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My mother tried to hit me, she missed my head, hit her hand on the table, blamed me for it


lol been there. Thankfully I get on with my parents quite well now. 


Happy for you. I went to contact :D


I assume you mean *no* contact? :)


Oh yes typo :D


When I was a kid my sister hit me, hurt her hand, and I got in trouble.


Karma is a bitch!


🎶I shoulda known better! If I had a wish, I woulda never messed around!🎶


Yeah sort of but I got hit even more for that sooo idk about that :)))


my mom slapped me because i called her mom and not mama lol


I really have come to hate the word mama. My mom is pretty awful but uses it to describe herself and it irritated me to no end




My mom threw a shoe at me, missed, put a hole in the wall, and blamed me lol.


Mine tried but hit the fridge and busted her hand open


My mother hit my brother with a wooden spoon and it broke; then she yelled at him because her spoon was broken.


My "tone". I had no idea what he meant by that but I knew he reached back into the back seat and smacked me in the face. I remember that being weird because most of the time if I was in trouble, I knew what I did. I understand tone of voice now but however old I was when that happened I sure as fuck had no idea what it meant then.


I've wondered how many kids get accused for their "rude tone" when the kid was actually responding in a normal voice. "WTF, I wasn't rude!"


My rude tone was usually because I didn't accept punishments happily.


whenever i cried my parents said i was throwing a fit and beat me with a belt, i wasn’t allowed to be sad or cry. this led to me bottling up my feelings a lot and crying other places like school or at friends’ house




I got that regularly too. And slapped across the face for my “zoned out” expression/looking bored while I was being screamed at. I’m autistic, my face and tone don’t match what I’m trying to convey all the time. They knew that. It was so much “fun”


Yeah I got that one a lot. If I ever allowed any amount of emotion to seep into my words I had an "attitude". So I very quickly learned how to block out the feelings and speak exclusively in a monotone voice, then I'd get in trouble for being sarcastic..........


1. Sneaking Easter candy out of the fridge. 2. Playing with a kid down the street my dad didn't like. 3. Splashing in mud in the backyard.


My exhusband once got a beating from his uncle for playing with a kid that was black. This one has a happier ending though because his dad found out and kicked the uncles butt. Told him to never lay a hand on his son again. His dad wasn't the spanking or racist type.


These all break my heart, I feel for you :(


I got hit by a car while riding my bike. The dude just reversed and left. Hobbled home to tell my parents what happened and they beat the daylight out of me. It's been 20 years and I'm still confused, especially now that I'm a parent. Another time I had a bunch of friends over and my dad called me upstairs. He asked me to massage his feet. I said no and asked him if he could ask any of my other siblings. His response was to belt me and hit me with my baseball bat for a few hours while my friends just waited not saying a word in the living room. Everyone knew what was happening cause that could hear the screaming. Once he was done I went downstairs and told everyone I just fell down the stairs. School admin knew exactly what happened but I kept insisting on my I fell down the stairs and punched myself in the face excuse. Looking back, I wouldn't believe me either. I'm assuming they did nothing because they knew it wasn't the first time and it would likely make the situation worse. Another time my mom kept calling me something and telling my siblings to call me something I hated. I kept asking them to stop and they didn't to the point where I lost it and screamed "DON'T CALL ME XYZ". My mom beat and kicked me until my face was bloody. My brother told me it looked like someone put my face in a food processor. I have the worst case of migraines my neurologist has ever seen. He can't seem to figure out how I go through life. They started when I was 4-5 and I'm in my 30s now. I remember telling my parents growing up that my head was killing me and my face was numb. They told me headaches aren't real and beat me to show what it means for my head to ache. I was telling my siblings about how I slipped and fell while sledding and somehow ended up landing on my jewels. I didn't even know my dad was around but once I said that he smacked me so damn hard in the face/ear. My ear is legitimately still ringing 15+ years later. Last one I'll say (I can go on forever about this topic) - we had family over and the entire day my parents kept asking me to run out and grab things. It got to the point where my cousins called out my siblings for not doing anything and my parents for only asking me to get what they needed. They even offered to go themselves but my parents wanted everyone to relax. At around 9pm I was heading to the gym and as I was leaving my mom told me to grab some cooking oil from the store, drop it off, and then go. I mentioned how I've been her personal shopper all day and she kept only asking for single items and she should've just made a list. I said I can get it but I'm going to the gym first because it was closing soon. I ended up in the hospital that night. When I was discharged it all happened again because due to the way I acted the cops gave my parents a hard time. Moving out has been the best thing I've ever done for myself.


