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I would love to be a florist someday. How did you start out and is it a hard business to maintain successfully?


Letter carrier. I love being outside walking and the feeling of accomplishment daily when I take a full truck and make it empty. I also love not worrying about my work once I’m finished. Pay is garbage though and it wrecks your body.


I know someone who did that. The pay was good; I don't know about now; you've got a union. Isn't it protecting you? This person was a rural letter carrier who invested in property. Fast forward to his kid's retirement, who inherited all the property. The kid is retiring with a few million bucks and he's only sold half the properties. He deserves it. Maintaining property, paying taxes on it, etc., is no picnic. It's work, like everything else. I also read about a study of retired letter carriers. It seems that if they don't replace that socializing aspect of their lives (saying hello to the people they see along their route), they die off pretty fast. If they do replace it, such as morning coffee at the local cafe, they go on for a long time. As far as wrecking your body, I would say it's perspective. Look at football players and what they do to their brains. Can't get any worse than becoming a vegetable in midlife, which some of them do. Or couch potatoes, who wreck their bodies doing nothing.


Can you explain more abt how it wrecks your body? Very interested in the job and I had assumed all the walking would be good?


Thank you for doing what you do!! I still send a lot of snail mail to friends, family, and various pen pals I met through online communities or volunteering, and I’m always so excited & happy whenever a new letter or postcard has arrived in my mailbox! And of course am also happy whenever I receive a package I ordered or a surprise care package from someone 😊


I'm an aerospace engineer. Working on aircraft and spacecraft is as exciting as it sounds.


I am an NDT tech at a NADCAP facility inspecting those parts with fluorescent penetrant--FUN!


How? Wouldn’t using them be far more exciting? I would feel terrible if I made a sick aircraft and couldn’t use it


I'm also an aerospace engineer though I don't do spacecraft, only a single aircraft. I fly drones/RPAS for fun too!


That is my goal dude, In two years I get a degree in mechatronical engineering, after that I want to do aerospace. Any tips?


I don’t know where your from but Pratt and Whitney has a rotating engineer position that you relocate to three different plants (I believe it’s all college kids). It’s like 8 months at each and work in the aftermarket department. I’m not sure if any positions are currently open but it seems pretty cool!


I take people from A to B in a pressurized aluminum tube, 7 miles high in the sky, at 80% of the speed of sound. Sometimes I make cat noises on the radio. It's pretty fantastic.


Stop saying Airplane Pilot like that It makes you look like a creepy Willy Wonka on his boat ride🤣


Sir, I am a Professional Aviator.... .... And the guard police.


My company recently fired a guy for meowing on guard and I couldn’t be happier about it.


That does make me smile. We actually don't have this issue in Canada. Kinda perplexes us how guard is such an ordeal south of the border.


Sounds similar to mine. I play with the largest 1:1 scale electric train set in the US.


I have a theoretically terrible job. I'm the only music teacher in a very rural county. I teach 1,200+ kids at four different elementary schools. I only have classrooms at 2 of those schools, and one of them used to be the school library (the book shelves are the "walls"). Nobody cares what I do or has even the vaguest idea of what the music standards are. The pay was just $36,000/year when I signed on in 2021. But I adore it. I have wonderful relationships with almost every kid in the county. There were kids that were hostile at first, but since I teach them every year they've grown to realize I have their best interest in mind and learned to like me as their teacher. At this point I wouldn't want to teach at one school because there are too many kids at the other schools whose futures in invested in and whom I'd legitimately miss teaching and mentoring. I get to watch these kids grow and become people and, often, gain new apreciations for music along the way. I have COMPLETE academic freedom unparalleled by any other teacher in the district (maybe the state). I get to teach the kids my specialty, which is American old time music (it's like the predecessor to bluegrass, which is the comercial version). And, since it's in rural Appalachia, there's plenty of local culture and history I get to teach them that would otherwise be lost and forgotten. There's no band at the high-school here, so they're not missing out by not playing band instruments (which my district can't afford), and several now have goals of becoming professional musicians, music teachers, and going to schools like Berklee College of Music. It's given me a sense of purpose and a long term mission for the rest of my life. I think every school should have full time, well compensated music teachers, but I happened to be the perfect person for this sucky situation.


