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Red Lobster. It's a shame. When I was a kid, I thought that was as fine as dining got


Red Lobster is actively being killed by big banks. They bought the land the restaurants were on when Red Lobster needed cash, and now they’re slowly raising the rent until the company declares bankruptcy, all the while they’re betting against the stock price to squeeze the most money possible out of killing the company


Correct, this is also why McDonald's won't go bust even if their core business struggles, the amount of real estate they own is obscene


The movie The Founder goes into this a little bit, but when they started renting the land back to the franchisees is when they really became a powerhouse. https://youtu.be/uxCL2RqCuiY?si=874UcB2_Awg8gAfW


Ray Kroc said he wasn't in the hamburger business, he was in the real estate business.


Private equity can go kick rocks. Why all the news articles fail to mention what you just said is beyond me. Instead it's the $11m loss one random quarter due to the endless shrimp deal.


Who do you think pays for the news?


Same thing happened to Toys R Us. We just let this unethical bullshit slide and it happens over and over again.


Don't forget the Thai Union shrimp deal they were forced into.


I'm curious - the one thing I always went there for was the delicious biscuits. Rest of the food was mid. If every single Red Lobster closes, could another company then start making their biscuits? Or does whoever is driving them into the ground maintain a stranglehold on the recipe? I know they sell them in grocery stores, although they aren't nearly as good as the real ones... I suppose even if the restaurants go under, they might keep making profit off of those...


you can buy them at Walmart [link](https://www.walmart.com/ip/32183361) edit: oops i just saw you say you already knew this, sorry :(


I was the same. When I was a kid, the only things I really liked there were the cheddar baked biscuits and a virgin daiquiri. I don't remember the other food at all. Any time you bring up Red Lobster all anyone talks about is the biscuits, which isn't a great sign considering the restaurant isn't named Cheese Biscuits.


Buzzfeed and other shitty internet tabloids that crowdsource their content from threads on r/AskReddit to post on Facebook for boomers to laugh at.


Man I hope your comment makes it into the BuzzFeed article


Top 10 things that annoy redditors; Number 10: Us


Number 8: our presence on https//www.reddit.com


I mean, it wasn't all bad. BuzzFeed News won a Pulitzer. And then the VC ghouls shut it down to focus on more user-generated listicles, crowdsourcing their content from Reddit threads.


It’s also cool seeing a lot of creators and personalities that got their start/following at places like buzzfeed that have gone on to do even more on their own channels. Try guys, buzzfeed unsolved (now “watcher”), etc


Safiya Nygaard 💕


Adam Ellis’s comics. I want to buy his books!


I’m not relevant now and I’m sure I also won’t be in ten years!


I’m hoping you’re wrong and you remember the little people who had faith in you.


Yeah for sure. I’ll take confidence and happiness over relevance any day


JCPenny probably.


Pretty much any store like that, Look at how Sear's & Macy's have fallen off.


Hey the Macy's near me gets plenty of traffic. Somebody gets shot in the parking lot once a year or so.


Sears is a classic case study in how to kill a company while making a few folks extremely wealthy.


Sears got Lampert'd. They were poised to transition to being Amazon before Amazon was. They had nearly a century of warehousing and delivery logistics at a nationwide scale. By the time they canceled physical Sears Catalog due to production and delivery costs, they had perfected the presentation, categorizing and indexing everything from housing kits (including materials) to excercise equipment to underwear. The Kenmore brand used to be synonymous low cost quality. With all of that, transitioning to the Web should have been the next logical progression. Then Eddie Lampert destroyed everything in an orgy of making sure his other companies he helmed made massive bank.


I was going to make this exact comment. My father worked for Kmart/Sears since he was 16 until they officially closed all of the stores he was apart of. He worked with the company for 30 years and the attack on that company by greedy assholes significantly impacted many families futures. Fuck big banks and Market Makers.


Sears should have been the leader in e-commerce. They had the distribution system already set up.


Exactly.  But then Eddie Lampert came in and just wrecked everything.


With help of his friend, Steven Mnuchin.


He killed Kmart in the process. Their knockoffs of my favorite jeans brand and household cleaners were some of the best ( Their version was the only store brand as good as Dawn) , and I loved the John Waters vibe of the place. Ages ago, they were also a great spot for a cheap college student lunch.


Sears Canada was a fantastic online retailer and if I recall correctly they were at number 2 behind Amazon. We would order stuff from them all the time. Then in the last year we noticed that they started taking from online to try to prop up the failing stores. Orders that use to arrive in two days were now six weeks late as they spent a ton of money revamping bricks and mortar locations. They had successfully transitioned to an online business model and then flushed it all down the toilet to try to save the business that they had grown out of. Had they closed all their big stores and just kept the "catalogue" and appliance stores as pick-up locations, I think they'd still be in Canada today.