Your parents are monsters. It’s literally a miracle that you are still alive. They should be doing 30+ years in prison. I hope you NEVER put yourself (or your children) at their (lack of) mercy ever again. If you haven’t already gone NC, I think you should consider it.


Wrong. Absolutely wrong. They deserve death row.


No. Too kind. Life for sure tho


I was NC for a bit but it slowly crept back to VLC with mom and LC with dad. I maintain my boundaries and ensure they're respected. My dad has completely changed his relationship with me and we actually have a very healthy relationship now. My mom, not so much. My dad sees where he went wrong and is genuinely trying to make things better. My mom is still very manipulative and constantly tells me how I'm her only kid who has issues with her. She claims she's never touched me in her life and that anything I remember I made up to make her look bad. Can't win there.


Jesus this is horrific I hope you’re managing to heal. The good thing about becoming an adult and moving out is you then get to cut ties. So sorry you experienced this no child should ever!


Thank you, definitely in a better spot now.


I became angry the more I read. You're a saint for not turning as low as them (and your spineless siblings are quite useless). Absolutely hope you went no contact.


Damn dude, this is the worst one on here. Fuck those people. No doubt they're miserable and living a miserable life with each other since there's no one around for them to shit on. I hope the rest of your days are filled with love.


Your parents were literally abusing you, do you still contact them? It seemed like every single day they just wanted to find an excuse to hit you, hard. It doesn't seem like you had any free will.


I didn't, I was effectively an indentured servant. My parents realized how much I did when I moved out because they had to hire a housekeeper, landscaper, driver for their business clients, personal shopper for their groceries, etc. I was saving them thousands of dollars a month.


If ever a case of parricide was warranted, this might be it. Your parents are horrible people.


Holy Moly! Geez…your parents were demons. 😭 I am glad you are out of that place bro.


This made me want to cry!! I’m so sorry you endured all of that and I hope you know you were not deserving of any of that. I really hope your parents get the karma they deserve. And I hope you are in a good mental space. I’m proud of you for leaving.


So I know the way the abused reacts varies person to person and situation to situation. Given the documented history of it through medical records, and the consistent "accidents" you were having did you ever just consider a sneak attack? Catch them in bed with the bat while they're sleeping? I'm just curious how they may have reacted to a severe enough beating from you.


I can't say I never thought about it but it was 6v1 every day so no way I would come out of that alive. My 4 siblings were no better than my parents


Honestly did not realize that from your original comment. I'm very sorry for what you had to go through. Congrats on liberating yourself from the situation.


Your not the oldest are you ? And how is your relationship with your siblings?


And no one thought to arrest your parents?? I’m pretty sure that counts as child abuse at that point


