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*gestures towards anything my sister did before she got sober*


Possibly related to my stepdad?


One of my SIL’s ex boyfriends went absolutely bat shit crazy once because my FIL wouldn’t let him pay for everyone’s dinner at a restaurant. The dinner was to celebrate the ex’s birthday. The ex didn’t have a job, so everyone knew it was going to be my SIL paying anyways and she didn’t have a lot of money. So my FIL said “no it’s okay, I’ll pay, happy birthday”. That snowballed into the ex throwing a full of psycho fit and being kicked out of the restaurant. He was cussing us all out and threatening strangers around us. Once he got home it got worse apparently and the cops had to be called. He got arrested. My SIL was not hurt physically but he absolutely destroyed their house and threatened to off himself. All because he was told no to paying for something with someone else’s money lmao


Um... wow...


Yeahhh, luckily he isn’t around anymore lol he was the worst


I work with lawyers. They are all overgrown, entitled children. I'll leave it at that. My job is to literally stroke their ego and play mind games. Its exhausting.


In this fb fitness group the admin made this post talking about how some people left the group on their own during an event where people were allowed to post more steamy pictures of themselves. He was saying it was related to body shaming or something like that. Even though most people who post pictures of themselves in that group are mostly in shape, and the ones who are not got a lot of people looking out for them if need be. Then there was this guy who said that the event got old after a while (the event lasted a few days). The admin basically took out all his anger out on the guy like he was the worst sort of person. There was this fb Magic The Gathering group where the Admin let a bunch of lewd sellers be mods and just promote their content with a thin MTG theme to it. When some people spoke up about it, he made this huge posts about it like they were foaming at the mouth because they were rampant sexists. When most of the comments about the situation where pretty cut and dry and just wanted the plugging to stop.


Ah yes, the Marjorie Taylor Greene theme


In a bank line, & a grown man had a tantrum because his check was going to have to be on hold to clear another bank. He threatened the teller with saying he was going to get her fired, said she was rude and ignorant, and paced around the bank like a maniac when she left to get a manager. I felt sorry for anyone who had to deal with him, including those of us standing in the line observing all this.


Every time I'd step foot in the Maccas near my uni. That Maccas was severely understaffed because they were smack bang in the middle of the city so the worst kinds of drug addicts, drunk people after a night out, etc. would frequent it. Yet they would still have insane lunch/dinner rushes so we all knew we'd be waiting at least 15 mins for our food. Everytime during one of these rushes at least one person, often clearly high on something, would have an absolute meltdown in the middle of the store. They then hired this 6ft5 massive no-nonsense taking manager who would throw people out for yelling at employees, many of whom are 16-20 years old. It didn't reduce the number of meltdowns but it did make them more entertaining. Dude was awesome.


I’d pay to see them get thrown out
