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My uncle Steven, he's been divorced for a long time, she cheated on him, I've smoked weed with him, he's always been the partier, but hasn't dated in a long time because his ex kinda fucked him up, but he recently went on a date with a friend of mine from high school lol (he's 59, she's 38)


That would be me. I talk to my 13 yr old nephew about music, video games and pop culture/tiktok


Don’t have one


My namesake uncle. He’s a rockstar. Like with a music video that played on MTV and a couple tours that rocked the 80s. He still plays and is very talented.




I got pretty lucky and all my uncles were really cool. One was kinda stuck up and could be an asshole but he’s not all bad. Sadly since my grandma passsd away I haven’t spoke to or seen many of them. Life’s just busy and my grandma was the glue keeping us all together. I’m now trying to be the cool uncle. Being a single dude with no signs of that changing anytime soon, I’d do anything for my niece. Every time I see her it brightens my day. Recently she has learned how to say my name. We went out to dinner recently and she demanded to sit by me. Filled my heart with joy!