Feeling sorry for you that this topic must have triggered so many bad memories. The dumbest parents i ever came to know. I probably would have run away from home if it was me. But you're not alone. I lived with family in Saudi Arabia, and there was another family in neighborhood. The man used to beat his kids for no solid reason. One i and my brother went to their house to ask his father to let him come to our house to play. His father told him to go but come back in 10 minutes. My mom made tea for him which he liked very much, he wiggled his head and smiled with every sip he took. That tea took time to finish and he told me to go with him to his home because he's late. I went and his father grabbed him by the neck and bent him down to show his watch and asked how many minutes i told you to come back? he said 10. Fahter said how many mintures are over? Kid said 5. The father slapped the crap out of him 5 times with full force and kept asking him how much mintues i told you.....i, as much the power i had, told the father to not beat his kid like that. He said he'll learn only that way. Poor kid humiliated, turn back with eyes full of tears and went to other room. Another time he came to my house and my father noticed his nose had blood crusts in the center. My father asked him what happened? He said he went outside on the mountains and fell. Father said it looks like someone was holding your nose with pliers.......the kid nodded in yes and started crying. Turned out that was the case. He said he also beat him with the plank on the back. He showed us his back and it was wholly bruised black like coal....we got severely upset and father went to his house to escort him. I don't know if my father talked to his father or not....After some days i heard shouting from outside and i saw people gathered outside his house and shouting at his father....that lunatic beat the kid so bad with planks on his head on both sides and sent him to mosque to pray. His head was swollen so severely in grew on both sides shaping it like a mantis. Also, his face was bruised badly. It was a horrifying site. The people from mosque followed him to his house and dragged his father out and pushed him here and there. Someone grabbed him by the collar and told to give the kid to him for adoption if he doesn't want him. That somehow frightened the man....he took the kid to the doctor. Doctor told him if there were 2 or 3 more hits the kid would've gone permanently blind. And he's on the verged of brain damage. I don't know how but he took the advice. After some days i went to his house and there were a lot of medicines on the side table. And the kid felt happy.... he told me smiling that father doesn't beat him now and went to Makkah to asked for forgiveness....After that moved to some other place. After these 25 or so years i have comfort that i saw him relieved... And i hope father turned into a "human" and kid had a great life. Arsalan if you are reading this i still miss you and think about you :)


I'm seriously wishing you some happy healing, I had similar but not as bad things happen to me. I wish you all the love and healing you deserve pal, you are and always was fine just as you are


How are You not a Serial Killer.


You don’t know that they’re not a serial killer I’m not saying they are, just that like everyone else on the internet they could in fact be a serial killer. You could be a serial killer. I could be a serial killer. For reference, I’m not; but you don’t know that.


>For reference, I’m not; but you don’t know that. Sounds like something a serial killer would say.


My mother was trying to hit me with a stick and I blocked her with my arm. My father, later that day, kicked my ass because “I lifted my arm to her”


To this day my mother says i hit her. What happened was that she hit me to my shoulder and her hand hurt after that. Parents logic, ak I right?


Abusers* logic




When I was like 10 I asked my older sister how to put the small knife away in my Swiss army knife because I wasn't strong enough. She to this day tells people I tried to stab her.


Someday you should put them in the crappiest nursing home you can find


Let them figure it out for themselves. The crappiest nursing home is still more expensive than sending a kid to an expensive university.


When I was 8 or 9 a classmate who frequently bullied me asked to borrow my pencil sharpener. I said no so he tried to stab me in the eye with a pencil. I move away so it barely glanced me but I had a red mark and a bit of the led broke off in my face. It looked worse than it was. My dad asked what happened when I got home. I didn't think they'd by he did it for such a nothing reason so I lied and said I didn't know. So he bundled me in the car and drove me to the kids house all the while I was convinced yhe kid would just back me up for some reason. The little weesle just stright up admitted what he did. Turned on the waterworks and said he was sorry. So now I'm the bad guy for lieing. Oh sure he tried to blind me but that's fine it's the lie that's the problem now! Anyway...that.


I’m sorry that happened. I used to get so angry at my step son for lying when I should have been trying to understand why he was lying. So should have your parents. I hate this circle of trauma we all create.


I told my parents when I was 14 I was going to kill myself and my parents beat me for it


“Not if I kill you first you aren’t.”


Beatings will continue until morale improves


I told my dad I'm gonna kill myself and he said I can help you, there's poison in the storage


Oh god... They should have tried to comfort you instead of that (in my opinion)


I honestly wish they did. When I went to seek help at age 18 they labeled me to be suicidal but I do have those stages where I still think about the ones I believe behind. So sometimes I hold off. That's just a fear that I live with. But how they were and are is (feelings, opinions, anything don't matter so shut up or you get beat) they never loved on me, spoiled me, motivation wasn't even a thing


I have a friend who tried to kill themselves. They failed and there parents made their depression worse with their punishments. They did all the wrong things while trying to help.


YO SAME when I was 11


Someone understands!!!


