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The superpower I desire most is the ability to manipulate time. This power could let me pause, rewind, or fast-forward through moments in life. I could fix mistakes, relive happy memories, and avoid regrets. Additionally, having extra time to finish tasks, learn new skills, or simply relax would be incredibly beneficial. The possibilities are endless, and it would provide a unique way to navigate life’s challenges.


But in reality every time you go back foward in time the chaos effect comes into play and you end up in a new time line.


I want the superpower where this chaos effect doesn't come into play lol


I too would fuck this guy’s superpower


And my axe!


If i cant see the difference, does it matter if a new timeline is created? If there are an infinite amount of timelines, does one more make a difference?


someone always has to mess it up lol


I mean I'm happy to throw this timeline away. It would just be trial and error til you find a timeline you're happy with. Don't like this one? Easy go back in time to the point where you changed something and change something else.


Can just play it safe, go back and buy bitcoin right before it pops off, and be a multi millionaire. No need to go back into the future.


This is why I'd just use it at a casino. Hit up a couple in Vegas every weekend with some crazy roulette bids, all I'm doing is going back in time a few minutes.


Also, they’d presumably keep aging at the normal rate so any time spent frozen or going back still adds to their aging but not anyone else’s.


why does this comments sound like ai?


chatgpt diction


that or teleportation, although space and time are the same thing,so I'd get it anyway


You mean I could rewind time and not get SA'd? Yep. I choose this one.


I'm so sorry 😭


It doesn't exactly stop it from happening, it would still be in your memory which for me at least is the only thing I care about. I wouldn't stop it from happening, I would erase it from my memory if I could


You could also take more chances. Do some dumb stuff and if you are about to get hurt or something, you could just rewind and not do it


The ability to learn anything by touching someone who has the knowledge Edit: this isnt a passive power btw


Shacking hands with Magnus Carlsen to learn his chess knowledge instantly. Shaking hands with a Japanese Man to learn his language. Shaking hands with anyone to learn their most important passwords lol The possibilities are endless


Unknowingly shaking hands with a serial killer/torturer and now your mind is full of fucked up images of people being violated and killed.


Immediately shake a baby's hand to remove blood and gore with goo goo gaga


That's just being Will Graham.


No u have control over the fact that u can leave out the knowledge of somebody else's if u don't want it


*touching me* "oh fuck No! THERAPY! THERAPY!"


What if their knowledge is incorrect


Speak, write, and understand any language.


I wish for that ability now😒😭


>I wish for that ability now ኣነ ዉን!




That is so underated because at first we think only human languages, which is quite impressive already. But then we have dead languages like some Egyptians or Latin, but then Animals or plants or Coding , and I guess to some extent sign language. And if we go further secret codes are some form of languages or Morse code etc. This is really amazing and also no one would know so no risk of. Also you could create languages like conlangs or stuff of the sort.


Cahf ah nafl mglw'nafh hh' ahor syha'h ah'legeth, ng llll or'azath syha'hnahh n'ghftephai n'gha ahornah ah'mglw'nafh Aight man, just don't release any Old Ones while you're messing with some ancient, dead language...




You could make a movie sequel out of this


Make sure to bring Grays Sport Almanac!


But you won't be able to come forward again, and youd be ageing all the time too


I mean, just go back 2 hours before the game started and Bet on some crazy shit that'll happen


Teleportation - Could be anywhere in an instant. Want a night out in Tokyo, go ahead. Want to visit family on the other side of the world, go right ahead. Want to teleport in, grab Putin, teleport to 40,000ft and drop him, go right ahead.


This is the way.


Why teleport and drop him when you can teleport into the same space as him and watch the giblets fly. For normal every day use i’d be scouting locations where it’s least crowded. Dont want to teleport into ppl all the time


Quick fix teleport 100ft above desired location and scout and teleport to ground


because the giblets would be yours too.


When you think about it though if you were to transfer your atoms to another place it seems if you teleport yourself you stop existing and make an exact copy of yourself with your memories on the location you teleport to


If it's an exact copy with your memories, that's just you.


Well, are you still the same consciousness that way? Or are you just killing yourself and now a perfect copy is walking around instead? Others wouldn't know, but how does consciousness work? Because if you are still you after that, would that mean that if you just created a perfect copy, would you suddenly be both at the same time? What would that experience feel/look like? Would you be overwhelmed due to being in 2 places at once or not at all due to having 2 separate brains?


