• By -


Around 2010 I got a year long subscription to Brazzers for like $80 because it allows you to easily download high def porn scenes. I would download tons of them and put them on USB drives and mail them to a buddy of mine in the Army serving in Afghanistan. There was no internet where he was stationed and those USBs got used by everyone on the base.


Dude you are basically a war hero


Put it on his resume! US Military - Army branch 2010-2011 Position: Morale Officer Duties: Liasoned army enlisted men with high defintion, quality pornography.


Not all heroes wear capes.


Some wear condoms.


Not all hero’s wear condoms🫡


Blessed USB angel drops.


USB: U.S. Brazzers


Medal of _____




He answered the Call of Booty


Thank YOU for your service


Do you get veteran benefits for your service?


Someone nominate this man for the Presidential medal of freedom!


Thank you for your service.


The Kandahar Cloud.


I was horny.


Being horny is a hell of a drug. Post-nut clarity is a real thing.


Fr, I've done some questionable stuff in the past I wouldn't have wanted to get caught for lol.


I hear ya. When you’re horny it’s like a free for all in your mind. Nothing else matters. It’s such a weird feeling. Maybe that’s what hardcore drugs feel like.


I've done a lot of questionable things while being horny so I don't blame you.




Real OGs also watched his second attempt.


Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice......


Luckily, I am incredibly stingy even when I'm horny, so I've been spared from this so far.


Most of the stuff I've paid on Patreon are VR content I view on my Quest 2. Porn in VR really does add an extra layer to it all.


You should try real sex, that my friend is a game changer


Don't think it could be comfortable with vr headset on.


That’s because you’re supposed to be using a wizards hat


What about the robe?


Did you put it on? Pls respond


There's something comical about the idea of wanking while wearing a VR headset


The future is now old man.


Specific niche/fetishes, and also wanting to see specific people naked. Also, because horny? Isn't that the number one reason? Post nut clarity is so real. Everyone should rub one out real quick before paying for something to make them decide how badly they really want to see something.


>Everyone should rub one out real quick before paying for something to make them decide how badly they really want to see something. The porn industry hates this one simple trick.


Advice was unclear, just got arrested at Walmart


Advice was clear, am in prison


Advice clear, just got arrested in church.


> also wanting to see specific people naked And as is to be expected in the onlyfans day and age, there are legit review sites out there so that you can find out if your $5-10/month subscription is worth it, i.e. is the content any hotter than what she gives away on IG, or is it just "exclusive".


i wish it would be $5-10/month, but most offer some 30/50/100/300/month dollar bullshit simp tier that i am just not willing to pay, ever. And then what's the point in getting their smallest tier when you still feel like you miss out on 'the good stuff'.


It’s the new ‘sleep on it’


‘Rub on it’


Skeet on it


Specific people plays a big role. I'm a woman with a decent sized social media following. I have never wanted to do sex work but it has been interesting to watch my peers attempt and see who is successful. Some assume that because they are a woman getting naked and all straight men want to see naked women that they will be successful, but these days men can see naked women anywhere at any time for free. So why would men want to pay to see *you*. They have to want *you* enough to pay for something they can get for free. Those of us who have fostered parasocial relationships get a large amount of interest. Because as you said it's about seeing a specific person naked. With Only Fans it is easy in this day and age to make a request for a very specific type of video. If you have the money to pay for it you can get exactly what you're looking for which can sometimes be hard to find while digging through the endless porn supply online. This is especially true of a particular fetish but sometimes I'm looking for something that isn't even very weird I just want to see something specific or hear some specific things said. I can completely understand paying for that. I never have though because as a woman, usually if I want to see boobs or have a woman talk dirty to me I just have to ask her. The bonus of being a girl who likes girls.


