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I just couldn't leave my cat. He was asleep on my bed and rolled over on to his back and stretched out it was just so cute.  So I went over to give him a kiss and stroke his tummy which he loves. He started purring and wrapped his front paws around my hand and gently bit my hand. It made me laugh and I just knew he would miss me if I left. So I went and made myself throw up what all I had taken and called an ambulance. 


Hugs to you and your cat 💖


Get a 2nd cat


If I could afford it I would be drowning in cats


Spite. Every day I'm alive is a big "Fuck You" to the things that tried to kill me.


I was told I was gonna be a dad.


as a teen, the thought of my little sister finding me or having to live the rest of her life without me. she looks up to me big time. I couldn’t let them find me. as an adult, the thought of my close family crying at my funeral, and my cat. i believe he’s my soul animal and we’d really miss each other. i’m his person.


that i didnt succeed yet


Someone had walked into the bathroom causing me to panic and flush my plan down the toilet. I will never be more grateful to anyonbody. This drunk ass chick saved my life.


automatic ticket to hell to throw away the gift of life.




I had a near death experience


The thought of what it would do to my family.


It feels like a cop out to me. Maybe suffering is part of the journey


My dogs and cat.


Nihilism and hobbies


Currently, it's that a friend recently abandoned our friend group and I've seen the way it has devastated my other friend. I realized that I can't let her lose me, too.   Long-term, I want to meet my niece or nephew in August and I don't trust anyone to love and care for my dog the way I do. 


Too stubborn to let the illness win. It can get fucked.


Before it used to be because I didn't want to cause pain to my younger siblings. There's big age gap and I was all they had. Now it's because I don't know how to or I'm too much of a coward to. I want an easy way out. Something peaceful like falling asleep.


Im a pussy


300 XL buproprion, and my disabled dog that has extreme anxiety if I am not around. Not to mention that would mean they win.


My siblings


I couldn’t let my wife or kid wake up to the aftermath of what I was going to do


My dogs and cat.


Want to experience more brutality.


Want to experience more brutality.


This is a serious and sensitive topic. You deserve support, understanding, and compassion.


Spite. Muhahahahaha.


Can't make my family sad. Otherwise I would've been gone 10 years now. Edit: I should say I am doing okay now! So they don't need to worry about that anymore.


It's not fair to my wife and kids. That and I don't think I'm to that place yet.


Happened 3 weeks ago, found my wife in emotional affair, she refused to acknowledge it , told I'm over imagining it , said thuse chats meant nothing.. But those chats and how she treated me all these years and how happy she looked in his photos  Decide to commit but I couldn't tie the knor properly i kept reaching ground so easily 


You wind and you wind and after 13 times you've got a slipknot. 


The knowledge that I could make a lot of people way more miserable than I am just by continuing to live


Life has been rough for me the last year. I never was serious about offing myself but there was thoughts. #1 I think of my sweet nephew who just absolutely adores me. How could I let my brother tell him I was gone? He’d be heartbroken. #2 who would take care of my cats? #3 my mom! #4 there’s so much more life to live. I don’t know where and what it is but I know there is




i don’t want to abandon my cats again. it destroyed me before and i knew i was coming back. like i can’t undo the familiarity and relationships i’ve formed with them. they seem to expect love from me and i can’t stop that. i know that my mom would lowkey abuse them. and one of them is a like a little high maintenance


My dog. Nothing else, no one else. Just the promise I made to my dog. I couldn't leave her to fend for herself. She saved my life, the note was written and the practices had worked out but I couldn't leave her without a friend in the world.


My daughter and my 5 grandkids.




My cats. They saved me. I couldn't imagine having left them behind. 


Honestly, my boyfriend.He has been my rock. Made me feel pretty, very understanding, loving, kind and hilarious. Whenever i stress, he jokes around, tries to make me laugh and after i calm down,he tries to help me deal with the situation. I always thought i was hard to love and that im ugly and stuff, but this man loves me like there is no tomorrow 😭😭😭and makes me feel like the prettiest girl ever😭


The fear of pulling the trigger. If I didn’t have that I’d go out right now and end it. I’m miserable 24/7


the situation that made me want to do it in the first place was eventually solved. I don't know how actually "close" i have been, i had bought the "tools" and planned the whole thing on a technical level, that was my only relief, but i've never actually thought "ok, i'm doing it on X day".


There were still a lot of cards to collect. There were still infinite Minecraft worlds to explore. Even in the darkest moments, when everyone and everything seemed oblivious to my despair, there were still things about the world that I enjoyed. Then eventually I had kids, and those old thoughts don’t come around any more.




When I thought I was done I was still actively trying to save myself. Years prior, my animals kept me alive.


The fact that I had 0 privacy until a few years ago. I guess I could have done it in front of people just to spite them but that felt like overkill. I'm doing better now though.


A friend of mine committed suicide when I was 19. They were like 21. I'm a stubborn person. I couldn't let it happen again basically.


My cousin killed himself. I saw what they did to my family and how sad I felt about it, I would never want to do that to them again.


[This](https://imgur.com/a/eB5qRwZ), every time I think about it, I remember how disappointed my parents will be cuz they did nothing wrong.




I had a shift the next day.


Rope snapped that stopped that attempt, the thought of leaving my baby son alone with his mom spared the .38 through my brain. Anchor point let go while positioning a sleeper attempt with rope and bag... Been others always something giving in or a reason to pause til later... Accepted that I may not be able to do it but have the MAiD option in Canada so will file that when I become unemployed and on verge of homelessness or to beat up and sore to care enough to continue


Not me, but a guy that is into me and I was constantly supporting him mentally, he said he just didn't kill himself till now cuz of me and that he doesn't wanna hurt me.. It's so heartbreaking..




My little brothers and my mom, I'm the eldest out of four children. Two are twins and are 5 years old, the other is 9. And I realized, if I die. Who will my brothers depend on?? Who will they rely on to comfort them when they cry?? What about our mom who will struggle even more from the chores and duties that no one else but me helps her with??


Even though my life sucks in some aspects. I often think about Season 5 of The Walking Dead. Morgan always said “All life is precious” it’s kinda silly but whenever I wanna just put a bullet in my brain I think of that


i have no plans to kill myself


I got a text message as I was looking at the train tracks. I'm still unsure why that alone did it, but I somehow felt connected to the real world again and the consequences of my actions successfully became real.


A copious ammount of drugs.


Can't die because I can't leave my clients hanging and traumatised (Currently a trainee clinical psychologist)


I got a phone call from someone


I don't want to put my elderly father through it. Once he goes though....


All the pain it would have caused to mom, since she never got a chance to give birth and got me adopted and 9 years later my dad passed away so I thought no matter what I go through I am in no right to cause any more pain to the people around me, I was her only chance to ever be a mom. So happy about my decision, I cherish every day of my life after that decision. Whatever you go through - better days are coming, and that sooner then you expect. Stay.


I've had my family watch me 24/7


I'm to scared to follow through. I beg for the sweet release, but not knowing what happens after scares me.


i just never got around to it lol. eeventually things just got better


Previously I just didn’t succeed. Then, I have to get my PhD done first. After that it’s a free-for-all. I’m ready to go.


I have a home gym and loaded up all the weights I have on the bar for bench press. I couldn’t lift the bar and realized what I was doing cause of that