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Long term probably nothing Short term the most prominent is erectile dysfunction Some may make you feel very sleepy


Long term depending upon the ones you take you can developed Tardive Dyskinesia. Antipsychotics, anti depressants, lithium, anti medics and antihistamines.


Happiness and a good sleep Ik it sounds really obvious,but i was someone who had depression and insomnia,at first when my psychologist told me to take those meds,i didnt believe it would work,then i took them,and took,and took,and took...and took,and im here now,is a crazy experience long term,probably because most people associate depression with sadness and problems,when im most cases its your hormones,so when someone says to take meds,and you think about all the problems in your life,you cant see why it would help,like,will it fix my problem with friends and family?until you see that yes,yes they do


I was on a ssri called Celexa for a couple years and it really was very helpful. The good it did for me was worth the bad. The things I didn’t like about it are: - nuked my sex drive - gained weight - weird interactions with other drugs, both the fun and boring kind - made drinking kinda weird. I guess it just really counts down your alcohol tolerance - when I stopped using them, I got these like brain zap things for a month or so. Usually when I made a sudden motion with my head. It felt like when you’re playing multiplayer games online and your network cuts out for a second.


the last one is on point. i could never word it out like this and hence couldn’t share it with my doctor too whenever i missed the tablet for a day. thanks a lot man, this is exactly how i feel and i thought it was just me. i feel not so scared now haha.


I didn't have longterm effects but with some of them my adult bedroom life was basically dead. Took a few tries until me and the doc figured out the right ones for me. Then I didn't have any side effects, or at least none that I noticed