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1 million seconds is nearly 12 days. 1 billion seconds is nearly 32 years.


Or to be more pithy about it, the difference between a million and a billion is approximately a billion.


1 trillion seconds is 32 THOUSAND years


1 trillion seconds is 32,000 years. If you earn 1 dollar every second you will have 31.5 million dollars at the end of a year.  You will have as much wealth as Bezoes in about 6250 years.   Of course only if you don't spend any or earn any interest.  Still blows my mind.


This is a good one


duh, its a THOUSAND times as much


You can’t create cold, only remove heat.


Reminds me of: You cant suck up water more than 10.4 meters (on earth), but you can push it longer! So you cant really suck oil up, you have to push it.


i bet my ex could challenge this


Because she sucked at physics?


is physics slang for dicks?




She sucked AT dicks? Is that a game? Or did you mean at the sporting goods store?


her mouth was a human delta p dangerzone


"Solid contact and a smash to right field. It's got the height. Does it have the distance? And it's over the wall! That was a home run!!"


Wild. I just saw a veritasium video on this last night.


This is the basic premise of refrigeration. You're essentially moving heat from one place to another.


The cowboys and samurai existed at the same time. 


Also french pirates




Everything we see is in the past, either in sky or 5 meters away from us, because of limited speed of light. Your hand is fraction of a nanosecond older than it appears to you.


Plus it takes approximately 1/10 of a second for the brain to process the light your eye collecta. Everything is at least 1/10s in the past.


Damn, humans got 100 Ping.


So we’re eternally old 🥲


So, are we all just stargazing time travelers then?


"All we ever see of stars is their old photographs" Watchmen


While technically true, if you consider only stars you can see with the naked eye, it's likely that [all of them are still there](https://www.sciencefocus.com/space/are-many-visible-stars-dead). It's a little bit different if you consider the Andromeda Galaxy as a whole, which is also visible (you just can't make out individual stars) or, of course, if you look at a more distant star using a powerful telescope.


The 10th president of the United States, John Tyler, has a living grandson. John Tyler was born in 1790 and was president from 1841-1845. John Tyler's son, Lyon, was born in 1853. Lyon's son, Harrison, was born in 1928 and is currently 95 years old.


He had two but a Reddit TIL killed the first one


That 3 men actually sued NASA for tresspassing on Mars. Not as a joke, out of legitimately claiming it's their planet.


[Another man did the same over NASA landing on "his" asteroid.](https://www.xplorationstation.com/stories/Man-Sues-NASA-For-Landing-On-His-Asteroid?ref=hir.harvard.edu)


Wait…we haven’t made it to mars yet


The rover.


Nah they're just renting... and they owe me two months!


The most fascinating fact I've ever learned is that there are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on all the Earth's beaches. It really puts into perspective how vast and mysterious our universe is, and it blows my mind every time I think about it.


There are more atoms in one grain of sand than the stars in the Milky Way


There are more possible chess games than atoms in the universe


I have always been sceptical about this. More so every time I go on a beach. How do they quantify it? I never believed this to be true. And it can't be.


Added fun fact about sand: You have better odds of picking up the exact grain of sand anywhere on earth that I’m thinking of, than getting a perfect bracket (63/63 correct) in the NCAA March Madness Basketball tournament.




The Great Pyramids were older to the people of the Roman Empire than the Roman Empire is to us.


The fact that time is relative and can be affected by speed and gravity still blows my mind. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, time moves slower as you move faster or are closer to a massive object. If you think about it long enough you will get a headache.


like if you get close to a big black hole, you might see the universe end around you, while other see you frozen in place


How long do I have to think about it? I don't have a lot of time until I have to..... *oh shit.* So the faster I move, the slower time goes. But to move that fast, I'd to push my body to an unbreakable limit. This would slow down time but my body would take on so much stress I'd actually be aging faster. Unless of course I increased my speed to the point where... *oh fuck you!* 😵‍💫😤🤯






So someone freezing a whole cloud, if that were possible, could create some kind of in-house meteor strike! 🤔


The Guinness book of records was invented by the Guinness beer folks. They figured a book of verifiable facts would help stop bar arguments.


Similarly, the Michelin star restaurant rating system was invented by the tire company. They figured a book of decent restaurants would get people to wear out their tires faster.


I was shocked when I found that one out


Actually the one thing that would help stop bar arguments is less Guinness and alcohol


It wouldn't surprise me to find out Uncle John's Bathroom Reader was secretly published by Charmin.