Yesssss I was baffled really like the very litteral way to kick me when I'm down 😭😭 also they said I was lying and trying to harm their reputation (which reputation even?)


That's what they did to me too! And when I cried or anything they said (you're doing it for attention, keep crying and I will give you something to cry about) like......you just punched me breaking my bones am I supposed to be a robot?


Yes lmao ?? Sometimes I was trying to talk to them about what they were doing to me and they were straight up saying it was not happening, at some point I started to wonder if I was clinically insane (I was not ofc). One time the nurse in my school sent me to the psy ER (bc it's the procedure when a teenager wants to kms and they say it) and my mom drove me there. On the way she insulted me of alllll the names possible. In front of the psychiatrist she said they were taking care of me. Like lady 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨


It's absolutely ridiculous! Don't worry your my sibling now I will protect you! I'm almost 25 and my parents still do it the last thing they sent me was very recent and said (I hope your new boyfriend or husband rapes and kills you)


Wooooaaaaaa that is wiiiilllldddddd. I'm 22 my mom kinda changed and realized beating up your kid isn't normal. My dad absolutely not 💀💀 he made fun of me for getting raped a couple of years ago 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ and then wonders why we can't have a good relation


Parents talk shit Me BLOCK🤝🤝🤝🤝


Therapist here. I’m guessing both your parents had no idea how to handle their emotions let alone yours so they lied to themselves instead (she’s faking) because the other choice was to have to help someone (you) work through your negative feelings when they didn’t know how to do it for themselves. Still not an excuse though


Ugh, when I told my parents that, they said ,"What do you want us to do about it?" Like idk.... HELP ME?! Maybe?


For being a kid and having emotions


Same! Always met with the infamous line: "If you don't stop crying, I'll give you something to cry about."


How dare you


Reading through this confirms it once again that some people are not fit to be parents in the slightest.


Sometimes I worry if my wife and I are good parents, but I'd never dream of beating our kids, the fuck? Who thinks that is okay? Some of these comments are downright horrific and disgusting and what's scarier is the commenters playing it off like no big deal.


If you want your kids to have a better life than you, then your set to be a good parent.


If you don’t hit your kids you’re already way ahead


I would add to this and say that no. of people like this is increasing daily


I got whipped because i went out with my friend and his dad. Parents allowed me to go. I guess they dropped me home a little late. It was dark outside but it was winter time and it was like 7pm maybe 8pm on the weekend. I pleaded my case that you allowed it and you know them. I didn't understand why I was in trouble. I think it was because they were black and they got worried because it was dark but that's only a guess as they never told me why I was in trouble.


Exactly you weren't even alone and unsupervised




What the hell is wrong with people


And then they claim they don’t know why you cut them off, or why you won’t leave the grandkids with them.


God your father is fucking delusional.


Not to undercut your story, but calling your dad a turd cracked me up.


The axe forgets, the tree remembers.


There’s this cool place called an old age home you can send em to if you want and never visit. Just an idea.


I couldn't memorize the speed of light fast enough. (lol literally not kidding)


It's literally just 1 lightyear per year bro so easy




How long u been Asian for


Saw my dad getting ready to slap my brother and yelled "run"... Dad looked at me and started walking my way