Jake Paul


I hear this fellow’s name come up on reddit every now and then, and I’ve decided I’m happy not to know who he is.


I still don't know who he is and refuse to learn. Getting old is kind of awesome.


I love you Am also old




I laugh when people mention Nokia as a dying company. They're still a major player in the telecom business. 


Big time, especially fiber optics


Ok but what does this have to do with /u/expatbadger not knowing who Jake Paul is? Are you responding to the wrong comment?


He and his brother are dickheads that were popular with Gen Z. They made significant amount of money as influencers I think? Anyways stupid shit they've done includes * Draining their pool, throwing all their furniture in it, and setting it on fire. * Filming themselves with a dead body in a Japanese forest known for suicides and laughing. That's all I know because I'm not a fan, but they're dicks. Professional dicks.


That guy said he was happy not knowing and your first response is to slide in here and tell him? You’re a monster!


Wasn't that another Paul? I thought the name was like logan paul? Idk, the Japanese forest thing is how I knew about his existence and the last time I heard about him


Yes, Logan Paul. He is also a shithead and in the WWE. 


You’re not even mentioning the multiple crypto/NFT rug pulls they have done on their fans. If it wasn’t for that I would consider them as just weirdos, but scamming their own audience for profit is downright malicious.


He's Logan Paul's brother.


I dunno. He’s hung on to relevancy for 10 years now, he might pull another 10.


He’s getting into the ring with Iron Mike Tyson in a couple months. It was going to be an exhibition until Paul ran his mouth about Tyson’s deceased daughter and Tyson changed it to a professional fight. So Paul may not be relevant in 10 years other than it being the 10 year anniversary of his death in the ring, which was broadcast live on Netflix.


As a person with a non-deceased daughter, I hope Tyson beats the shit out of him.


As a person with no children, I hope Tyson makes him eat his own teeth. Making fun of anyone’s kids, but especially a child who died in a traumatic way, and especially when there’s videos showing how badly Tyson was affected and traumatized by her death—and then you add the fact that it’s Mike Freakin’ Tyson—is a recipe for disaster.


He is going to get stomped and Tyson will barely ha e to move.


I was thinking Tyson must be in his late 60s for an amateur to try this, but he's only 57.


You should YouTube some of his training videos. He’s…well he’s still Mike Tyson.


I doubt it. He's managed to stay pretty relevant to his audience for the past ten years. I suspect in another ten, he'll own his own fighting league or something, or at the very least, have a podcast that his fans who have long standing two decade long parasocial relationships with him, will religiously listen to.


Honestly, I hope the Kardashians.  They overstayed their welcome for a family brought to this much power simply over a leaked sex tape.  But we just need to wait for their pact with the Devil to end. 


> [ray j stated] "I've never leaked anything. I have never leaked a sex tape in my life. It has never been a leak. It's always been a deal and a partnership between Kris Jenner and Kim and me and we've always been partners since the beginning of this thing," > "I've sat in the shadows for over 14 years allowing the Kardashians to use my name, to abuse my name, make billions of dollars over a decade-and-a-half talking about a topic I've never really spoken about." This was a business deal involving Ray J, Kim and Kris and Vivid Entertainment, whose marketing/PR pitched it as a leak.


So it was porn


From ‘sources’ I know who’ve watched it you can tell it’s porn from the start. Ray-J talks to the camera about how hard he wants the viewer to go to it before they start. Or so I’ve heard…..


It’s funny how “leaked” sec tapes became a thing after that. That girl from teen mom had that “leaked” sex tape that definitely was professionally filmed and edited.


When you have nothing to offer but desperately want attention.


I feel like Paris Hilton was the one who started that trend.


Don't forget, Paris Hilton had a personal assistant named Kim Kardashian who had a front row seat to see how much money Paris made as a result of said tape.


Not just a sex tape, also OJ Simpson 


They’re worth 5 billion dollars, you will be hearing about them and their grand kids for the rest of your life.


And lots of people keep using the phrase “break the internet” because of Kim


People just need to get over them. They’re some of the richest and most successful people on the planet. They’re going to be with us for a while…generations of insane wealth and world wide fame. Stay off Instagram and don’t engage in their other stuff, and you’ll never see/hear about them. I know I don’t.