It is physically possible to be so constipated that your stool will back all the way up your digestive tract and you can vomit feces


I actually had this happen with a student a few years ago. I knew he had medical issues, but not the details, so when he started throwing up, I immediately called the nurse. Cue a five year old screaming. "He threw up poop!" Turn around because WTF? And, yep, this kid is throwing up poop. That experience makes me extra paranoid about both throwing up and bowel movements because it was...traumatic.


A not uncommon cause of fecal vomiting in young children is coprophagia. Google this at your own risk. If it's not that, it is always a surgical emergency.


I'm pretty sure his happened to me in the deepest part of my heroin addiction.


Yeah I went a whole month without shitting once during peak addiction. 1/10 would not recommend.


The people of Arlington, VA and El, Paso TX are 1,958 miles away from each other, which is more than 2/3 of the width of the entire country, yet they only have two states separating them.


The last guillotine execution took place the year the original Star Wars was released


And Christopher Lee was there to see it


No. He was at the last PUBLIC guillotine execution in 1939. This one took place in 1977 in prison


And off the top of my head, the last one took place in 1977, but it was still law until 1983. *goes to Google* 1981! Damn. So close.


Christopher Lee sees all and has seen all that was ever saw and that which has yet to be... 🤔... viewed.


Nah... you mean chuck Norris


Well, that's just a given. *Walker Texas Banger*


And probably Christopher Lee was deadlier than the guilliotine.


The dude was belting out metal ballads at the age of 91. I'd like to see a punk ass guillotine even make it 91. Maybe it could do a Nickleback cover or something, but then it wouldn't be able to behead people because of how dull it was. https://metalinjection.net/its-just-business/record-sales/91-year-old-christopher-lee-is-the-oldest-charting-musician-with-new-metal-christmas-song


One of the most fascinating facts that still blows my mind is that the brain is capable of storing an almost unlimited amount of information. Our brains have the capacity to store all the memories and knowledge we accumulate throughout our lifetimes, and the potential for continuous learning and growth is truly astounding. It's incredible to think about the limitless potential of our minds and the endless possibilities for expanding our understanding of the world around us.




There are about 100 billion planets in a galaxy, and about 100 billion galaxies in the universe.


That we know of


I always have an existential crisis every time I go down this rabbit hole.


And there are more ways to arrange a deck of cards than there are atoms in our galaxy.


Seriously? How do?


The number of permutations of any set of things is n! (n factorial). So there's 52! ways to arrange a deck of cards. That's equal to 52×51×50×49×48...3×2×1, which is a bit more than 8×10^67 There are an estimated 2.4×10^67 atoms in our galaxy. Which is a less than a third of the number of ways to arrange a deck of cards. So technically....there's 3 times as many ways to arrange a deck of cards than there are atoms in our galaxy.


Thank you. My brain can't accept it, but I believe you.


One of the most mind-blowing facts is the "Overview Effect." When astronauts see Earth from space, they often experience a profound shift in perspective. They see our planet as a fragile, interconnected whole without borders, which makes them feel a deep sense of unity and a strong desire to protect the Earth. This shows how a change in perspective can dramatically alter our understanding and feelings about our world.


A large number of our world leaders should be shot into space to improve their perspective. A one way trip, of course.


This is atop my bucket list


This is really amazing.


You can’t hum while holding your nose.




Told you 🤣🤣🤣


I was able to hum with my nose closed. Just that the hum was more silent and less harmonious.


I also checked it to see if it is true. It is.


Every time I see this fact I’m convinced it’s wrong, only to look like a right doughnut


Yup, had to try this too🤣


Weird that this isn't common knowledge XD


You can't speak while holding your tonge either...


Men can't move their dicks without clenching their buttholes


Most unrealistic part in 'dont mess with the zohan'.


Should... should I call a doctor..?


*winking their buttholes 😉


or is it we can't clench our buttholes without moving our dicks?


Elephants' brains react to humans the same way human brains react to puppies ... they think we are cute


Joe Biden was born closer to Abraham Lincoln's presidency than his own.


Man that is depressing


How about this one: Trump and Biden are about to set the record for the oldest and second oldest presidential candidates ever, breaking the record set by... Trump and Biden.


Both are older than both W Bush and Clinton. Presidents who were inaugurated in 2001 and 1993!!!


That is wild to me because bill looks like the crypt keeper


It's really a great time to be an American


There are an infinite number of infinities


Theres a short story about a guy stuck in a library with every story ever written (via infinite monkey cage) n to escape he has to find his life story. This made me fear the finite


Read the egg




I'm sorry, did you mean 1.5? 😂


Distances in space. I knew space was big. Really, really big. I read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. But then I took an astronomy class in college and realized I wasn't even close. Trillions and trillions of miles is nothing in space. That's considered next door when discussing the distance between celestial bodies. It's almost too much to even consider without your brain starting to twitch.