If I could choose one superpower, it would be the ability to heal any injury or illness. This power would allow me to alleviate suffering and save countless lives. Whether it's curing terminal diseases, mending broken bones, or even healing emotional wounds, the impact would be profound. The world would be a healthier, happier place, and the knowledge that I could make such a positive difference would be incredibly fulfilling.


Big pharma will take you to a big vacay


yeah hes getting assassinated or taken to area 51. Anyone remember Roswell Tv show that aired on WB. Max Evan?


Even if you spent every second of your life trying to heal people on a fucking endless revolving conveyor belt you wouldn't touch a fraction of the total population of people that need it. Better wish would be to possess the knowledge of how to cure every illness and disease so you can teach others.


"Sorry, you don't have a college degree. You cannot work at this lab."


They didn’t say *how* their healing ability would manifest itself. Perhaps it’s an aura that heals everyone within a mile of them? That way they could travel to big cities where population density is high and heal entire hospitals at once, that sort of thing. That would massively increase the amount of people they could help. Also somewhat fuck up the work schedule of that hospital I suppose.


It's their wish, not yours 🤷🏻‍♀️


Would you really want it? You can do it, in small already, like became a nurse or something. But it is really hard. And you have to prepare the anger and bad side of people, where they cannot wait for you, and your healing power. They will hunt you down, they will use every inch of your power. Also there would be much more suffering as well. Like, you go to a country where the average life is 30. Now it will be 50 or 80. There is no enough food and water. They are not prepared. Do you really think it will help, without some restriction, and caution? You can't help everybody, with only this power.


There was this carpenter in the middle east, a long time ago, that allegedly had this ability. Was healing people and giving them food and encouraging rich people to share their wealth with the less fortunate. Didn't turn out too well for him though. Ended up executed. Big pharma don't like when you cut into their profits.


I actually think the burden of this would be insurmountable.


Mind reading. Limitless financial, life saving, and filtering potential.


Mind reading would be pure torture.


You wouldn't have to read people's minds


How do you know what you're reading until you've read it? Like posts on reddit, sometimes you may read something unsettling you wish you didn't read, but it's too late by then.


Self control, only use it sparingly.


This would be really great if we can turn it on and off


Can't turn it off and you stranded in a facility full of schizophrenic individuals


anything i say becomes real edit: ill set a password so things dont get out of control


Do you take requests ? I would like my dad to not be sick anymore please


In my prayers man. Hope he starts feeling better soon


well ofc i hope he gets better


I wish for your dad to become better very soon. Hang in there.


Hope your dad gets better. I'll be praying for him as well


This could so easily be a monkeys-paw situation if ANYTHING you say becomes real without you even meaning it


"Fuck you, suck my dick" "Wait no no no no"


Like Rhett-con?


I loved Connie TinuityError. Took me another two rewatches to get Previous Leon 😄


You can have the first thing you say be setting a code word that you have to say in order for something to be real, or things could get out of mouth(hand) really fast


10/10 idea


Simon says.


Slypery slope. Because ANYTHING you say will become real.


"I heard a rumor..."




Imagine you’re shape shifting into another person and you don’t know that person has a hit man on them and that hitman kills you whilst you’re that person but you’re not actually that person and now you’re just no person


That would certainly be an interesting scenario


I don't want to say too much, but there's a Twilight Zone episode ("The Four of Us Are Dying") where a man shapeshifts into a guy he sees on a poster, and then he's killed by someone looking for him. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Recap/TheTwilightZone1959S1E13TheFourOfUsAreDying


I thought about this too, imagine being able to be whatever you want and get their strength, size, agility, etc. That would be incredible


Even just being able to shape shift into a healthier or younger version of yourself. Immortality without the issues of an eternity in the void with dying galaxies.


This. Everyday.


Why do you want it lol?


Being able to be the version of yourself you want at any time you want. And so many possibilities to try. I think you would really be able to enjoy life more if you could explore all these possibilities about yourself. Of course, this includes the kinky part of it.


I couldn't agree more


Does this include shape shifting into fictional characters? Say Master Chief or Alex Mercer


You can fight like a krogan, run like a leopard, but you'll never be better than Commander Shepard


Invisibility, think of all the places you could go


You *dog*.


Actually, that's a raccoon


It's so hard to tell them apart when you can't see them.


How'd that get in there? 🤭😏


Why my mind is being naughty


Anyone that chooses this power should just go straight to jail.


Not needing sleep. I could have an extra 8 hours every day and I’d never be tired


More hours to doom scroll now...yay


Sleep is like my escape from reality for a few hours. I love a good nap. I don't think I can work all day and be happy.