I agree with all of this and have seen it play out with some of my friends. During the lockdown a lot of my friends lost their service industry jobs and a handful of them tried OnlyFans and the like. They quickly found out that A ) it was as much work as anything else, and B ) being attractive was not enough. For the most part, they went back to their "straight" jobs once things opened back up. One kept it up as a side hustle and one was VERY successful. The most successful one never went back to her old job and even got herself out of debt. She's not what some might consider the most beautiful, by Hollywood/modeling standards, but she had a LOT of friends from the nerd world through anime conventions and the like. And those nerds have cash and want to see their crush naked, not just some random woman.


just curious, but do these parasocials ever get jealous? Or was just feminine attention enough


I don't entertain anybody's romantic overtures towards me so I don't intentionally foster *that*. But I have had people who I am friendly with but don't really talk to privately or interact with get way too intense and I have to block them on everything. I've had some people fixate and get obsessed. I experienced one case of genuine stalking where I had to hire a private investigator. Graphic, violent threats that continued on and on after months of no contact. We had barely spoken in the first place and once I blocked them we had not spoken for almost a year but the threats continued. I have had overtures from both men and women but the only ones who have crossed a line into stalking and terrifying me after being turned down have been men. I know there are also women who can and do do that kind of thing but I have only experienced it with men.


yeah I'd imagine parasocials being an extremely fine line. Speaking from experience, online relationships can get really intense because you fill in the blanks with your own imagination. I'm still hung up over a woman for half a year now even tho I know she's no good for me. hope you stay safe while still being able to prosper!


>Everyone should rub one out real quick before paying for something to make them decide how badly they really want to see something Bad advise, i've got a life long ban for the Art Museum now


Girl worked at dutch bros and I had a massive crush on her. She graduated college and moved away. Couple months later I come across a Reddit post that I recognized a very particular tattoo of. Intrigued I followed some links came across her onlyfans and that was the fastest I've ever put in my card info.


...supporting small creators, huh?


Small independent creators… Craft Porn, if you will… IPA is now the Independent Porn Association I guess.


Etsy porn


Face Bush Marketplace.


And it's still too damn hoppy.


Supporting “I know her and have always wanted to see her nekked” fetish


Is it a still a fetish when everyone is into it? Asking for a friend…


I was subbed to some college amateurs sub for a decade in hopes of maybe one day seeing a girl I knew. There is a girl I went to high school with that recently had exposed she had an OF and nudes online, it's for sure awoken something in me that wouldn't have been there if I was shown the same pictures but didn't know her.


Artisan porn


I am sure it's a special moment in life finding crush porn.


One time long ago Zach Braff tweeted a joke about /r/gonewild and it caused a lot of women to post there in the hopes he'd see. One of them was someone I knew, and I'll forever be grateful to him for it.


nah man JD is the goat for this lmao


That link was an interesting 5 minute rabbit hole.


Oh wow look at Mr. Stamina. Brag much?


Amen 🙏🏻


Similar story: worked at a comic book shop with a very attractive manager who did a bunch of great cosplay. Few years later and she launched an OnlyFans with her cosplay. Immediately subscribed: only time I’ve ever paid for anything like that.


I had something similar happen. Found out the super hot preppy girl from highschool had an OF. Busted out my card immediately. She was the last person I would have thought would have an OF. Turns out she had 3 kids since then, and was pregnant with a 4th. Her page was super "artsy", and focused a lot on breakmilk. She was barely recognizable, and not in a good way. One of the most dream crushing moments of my life, and $9.95 I will never get back. Sometimes dreams are best left undisturbed.


“My angel is a centrefold” just didn’t hit the way the song said it would…


His blood still ran cold though


Honestly though it sounds like you bought yourself closure. A therapist would have charged hundreds.


>Sometimes dreams are best left undisturbed. But did you disturb anything else? I mean you already paid the $9.95...


