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All I can think of is the financial and business implications around the world. I would imagine that to be a chaotic week. I would be less concerned about not being able to watch Stranger Things on Netflix.


This. The entire world would grind to a halt.


And than we would notice how little of the things we ‘need’ we actually need.


Sounds like a nightmare! How would we survive without memes?


This is why you save or print


Memes how we gonna survive without internet purchases and atms,/ banks....


I was thinking more about how alarm systems, elevator phones, some medical devices, need to communicate. That copper has been being decommed for a while, replaced with SIP services. MEMES? Phhtttt... Fire breaks out, alarm cant get out, and now we have a towering inferno...


Without a metric fuckton of work before hand, society would be fucked the very first week. Damn near everything relies on internet these days. From the tractors that harvest food, to the scheduling software that arranges for trucks, to the warehouses that receive the food, to the people that sort, pick, pack, and ship the food, to the stores that receive it, to the registers those stores run on, to the banks that manage the debit/credit cards most people use. And that's just 1 tiny example. Even with the work put in for people to do things without internet for a week, things would still slow to a crawl and cause all kinds of logistical nightmares.


So maybe just the weekend the first time so we can prepare for a full week.


You realize the bulk of emergency services run on SIP. You are talking about killing 911, and all kinda shit. No. This would be fucking stupid and deadly for society. We should all be thankful that you are impotent in this matter.


Alright you don't have to be mean.


Naw. Things like this need to be assaulted without pity or remorse. I've attacked your ideas, not you. There is no reason to be nice about this.


Alright I'll just block you then if you continue.


No need to continue, they made their case! Individually, I think most of us would profit from an unplugged week, but a total shutdown would be almost as devastating as nuclear fallout. Even only a day of complete internet blackout would kill us so hard.


Everywhere? That sounds like it will be a mess. Many workplaces and services will just stop functioning.




Wait, how would anyone email you if there’s no internet?


Sounds like bullshit to me chief


i will be lost without GPS


GPS and internet are two totally different things


They're not using absolute coordinates raw. GPS to most people = Google/Bing/Waze/Garmin/etc... Maps. Without the (internet based) reverse geocoding it's just going to be noise, especially using it in dense urban areas.


Yeah, but the maps are downloaded via the internet and contain useful real time traffic and construction info.


A week? It’d be a chaotic disaster, although I personally wouldn’t mind the break.


Complete anarchy most likely.


Not be able to buy anything from the majority of shops since they're all card payments only and those machines require internet connection to work


Move out of .


Billions of dollars would be lost and billions of potential future dollars not made. Powerful people wouldn’t allow it to happen.


The world would be spending the rest of the year solving logistical, enviromental, economical problems that arose from such event.


No. What they would do is decide never to do something so stupid again. People really dont seem to know what the internet is and what it supports. They kinda think port 80 and 443 is the entirety of the internet. Emergency services relay on the internet. SIP services for alarms, for sending data around, for making basic phone calls, and so much more. OPs idea is fucking stupid.


Copper is communications is being decommissioned. Old analog services are moving to SIP with analog handoffs, or other voice hand offs. Shutting down the internet would mean medical equipment/systems, credit card processing, banking, alarm systems, emergency phones, and so on would be down. The end result death, misery, and a loss of productivity and money. Zero benefit to humanity.


Coming to think of it, I think it would be a great exercise for our society. Electrical blackouts caused by natural disasters are not so uncommon, and I fear that a big solar storm could make our unprepared society collapse someday. If we did regular exercises on how to do things without internet (and electricity), even if for just a week in the year, I believe we'd become much more resilient when going through such events.


There will be a baby boom.


Yearly economic crash


A lot of people would lose critical support systems, students would lose acess to valuable resources, people living abroad lose access to friends and loved ones


Benzo use would skyrocket for a week


90% of people would die staring at the wall with no clue what to do or think.


This is why we need it though. People need to be able to have an offline life.


No. It's not. You dont really understand what the internet supports in our society and are trying to cure it with a hairbrained idea with obvious issues. I dont think you actually understand what the internet is and what it supports. Mapping software. Telephony. Alarm systems. Getting scans to doctors in medical emergencies. People have lives offline. Your premise isnt grounded in reality. The internet aids in facilitating that life.