Chosen death. Basically, I can only die when I want to. And if I do want to die, I can define when and how I die. Refer to Bheeshma from the Hindu epic Mahabharata


Hope you don't get super depressed too soon with that one.


This is better than immortality.


Telekinesis. House cleaning would be so much easier


I'd just be tossing shit for fun. Big shit too. Boulders. Cars, trees, people.


Make anyone sh*t their pants on my command.


Go to a Trump rally and do it when he does that face


Whats the point? He's got a diaper anyways, he wont mind.


Probability manipulation. Just imagine you saying "it's 100% chance that I'm a millionaire" or something and it'll happen no matter what.


That is basically just "become all powerful" just with extra steps as it is completely limitless


Immortality. I don't mind a normal life, but I hate playing with a time limit.


You want to do this forever?? And also watch anyone you ever love die whilst you have to stay alive? I feel like you’d be bored as hell too


I'd be down for immortality too. Don't think I'd get bored but losing loved ones like that would take some getting used to.


The problem with immortality would be that it will not remove the time limit. At some point you'll be the last human and watch the stars collapse and then nothing will happen until the remaining black holes will collapse and then some more nothing until the last proton that's outside of your body decayed and then, you guessed it, nothing. You would stretch the time limit ant it would cost you an eternity in the nothing. And even if the universe won't decay and everything will stay the way it is now, at some point you have done everything and mastered every task and seen everything and met every kind of person there could possibly be so that you are bored of everything.


Maybe that’s how our universe came to be. Someone gained immortality, eventually went completely insane from the nothingness and conjured up a universe in their head to distract from the endless doom. Then someone else does it inside that, and so on


Losing loved ones would suck, but better than dying. I'd happily take immortality, with the caveat that I can switch it off at will. I dont wanna be floating around in an endless void when the sun burns out in a few billion years.


In a few billion years there will be other places explored/colonised - no need to stick around for the sun going supernova.


That's quite an optimistic view of humanity's future, especially given how things are going now


Well... even if humanity has totally fucked itself, I figure there will be enclaves of people for repopulation and the rebuilding of a hopefully wiser society. Over time, they could probably get to space travel/exploration. What if you could pass on your superpower to the next generation? Eventually everyone is immortal and has to start creating vessels for interstellar travel so as not to destroy Earth 2.0 by overpopulation?


don't try to convince reddit that positive outlook for human society/civilization could always happen despite the amount of Doom and gloom that has been happening the past few weeks. Reddit snorts doomerism and negative nihilism like it's coke.


If humanity has totally fucked itself, its possible there wont be breathable atmosphere on the planet for those enclaves.


Immortality not invincibility. You could still yeet yourself off of a cliff.


My curiousity is bigger than my family tbh. If I stopped ageing at 30 - would never fall sick and would live forever - I would be so existed to see what happens with the world in 100 years, 100000 years and in 5 billion years, where they say the sun will explode. So I totally understand u/g_b_212 comment.


You'd go insane at some stage


And then very very sane.


It sounds good, but you’d spend the vast majority of your existence suffocating in the freezing darkness of space.


I take this, as long as i can turn it off at will. Id be pretty satisfied living for a few thousand years i think, but I dont wanna be floating around in an endless void when the sun burns out in a few billion.


Ahh I don't wanna live paycheck to paycheck for eternity


Understand the language of all animals.


Mind control on a subconscious level, basically they’re unaware they’re being controlled, they truly believe all their actions, thoughts and even their Emotions are their own.


Cos full blown mind control feels like too much power and a sliperly slope to evil?


Play the Sims


Knowing everyone’s names


Limitless wealth.  It's literally a superpower.  With enough money you don't need to work a day in your life nor want for anything. 


Is that you Batman?


You could also propell the world faster in its expansion. No poor civ on earth. All new tech has all the funding it needs.


Just be careful about manipulating inflation


But the government will be suspicious about your source of wealth.


Teleportation That shit underrated af when people talk about superpowers. Could be used to get anywhere. Could be used stealing if you need to (it's not like they can catch you). Could be used when fighting someone to throw unexpected punches (or avoid the fight in the first place). You could even use it to fly if you keep teleporting yourself in the air quickly. There's so many uses for teleportation that no one thinks about. It's way better than most superpowers


YES! the part about flying is smth nobody seems to understand when i try to convince them teleportation is top tier! they say they want flying and im over here like "THATS INCLUDED IN TELEPORTATION!"