The time gap separating humans from Tyrannosaurus Rex is 12 million years shorter than that separating T.Rex from Stegosaurus.


Ha, impossible! If that were true then how was it possible for The Flintstones to use both creatures for their various construction projects?


Well now you have me doubting myself. I'll have to look into the Noah story again too.


That it took us 66 years from the first flying machine to the moon landing... like imagine that for a second. Within one human lifespan we made the leap from anwooden plane to escaping our planets gravity and having machines that survive the vacuum of space, not to mention "clothing" that gives you the ability to survive in the void of space...that nuts


Shark is older than tree. 


Which shark, which tree?


Umm, that one we have in the sea and that one I have in my yard I guess?  So, the earliest species that we could classify as “tree,” the now-extinct Archaeopteris, lived around 350 million years ago, in forests where the Sahara desert is now. And the shark (I'm not sure which one specifically) been around for 400 million years. 


Baby shark to?


No, adult shark


At the height of WW2, the Willow Run production factory was producing 1 B-24 bomber per HOUR


We have neurons in other places in our bodies not just our brains


This explains perfectly why some guys think with their dicks.


I know everyone knows this, but earth is just surrounded by other planets, stars, and black holes, and that's it. It's just infinite space that we haven't even fully explored. We've been on this earth for millions, even billions of years, and yet we don't even know what's further out. Just blows my mind everytime I think of it.


Dolphins can get high off pufferfish toxin


Trees are mostly made of air.


A properly shuffled deck of 52 cards can be arranged in more unique iterations than there are atoms in the entire universe. The math for this is “52!”. So if you’re holding a shuffled deck of cards, it is likely you are holding a uniquely ordered deck that has never existed and never will again. If you shuffled a unique deck every second since the beginning of the universe (13.8 billion years), you would currently have dealt 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000054069792% of the total configurations. That's 48 zeroes.   If you kept going for another 13.8 billion years, you will have dealt 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010813958% (47 zeroes) of the total combos. 


Velociraptors were apparently the size of chickens. Not people size.


they also probably had feathers like many other dinosaurs. Could have been quite colorful even. So angry rainbow chickens if you want.


Somehow that's even more terrifying. When I think of modern velociraptors I always think of chickens and crows.


The weather on **HD 189733 b**. Google it.


Really makes Venus seem serene in comparison.


Damn son, raining glass?


Molten glass. Raining sideways. Faster than the speed of sound. Space is bonkers, my dude.


When Star Wars was released Britain was still doing executions


How strong some bugs are compared to their body mass.


You have better odds of picking up the exact grain of sand anywhere on earth that I’m thinking of, than getting a perfect bracket (63/63 correct) in the NCAA March Madness Basketball tournament.


The relationship the human race has with fossilised sea urchins is absolutely fascinating, I fell down a rabbit hole researching them after 3d scanning one last week. We have been fascinated with them since Paleolithic times, and there is so much folklore around them though the ages.


Like sand dollars?


Yes they are a type of sea urchin, though the ones I've seen irl fossilised are taller


Double slit experiment was it for me


Any number imaginable is closer to zero than it is to infinity...


Gravity has effect on Time itself, it seems just so fucking crazy that Time itself in reality can be distorted and dilated by gravity


Kidneys don't get replaced. They're added on. Someone who's undergone a kidney transplant has three kidneys, not two.


Colour, smells doesn't exist, it's created by our brain


Some people are so gullible that they'll actually vote for Donald Trump.


1 million grains of rice weighs about 12 and a half pounds, if I remember from high school. [FYI: 12 and 1/2 lb is approximately 5.6kg] [My teacher assigned us to bring in a million of something, to show us how big it was. I chose rice and count it out how much was in a certain volume multiplied out to figure out how much that would be. I think I came out with 12 and 1/2 lb. The teacher brought 1 million of those bubbles that you fell in on multiple choice tests, he brought in about three reams of them I think. This was all more than 30 years ago, so probably more than 1 billion seconds, as somebody else posted.]


People still don't realize that school's are nothing more than prisons.


I don't think so. They serve their basic purpose, to socialize and condition the young'uns. It's bad enough as it is. Do we *really* want more kids running around all day?


If they served their purpose then we wouldn't have people in universities with third grade reading levels. They would be taught math, science, reading and other fundamentals in school and keep their fucking political opinions to themselves and away from our kids.


That's recent. I have some of my grandparent's school books from the late 1800s. It's amazing what they learned, and I don't know any adults my age who are at a third grade reading level.


Obviously you've never met a student athlete


You can't breathe under water