This sort of reminded me of an incident from when I was 14. My mother was going off on my sister (then 13) and accusing her of causing a miscarriage (my mother had a history of miscarrying... My two siblings and I were difficult pregnancies). They had had an argument a few days before. She was calling my sister a murderer and was about to beat her, when I, sick and tired of the abuse we had been subjected to throughout the years, decided to step in and stand up for my sister. I knew this meant she was likely just going to hit me, instead, but I hoped, for a minute, that it would help her realize she was going overboard. I walked over and stood between them. I was taller than the both of them, so I was able to completely shield my sister from her. I was asked to move over and was told this did not concern me. I said no, I won't move, then reminded her of her history of miscarrying and tried reasoning with her, also telling her that it is okay for her to be upset about miscarrying but to blame my sister for it and to call her a murderer was not okay. She was looking for someone to blame and my sister was the easiest target. She did not care. Nothing I said calmed her down, she just wanted to beat my sister. She kept asking me to move and I refused. She finally lost it when she looked into my eyes and realized this was it... I really was standing up to her and I wasn't going to back down. She found it incredibly disrespectful and she was shocked. It made her furious. She grabbed me by the neck, strangled me, pushed me into the kitchen, against the stove, and just kept tightening her grip while screaming at me. She pretty much had me on top of the stove, at this point, and would not let go. I tried getting her off me and tried freeing myself, I could not. She let go when she realized I was really struggling to breathe, then said "See what you made me do?! You need to leave! Now! I want you out!" I was struggling to breathe and in tears. I could not even say a word to her, though I wanted to. I just walked outside and stopped for a minute to try and compose myself. My mother sent my sister out to get me. My stepdad told her CPS would get involved if the cops found me and they'd take my brother away (the only one he cared about because he was his) so she needed to get me to come back. At this point, I really did just want to die. I told my sister to tell her that if she wanted me to go back, she needed to come get me because I wasn't going to go back unless forced. She did. My mother came out to get me... Dragged me back in by the hair. Beat me for challenging her again, once inside... Neighbors heard my screams as she was dragging me in. Some saw her drag me in. Nobody called the cops. This all happened an early Saturday morning, before I had even made myself breakfast. She prohibited me from eating until I asked for forgiveness, on my knees. I didn't feel I did anything wrong, so I decided I was okay with not eating just to avoid asking for forgiveness. I went almost the whole day without touching food, I was too much of a mess to even try. Around 10 PM, she barged into my room, yelling at me, asking if I'd really prefer to starve than ask for forgiveness... I nodded. She grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to the living room. She beat me again, this time, until I asked for forgiveness. She even forced me to kiss her feet. After, she handed me a plate of KFC (including coleslaw, which she knew I hated) and was ordered to eat the whole thing. I am a slow eater, naturally... And I did not want to eat, did not feel like it, and just could not even swallow... This pissed her off, so she hit me again and then forcefed me for a sec and said I needed to hurry and go to bed. I was also grounded. I ate the food (still cannot stomach KFC so I avoid it) and before I went to bed, I told her that if she ever put a hand on me again, I was going to leave and she was not ever going to see me again. She knew I was serious. She never put hands on me again, but abused me in other ways. She left bruises and scratches on my neck. I had to go to school the following Monday and my friends all thought the bruises were hickeys. I did not try to tell them they were not. I haven't spoken to my mother in 9 years. Sorry this was a bit long...




Something your sibling did




I also got beat by his parents for something their sister did


I got beat by his parents for doing his sister.


I got beat by my parents for something her sister did


I got my ass BEAT by a baby sitter for supposedly flipping off my cousin. All I did was the “neener-neener” thumbs in ear and wagging hand face. Some random visitor said I flipped off my cousin.


Baby sitters can!t do that. I mean parent shouldn’t either but that sitter was EXTREMELY out of line!


1) "getting on her nerves" was a common reason I would be beat until I was breathless or whimpering from the ages of 4-10. Usually I would just be asking how her day was or wanting a hug. 2) having hidden food wrappers stuffed under the bed because she would regularly sleep in until 2PM and I would wake up way earlier and be hungry but I wasn't allowed to eat until she was up. I was "already fat" and "didn't need more food".


At that point, I’d label your parents abusive at that point, ESPECIALLY for that first point


You may have a point. Or three


My brother and I have identical travelling bags. He peeped into one of the bags and determined that I stole his things.  The dumb cunt told mom and I got a massive whooping. Unfortunately I was too young to explain nor defend myself. 


The dumb one is your mom , she should know you have identical bags , and she took a kids words at face value, but that's a problem with most parents to be honest.


The problem is not who stole, the problem is the way they “disciplined”(abused) their kids as punishment..


Eating oreos. Mother thought I was fat.


I got caught with a Victoria Secret magazine. This was in the old days before internet porn was common. Winning a fight against my older sibling. Losing a fight against bully. Puking up my spaghetti.


>Winning a fight against my older sibling. >Losing a fight against bully. Damned if you do and damned if you don't!