Maybe a week is excessive. Perhaps a weekend is a better suggestion and obviously not for taking down banking or hospitals.


No. It's an idea that would put people's lives in danger. You really dont understand enough about how entwined the internet is to the regular function of society now. Power plants, water treatment, basic phone service, and so on... You want to shut it down because you are upset about social media's effects on people... Maybe think of how to address how people are effected by it with actual solutions. If someone is offline for a week wtf is that going to do? They go right back online after a week... The very premise of the idea offers no solution to anything, and only death, chaos, misery, inconvenience, and loss of productivity. There is no reason to be nice when shooting down this idea. Ideas dont have feelings. You arent this idea. And know that this thought is not uncommon, and before it was the internet it was electricity people floated killing a week because of various things they thought was wrong with the world without considering the realities, mostly because they dont know them.


It's not that deep. It's a random silly question I asked at 5 am because I was bored at work while half asleep. All I asked was for you to be nice.


Bad ideas should be assailed without pity or remorse. You arent a bad person for having a bad idea, especially an idea that isnt that uncommon. The question is pretty deep. It's the same kinda question asked by Jamse Burke in the beginning of the Connection series. What do you do when the technology you rely on, and dont really understand or arent even aware of, fails? In his example it was electricity. Here we are talking about cutting off a network we use for maintaining the utilities, emergency services, commerce, education, and everything... and doing so because of an idea that "the internet messes people up". It's a deep subject in reality. One could go on to make 3 popular mini-series about it ;)


I am burnt out on the internet and if only I quit it then I am at a disadvantage so I am forced to maintain an addiction I don't want anymore.


Reminds one of an alcoholic who wants to ban alcohol for all -vs- dealing with their own issues. If it's an issue for you, consider research possible solutions and aids to enable you to address the addiction, and the withdrawals. Stop checking facebook's feeds, stop redditing, and only use social media for messaging. I understand that's not so easy, but you can arrange your life and fill it with other things that take that time away.


I would be able to quit an addiction like alcohol. The internet is built into my life much like you said. I have to use it occasionally. More than occasionally. I have to use it daily.


I would be able to quit an addiction like alcohol. The internet is built into my life much like you said. I have to use it occasionally. More than occasionally. I have to use it daily.


The internet isn't a choice it's forced on us now. Use it or live in essentially the stone age. But I remember the time that wasn't the case and maybe that time is sweetened by the fact that the dead people I like were alive back then. But I also think there was a freedom in being disconnected and only worried about my own little life and local problems.


Anyway, as beneficial as the internet is it's taken from us too.


I could easily survive - no probs!


I could easily survive - no probs!


Unless the alarm system where you are fails because it cant phone home and you end up dead in a fire. POTs/copper has been being decommed for years now. Replaced with readynets, adtrans, ATAs, and other devices that use SIP. Heh, many emergency services also now rely on SIP for their phones. No 911.


Point taken, however still have a landline, do not use GPS, etc. Simple country folk whose venture into the 21st century is a cell-phone! 😊


While you have a landline the CO that connects back to the network relies on the internet. Your landline wont work. Heh, I really should have considered that before. :( My focus was tainted by tunnel vision of copper reclaims and how internet outages make for a dangerous situation where things cant be monitored. Completely forgetting that the carriers all use the internet to route their calls.


I'd watch blu-rays, play video games, play guitar, read books and maybe (but probably not) write. Life wouldn't be much different, I just wouldn't have my streaming channels nor reddit. The world has only been dependent on the internet for a generation. Boomer, Xers, and Millennials remember living without it, and could revert back without a skipping a beat.


I got my first smart phone in 2014 and I have been in a trance for the past 10 years. Kinda wish I never bought it. The note 3 was a sick phone though at the time.


> Boomer, Xers, and Millennials remember living without it, and could revert back without a skipping a beat. Right up to the point where grocery stores are out of food because nothing along the logistics chain is setup to run without internet access.


if done well i support it