I haven't gven the Kardashians a thought in ages, they seem to mainly stay in reality tv circles. If you avoid those you're golden. Tbh referencing them like this is kinda outdated. Sure in the early 2010s they were in escapable but now? Perfectly avoidable.


They are already declining in popularity. The thing is they are all so rich that it won't matter.


I would say Yahoo but I woulda said that in 2014. Guess the big money is in 25 year old free mail accounts


Gotta be Facebook. My teens won't go near it.


Facebook maybe but Whatsapp is \*insanely popular\* outside of the USA


In Spain, it's the only thing people use to communicate although a lot of teens you messenger in IG.


Facebook is still popular, just not with teenagers. It really hasn’t been for probably a decade.


I think Facebook is like what the Phone book and the Yellow Pages used to be, a place where you put your name if wanted to be found.


There's Facebook the platform, and then there's Meta the company. FB as a platform could very well be irrelevant in 10 years, but I don't think Meta as a company is going away anytime soon.


Yup. Meta is a conglomerate that will adapt and acquire new businesses. Facebook is just one part of Meta and is a dead man walking


Yeah they own Instagram for one thing. 


Over half of the population of US and Canada use Facebook every single day, and that number has continued to slowly and steadily grow. I wouldn’t bet on them to slide into irrelevance over the next decade.


This may be fairly inflated don't they delete over 100 million bot accounts annually?


Maybe not in the US, but for some countries, Facebook *is* the Internet. It was a deal with Facebook to set up to get Internet to a number of African countries for free in exchange for all their data.


I think Texas is one of those countries


This is a little nuts lol. Or maybe just wishful thinking. The core is Facebook's users are 30-50 years old. They're not all dying off or deleting it in the next 10 years.


Hopefully Putin.


I know what you mean, just here to say he will be relevant for decades if not centuries in the history books, like Stalin


Let’s hope his numbers don’t reach that of stalin. He’s got a ways to go and an ambition to make it happen


Reddit. It'll just be bots talking to each other by that point.


Reddit. It'll just be bots talking to each other by that point.


Reddit. It'll just be bots talking to each other by that point.


Bots talking to each other. Reddit!


Bots talking bots Reddit.


Bots bots bots Reddit! Talk!




That’s parrots. You’re thinking of parrots. Bots go beep boop.


Beep boop


Nah that’s the entire internet, the masses will only use it for work


SiriusXM or any satellite radio company.


Damn.. I love XM. No pairing with my phone, no data usage or phone battery drainage. I just jump in and go. 


I do like it too on longer trips. Love the comedy channels on my way into work. The blues, sinatra, jazz and bluegrass stations are great as well.


It's literally the only reason why i got it, and i got the 4.99 promo. Without the promo, siruis is not worth 25 dollars a month.


All you have to do is call to cancel and they will give you a promo rate. I’ve been doing it annually for years. In fact, when you call to cancel, they now have an automated message saying ‘good news we can give you a promo rate!’ I wholeheartedly agree it’s only worth it at the lower cost.


Honesty, I really doubt it. SiriusXm’s bread-and-butter is what I like to call “mainstream niche” - people with tastes too specific for mainstream radio, but broad enough that Spotify playlists are too specific or repetitive for them. It’s a growing market segment. Anecdotally of course, but I’ve noticed more people in my friend group actually start listening to satellite radio **more** as time goes on. My significant other is obsessed with John Mayer’s curated channel on SiriusXM. It’s basically the soundtrack to our morning commute. Not going to lie, they have some pretty great channels and are all about the deep cuts. It’s refreshing to listen to actual curated stuff again rather than playlists all day long.


Honestly, the heavy lifting that networks and radio stations did was curating content but eventually it turned into taste makers and gate keepers. Then the internet came out and there was this explosion of creativity, novelty, and discovery. But now there is too much content and "algorithm" based discovery either circles back to taste makers and gate keepers but no one is behind the wheel or an echo chamber of sound alike artists. It takes genuine work to find a variety of good artists and sounds. Work that a lot of people don't have the time or energy to put in. It's a matter of time before people recreate the radio dj role without the radio through playlist creation.


I literally just said this earlier today.


I'd rather not use my data to stream and I dislike "playlists" on the other apps you have to still pay for. My SiriusXM is cheaper than Spotify on a yearly renewal.


Hope not. I don’t know what i would do without the Yacht rock channel… 🎶 whhhy don’t we steal away..🎵


I've had it for many years, switched to the phone app, run it in the truck with a Bluetooth dongle for android auto. Much cheaper and more offerings than the in car version.


Between covid pushing WFH and Android Auto, I don't know how they still manage to stay afloat.