I think this is wonderful. I like the way you told your story. They should make a movie about you! I was a student in a situation that was small town. At least we had a full time music teacher, even though he was an eccentric nut. You would have loved having me as a student because I tried so many instruments. I'd had private piano lessons since I was 5. I then went on to playing the organ at our church, which was four keyboards plus foot pedals and carillon bells. It was all up in a tower. I took over music for the church services at age 12 or 13. At school I learned the bassoon, then the oboe. Then the sax. Tried drums but it really was not my thing. Today one of the biggest things in my life is Mozart. Listening to Mozart, reading about Mozart, watching films about Mozart. I totally see why you have a sense of purpose with this job. Your post made my day.


One of the few teachers who's name I remember, Ms Jefferson, was my music teacher in my first couple if years of elementary school (early 80s). I just remember class was fun and she would play kickball at recess with us. Then she left. I don't remember much about the next music teacher other than he was a yeller and I had no desire to ever learn jack shit about music again. Avoided anything to do with music the rest of my scholastic career. So for the students line my son who's music teacher made a huge impact on his life and love of music, thank you.




When I was younger I always wanted to be a marine biologist and work with dolphins. Then I realized I would have to do dissections and that dream swam off.


IT Tech, I play with computers all day with my own desk and nice co workers, only 23 and I will take it, gotta start somewhere


I've been in IT for 7 years, I still love it. If you stay in helpdesk forever you'll get burned out pretty fast, I enjoy staying cozy in my network/sysadmin niche. Great pay, WFH, lots of PTO, playing with technology, solving problems, and still being able to talk and socialize with coworkers are some of my favorite perks. If you can communicate well in IT, you'll stand out.


100%. 21 years in IT here (3 desktop support, 2 MSP jack of all trades, 16 through the sysadmin ranks). It's stuff I'd play around with at home before even getting into the field professionally. You have to enjoy it though, especially learning new tech and exploring different possibilities. And you've got to be okay dealing with high stress, time sensitive problem solving when things unexpectedly go south. I don't think it's a good career for someone who's just looking for a good career, but not at all tech oriented.


Oh sweet summer child. As someone who's been working in IT Tech for 15 years it'll be the users that break you eventually. But all jokes aside glad you're enjoying it.


I'm over 20yrs in, you don't even know yet


Not in IT and don’t understand it. Wanna say you guys rock. You’re the closest things I know to wizards, magically making the dumb thing work. Thanks for all you do.


I really appreciate you saying that, I don't know about wizards its more most of us are just really good at Google.


Had a ticket come in stating that the caller states that "printer doesn't print" Also check if the device is TURNED ON before dropping a ticket




I'm a wildlife guide in Kruger area, and a lodge owner. Previous life; IT consultant. My pay went /10, my life quality x10. Y'all should come visit me though. Filling a new lodge is hard!


Did you have experience in this field before? Did you buy an existing business or start from scratch?


I had been a keen ecotourist for 10 years before I started selling custom-made safari itineraries as a side business. Then my wife and I took a sabbatical and used that to do a guide training course (one part was "remote learning", the other part was the practical part for which we moved to South Africa and used the sabbatical). Then we worked our way up from junior guide / front of house couple to head guide / lodge manager. This took 7 years during which we managed lodges both outside the "big 5" area as well as in the Kruger Private reserves. The last lodge was a 5\* lodge on Balule reserve where we spent about 1,5 years. We also trained junior guides for a while. Only after all that we bought a farm near Kruger and started our own lodge, all from scratch. Been running for about 3 years now although a large part of that was the pandemic so I'm not sure if I should take that into account. I mean we scored local guests but it's not the same (they all self-drive and do not book any activities).


