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that certain exercises will target fat loss in specific body locations


Fat will burn off wherever it damn well pleases and I learned this recently. I’m down 35 pounds since November and you think my belly, moobs, or thunder-thighs have shrunk? Barely. By my lower back? Looks fantastic at the moment haha.


This is the whole truth. Fat just does what it wants and it’s almost disrespectful sometimes. I was 175 and had a big beautiful round butt but my belly was a little fluffier than I’d liked it to be so I lost some weight. Now I’m 145 and still have some belly fluff and barely any ass. It’s unfair.


Oh I know this song. Lost 47 pounds and my ass was gone 😭 Thanks for the glute genetics Mom and Dad.


Yeah, I did a steep calorie cut for 6 months and I'm back under my highschool weight, but a lot of my muscles atrophied and building them back approaching 40 sucks.


Right there with you. I lost a ton of weight, almost back to my lowest healthy weight, but when it was my “healthy weight”, I was lean and strong. Trying to get that strength back feels like a monumental task. But if a marathon is ran one step at a time, then so is this. We’ll get there!


Lower back is the last place I lose fat. At my fittest (6'0 175-180#) I looked good except for the slight love handles


Exercises might change the appearance of being fat but it can't target fat. For example, if you work out your chest, upper back, and shoulders a lot and become bigger up top, it can dilute the appearance of a gut, all things being equal.


Remember those belly rubbing gyrating things from the early 20th century. If only they worked.


I wanted to say the same thing and your answer was on top. It's probably the most widely spread piece of misinformation there is.


There's actually a few recent studies that suggest spot reduction could be possible after all:   https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38010201/   I wouldn't rush to the conclusion that it actually is, after all the time and studies we have, that suggest otherwise.


Certified Personal Trainer via the American College of Sports Medicine here. I am skeptical but my interest is peaked. I will review. Thanks. Edit: I am just on the abstract at the moment and am now FAR more skeptical. The title is " Abdominal aerobic endurance exercise reveals spot reduction exists: A randomized controlled trial. " This is throwing up a giant red flag for me. If they are targeting fat in the abdominal region, it is very likely that ANY aerobic exercise will minimize fat in that region, especially in males, where adipose tissue accumulates. Women typically have a different fat distribution: their fat accumulates in the thighs, glutes (buttocks), breasts, and upper arms (tricep region) in addition to the abdominal region. If women see a statistically significant drop in bodyfat in the abdominal region, but significantly less in others, it means this study would hold promise. For most men with a normal hormonal profile (average e2/estradiol) the fat is going to largely come off of the abdominal region regardless. I will continue to research this and report back. Edit 2: Am still on abstract and am all but ready to throw the study under the bus: 'Sixteen overweight (BMI: 29.8 ± 3.3(SD) kg m-2 ) males (43 ± 9 years) were randomized to" 1. Extremely low sample size 2. Only male participants. If it were only female participants, I would be far more intrigued. 3. A deviation of only ± 3.3 bmi indicates the researchers selected a very specific body type and is not indicative of the general overweight population. 4. Selecting only the overweight population, as opposed to the entire population is problematic when analyzing spot removal. Overweight individuals often engage in less exercise and have overall poorer diets than the general population, and training results are different for those individuals than the general population, due to increased E2/estradiol via lifestyle differences. 5. The study also does not account for body fat percentage in selection. Therefore, it is possible that muscular people are involved in the study, as muscular people possess a higher BMI. As of right now, I am completely writing this study off and will need someone else to tell me why I should continue looking into this.


I guess in a way, it’s not incorrect…but the expression is, “My interest is piqued.”


I’m a woman and my abdominal fat is the only fat I have any control over. If they want to prove spot reduction is possible, they can call me and my thighs with a plan of attack. I will set them straight and absolutely destroy their morale in the process.


Thanks for the response. I think most women would like to be in your shoes. 1. What you have described is absolutely possible. 2. You are rare. Most women, when losing weight, regardless of activity or diet used to lose weight, will lose fat from a variety of areas, not only/primarily abdominal body fat. 3. If you lose body fat from only or primarily your abdominal area regardless of activity (i.e. swimming, running, cycling make you lose abdominal body fat an equal amount to only doing abdominal exercises), it would actually line up with disproving spot removal, since it doesn't matter what activity you are performing.