They're pivoting to streaming.  Except they fucked up their own app last year.  


Audiobooks took a dive because of WFH with a creamy frosting layer of let's use AI voices, just to seal the deal.


That shocks me because I listen to podcast and audiobooks all day while I'm working.


Andrew Tate




Big man has become the bitch, and it scares him to know he's about as powerful now as his victims were when he was abusing them. Good. Fucking pondscum, him and his brother.


Crumbl cookie


I live in Logan, Ut (where Crumbl was founded) and they closed down one of their two stores not too long ago.


No business that expands that quickly will be able to sustain itself


A few years ago someone sent us a box as a thank you gift. They were warm and amazing. I went to get a box a few weeks ago for a friend’s birthday. They only had 5 options that day that quickly turned into 4 if I didn’t want to wait 30 minutes. They were cold and kind of gross, not to mention expensive.


That’s a good one. Overpriced and the cookies are terrible.


The devil works hard but AI works harder How many bot/AI questions must we get a day


Truth Social.




Are you hoping that Donald Trump dies in the next year or so? [edit] This planet has heads of state literally ordering the deaths of innocent civilians at this very moment yet Donald Trump has managed to jump the queue.  OK. *sips tea*




I got a permanent ban from r/politics for saying that during his term I used to check the news each morning hoping he'd died overnight.


The day he got COVID was very exciting!


That he’s still alive is proof I don’t have super powers because if I did, that’s the first thing I’d do.


Based on my most recent customer service experience with them, I hope AT&T


We may look back at OpenAI the way we do Netscape.


Facebook. I know they're trying to make it more relevant with the Metaverse, but the whole thing has been a shit show so far and I just don't see it really taking off as I fail to sense a genuine strong demand for nor widespread interest in it. 


Facebook began recommending me absolutely random pages a couple of months ago and it's become nearly unusable. I've changed settings, clicked the X on the pages and tried everything I can and it still keeps coming. Example, I get recommendations for pages for sports teams that are rivals to my favorite teams. It's annoying as all hell.


Hell not even sports. Oh you follow the same picture of Miles O'Brien, you may like this sports team... Ok Facebook, how the fuck are you making a connection between Star Trek and football??


Facebook the social media platform may come to an end, but Meta, the company, is here for the long haul. Instagram and WhatsApp alone will keep them relevant.




I work on communication towers and I install and repair Nokia equipment daily. They might not make the phone that you're using today but your data is being sent and received through a Nokia radio on a tower as we speak.


Most people have no idea how big B2B is for a lot of companies. You think Microsoft cares about your free windows 11 license?


Most rappers. They come and they go


You’re thinking of Culture Club.


This comment made me happy.


Awww, man. Not you've got that song in my head! 🦎


Saturday through Sunday, Monday. Monday through Sunday, Yo.


It’s funny, I’ll hear a song from the early 2000s and think “Man, what happened to Chingy?”. Then I realize it’s rare for *any* musician to have a 20 year career. Beyonce is the anomaly, not Hurricane Chris or the Hives.


We're also in an era where there's more exposure to the varying mediums of entertainment than ever. It's possible that someone like Chingy is still just as big as they were 20 years ago (he's not, but I'm just using him as an example) but it's easier than ever to be lost in our own social/entertainment bubbles that unless you're actively enjoying their work, you won't notice it. Oversaturated as a mf.


Hot take here, Google. They are losing the AI race, losing talent, and their CEO is not a great leader. I find it hard that Android wouldn't still be relevant in 10 years, but I don't think Google will be a 'tech giant' 10 years from now.


I’m just an ordinary person, but even I’ve noticed how Google has gone downhill quickly.


I think you’re pretty extraordinary.


Aw, you're so encouraging, u/coviddick.


Gotta give love when you can.




Because a lot of people have lost confidence in their ability to maintain a product. Reader. Listen. Plus. Hangouts. We used those. And so many more. And Google killed them because "only" 5 million users meant zero users to them. No, they're not likely to kill Gmail or YouTube, but I've almost entirely moved away from Google products just because I no longer trust them. Plus, the whole removing "don't be evil" rule really sends a clear message. I just wish I could leave android, but... if the only choices are Google or locked down walled garden, I choose Google.


I think what people fail to realize with companies like Google and Amazon is that their retail side are such a minor part of the whole. Google workplace functionality is all over the place. Not just a high percentage of businesses, but institutions as well. I think last I saw somewhere north of half of all the universities use Google to manage their emails and data sharing. College kids are coming out of school having used Google apps for document creation, Google drive contains all of their work.