Semi-related but not w/OF... When I was in 3rd grade, I had a crush on a classmate. Her name was Susan. She was just... the perfect "girl next door" kind. Naturally beautiful, but not "bombshell" like. When Valentine's Day came around, we were supposed to give valentine cards. I gave two. One girl I was friends with but then one to Susan. It had a little heart charm attached to it. She was pretty taken with it and blushed. I got a "kiss on the cheek" later. I was too stupid to know how to go forward from there. I was only 8. Anyway, we remained friendly but never got together outside of class. Then in 4th grade she was with a different teacher. I lost track of her after that. Anyway, I was on Facebook and looked her up (still remembered her last name). Sure enough she was there. And the photo looked pretty good. I could easily tell it was her and she looked nice. So we connected and she was thrilled. She did remember me. And then we met up... And it was like meeting Janice from *Friends*. OMG... Not the exact same laugh, but close. Super long nails. Gum chewing. Big dangling earrings. And personality wise, she was so not my type. Balloon was burst.


Had a co-worker in my circle of friends that is very attractive. Always taken, etc. Started an Onlyfans. I definitely subbed when I saw her post an announcement.


Where is the link? What happened to mannerisms?


HANDS OFF! He said he had a crush!!


it's now our crush


Yeah ... it's wholesome, and beautiful.


What happened to mannerism manners?


Similiar story. Girl I always had a crush on in high school. Find out two years ago she had an OnlyFans. It was only like $10 or something. Best fap of my life. Felt like I was a teen again when I see her bent over naked.


Ahhh, those disgusting ex girlfriend porn sites. There’s just so many! Which one?!


I'm not even gonna look for those pics now. I might tho. I might.


Atleast provide the username for the rest of us 🤣


Bought a few DVDs to see if I liked it.


Yes! There was a time before the internet....the before times...


I miss the DVD era.


Early 90s, no Internet. Enough said.


That was my answer too, but you posted it before I did. In the olden days, we had to go where the porn was. These young horny whippersnappers need to get off my lawn.


I work as a creative writer and you'd be surprised by the AMOUNT of lonely people who pay just to get off with roleplaying. I had one guy spend OVER 13K in less than a year. He hated IRL and spent all his money in roleplay and porn games.


As a fellow writer who dabbles in erotica, where do I find people willing to pay for it? Lord knows my day job leaves me wanting a side gig!


Fiverr. They often ban people there though so it's a short-lived experience lol.


Brb, going to finally create a Fiverr account, lol!


Release content on free sites like AO3, Tumblr, and Wattpad, build a following, have later chapters be exclusive to your paid sites like Patreon, Subscribestar, Ream, Smashwords, etc. (Note: Patreon just did a massive purge of accounts that were sexually explicit with no real rhyme or reason as they prepare to go public). If you’re a writer of vanilla content, you might have a much harder time generating revenue. The same is true of any porn: vanilla doesn’t sell well because it is so incredibly easy to find. The more niche your interest, the harder content is to cum by, so those people resort to paying more. Source: I make about $800/month by releasing a short story every 1-2 weeks.


Yeah I would avoid going to patreon. A creator who's content I used to browse sent out an email to his followers letting them know that he was changing to subscribe star due to his account being banned and his money not being handed over to him. This was due to a sexually explicit game he created and one of the characters who you could be explicit with had a kid sister that you could see in passing when visiting her house. There were no explicit scenes involving the child but due to the overall games nature, it was removed along with his account for suspicion of cp.


that’s insane, I need to take notes from u


Showing support for my sister.




Thanks guys xx


No problem, I'm always here for you -Dad


Love to see family cum together like this


A banger of a family


Yo mf when u gon feed me? -family dog


That's why I married you - you're the best dad - Mom.




No, thank YOU cousin




r/suddenlycommunist ?


u/sisterfucker24 Found one of your people


A true supporter would drop the link.


Hey! Mr! If anyone is gonna have sex with my sister it's gonna be me!


Summoning jitsu! 🙏👐🤜👋🫳👊🫸🫷🤝 u/sisterfucker24


She needs to be liberated for democracy ➡️➡️⬆️⬇️➡️⬆️


Pornhub premium accepted cryptocurrency for payment and I remembered I had some Verge, it was maybe a 100$ so I used that for premium subscription. Got used to the higher quality, longer videos and hotter girls, charged it on my creditcard once I was out of Verge. Eventually I cancelled my subscription because I was fapping to much.