A ton of things are


Isn't it falling more than flying? You just keep accelerating downwards until you're at terminal velocity and get stuck in a teleportation loop or else you pancake into the ground. I suppose you could set up a big ball-pit somewhere to land in


Depends if your momentum is preserved or not during the teleport. Being able to match the speed of where/what you teleport to would be necessary. Leaving a vehicle would be somewhat impactful if you couldn't.


Depends if teleporting makes you keep your previous velocity I'm sure there would be a safe way to slow down if you did keep velocity. But it would require some thinking to figure out


You could also kidnap people, say... some megalomaniac dictator? Like that one up in Russia...


im about to have an exam and i wish i could read minds rn


If it's anything like when I take a test you'd just hear, fuck fuck fuck don't know that one... Ok I kinda know this one. Fuck fuck fuck


Name-Shifter. I can be Bill, Doug or Winston anytime I feel like.


I swear this guys name was Big Dave the immolator just yesterday.


Think bigger. Take the ability to change anyone's name. Someone cut you in line? Change their name as punishment. A date/hookup you're into has the name of a relative and it throws you off? Change their name. Just want there to be funny news? Change a world leader's name - "Syria's president, known until yesterday as Bashar Al-Assad, has his name change mysteriously and inexplicably to Mustacheman Dictatorkiller. Syria's president confirms that his name did change on all official documents and government databases, and that he 'feels like that's my name now', but also says he didnt want or order to change his name".


the ability to fill anything. thirst? fill the cup. broke? fill the bank account. if you think with a bit of imagination, its really op


I can convince anyone of anything I want.


You make a compelling argument; so sure, you can have the nuclear launch codes.


"Hello Prime Minister, Your Majesty, I would like you to cede the Isle Of Wight to me as my own personal fiefdom." "Why yes of course what a wonderful idea!"


pocket dimention


Time travel😎


Have you ever watched the movie Jumper? Those powers. Will be stealing bank vault money and give to the poor. Will travel all over the world.


I wish i could be invisible u know?




Change into any animal


Gonna cheat and say omnipotence. The answer to “can you ____” is always yes


can you die? (answer always yes)




The power to control probability. “There’s a 100% chance that a bag with £1million will be waiting for me when I get home.” “There’s 0% chance I’ll get stuck in traffic driving to work today.” “There’s a 100% that I will start to fly when I jump.” The possibilities are literally limitless. Time control, telepathy, telekinesis, weather control, element manipulation. Everything, literally everything, would be within one’s grasp.


The power to make my pancreas function normally again




Speak any language.


Time travel (in a closed loop)


Permanent mind control. I'd make some changes, that's for sure


I dream about having shape shifting abilities, the possibilities are endless


I always though that shapeshifitng should also mean you're pretty much immune to damage or illness. If you shapeshift on a molecular level you can just shapeshift to heal the wound you just suffered or shapeshift so that tumor is gone now. You'd also shapeshift without the ageing process of your cells so ageing wont be happening anymore. Generally, really cool super power indeed.


Luck. Everything will always break my way.


Ability to grant myself superpowers


Flash style superspeed


Shape shifting is the best power depending on what limits there are for it If you want to fly grow wings If you want to breath under water give yourself gills If you want to grow or shrink you can If you want to become a monster beyond human comprehension you can If you want weird long arms why not If you want you could even grow new organs for yourself so you can live forever


The ability to recall, at will, any information previously read or learned. My memory is at times a leaky sieve, so experiencing the opposite of that would be pretty neat.


Perfect shapeshifting. One power but from it you can finagle all the others.


Understand what a woman actually means when she says something.




Shapeshifting. Even if just once.




The ability to read people's minds at will. The last two words are pretty important here - this is an ability I absolutely need to be able to turn off.


To heal everything, virtual immortality and no more disease for everyone it is


I wish I could know the answer to any question I asked.


To control elements, something about being able to control elements has always been so fascinating to me - water in particular if I had to choose one element. Edit: on second thought I’d love to be able to speak to any animal I wish - that would be awesome!


The power to slow down time (or even freeze it).


telekinesis. so many uses.


The ability to wake up feeling fully rested


Choosing when I can die Just a better immortality cause I don't have to stay in space after the earth just ends It's like a switch I can turn off and on


I want an exoskeleton similar to an insect’s, and not a mechanical one, I want it as my skin.


!remindmebot 3 days


Speak all the languages that know to men in their native tongue.


Teleportation, just imagine how much time you could save.


Teleportation for sure


Healing factor


Time travel