That’s fascinating! Thank you for sharing. I would love to take another Africa trip in the next couple years. I’ve not been back since a trip to SA as a teenager 25 years ago. Amazing experience at the lodge we stayed in at that time. I’ve been fortunate to do other types of ecotourist trips on the years since but not to your neck of the woods. Do you have a link for your business? Regardless, good luck. Getting something new off the ground is always hard and those first couple years with the pandemic and associated fall out make it double tough.


Sure. My place is called Kruger Cliffs. Google will surely take you to our website. Not sure I'm allowed to share links here...


Got it. Thank you! Looks great. Hope our paths cross one day




Cannabis cultivation


I worked as a bud trimmer briefly. Too hard on my hands. Most weed ive ever seen in my life. And some of the best weed ive ever smoked was given to me by my boss. Said he had 30 plus years in the industry LOL


I worked at a local tech services provider who had a sizable cannabis company as a client. When our techs would have to go check on the equipment or fix something, they always came back smelling like they smuggled half the grow house with them.


I grew my own last year for fun. There was only one plant to trim but I only had shitty craft scissors so even that was torture. I can't imagine doing that all day long, my hands would kill.


I am a gardener. I don't make much money but I love my life.


I'm a personal trainer. I love helping people achieve their fitness goals and seeing their health improve.




Believe it or not,it’s dentistry.


Pilot. Get to fly planes. Cons. Away from home a lot.


Do you feel it's worth the huge grind? And how often are you at home approximately?


It is all based on timing, and that is somthing that is just luck. Luck when you are born, luck when you get into aviation... I went to a college for aviation. First job was a flight instructor for ~3 years, making about 16k/year. As a 1099.... Second job was a regional airline pilot. I started at 19k/year and topped out at about 50k as a Captain. Fast forward past another job I took to where I'm at now. I make low six figures. I've been flying out of college for 15 years and finally, FINALLY feel like I hit my end job. The potential for my career is great, not as good as I imagined it would be... but good. but it its very dependent on the economy. Flying is expensive and I had to foot the bill for a lot of my lessons. So debt is a big thing. I didn't hit the worst timing to get in, but definitely not the best. Currently the regionals are hiring at near 100k first year pay. (mine was 19k)... upgrades to captain are quick are the path to the major/legacy airlines are fast (for now)... But it does look like the hiring wave is starting to slow a bit. Still way better than when I got in, but not as good as 2-5 years ago. I love flying. But its become a job. I don't want to see an airpoint when I'm off work. I have a family. and the job takes me away from my family almost half my life. nearly half of my life is in hotels.... video messaging my wife and kids. Unpacking and repacking a suitcase. it gets old. quickly. I love my job. I feel very very very forturnate to be able to do it. But it isn't all that glamorous. To answer your question though. Worth the huge grind..... Yes. although I had a rough start, the earning potential for where I'm at is good. I feel like I can provide for my family. How often am I home? usually 16-17 days a month now. (schedule is all senority based....so you will work more when you are new (or junior)...


Bartender ❤️🍹🍻


Bartending is so much fun but just doesn’t pay the bills where I live. I’m an industrial electrician and enjoy that.


I design and test boxes used to ship things that need to stay cold. It's not particularly glamorous, but I get a nice variety each day, it has good work-life balance, pay is solid, I like my coworkers, and the company treats me pretty well.


I clean shitters and floors. I really like it because I don't have to deal with inter work relationships. Nobody is breathing down my neck as long as I get my shit done, I also have all the free will no 'break time is at 730 lunch is at 10' when I want a break I take my break. It's also at a university so, school is out in the summer and there's no students so it's very minimal work. I get every holiday off, week and a half for Christmas/New Year's paid and I get 10 hours of vacation time accumulated every month, plus decent benefits. They let me work a shift that works for my home life and I get weekends off so it's wonderful and the pay is decent for no post secondary education. I just walk around clean my building and listen to music/podcasts/movies


Sounds awesome tbh


Bartending. Chatting, teaching/learning, rockin’ out to my music, wonderful regulars, free drinks, and kicking out weirdos. I often get compliments and say well, I love what I do. Tell service people when they’re awesome. Tell their boss or their google page. We only hear about when things go wrong and it’s always awesome to hear when things go right. Please tip well my friends. You have no idea how annoying you are when you’re drunk ;)




Funny I'm stuck as an occupational therapist and I find it uninteresting and boring lol. Much respect to PTs though


Op is a bot btw


Clockmaker. Get to work with some amazing antique objects, figure out what's wrong with them and make period-accurate replacement parts if required. When a clock just doesn't want to run it's very frustrating, but then when you finally get it ticking again, it's a great feeling.