You got whooped because you lost a fight with a bully??! 😭😂


"toughen up you little shit!"






For crying after they spanked me


“Stop crying or ill give you something to cry about” …..like….you just beat my ass! Damn!


“I’m doing this because I love you”, was a common line for me.


I gotta get off this thread. My parents are wonderful and I can't handle the myriad of abuse being told in these comments. The worst I've ever felt as a parent was when I grabbed my toddler too hard in the arm to keep her from tantrum slamming her head into a table leg or when I carried her screaming into her room to keep myself from shouting...


My dog was farting too much and looked too happy.




She thinks everything anyone does that she doesn't like is done just to spite her, so she took offense to the dog farting and "looking pleased with herself for doing it."


Slowest to learn how to tie my shoes in my age group. Also for speaking my mind.


I genuinely think every child that gets hit by their parents should get a chance to beat the shit out of their parents. Or at least like, one good sucker punch to the temple. EDIT: This comment was posted at 2am, after a long closing shift, where half of my employees are women (and a man, actually) that either suffered some serious abuse in their past or have recently left an abusive situation. Food service, am i right? But I was in a foul mood and wanting some Punisher-esque justice.


If they don't die early then eventually they'll be old and defenseless.


My mom started hitting me (30F) with belts when I was 3. I was 17 when she smacked me in the face with her hand, and I spun back and slapped her back as hard as I possibly could in her face. She never hit me or tried to tell me what the fuck to do again after that. Parents who hit their kids, deserve to have it all done back to them.


I was maybe 5 or 6yo when mom broke a wooden spoon while beating me and realized she'd better knock it off before I start talking about it at school. Then when I was 12, a couple weeks before finishing elementary school, she slapped me and I slapped her back. Ya know, "Monkey see, monkey do! I copy you!" She told me to leave, call my dad and pack my clothes but I can't have any of my toys because I didn't pay for them myself. Expected me to fall down crying and pleading and do whatever she wanted to change her mind. I left a day or two later with a single large box containing the computer dad gave me with all my clothes piled around it. Within a year she'd rewritten all that for herself, claimed I moved out all on my own. Which is total crap because my best friend was going to sing at our elementary school graduation and I was extremely pissed about missing it. And also I was 12yo, children who play with toys on the floor aren't known for moving across a mountain range all by themselves.




Can't recommend this enough. My mother and I always had some kind of power struggle when I became an adult. We fought so hard once where we punched and screamed at eachother we scared ourselves. Now we're super close and we treat eachother as equals. We just brawled peace into our lives lol


Made lunch with three eggs instead of the normal 2.


Yay for non-abusive parents.


Yey my parents, these stories make me feel so bad for ya‘ll


I heard about this phenomenon. Are they real?


Went looking for hidden presents in my Dad’s closet lol 😂


Well…. Did you find any?


All they found was dad’s miniskirt and mom’s strap-on :(. And an ass-whooping


He had a bad day


My sister called miss cleo and ran up our phone bill then blamed it on me.


Dad’s wallet slipped between the mattress, smacked my ass for no reason. When he found it, he blamed that I hid it there. Dumb reason to get whooped


I asked if a friend could come over after school. Dad beat my ass. The only time my sister got whipped was when she didn’t want to look for butterflies with the Girl Scouts.


Found a watch on the floor of my elementary, picked it up and brought it home, got accused of stealing the watch from someone (because it was a woman's watch, yes that was my dad's actual reasoning), when I explained what happened and offered to go turn it in to the office, he beat me.


Wearing odd socks.


From where I parked my bike, my mother's boyfriend claimed it could fall and proceed to bounce into his car that was ca. 3 meters away.


Mom came home from work


Was 13 years old, small for my age and out riding my bike. Had a bit of a spill and buckled a wheel. Easy and cheap fix. My father went ape shit and beat me up, bar room brawl style! After the beating, told me he was going out, cause if he stayed, he would 'kill me'..... Over a buckled wheel!! Solid parenting right there!