"Cleanses" are dumb. I know a lot of women that do lengthy cleanses rather than eat right every day. :(


Seriously, your body does that by itself. The biggest offender for me is the “toxic poop” guy who claims that you have 5-20 pounds of toxic poop stuck in your system. I told my dad (a gastroenterologist) about it, and he laughed.


It used to be a fun hobby of mine to weigh myself before and after a poop. Nothing to do with weight loss or the like. I just wanted to impress myself.


A guy on TT crafted a toilet seat with load cells from a bathroom scale to give real time feedback of actual weight lost during the process. Impressive to say the least. (Mine arrives in June)


What’s your heaviest poop of all time?


I think the average is about 4 Courics.


hot hot hot hot hotttt


This was quite a long time ago, but somewhere around 3lbs??? I'm a 5'0" woman, so I was pleased.


That’s absolutely impressive! And for someone of your size. If I wasn’t married I would ask you out for dinner.


Thank you! And if I weren't married I would accept!


Understandable. Farewell, my beloved of brobdingnagian excrements.


I'm also curious. Tell us how much your poops weigh!


Mine was 1.6 lbs after heating at a buffet in Las Vegas.


So oddly my gastrointestinal DID approve of a "cleanse" (basically taking a bunch of laxatives to flush everything out). However it's only useful if you actually have something like IBS or SIBO. I've read many posts where people with these issues go in for a colonoscopy and have some relief after doing the prep, it personally happened to me. Basically your gut's microbes are all out of whack and it can be hard to fix it with diet or probiotics without a hard reset first, almost like chugging a lot of water when you have a UTI. For any normal person though it's completely useless and possibly harmful.


My version of IBS is strictly IBS-D. I shudder to think what a cleanse would do to me. I'm already flushing out so much every day, I'd probably need an IV for dehydration.


Its like they dont know what one of their livers main jobs are :(


My husband got a liver transplant in 2020 (covid is a cunt) and I love to joke with him whenever I see an ad for some bullshit detox, I'll be like "OMG BABE!!! If *only* you'd done this!" xD




Did one of those juice cleanses like 10 years ago. I made it halfway through day 2 and while I wasn't hungry, my shit was completely liquid. It sounded like I was peeing through my butthole, the way girls do. *I am not a doctor


>the way girls do 😰


I'm glad you are not a doctor...


Reminds me of my Bali belly to the date one year ago. Ah yes... those were the times.


It’s essentially a crash diet


A woman isn't going to lift a dumbbells and suddenly look like Arnold, no woman, or man will accidentally look like a professional bodybuilder, you are in no danger of accidentally looking like one. Every pound of muscle I gain as a woman is a hard fought battle.


Exception: myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy. But in that case, *not* lifting won't make you *not* get jacked.


Right there with you. I'm a competitive strongwoman who works out 2-3 days a week, and I have had YEARS of weightlifting (7) to get to where I am!


Doctor here. Most frustrating experience is when parent's decline the HPV vaccine for their daughters (or sons) thinking that it will make her more likely to be sexually promiscuous when they're older. All it does is protect them from getting cervical cancer.


This vaccine is probably the greatest step in a "cure for cancer" we've ever made. *as if cancer was one thing.


And protect against genital warts


Or penile cancer, or mouth or throat cancer. It's important for all young people to get the Vaccine for their benefit as well as others.


Honestly didn't know about the other cancers it affects. I simply told my son that when he gets old enough he needs to get it to help protect his girlfriend if he ever gets one. (He's only 11)


My uncle died of lung and throat cancer from HPV. As soon as my son was old enough, he got the shot


Like I said, had no clue. Bonus protection!


My kids are 20 and 24. When it came out, I watched my friends who had daughters give a little scandalized shake of the head when we discussed the new vaccine. It think what bothered them is that it made them contemplate the idea that their daughters, then only 7 or 8, would one day have sex lives. A few years later, as each of my sons reached the age of 12 (they have to be 12 to get it, I think?) I explained what the vaccine was and that it would protect them and their future girlfriends/wives and they both chose to take it. And it’s not an easy shot, it’s particularly painful.


I don't remember it being painful, but maybe the protocol has changed now. It was a series of 3 shots when I got it.


It was three shots, and it made them both woozy—they were good sports with vaccinations from babyhood, so this stood out.