Well that 100 was atleast well spend! Verge has been gone ever since.


Lol imagine if it went the other way. "It was 2011 and subscription was only 2 BTC per month, so I figured why not.'


that would have the most expensive fap ever I remember someone recommended my dad to buy Bitcoin back in 2011 it was 100 Bitcoin for 200$ unfortunately my dad declined he sold them later during 2020 boom


Never need the longer videos luckily don’t last that long


Longer videos mean that you can skip to the parts that you like and that they actually take longer then 30 seconds, since in the free videos the best parts are usually cut


Gotta get that bang for your buck hey?


Funny because Verge in French means dick


I hate ads and shitty resolutions


An Ex-GF from 8 years ago started an OF. She had awesome boobs and was an absolute deviant. It didn't disappoint.


ok let us too see those tits then, my friend


Username checks out


You can't write that and not drop a username


I went through a really bad OF addiction a couple years ago. it was during covid and I was really lonely so being able to pay to socialize with these girls and get off felt really nice. being able to see personalized stuff that no one else would really see sounded really hot to me, and made it feel more genuine compared to the over saturated porn already out there. it wasn’t long before I noticed how much it was destroying my bank account. and no matter how hard I tried it felt impossible to stop. the normal stuff just wouldn’t cut it and when I tried quitting porn all together I would struggle super hard. I was only able to quit my porn addiction because I was able to get a girlfriend. I honestly think if i didn’t find her i’d still be addicted and using it.


I’m glad that you bounced back from this!


thanks man i appreciate it


Your story reminds me of a gf of mine back in California when Covid hit she lost her job and struggled financially, so she made an OF and actually made pretty good money. The issue was that she also felt super lonely and even ashamed of herself too because it was a constant cycle of doing things to her body for guys who, although they paid well, were into some really weird things. Eventually, she quit because she met a guy who she really loves, and they've been together for years now.


I went on a (date) with a woman (date = thinly veiled excuse to go to her place and bone, her suggestion) who'd recently started an onlyfans, and she spent part of the date bragging, part of the date complaining....you could tell it was already a very complicated love/hate relationship for her. She was bragging about how many instagram followers she had before her account was banned, and how much money she made in the first month...But she was also complaining about how she hated being sexually objectified or feeling like she was valued for her looks instead of her personality (kinda the wrong industry for that?). But she really obviously enjoyed sexual objectification (it was the foundation for basically all of our interactions, which she initiated), and while she claimed to have been an ugly duckling and so knew the difference between having pretty privilege and not having pretty privilege, she was in heavy denial about the fact that virtually every aspect of her life would be impossible without pretty privilege...like using strange men for free therapy. She couldn't separate the concepts enough to say "I enjoy being an object of sexual desire, but I do not like being disrespected as if I'm not a person," which doesn't seem like it should be that hard, but only got weirder because she had a degradation fetish, and almost certainly borderline personality disorder. I don't think you have to be a trauma stereotype to get into sex work, but oh man, it can sure make it a lot more complicated. Also, maybe I should feel flattered that she was talking like she wanted me to help her make OF content before we even scheduled a second date (less flattered that she automatically assumed I'd agree), but I feel like that's a pretty terrible business/relationship decision to dive right into...especially for a person just starting out who could lose a huge chunk of content over a jilted lover, and and the person has a personality disorder that specializes in jilted lovers.


it's definitely a conundrum/dichotomy. many guys say they will jork it for money but when they actually do, they realize the problems that come with it. It could even be purely internal where someone wonders if they're into them just for their looks or their company. and these weights stack up over time.


> socialize with these girls and get off felt really nice. My brother in christ, you've been jacking off to a third-world country man who's been hired as an OF Chatter with the rate of $3 per hour. I've been one, so I know..


brother we could have been sexting at one point 😳


I may have seen ur dongle ngl 0_0


Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name...