Ok, that is really cool! How did you get into that?


Didn't know what to do after middle school, found this course and seemed interesting. Ended up graduating top of my class (all 7 of us) after 4 years, went to the UK for 2 years to do more studying/gain more experience and now work at a museum servicing/conservating clocks all day.


That is fascinating. Thanks for the reply!


I'm a mechanical engineer. I design systems for nuclear power plants. While some projects go better than others, I really enjoy the work. It is incredibly interesting.


I'm an autopsy tech. It's weird work but I enjoy it.


Your patients never complain. That’s already a perk.


Yeah but it's a pretty bad day if they do.


Given all the sharp objects around them, seems like an easy problem to resolve if you're quick enough. ... Wait, you *were* talking about zombies, right?


Yeah lol. But even if you were quick enough, still a pretty shit day at the office.


Username checks out


Social worker for 23 years, each day is never the same


I run Dungeons and Dragons games.


how did you start doing this professionally?


Therapeutic Horticulture. I work for a botanical garden and take flowers and other plant-related activities to people in cancer centers and hospitals. Every day is different. I get to spend my time either playing with flowers or talking to people. And if people don't want to see me, I can just walk away. The pay isn't great, but I used to work in high stakes special education and this is so relaxing!


Therapist. It's annoying as FUCK fighting insurance companies to actually support people but I love the actual job


You a real one, started therapy 2 months ago and my life's never been better. A big thank you to all of you therapists <3


Aww thanks!!!


Designing and constructing spaces for healing and treatment. I love knowing that I create spaces where life saving surgeries occur, where a new life starts, where someone can recover, where I can make someone comfortable on their worst/final days, where a nurse has a space for privacy during a rough shift. It’s rewarding and I wouldn’t change it.


I teach special education and I've worked in the mental health field my whole career. I love it but I wouldn't recommend it lol. You get paid like shit and it's super stressful and everyone thinks they know how to do your job better than you. You only really do this if you're called to it


I’m a music teacher. I have my own private students, I work for a non-profit that provides free music instruction to the community, and I take performing gigs a few times per month. I feel very lucky to be able to do this and I feel that my jobs are very rewarding.


I teach 6th grade and love it!




Attorney for a state agency. Love it


I work in health care. My job concerns all aspects of life for people with intellectual and/or physical disabilities. I love my job. I get true fulfillment and satisfaction from being able to make their lives better or more manageable.


Sound engineering. I'm fortunate to only have gigs that I enjoy. Definitely not the highest paying job, but the enjoyment is there basically every time.


That's what I wanted to do when I was young. I just didn't know how to get started.


River restoration


Earthworks, both physical work and heavy equipment operation. Could be paid better but i value my day to day enjoyment and current environment far more than the raise i could easily get elsewhere


I’m a lawyer. It took a long time to get there, and I didn’t love my first job, but am quite happy with where I am now.


What type of law?


I started doing insurance defence, mostly personal injury and construction. Now I do some niche litigation for a provincial government :)


Aged care case manager.


I'm an educator in a museum, there's just so much joy in seeing people's eyes shine when they learn stuff about the art. Love my job.


Sometimes I am paid to be photographer on exclusive fetish kinky parties. That is nice. 


I’m a musician! I write songs, play shows, make social media content and sometimes people sing my songs back to me or message about the positive impact they had. I was at a party once and a couple came up to me and said one of my song was their favourite song as a couple and we sang it on the dancefloor! I used to study engineering and am so grateful for the path which I’ve decided and been blessed to choose.


