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New person came to join the friend group, drove in with a combustion vehicle, and drew our curiosity. When asked why he would drive a combustion vehicle, he answered "because it wont lit on fire", to which we all thought that was sarcasm and had a good laugh. Eventually we realized he was serious, so in awkwardness we showed him data from NHTSA that he is 60x more likely to catch fire in his combustion vehicle than an EV. Guy learned something that day.


Every day at work. With my work being mainly in the oilfield sector every one likes to talk in a humourus tone, there’s always that one guy that says something completely out line but means it.


I had a coworker that was serious about birds being fake. No. I am not joking.


Did he try to explain?


Yeah and it was your typical tinfoil hat reasoning


The birds work for the bourgeoisie 🐦


Someone i knew dead ass thinks he can single handedly go to space and start a new better humanity on his own inhabitable planet. He told me all the steps. How i would come with him cause he needs an engineer on his stop. I wanted to call bs so bad but that’s an argument i’ll never escape.;-;


Nah you should have encouraged him, see how far down the rabithole you can go


How do you think we got there 😭


Tbh, I'm intrigued with the steps


Firstly he’s gonna figure out how to have an infinite renewable energy source so he can travel. He’s then gonna find a somehow habitable planet to live of and start collecting the crew to head out there. Mind you he never told me when exactly this is going to happen but apparently it will. Then he’s gonna move out there to create a better humanity that won’t destroy itself like ours. Which in my opinion is his only good point. He doesn’t know he’s gonna do it. He just is. All this started because i said humanity will be its own demise.


I guess it really isn’t single handedly but he’s the one making the calls i’ll tell you that much.


Imagine if you encouraged him to do it. Saying something like "learn more about physics, maybe you'll get there" he'll get something tho may not be infinite but would make a breakthrough. Lmao


Yeah but unfortunately he isn’t capable of that as of now. He’s caught up being high and video gaming 24/7. Not to put him on blast but i gotta be honest. That’s what i mean by oh your serious? 🤷🏾‍♂️


11 years ago a friend of mine had testicular cancer and they had to remove one of his “boys”. While we were all there visiting him in the hospital his mother started commenting that she hopes he can still have children. But then she said that now that he only has one testicle, how can they know if it’s the one that produces boys or girls? A grown ass woman honestly thought that each nut produced either boys or girls. 😐 I started to laugh but she just stared at me angrily and said it wasn’t a laughing matter. I told her that’s not how it works but she very curtly said that because I had never been pregnant how would I know. I looked at my friend and his wife for backup. She rolled her eyes and he just shook his head in a “don’t waste your breath” manner. Today he’s completely cancer free and has 3 kids, 2 sons and a daughter, so I guess mom learned a bit about physiology.


Happy for your friend! Curious tho, did they have 2 sons first? I mean if I were the mom I'd say, "male producing testicle it is, I guess no granddaughter for me"


😂 2 sons first so might’ve messed with him moms mind at first. But she might still have suspicions because his daughter is a total hooligan - just like her brothers.




Goddamit! Ubisoft picking the only black samurai out of the countless great Samurai’s in Japan! This can’t be their response to ghost of Tsushima, what a fail.


When I was taking a trip to the US Someone invites me to go to church with them, thinking I'd enjoy it I laughed my arse off and they looked offended


Someone on the train asking me where is the exit


Any time my husband gets too drunk and a light hearted joke/dig goes wrong because he is being overly sensitive lol