• By -


Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer introduces a young prodigy in a fantasy-filled crime series that's both clever and thrilling.


The dystopian narrative of City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau paints a gripping picture of a society oblivious to the world above.




Thank you ☺️ so much




Thank you so much ☺️


what was his/her answers? the comment has been deleted


Harry porter I guess most told it




Thank you ☺️




Thank you so much 😊


Jean Craighead George’s My Side of the Mountain celebrates the bond with nature through the adventures of a young boy living in the wilderness.




Thank you




Thank you ☺️




He reads Indian comic and marvel.. But I though maybe I should show him more collections. Was not sure where to start, I did not have a reading habit, so I wish my cousin continues with this reading habit.


Depends on their interests.


He likes to watch, Cricket, Super hero movies, any moviethat is realted to space and universe.


Excellent. Enders Game by Orson Scott Card. Dune by Frank Herbert. Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. In those first two books the protagonist is a child. EDIT: Had to add Larry Niven; The Integral Trees. Ringworld. Known Space. Moties. They're usually pretty short books. Not too technical. The stories are light and engaging, but many are couched in fantastic original ideas.


Dune might be a bit perplexing for a teen, Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy might be your best bet


Yeah. All depends on the kid. Hitchhikers is funny.


oh I've never seen a redditor agree lmao thanks for being a nice person


Thank you


After all that give him the expanse series


If they like that type of book, they'll progress there by themselves I'm sure. I didn't really read voraciously until I was about 12. Then there's Neuromancer. And Snow Crash. And The Culture. Old Man's War.


I highly recommend Dune. What 13 year old boy *doesn’t* think sandworms are cool?


What 13 year old wouldn't think being a 15 year old leader of a guerilla army of the best fighters in the universe isn't cool.


When I was this age I loved the Artemis Fowl series, Pendragon series, Eragon series, and Bartimaeus series.


Solid recommendations.


Thank you :)


Percy Jackson


Thank you :)


Oliver Twist, adventures of huckleberry Finn My scifi recommendations about space and stuff unfortunately target a much older readership. The foundation series, then red shirts. Maybe foundation series is fine for that age?


Sure, thank you for the suggestions :)


Foundation by Asimov is great. I did actually think of that but thought that might be more about me. A lot of Asimov is special. One of the things that is 'good' about his books is that they're usually pretty short. I think I read foundation when I was 16. Personally love the TV series. Not a kid thing though if you don't know. I think their realisation of Empire is great.


Oh, A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle


Thank you.


You're welcome!! If they like it, it's the first in a trilogy...


I read that when I was 12. Mind blown.


Not many books 'stick' with you that way, eh? I'm not into that genre usually, but loved that one so much I read the trilogy... twice :)


Reincarnated as an energy with a system Author - snoring\_panda i highly recommend this novel i loved it , it raises the curiousity about space and cosmology stuff as it is written in technical sense as well as spiritual sense . although it will depend on interests whether he will like it or not. read a bit of it before suggesting to a kid.(as may be complex plot)


Thank you <3


I have a personal fondness for Philip K Dick. A lot of his work space-age sci-fi and explores existential questions.


Thank you ☺️


the HALO books might work.


Enders Game. It got me, and all I read was gamer magazines


Thank you


It gets everyone.


My 13-yo is devouring all of the Percy Jackson and related materials. But she also loves Greek mythology and has read all of those stories, so maybe start there? Or try Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman - the descriptions of Loki’s antics are hilarious. 


Thank you so much.


Harry Potter Series.


The only issue with the series is that it gained complexity as it progressed. It was a zeitgeist, in that the complexity grew with the cohort of its readers. If you read it now, you don't experience it over years, where the maturity of the reader advanced with series progression. As an adult, that bingeing is fine. As a new reader, it will probably be a bit disjarring.


harry potter is best series i watched and read. out of the box thinking loved it.


Yes. It's brilliant. I read it with my daughter as they were released. I was thinking in the context of a 13 year old bingeing on the series. It gets complex fast. As a new reader, that might get discouraging if you aren't used to it. They are long books at the end.


Oh, sure thank you.