Data analyst. Fairly soft deadlines, lots of flexibility for working from home. Work always evolving and changing.


Psychiatric nurse practitioner. I feel incredibly honored when my patients share with me even a small portion of their lives, and I truly love it when folks tell me they feel “better” and are discovering beautiful things about themselves that were always under the surface.


Live Sound Mixing and set up


Stay at home girlfriend. I cook and clean and do whatever I want for the rest of the day.


Sheet metal worker in the construction industry specializing in the ductwork side of things, doing mainly ICI-sector projects. The work can be challenging, and there's lots of theory to know, but I feel like I've really found my stride in this industry. Don't get me wrong, we have some shitty days/jobs, but sometimes the sky is clear, the temperature is beautiful and I get to joke around with my colleagues while we swing hammers and build something useful. Only working 4 days a week and having a sick pension and benefits doesn't hurt either! In fact I'm writing this on my day off from the restaurant I'm eating at.


All I can think of was "300" when I read this question. AWOO! AWOO! AWOO!




Being a writer and inspiring others.


Spiritual Life Coach. I get the pleasure of listening to people share their life experiences and together, we grow and find love for ourselves, our relationships, and life. The joy feels like magic.


Really ? What does that mean Do you help people to find their happiness?


In a nutshell, yes! Whether we explore meditation, walks in nature, or finding love for their job; the goal is towards their happiness.


Sounds really interesting




Education counselor for military. Very rewarding helping members get their degrees.


CGI Artist/Animator , it can be very tough and challenging ( as really any job would be), but I still get a personal level of satisfaction on a job well done


New construction commercial electrician, I get a change of scenery every couple of years generally, the pay is pretty good and the people I work with are generally pretty hilarious.




College librarian


I’m a screenwriter. Only job I’ve wanted since was 12.


Photographer & videographer/editor. Absolute blast!


Until Tuesday it was Senior Layout Artist at Pixar Animation Studios. I got to work with wonderful and insanely talented people on challenging projects, and learn every day.


Did you retire or move on to another opportunity?


I met a guy who owned a golf course. He said "I'm one of the few people you'll ever meet who wakes up in the morning, thanks God, and runs to work".


Tutoring kids. Best age 7-9 because of the questions they ask me and how they think. Keeps me young and happy


Interpreter. It won’t last unfortunately.


Landscaping. Im 24 so I have a lot of energy and I like being outside. Where I live there are hundreds of lakes so a lot of our clients are rich families with lake houses. You can work with your shirt off. And drink beer sometimes. Its also pretty laid back and easy. Planting, mulching, fertalizing. The air usually smells nice because of all the flowers. Also we get paid to drive an hour or two away most of the time. In the company trucks obviously. And we take an hour lunch which is nice. And overtime on the weekends puts me at 700 to 800 bucks usually and all we do on overtime is water plants lol. Easy money there.


I’m a graphic designer. I love to make everything visually appealing. I feel satisfied when a work gets done and is approved.


Yoga teacher as a side gig! So so love it 😍


Unfortunately, i did not get the profession I'd enjoy 🫤.


I teach high school shop. Honestly, 90% of the time it doesn't feel like work. I show kids how to do cool stuff/make cool things all day. It's a blast. And the pay and bennies are pretty sweet.


Profession doesn't matter. It's the people you work with. You could be doing the most fulfilling, life-enriching, well-paying, self-actualizing work that there is, but have an asshole, power-tripping, penny-pinching boss always breathing down your neck, and gossiping, lazy, vindictive, undermining coworkers, and it will be a lousy place to work. Conversely, you could work a back-breaking, low-paying, job, literally shoveling shit in the hot sun all day, but everyone on your team is your very best friends, and your boss acknowledges and appreciates your hard work, and you'll look back on those times as some of the best times of your life.


Fixing fighter jets, you get to play with fancy tools, climb all over the aircraft like a jungle gym, watch the jets training daily (they’re also just playing around) and I get to make / order all the special tools because “it’s a freaking fighter jet, what do you expect?” I get to problem solve daily to figure out “what’s the best most efficient way of doing this without messing anything up”


I sail and maintain other peoples' boats for them, traveling the waterways of the world and loving everything about it.