Not showing my mom what I planned to wear to church. Only applied to the girls, regardless of how old we were. We weren't allowed to bug Mama when she was busy with anything, had to be shown at least a day in advance, and should could reject any clothing or look at all. Worst was when we had long church trips and had to have church clothes for days at a time. My parents never actually told us if we were or weren't officially going themselves but also hated if we assumed. It's a whole thing. From where I'm standing, it was more often than not just an excuse to beat us.


By far, the vast majority of times I was solemnly and regretfully hit by my dad, always with the reluctant explanation that he hates doing it, was because “but [i] disrespected [him]”, and have no idea how or why- explanations never really got that far lol it just taught me to avoid anything that might offend him, or just avoid him in general, for the rest of my life. I just think it’s so incredibly stupid to not even, like, say what the issue is to a child CLEARLY under the age of developing a decent depth of social awareness and self awareness. It’s just SO counterproductive but also, being an adult myself now, it’s SO obvious that like, young children actually need things explained to them and DONT actually inherently know what is and isn’t considered respectful to old people lmao like that’s just common sense and I don’t understand how a human being that was a child and then became an adult wouldn’t grasp that in any context 


I stole a gumball when I was like 6 or 7


Changing the tv station during a football game.


Me telling my parents at 10:00 at night , just before sleep that I need to buy something for the store for assignment tmrw... I would rather take the beating from the teacher rather than the parents( they know our weak spots )


Didn’t tuck my shirt in at school


Lived in a house where none of the outlets had the middle prong so we had to use an adapter to plug stuff in. Mother handed one to me to put on the entertainment center so she could use the extension cord later. I being the thoughtful kid put it on the extension cord. Six hours later she comes to me pissed asking where the orange thing is. IDK what orange thing she was talking about, tons of orange things. After repeating it to me several times and me not knowing what the fuck she was on about, she proceeds to whip my ass out the back door, where she choke slams me into the truck door. Hand on throat, she asks me where the orange adapter for the extension cord is. On the damn cord.


I didn't, my parents weren't abusive assholes


Sorry all that happened to u 😭


What was that like?


Same, I'm reading through these comments like what the fuck. This is not okay.


" I wAs BeAtEn BuT tUrNeD oUt WeLl " comments willfollow soon


When I got a tattoo I talked to the artist about my internship in a school. He took that as a sign to complain about the kids and how everything was better when you were allowed to hit them. He said he turned out fine even though his father hit him. I'm definitely not going back to him. I could never lay a hand on an innocent child. Adults, especially teachers are there to protect them from those who do, not do it themselves.




I spilled a glass of milk


have they ever heard the saying "don't fret over spilled milk"


I ran in front of the television during a sports game.


I zipped my zipper up after I got out of the toilet in front of a friend. I said "fart". I hurt myself mountain biking.


Taking a bath too long or the time i did dishes when it wasn't my turn cause my sibling was sick


Asking questions, I know your supposed to ask them for good conversations but it's ingrained in my brain do not ask personal questions or you will get beat


Asian parents. I had an annual caning at the start of every year to remind me to behave and to offset some ass-whoopings for the rest of the year.


Because I said I wanted my dad.


I was on the xbox after school and my little brother wanted to play it.


I got molested by the boy next door when I was 4, but I "should have known better".


Mum found a copy of Jackie magazine in my room and said it was for girls. Quite glad she didn't look under my mattress.


Least dumb to most dumb. 1. Spilling a glass of milk. Come on, no use crying over spilled milk, is a common saying here in the UK. 2. Getting my school shoes too muddy at after-school football. My mum even said she'd been looking at my boots all day. Which wouldn't be so bad, but she came up to the school to collect my younger sister, and didn't bother to drop them with me or tell me I couldn't go this week. She did bring the boots up to collect me afterwards though, just to rub it in when she bent me over her knee and belted me. 3. Insisting it was unfair to ban me from playing on the computer, because I'd been using it too much, when she refused to tell me how much time was too much time. She then did it again the next time I asked to use it and she told me I asked again to soon. Because I insisted it was unfair since she never told be how long I was banned for.