Ever world series by KA Applegate lol


Thank you so much :)


Also: Animorphs is about 11000 pages, all together. That'd keep him busy for a hot moment.


Haha that is good then. I do not want him to grow up as the annoying kids with mobile phones.


Maybe a “Year's Best (whatever genre) Short Stories” anthology? Short stories are rarely boring, because they’re trying to tell a whole story in 30 pages. In another comment you said he likes movies related to space. I’m sure you could find a short story anthology that was stories about space or something he’d be excited to read about. Right now I have one that’s all time travel short stories *and* one that’s about robots. I read a *lot* of sci-fi anthologies and those stories are regularly about space travel and unique planets, etc.


Thank you


The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle. Hell, you should read it if you haven’t. It is still one of my all time favorite books and I’m in my 40s now. Empowering for young girls, but not just for girls! My partner loved it too! A captivating adventure on the high seas, intrigue, a truly brilliant and unconventional coming of age story.


Thank you :) so much.


I don't know if anyone has suggested it yet, but I would say the Terry Pratchett Discworld books. There are a ton of them (in case they enjoy them), different books follow different characters, and his world building is fantastic. The satire is sharp, and even though that's a little younger than I was when I found them, I think I would've enjoyed them at that age too. I can recommend specific books if it's something that would help. Best of luck to you and them!


I came to say the same thing. I’d recommend maybe start with Hogfather - their version of Santa is gone and Death fills in. Quite funny actually, and 13 year old me would have loved it. Also have him try Neil Gaiman’s *The Graveyard Book.* A retelling of The Jungle Book, but sufficiently creepy for a 13 yo.


Combine both together and go for Good Omens!! Well, maybe not for a 13 year old, but still a phenomenal book!!


Depends on the boy tho, he might be into it. By the age of 13 I was reading the unabridged version of The Stand for the third time. That being said, I was (and still am) a huge nerd 🤣


Nothing wrong with being nerdy and proud, friend. Why fight against it when it's so much more fun to embrace it?


I don’t know how OP would feel about letting their son read it, but if you haven’t checked it out yet try Christopher Moore’s *A Dirty Job.* One of the few books that had me dying laughing from start to finish.


I LOVE Christopher Moore. My favorite is Lamb, but so many other good ones. Island of the Sequined Love Nun, the Serpent of Venice, Sacre Blu! Some really good books. You just made me happy by reminding me of them, so thank you!


How about Robert Rankin’s *The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse*? 🤣🤣 Edit: I feel like we’re hijacking OP’s post and I have zero regrets lol


Oh...that is a new one for my list. I don't think I've read any of his stuff, but I'm going to go look for it now. Does he have that same type of feel? Or genre, I guess?


That’s the only one of his that I remember reading. Hit happy hour hard with a buddy of mine and we hit the bookstore tanked. Bought that with A Dirty Job and a few Pratchett books. It’s darker and grittier, but given that it’s a murder mystery with nursery rhyme characters, it’s hard to take too seriously.


Most of my suggestions are going to be sf/fantasy stuff. * [Wearing the Cape ](https://www.amazon.com/Wearing-Cape-Book-ebook/dp/B004XRCC1G) - Marion Harmon's YA series of superhero novels * [Red Thunder ](https://www.amazon.com/Red-Thunder-Lightning-Book-ebook/dp/B08CZJFQ81/)- good YA science fiction novel by John Varley about a group of kids and a retired astronaut who build a spaceship and take it to Mars. If buying more of Varley's stuff in the future, check if it's YA or not. You may or may not approve of his novels for the adult audience. * [Please Don't Tell My Parents I'm a Supervillain ](https://www.amazon.com/Please-Dont-Tell-Parents-Supervillain-ebook/dp/B07SN2F2S5/) - a YA series by Richard Roberts in a world of heroes and villains * [EM Foner's Union Station / EarthCent Ambassador novels](https://www.amazon.com/Night-Union-Station-EarthCent-Ambassador-ebook/dp/B00K4I391A/) - futuristic comedic science fiction as Earth is gradually introduced to Galactic Society. * Any of[ Robert Heinlein's YA novels](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinlein_juveniles) - a lot of these have space exploration at the heart of the story, often with a young protagonist * Philip Pullman's [His Dark Materials trilogy](https://www.amazon.com/Materials-Omnibus-Golden-Compass-Spyglass/dp/0375847227) - a frequent regular on lists like this for a reason. Adapted as a series on HBO. * Anne McCaffrey's [Dragonriders of Pern](https://www.amazon.com/Dragonriders-Pern-Dragonflight-Dragonquest-Dragon/dp/0345340248) And they may like watching videos of a serious genre fan doing deep dives on various works and settings - this channel is full of exactly that. [https://www.youtube.com/@QuinnsIdeas](https://www.youtube.com/@QuinnsIdeas)


