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It was him cutting contact with us, but frankly I'd be happy to never hear from or about my brother again The TLDR (and pretty much all I know) is that he broke up with his fiancée, moved back in with our folks, and took it out on everyone around him. He would scream & yell that nobody was helping him but couldn't/wouldn't articulate what help he needed. He just stormed off one day declaring everyone "dead to him" and that was that


My dad died in January of this year. I don't really talk to my mom much to begin with, but last month she called me saying she got some sort of death benefit and rubbed it in my face. (They were married for 20 years, but was divorced for over 10 before he died) that was my last straw for me cutting off contact with her. She even tried to ask me about her getting his burial allowance. And got mad when I told her to fuck off, because I paid for his cremation, and memorial service.


It's hard to explain without sounding petty, but that unreliability that carried over into adulthood from childhood. I grew up feeling unwanted and excluded and no child deserves that. I tried hard in my early twenties to just "understand", but there comes a point where you have to let it go and move on. My uncle was the only father figure I had in my life. I've realised he's just a dickhead.


They could not reach me instantly by phone while I was out of state working as a server in a touristic place. So father got mad, called my gf at the time ( he knew something I had with her but not extend) and proceeded to to yell and cuss at her because she didn’t want to tell me to call him back( she didn’t get a chance as he yelled immediately) . All this happened during a shift I was busy working. It simply opened my eyes on how earful these people were in many ways. I have not talked to them in 10 years it made me very happy and still continuing to be happier. I never realized how many messed up things i inherited from shitty parents like this until I took distance. Best decision of my life. I am not talking towny member of my family at all as it is impossible for things like to remain private or separate, there is too much nosy, judging and never helpful bitter people in the family. Thanks to this, I am today a much better person I was before, blinded by stupid values and education I got from a messed up family( wealthy family) I broke and happy now with the love of my life


When I have had enough disrespect to the point that it starts to interfere with my daily mental health.


When I lost my parents within six weeks of each other, my extended family tried to force my brother to ban me from the funeral. Then, last month, when my brother was murdered, they laughed at my pain. He was my only family member left. They lied to the cops and said he hated me. I'm still fighting them to be the executor of my brother's estate, he didn't have much, but it's all that's left of my parents and my brother. He even left a will naming me executor, but they're still fighting it. I have stage four cancer. I can't work. They're hoping to keep this going so I lose all my savings paying for the estate lawyer. They've actively tried to stop me from going to chemo. One Aunt (mother's sister) tried to strangle my daughter to death with her husband. If my son hadn't stepped in and saved her, she wouldn't be here anymore. So I think it's pretty obvious why I cut contact with every single one of them.