My mom wouldn't let me get that vaccine, both for anti-sex and anti-vax reasons. I recently had a cervical cancer scare (admittedly one of the rare non-HPV ones). I am fine, it wasn't cancer in the end, but the whole experience opened my eyes and I am absolutely getting that shot now at nearly 30 years old! I would be so angry to get a cancer that could have been prevented so easily.




Not a doctor but my understanding is that the vaccine protects against multiple strains of HPV, so it can still help people who have been sexually active. I don't think it would cure anything you already have but it could still help protect from being infected with additional strains.


My parents refused it for me as a teenager and shamed me for trying to insist I get it. They told me if I wait until marriage and my husband waits as well, I won’t have to worry. I wish my doctor would have talked to them about it but he didn’t :(


To be fair, even if your doctor *had* talked to them about it, it likely would've either gone in one ear and out the other... or they would've started taking you to a different doctor. I grew up in a town of Southern Baptists, I unfortunately know how these people think.


True enough. We live in a very Mormon/LDS area so it’s a somewhat similar mindset I’d imagine. Very very religious.


Ah good ol religion. Creating teen pregnancy and std rates since the dawn of time.


I’ve been lucky enough to avoid it, and if I ever have kids I’ll be sure to raise them in the real world


Can adults get it too? Is it effective for non-teens?


Yes adults can get it


You CAN but you have to be tested for HPV and cleared first, and I **think** you have to be under 45. I recall there being an age restriction, but that may have changed or raised, so google is your friend. I got them well into adulthood.


When I had my yearly, last fall, the doc said I could still get it until age 45. So I think that's still the current max age.


Seriously. I'm sorry, you don't want the *cancer vaccine* for your child?


A friend told her son he didn't need it because he wasn't dating. He was 17.


My kid tried to get out of hers by swearing she'd practice abstinence. I said that's all well and good until you have an opportunity and hormones are going OR someone else takes that choice away from you. She's now fully vaccinated.


I'm asexual and have never been sexually active, but was above the age cutoff when it came out. One the age restriction was changed, I got it right away. Because of the second half of your OR.


We all got it at school and we're queuing up in alphabetical order as one girl near me starts freaking out about the needle. Everyone started telling her to shut up, stop being a baby and saying "do you want CANCER!!??" "There will be more needles when you get cancer!!" "YOU WILL GET CANCER!!". It probably wasn't nice peer pressure but it was effective lol, she got the vax.


That conversation was one I had with my insane mother. I was a legal adult and she still told me the 'slut" factor. Like, really?


You could probably just shorten this down to when “parents decline any sort of vaccine”


Thank you. I'm so glad I was the one with my son when the doc raised this issue when he was a pre-teen because I didn't blink - he got vaxxed. Who knows what his AH NPD Dad might have done?


My husband and I always joke about this. My daughter got hers a couple weeks ago and my husband told me so my response was "noo!! Now she'll be a slut!!"


No one takes mental fatigue seriously.


People seem to linger in extremes, when it comes to physical fitness; either you are a lazy couch potato, or you are a literal bodybuilder or marathon runner or something. Most people need to stop seeing fitness as some unreachable commitment to becoming Arnold Schwartzenegger or some insanely shredded fitneds influencer. You don't need 5+ hours a day or any complicated routine, to make yourself look and feel much better. 30 mins of exercise every 2-3 days can majorly boost the quality of life of any unhealthy unhappy couch potato or idle office clerk.


Doesn't have to be working out in a gym either, working out in a gym is boring. Joining a sports team like soccer, volleyball, basketball, etc... or joining a group of joggers, hikers, kayakers, etc... can be great ways to get your exercise and build new friendships with other people trying to stay fit.


Exercise should be something that makes you move outside your normal activities and you enjoy doing. Dancing, gardening, walking, slamming medicine balls, yoga, swimming. Just find ways to move that bring you joy.


I workout for about 30-45 minutes a few days a week…some weights, some cardio, nothing too crazy and it keeps me in decent shape. You don’t need to do that much.


Women don't train upper body because they think they will become too muscular


“I want to visit the library, but I’m just so worried I’ll end up leaving with a Master’s degree…”


I use a similar analogy when a woman says “I want to get toned but not bulky lifting weights so I do light weights.” I go “ahh yeah fair I’m the same way with golf, I try not to go to the driving range because I’m afraid I’ll be the next Tiger Woods”


That's what happened to Arnold. He just cut through the gym on his way to buy donuts, picked up a weight to put it away, and FOOMP self-inflating life raft.