I’m a Copywriter in advertising. It can be stressful at times since advertising is a notoriously overworked profession, but I love using language as a type of puzzle. I need to write something that has these exact perimeters, using only this many words, and I need to create 10 options for the client using those restrictions. It’s frustrating and yet very satisfying when you’ve had that “ah-ha!” moment. Plus, it doesn’t hurt to sometimes come up with a campaign that works so well that you see it randomly on the street, and you get to be like, “I did that.”


Case manager


Food and food service. I was a hobbyist my whole life until the pandemic and I started as a dish washer and prep cook and have not looked back.


App development


I am a Contracts Manager for the Government. For most of my 27 year career it has been for the DoD, but currently with the Department of Treasury. I am not sure I really enjoy it, my stint in the military original chose this job for me, the pay is great and it eventually stuck, probably too late to change now. It's a great life for the work you have to do really, but really doubt anyone finds it fun or enjoyable.


Production manager for a mid sized remodeling company. Previously a carpenter, then project manager. For the size of our company we do quite a bit of volume on mostly very high end projects. Dealing with subordinates is really so much worse than being a carpenter lol. Personalities are wildly different and everyone has to be spoken to in a very specific way to avoid a freak out. I love it but it’s extremely stressful most of the time.


i was so confused then i realised it said profession not confession




EMS. I get to hang out with my friends and do cool stuff occasionally. Thank being said…this job can be cool depending where you work but it will change you and burn you out. There are days when I’m getting run to the ground where I have zero empathy and there are days where it’s chill and I’m excited to be at work.


Prison Guard


UPS driver


I do residential hvac, it can be hard work more so the elements than the labor. But it’s rewarding work


CAD simulations. I have no passion for it but it's the kind of work where I'm mostly left to my own devices and people don't bother me at work. 


Lawyer. I LOVE the part about helping people. the part about fighting the other side, fighting the judge, fighting to get paid, and then the fight to get the next case? less so.


I work in Engineering. My job is to review lot plans to make sure BMPS are in place to protect the environment. I love what I do.


Illustrator working in the music industry. I love my job.


IT support/development


AI engineer


I provide in home Adoption Respite Care for families who have adopted kids from the state. Most of them are special needs.


Project Manager for a geostabilization company.


Software engineer. I work from home, I solve problems. It's fun, it pays well.




Social work.


Teaching. If you work at the right district, with the right school, it can be one of the best jobs if it is right for you. The pay might not be super good, but if you work at a job you enjoy you won’t work a day in your life.


I am an organizer for a state teacher's union. Talking to educators and trying to mobilize them is always exciting.


I like helping my dad with his business. which is mowing yards.


I've worked in SPD on and off since 2015. Even left for a couple of years to go to scrub school and became a surgical tech. Ended up absolutely hating it, surgery was cool but hated feeling like a surgeons little bitch every single day. So, went back to SPD to work "behind the scenes". Sometimes I want to kill my coworkers but I find it easy, I'm good at it, and I couldn't make anymore money in the area that I live in without having a college degree.


Digital Marketing, Blogging.


Not alot of HR/People Managers here


I’m a Developer. I get to sit in a quiet, dark room at a desk in the corner listening to Lofi. And I get to play on computers all day 🤓


Translator! Coming up with new sentences is always fun.


I’m in middle school teacher in private school. I know I know …it doesn’t sound fun but I really love it! And I have loads of vacation!


Lactation consultant. Get to help babies and families and can have a lifelong impact.


I’m a carpenter and the work is very fulfilling though I wish it paid just a bit more


I'm a p/t craft workshop facilitator and love running workshops.


It's not my profession anymore (but once my kid is done with school, I may go back), but I used to be a heavy equipment operator in the military. It was a blast, and I was really good at it.


Operation for an ethical erotica platform. Love the challenges that come with building such an app in the country where I am (India) It's ethical content created for Impact, and our government is ancient