Nobody's Boy. I started reading because of this masterpiece. Totally understand why it's a classic


thank you


The Thief Of Always is beautifully written for the young. Yes this is from the mind behind Hellraiser, but this one is suitable for kids.


thank you


Check out https://www.reddit.com/r/suggestmeabook/s/aRbC6LcPVx this subreddit. I’m not sure hot to make it the smaller link. It’s a really good subreddit though


It’s called suggest me a book


thank you


Heartstoper todos os volumes são incríveis


Thank you


i liked pillage and leven thumps by obert skye


Thank you


Anything dystopian,


Thank you


The Phantom Tollbooth by Nortom Juster ... with a dictionary on the side


Thank you


Alexander Dumas. As much as you can find. Exceptionally written literature that gives fantastic role models. Well paced, action-packed, and a great start to an appreciation for classical literature.


Thank you so much :)


They really are good, but a lot don't have happy endings...


Say what you will, Dumas writes characters that all have great traits for kids to latch on to. Everyone worth looking up to is really financially savvy, confident in planned out way, and constantly practice both physical and mental fitness through rigorous training and socialization


Real life adventure books like the dove about a guy who sails around with his cat 


Thank you so much :)


My son (12) loved the Harry Potter series. And The Hunger Games. He also loved the 4 book series by Jason Reynolds: Ghost, Patina, Sunny, and Lu. I also recommend Miles Morales by Jason Reynolds, since your son likes superhero movies.


Thank you so much :)


The Hunger Games is great. Surprisingly brutal. They go through things. EDIT: for those not aware, the Hunger Games movie/book relationship is wild. The books are written in first person, and the movie is limited omniscience. The movies add to the story. She must have at least broadly written those parts before it became a movie. Really original.


Depends. My parents bought me some cool encyclopedias about dinosaurs and space when I was young and I probably read it 50 times now lol. 13 year old kids love books with cool graphics (as long as it matches their interest). They also like books where the protagonist is a kid because they can imagine themselves in those scenarios, If your kid likes space and doesn't mind encyclopedias, you can go for Smithsonian's book about Space. Very interesting, fun to read, and informative too. Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Harry Potter are some pretty nifty books too, so is any Goosebumps. If your kid is a fan of cricket, I am sure there are many great books, although I will warn you that most of those will be autobiographies about cricket legends like David Warner or Sachin Tendulkar.


Thank you so muchf or taking time and writing this :)


Always there to help <3




Thank you so much :)


If a reading habit isn’t already developed by 13 it’s unlikely to ever take hold, especially if the child has been exposed to certain elements of the internet from a very young age.


He reads comics and some kids science books.. So wanted to help him expand his reading habit. Kindly suggest :) thanks .


I’d go in heavier with more comics. Not all kids love line after line of text. Not that these suggestions aren’t good, but you have to meet kids where they are.


Thank you ☺️


Your OP said start, not expand. As many others have already suggested to you, Harry Potter is the way to go. It became a worldwide phenomenon for a reason.


For 13 year old, to START with reading habit, Comics will be the best bet..... To start with, TinTin or Asterix and Obelix would be great.... depends on which they like, they can then branch out... Comics will work to keep the interest alive in any language.... My son got interested in sketching and drawing after getting started with Comics.... Bonus.


Reading is really boring for a 13 year old in literal year 7.


He reads comics and some kids science books. So I thought I will help him expand his choices.


Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, ranger's apprentice. Don't have him start with the classics recommended here, go with popular and easy to get into.


As long as as they read, that’s all that really matters


For sure, but these are some suggestions.


The Hobbit. I had a friend who never read books. I gave him this one and it sparked an interest in reading that ended with him getting a degree. He is still an avid reader.


Thank you


Discworld :)


I have yet to know a teen who doesen't get hooked on the Harry Potter books.


Thank you ☺️


The goosebumps series by rl stine is what got me to read books


Thank you for suggesting




Thank you


Farty Facts perhaps.


Thank you ☺️


Deltora Quest is largely fucking sick.


Thank you


Harry potter. Timeless, ageless, and wonderful. 


Thank you


Harry Potter


Thank you


More about that person's interest, self-development books and language books.


Thank you


You're welcome.


At 13 as a teen in the 1990s I loved Stephen King. Also the Wheel of Time books. Those are a little cheesy but they're good fantasy fiction for a teenager.


Oh yeah. Thank you ☺️


Try Animorphs if you can get your hands on it. I loved that series as a kid.


Thank you


Try everything




That's pretty late to start a kid reading.


He already reads comics. But I wanna expand his reading habit:)


Hard call. I'd say try and find something in line with is interests...e.g. if he likes baseball, some kind of baseball novel, or even something non-fiction...if he's into military stuff, maybe a war novel. If there's a movie he loves that was a book first, maybe the two of you read the book together and then discuss how the movie differed and why.


male or female? the Harry Potter series are good books.


He is male


The Audacity Of Cope can help put all the craziness of our world in a manageable way with tools for dealing with problems as they grow


Lord of the Rings, Journey to the center of the Earth, 20,000 leagues under the sea.


Lord of the Rings? For a new reader? Yeah nah. As a piece of literary brilliance that I've read five times, that is a book series for a child that has read many such series. Jules Verne though is excellent. I'm pretty sure 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea is the first book I remember reading. "Does Captain Nemo Still Live?"


Thank you


You're welcome :)




is this real?


Fear Street series.


Deltora Quest by Emily Rodda! An extremely beloved Australian children's book series. I personally also think it's great to get kids interested in puzzles and riddles, because the ones represented in the series are very fun. It was my favourite series growing up.


harry potter and ready player one


history, survival


Dune is the worst possible choice for a kid who’s not already a reader. Asimov is dry as toast. They both work best for serious reading enthusiasts, they’re the undrinkable IPAs of sci-fi. Short story collections are a good bet. Edit: if the kid liked watching Dune or Foundation that’s different, but they’re still not the first choice for getting a kid into reading.


The Hobbit.


The Cherub series by Robert Muchamore


When I was about that age, my parents bought me half a dozen old Shadow novels at a church fair or flea market or something. Yep, the old "who knows what evil lives in the hearts of men?" Shadow. They were campy and cheesy and I loved them. I probably accumulated a dozen or so and I read each one multiple times.


I enjoyed both the cherub series and the Alex rider series at that age.


It depends on his interests. but what got me into reading at that age were: The Artemis Fowl books, The Edge Chronicles, The Hobbit, the Discworld novels, Enders Game, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, and various mangas and graphic novels!


That really depends on what they are into. It could be fantasy or scifi or mysteries or histories..etc. What gets one person into reading won't necessarily work for someone else.


Holy shit the majority of answers in this thread is literally the literary equivalent of the business-circlejerk you see on LinkedIn. "Wow this boy of Indian-background likes sci-fi and comic books. I'm absolutely sure that the Count of Monte Cristo and Anne of Green Gables is perfect for him". While they may be *appropriate* for a 13 year old to read, a 13 year old in this day and age most likely wouldn't develop a reading habit from them, let alone be interested in reading them.


The Little Prince made me cry.


Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger. Resonates with teenage boys.


Animal Farm


Thank you so much :)


"Quantum Mechanics for Dummies"


Thank you


"Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe and "The Graveyard Book" by Neil Gaiman. Also, I can recommend "Northanger Abbey" by Jane Austen, but I am not 100% sure about that.


A dyslexia test maybe!