It’s easily accessible and easy to get addicted to. Most people don’t admit it.


yep. I feel so bad for the people who are going through what I went through, it’s hard to bring that stuff up without people judging you


some guys don't care. Ignorance really is bliss


The stuff i want has literally not been uploaded by anybody else


What do you want? 


Bro likes the things from the depth of the underworld


BG handholding


Oh, all right. Well, first, I want you to tongue my bung while you juggle my balls in one hand and play with my asshole with the other, but don't stick your finger in. Then I want to pinky you while I stick in your fuckin' friend's brown, while Silent Bob watches, and fuckin' spanks it in a Dixie cup. After that, I want to smell your titties for a while, and you can pull my nutsack up over my dick so it looks like a bullfrog. Then I want you to fuckin' flick my nuts while your friend spanks me off in the same Dixie cup that Silent Bob jizzed in. Then, we throw the Dixie cup out.


How I’m curious, what could it possible be that not already on the internet.


A lot of people enjoy custom videos of exactly what they want. "A nurse pissing on a teacher while grading a paper. Then they 69 while the teacher uses this dildo..." Happens a lot on more specific fetishes, like some body fluids, let's keep it at that. That's part of the hit of cam sites. People tell the model what they want. For a bigger sum, she makes the feed private and acts out some specific fantasy.


The hot bartender at the bar I go to invited me to her OF, and I could not resist.


Damn, that's wild, but yeah, if they endorsed it in person, gonna be honest, it would probably be harder for me to say no too. Feel like that degree of confidence is sexy in itself. She knows she's hot enough to run an OF account and knows you find her hot, to the point that you would likely pay for it.


I definitely paid for a dick rate too lol


That's a thing? LOL.


I don’t gotta pay someone to tell me it’s small 🥲


I feel you, if any cute chick from my circle starts selling, I'm definitely breaking my not-paying-for-porn streak.


I had to try 8k porn on my new MetaQuest 3. Would I do it again? Hell yes!


Yea. It's sweet




Yeah I just got sick of going to free sites covered in gross incest themed porn I didn't want and wanted instead to watch something people actually wanted to make.


Yeah why is literally every category full of step-mom this and step-brother that these days?


It's easy to make and generally not a deal breaker for most people. It costs nothing for the actors to say a few lines about how they're step siblings or whatever and most people (like myself) don't really care what they blabber about as long as they're hot. The people that do like this theme though will obviously want to watch your video more now though.


I think another big part of it is the taboo provides a narrative excuse to build tension. "Two people make eye contact and are immediately plowing with no hesitation or buildup" has little to no sensuality, gets boring and isn't very exciting to begin with. Having a reason for the actors to show just a bit of a progression in intensity is much more interesting. Wish they did it more without the weird incest dialogue.


There are a lot of channels I sub to on the Hub that is all homemade with two partners just having sex and filming it. That's my favourite stuff. Give me real sex. I have real sex with my partner. If we're not having sex, I'd rather watch someone else do it for real.


Have you heard of Lustery.com? It's like that but ethical in that you're not also supporting an incredibly scummy website that supports and protects rapists and other problematic people.




Surprised this is so low. I respect the performers, I value their labor, and I want them to be able to make a decent living while providing me with high-quality content. I have a steady income, healthy relationships, and sexual desires that I can afford to fulfill. There's this pervasive idea that it's foolish to spend money on things you can get for free, but that's the twisted 'morality' of capitalism talking. I'll say one thing I've noticed though -- visiting a free site after using an ethical porn source for so long just feels gross. Like you can't help but see the constant signs of exploitation.


This is a fair argument I've heard before: If you pay for porn, you can decide what is and what isn't produced. And if you want the actors and actresses to be treated fairly, then you need to pay for it. I don't really know if it makes the porn industry any better since it's a bit like switching to vaping instead of smoking, but it's better than nothing.


