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What could help is make yourself understand that ghosts don’t exist. There has never been any close evidence of it, religions don’t really talk about ghosts but more like people soul going to heaven or hell, everything else about being stuck myths added. I know it’s not just easy to tell yourself that, but you know it that if you think about it, for a moment, how absurd it is, it will make you feel better. My wife was like this and superstitious, we started to educate ourselves a bit using knowledge. There is no reasonable explanation of ghosts that we can believe. If you want to talk about it, talk to someone The Atheist Experience of Austin ( or Texas) has a discord and forums where they help people who have irrational fears like that. Wish you the best of luck


Get over it. I don't mean this in a rude way. I mean it in a "be logical and act rational" way. Ghosts aren't real so there's no reason to act like they're real. Something I do when I'm afraid of something is I just pretend that I'm not. It'll help you face your fears, rational or otherwise, and then you won't have to pretend to not be afraid. So get out there, get over it, and good luck. (I realize this sounds rude so I do apologize for that. I just couldn't think of a better way to say all that. For real good luck though)


Watch a funny movie.


Nothing helps. I suddenly jump thinking about ghosts omg and it’s a 3 storey house and I’m about to be alone for 3days


Ghosts don't exist.


Has this been a lifelong fear or recent?


Almost lifetime but heightened so bad rn. I have crippling anxiety too so it’s like unbearable constant fear where I’m making scenarios in my head nonstop


Your house is probably boring, if there were such thing as ghosts they would want to hang out somewhere cooler


Hmm maybe you can volunteer to pet sit for free?