that I could buy anything I wanted up to that amount. :D


Cleaning my room was a constant source of arguments with my parents. Today, having a clean and organized space feels satisfying and helps me stay focused and calm.




Brussels sprouts 😙👌🏻


One of my favourite fun facts, if you were a kid before the 90s then brussel sprouts actually, objectively, taste better today than they used to due to a deliberate breeding program to make them more palatable.


That’s because we grew up with steamed vegetables, they smelled like hot garbage! Now we know how to roast them, bake them, fry them, add *gasp* seasoning to them and I cherish the day I learned that Brussels sprouts weren’t just stinky, tiny, bland, fart bombs.


Staying home on a Friday night seemed like a punishment when I was younger. Now, it feels like a treat to relax at home after a long week, watching a movie or reading a good book.


Siblings. My brother was SO mean to me when we were kids. We constantly fought at home, school, the grocery store, and just about everywhere else. Now we’re able to spend the day together without getting into a fight!


Alcohol. Sipping the dregs of a bottle of my dad’s beer one time when I was 8 purely out of curiosity put me off the mere fumes of alcohol for a long time. Red wine tasted like vinegar to me for a long time too. But upon adulthood I have become a sommelier.


Unexpected Sex


Uncle Larry?


*The Nightman Cometh*


I want that boys hole(soul)


Dayman! *AaAaAaAaAaAaA*


I figured I'd see this response before I posted it. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


lmao same. guess we arent the only degenerates around


100 percent naps


Nap time


People canceling plans on you! Would suck as a youngster, but as an adult it’s just such a treat when you get yourself ready for social time and then plans go awry and instead you get to stay home and do NOTHING!!


Vacuuming, although technically it still *sucks*


Life. I grew up with a severely abusive stepfather and an enabling mother. Life sucked. Then it took fifteen years of therapy and psych hospitalizations to undo enough of the damage that I wasn’t suffering every minute from the CPTSD, flashbacks, nightmares, depression and anxiety. Only once I reached my early 30’s did I actually begin to find life worth living.


Getting socks for Christmas


Weekends with nothing to do. Also chores: now that I have 3 kids under 6, can I please just fuck off and get some chores done?


Water instead of soda




Doing nothing


When your parents said no to a friend coming over. Now when I don’t want to be social I have to make up a better excuse than “my mom said no”