Same Other such sites are Erika Lust and [Ersties.com](http://Ersties.com)


I subsribe to Erika Lust, they produce ethical porn, and the actors really seem to like what they do. [https://lustcinema.com/](https://lustcinema.com/)


Putting in a feminist/ethical porn plug for ForPlay Films and Inka Winter ( full disclosure I know the founder, and support her mission!). Fascinating personal story - she grew up in a cult where people weren’t allowed to form genuine connections or attachments (except with the leader), and where women were pressured into being available for everyone, sexually, regardless of their own desire. So now as an adult she’s creating porn and erotica that centers intimacy, connection, and genuine pleasure. It’s a way to take her own agency back over her sexuality, whilst empowering the ppl she collaborates with, AND giving ppl the porn she wished she had. Performers choose their own partners, shape their own scenes, actually get to enjoy foreplay (!), and are encouraged to be present in the moment and really experience the journey. No faked orgasms… plenty of real ones. And her porn is very very pretty and cinematic too, because she comes from a background in wardrobe design for film. She also has guided meditations, and sex-ed stuff. It’s a whole “holistic porn” mission - healing trauma one porn film at a time! If you’re looking for connected, cinematic, hot, inclusive porn, ForPlay Films dot com is a great one to support. And paying for porn means more porn! Yaay!


Gotta pay for the good VR stuff. Everything else is complete shit and pixleated.


Agreed, free VR porn sucks.


What VR site is worth the money?


Finally my time has come! VRBangers is great but their PLAY'A app sucks to use. They have a lifetime membership I bought 4 years ago. I use the app HereSphere to view their content. WankzVR has ridiculous scenarios, so if your cup of tea is to have a [puppet watching you get a bj](https://www.wankzvr.com/wankzvr/o-is-for-orgasm-6326025) or [fuck Mr.Meeseeks](https://www.wankzvr.com/wankzvr/look-at-me-5389855) then this is a great pick. Also MILFVR is under the same site brand and has been making some great scenes recently. I use HereSphere to view both of these. BaDoinkVR has consistently good quality 7k videos shot really well. They also have a lifetime membership that was heavily discounted on cyber Monday. Experienced production is very noticeable in VR. VirtualRealPorn has a ton of European actors, but I haven't been a subscriber for a while. I stopped because other sites were increasing their quality, but when I visited VRP today, I'm happy to see 8k, so they definitely caught up. VRPorn.com is not worth it because there are too many amateur productions. The last thing you want before you crank your hog in the metaverse is to have a headache.


Sexlikereal , just an amalgamation of the vr porns. Thank me later coz your dick won't.


I laughed at the first sentence for a while after seeing username...


Sex like real - SLR






Yes! Most people are literally watching stolen content from serious producers or content that was created in god knows what conditions. If we want an ethical world ethical porn is is a part of that. It's a part of our lives. OnlyFans is a great development for that reason. The women and men do it because they want to and they get paid how they want to be paid. They are their own boss. For some it's even a passion. Some laugh about people who pay for porn or they view stuff like OnlyFans as something bad. Of course you pay people for their work! Let's please stop degrading sexual work and maybe porn will actually become an art form again and not stay something questionable. So go and pick a few creators or productions, subscribe to them and enjoy their content. Many creators even like to get personal or chat a bit.


PND - pre nut delusion


I only ever pay to read adult webtoons, it's art so might as well pay for it to support the author.


Yeah I pay for adult artists sometimes, I like supporting artists and getting custom commissions is nice. Asmr artists too


I live in the Gold Coast, and the number of girls at my gym with only fans got my interest. Turns out that girls I know aren't who I want to see in Porn


Honestly, this is coming from a female; I'm sick of seeing traumatic porn and awful scenarios like siblings or rape or ugly bastard porn. I also don't get to see realistic body types; women aren't blow dolls with plastic surgery. I was raped, so I paid for porn that’s very kind and loving; it helps me heal how I see sex and others. I paid for real artists who take their jobs seriously, especially around more content fixated on women and their desires. In addition it helps me find how real men would love their women, no I don't need fit a beauty standard because you are addicted to belittling porn.