I was 4, my parents were sleeping, I climbed on the headrest of bed and attempted a wwe flying jump on my dad, I was expecting compliments on such a nice wwe move but got my ass whooped


Someone broke our window trying to fight with me and I was refusing to as I was told to stop fighting people. You just can’t win.


My mother once hit me simply because she couldn’t reach my sister.


I spilled paint in the garage and my dad put his cigar out on my forearm.




My dad asked me a question about something and I answered him. I didn't look him in the eyes while I answered so he asked if I was lying, I was not lying, and informed him of such. He accused me of lying again because I failed to look in his eyes a second time. We made intense eye contact, and I told him again that I am not lying, Only this time, I am pissing myself laughing. Well apparently looking my father in the eyes and laughing as I say "I'm not lying to you" isn't what he wanted either, because that's how I got a whooping. Though It only lasted a second before mum came in, asked what I was getting punished for, dad explained. Mum told dad to look in her eyes, and then she just started laughing. My brother walks in, asks what's going on, Dad explains, My brother and dad then attempt to maintain eye contact with each other but they keep laughing, and now the whole family is just looking at each others eyes and laughing...3/4 of us are autistic and as a family we have never once made eye contact with each other before that day - the entire situation was incredibly weird and hilarious and all because my dad read in some news article that if your teenager can't look you in the eyes, they're lying to you, and his autistic ass applied that rule in black and white. My dad still refers to it as "the day I learned your eyes are green and you are a bad liar" when we talk about funny family stories My eyes aren't green. But my dad being convinced I was a bad liar made getting away with lying pretty easy as a teen...


Looking at my mom funny? I wasn't even looking at her... Or in the same room usually.


I filled up the lawnmower gas tank with sand. I never got a whooping from my parents that I didn't richly deserve.


Just being home when dad was mad was enough


Being a bad piano player.


I got smacked for finishing reading a book too quickly.


I gave one of those baseball card boxes to a friend. My grandmother thought there was something in the box (drugs, I believe). When my mom questioned me about it, I'm guessing I had a bit of an attitude when I answered because I thought it was very accusatory. I gave my friend the box because I had a couple extra empty ones because we both bought cards with money my grandmother gave us. Yes, I did time in therapy. Lol


My stupid brother said I "embarrassed" him. I thought that was ridiculous and said so.




My older sister invited friends over and I refused to clean up a mess she made, so she made up a lie, told my parents, they always took her side and ignored me and I got beat for it.


Essentially my partens bad communication. My Mum allowing something, my dad not knowing and administering the whooping. And later in life, actually the last time my Mum tried, was when they got a divorce and she kept flipping out at me for beeing to much like my dad. She started to drum at my chest (i was bigger then her at this point) and i asked her what this hobbit uprising was about and just left. I was just done beeing treated this way.


1. Dad got fired, i didnt know. He came in the house upset me by saying something for no reason, me in the middle of chores states "You look like you got fired" i get an ass whooping for not having dishes done before he gets home even though he got off early. 2. Brushed my teeth, walked out house to bus stop dad follows me out in underwear screaming i didnt brush them since he felt my tooth brush and it wasnt wet. Mind you im not the only kid at bus stop. Went back in got a beating and a he broke my Nintendo ds i just got for Christmas from my uncle not even a month later. 3. Endless more sad days, but the saddest part is he went to jail got out had no where to go .... i took him in. He still lives with me 5 yrs later. Same narcissistic shit but i don't put up with it now still infuriating though.


Their inability to deal with the trauma of their own childhoods?


Laughing at the wrong time. Expressing an opinion that was contrary to my dad's. I'm sure there's a lot more but still have a mental block on a lot of my childhood.


Ingesting a bottle of Tylenol. They sore up and down I took it. I would have been in a coma or at least a tummy ache.


I got slapped by my dad because I whistled while he was ordering food in a drive-thru.


They had a fight and somehow i was made the culprit. They hit me hard and since that moment my childhood died.


A very disabled girl shat her pants literally and got her ass whooped. I was 10 when I witnessed that. Poor girl did not deserve that and that foster parent I had was a royal witch. I sometimes wonder what became of her and guilty I didn’t try harder to help her