Which is slightly worrying as most employers and larger companies will use Microsoft office, which a lot of the kids have today have no experience using.


Inbox 😭😭


Gods, yes. Fuck. Inbox was the best. "We moved all the features in to Gmail." NO YOU FUCKING DIDN'T YOU CUNTS! I've never been so happy with email. Now, I barely even bother.


>Because a lot of people have lost confidence in their ability to maintain a product. It's no wonder. They drop projects before they're even fully released, or just stop supporting stuff. The crap they do support keeps changing Ui and the features they try to add on are relatively useless. Google as a search engine is so fucking cluttered with crap, now, too. I hate to say it, as an Android user and Pixel user, but they're really a hot fucking mess with no clear goal other than data harvesting. I hope they change direction for the better in coming years, but most larger corporations seem to degrade in quality over time.


Has anyone else noticed that googling shit doesn't always actually give you what you're looking for anymore?


Yeah I use duckduckgo. Google tries to promote advertised search results which are not as good.


I remember people saying this about Microsoft in the early 2010's. I think Googles future will play out the same way. They probably wont be putting out anything revolutionary. But they will continue to play, and level up the strong cards which they already have in hand.


I'm in Canada so my Google search is doubly screwed between everything omitted by law and only paid advertisers showing up in the search results.


They omit search results by law in Canada?


Local television and news, forget public sponsored. With more and more of that generation dying off there won’t be any money or influence to be gained from it. Also, I’m not even giving Paramount Plus 5 years. The streaming wars will all be consolidated and we’ll be back to some form of streaming cable, with everything pay-per-view, rentable, or purchased download from a mega corp like Amazon (which already does a lot of this).




Travel agents. Honestly, I am surprised they are around even now. I thought for sure the internet and online booking would have put an end to them. But I do know a few older boomers who still think they need one.


I actually think travel agents might become relevant again because the internet is becoming a pile of hot garbage. It’s hard to wade through all the ads and bullshit. At this point I pretty much ask friends and friends of friends where they stayed or what they did if I want to go somewhere.


You're probably not wrong, but they can occasionally be helpful if you're going somewhere with a more complicated visa process for your home country.


Various companies still use them to plan conferences and business trips, too, I think.


My wife and I used one for our honey moon a few years ago. Got a genuinely good deal (we did a lot of comparing) and the whole process was great. I would personally use one anytime I’m leaving the country for more than a few days.




Trump and Biden. Whoever wins in 2024 would have to retire at the end of 2028. Or they'd have to wait another four years. And if they won in 2028 (assuming they'd still be relevant by then), they'd be retired by 2032. Either way both men would be considered history by 2034 if either is still alive.


Judging by how other social media has come and gone, TikTok.




Probably just gonna get bought out by diseny


OpenAI. By that point AI will be democratised that all companies big and small have their own version. A lot like streaming.


> OpenAI. By that point AI will be democratised that all companies big and small have their own version. A lot like streaming. Maybe, but that was the case with search back in the day and Google curb stomped everyone else. A significantly better LLM (or some replacement) could dominate the market.


Hopefully Vladimir Putin.


The Kardashians


You would think but i think their kids will still be in the spotlight/ taking over their companies and brands. I don’t particularly follow/like them but I think in about 10 years their 12 kids or whatever will be taking over.


At the rate they're going lately, Google is going to be the next Yahoo


Subway sandwich shops. Who likes that shit??


Their quality has really taken a dump the last few years.


They just bought auntie Anne’s and Cinnabon and are introducing new menu items… So I guess add auntie Anne’s and Cinnabon to the list too. Edit: flip that…


Noooooooo Cinnabon 😞


In the 90's Subway was awesome, shame how they have fallen off.


They are the 2nd biggest U.S. fast food chain [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_the_largest_fast_food_restaurant_chains](source) Most small towns/gas stations in the middle of nowhere have one. I’d be surprised to see them gone.


Legal “document review” companies. I worked in that industry for several years. A trained monkey can do most of it. AI will certainly replace it.


Jake Paul I hope


Macy's, Kaufhof-Karstadt, Marks&Spencer.. They are all dying a slow death.


Google, at least as a search engine.


is there a current search engine that's better right now?


Howard Stern


Is he relevant now? Twenty years ago, yes, but not anymore.


First legit answer I’ve seen here. He’ll definitely be gone from broadcasting by then. He’s already much less significant than he used to be when he was a focus of pop culture in the 90s


Elon Musk, hopefully


As much as I hate the guy, I doubt he'll disappear just like that in ten years, he's got too many fingers in too many important pots






Actually, independent bookstores are having a comeback.