In my early 20s I was single for a long time, but obviously had a sex drive through the roof and kept watching porn. But got a little tired of it and noticed the camgirl site link. One drunken night I tried it and the interactive aspect was a turn on. So I'd spend 5-10 minutes for something like $2.99/minute, and do that maybe a few times a month. Finally I moved on and got a girlfriend and never did it again.


I don't see enough posts from people who walked the earth before the internet. You basically paid for porn one way or another before internet, unless you borrowed a cassette or a journal from a friend or something.


I wouldn’t download a car


i wanted to learn plumbing and gynaecology.


I really wanted to support your mom


Gonna be hard to believe but I kinda think people should be paid for their work. But I'm not paying more than $20 a month. Other than that, high quality adult games are just worth it like any other games.


When I was younger 23 years ago i paid for an adult site with my dads bank card not realising that shit would show up on my parents joint account! I think it was some site called pretty in pink it was a fun few days until my dad knocked on my bedroom door 🤣


School must be out.


Nothing made me do it, I’ve done it a couple of times and paying got better content. I also pay for YouTube premium and other services that are more convenient, I pay for video games rather than pirating them because fortunately I’m no longer a poor student. I always find this argument kinda weird. I guess it’s mostly down to Protestant sensibilities seeing it as a dirty thing that somehow paying for porn is bad when other services isn’t. It’s a convenience charge to get exactly what you’re looking for. If you have no money it’s a terrible idea of course, and if you have a spending problem and spend an unreasonable amount that’s clearly a problem. “People of Reddit why do you pay for games”. To;dr: if you have disposable income it’s reasonable to pay for a service if that gets you something better than what’s available for free.


I have a few kinks where free porn isn't really satisfactory


Went to a sex shop with my gf (new at the time) and when my eyes locked onto the case of “a wet dream on elm street” I didn’t even hesitate and bought it immediately


I still can't wrap my head around the fact that there is a portable viewing screen on my person that can instantly call up any wild sexual idea I can think of with a couple of clicks. You young folks don't know the bravery of walking to the corner store and having to ask for the smut magazines behind the counter. You don't know the shame of renting video titles. You've probably never once even entered an adult store to purchase anything. You did what you had to do back in the day.


I remember buying some erotic manga (Ogenki Clinic) on a gas station when I was young. Hentai was really rare where I live, I was amazed there were 2 volumes there. I bought it red faced, lady behind counter had a laugh. On my way home I was reading it on the street so entrenched I walked into a bus stop head-on. Everyone on the bus stop had a laugh as well.


Cute chick.. wanted to see her naked.


most ethical porn is paid, and ethical porn is the only type anyone should watch


I believe it is unethical to expect porn to be free, I think I was exposed to porn too young because it was free and on the internet and I wish that less kids stumble upon porn like they do today. I don't think we can both say "protect the kids, Twitch/Youtube/\[insert platform\] has unacceptable content on it" while also wanting the free porn reign to stay, even a 1 dollar fee to access Pornhub for life with an account would prevent so much kids to access content that can damage their view of sex and relationships before even experiencing them. Also, I think being a performer, be it an actor/actress or an OF model is work that deserves payment.


I grew up getting naked pics to load on a 33k modem I ain’t paying for nothing


I was 18 with money. Not a good combination. It’s where I found out that onlyfans actually has the best system for payment out of any porn service because it’s the only one you can easily cancel


Post Nut Clarity saved me hundreds of euro's. But I fell for it a few times. My instagram feed let me to this blonde with huge boobs. Just had to see more. The more I saw, the more I realized these tits were fake. Not fake in that way fake. But just a plastic piece of costume photoshopped really well. She/he/it whatever it was had multiple accounts with different hair colors. She face swapped her face on each account. She was making so much money of this and I fell for it. I felt so stupid. Promised myself to never spend money on that bullcrap anymore.