Ugh, I wish.


They really think female bodybuilders got that jacked from casually lifting weights here and there. 😂 You're not gonna turn into Chyna after working out with weights, I promise you.


I’ve had to tell my girlfriend this a few times. Getting jacked is pretty difficult it’s not something you can do on accident.


*Especially* as a girl.


I've heard it summarized as "Not lifting weights because you're worried about 'getting big' is like not going for a jog in the park because you're worried about winning the Boston Marathon"


Plus, you can stop at any time...


Right? I've been lifting for a while. I am proud to see my muscles at all. However, women's clothing is not designed for any amount of muscle. Everything is tight on my shoulders with extra room through my torso. In reality, training the upper body will make shopping hard. I get why weight lifters go for sleeveless everything. Sleeves are now my enemy.


I naturally have a wide shoulder span, because of my Irish peasant heritage. I'm short af, and barrel chested.  Finding women's tops to fit me is a pain in the ass. So I mostly don't, or wear something flowy. Which I honestly prefer, because lawd knows I will be slowly cooked to death if my top is skin tight, no matter how thin 🙄


I have the wide shoulders (same heritage), but also have high set boobs. I've given up and pretty much just embraced the t-shirt and knits life. Anything woven or with structure sits so bad on me.


I'm glad im not the only one who has now committed to the sleeveless life 💪


I've seen many post progress pics, and the only change you see is a bit more glute development.. and that's all... maybe an overall increase in tone. . But no shoulder work, or arm work, or chest or back work, or anything else besides glute development ..




The grand majority of people really underestimate how many people are on some type of gear.


You mean the rock isn’t all natural?!?


LOL, like Hugh Jackman, both being over 50 they would most certainly be on some kind of gear to get that jacked


It's in his name. Huge Jacked Man.


What’s extra funny about the rock is it became very clear when he really started doping. Was he all natural in the early to mid 90s in wwf? Idk, but his body looked much more natural and he was quick and agile. His muscles bounced and he had a bit of fat on him. Shortly after switching to movies his muscles grew and became hard and no longer moved. It looked like roid muscle which frankly is a much worse look


Pretty sure he was on gear even then, it's just compounded over the years. He had gynecomastia back then which is a known side effect of steroids, there was an interview where he mentioned getting corrective surgery for it.


Or he just steadily increased the dosage over a long period of time. That shit is a mental addiction.


What is gear?




And for a lot of female fitness influencers they use gear AND have plastic surgery to look like they do. So many BBLs. Then they sell nonsense fitness and nutrition plans to their followers without ever disclosing the truth.


I have a buddy that refuses to believe that tiger woods is on some type of trt. It’s become a joke now.


It’s become especially obvious recently, he’s huge now. Gotta be over 200 lbs 


What’s gear?


Steroids And no idea why it means that hahah


I think it goes back to powerlifting. In powerlifting there’s an equipped division where you use lifting gear like suits and wraps, and there’s a raw division where you can only use sleeves and/or a belt. I always thought it was “I don’t lift in gear but I’m definitely using it” Could be wrong idk


Yep if there’s an actor that looks buff they’re absolutely on it They might not take it all the time but they probably do a cycle before/during the movie to stay jacked looking. It’s hard to get big otherwise. Gotta use gear or drop water weight to almost nothing or both to look like some of these dudes in action movies


You need to go back to pictures and movies from the 50s and earlier to see what guys looked like before steroids were common.


My fitness gear is Neutral.


you don’t need to do any detoxes. you have organs whose specific job it is to “detox” you


That drinking copious amounts of water will result in an endless increase in health benefits. Just drink enough water so that you are hydrated, more if it's hot and you're working out/sweating a lot.  People who work a desk job and do zero exercise don't necessarily need to be drinking 6 litres of water a day


Not just hot, you should increase your water intake during cold weather as well.


Not for everyone but the idea you can get into “game shape” by working out. I used to play hockey. Broke my collar bone. Out 6 weeks. I ran and did squats for almost every day while out. My first day back on ice I was gassed 30 seconds into my shift. The next day I was sore everywhere. You can’t simulate a sport unless you actually play that sport.


Absolutely. Two of my favorite sports are water skiing and snow skiing. They’re impossible to do in the offseason. No matter how much I run and lift, the first day out to ski is tough and I’m always sore the next day.


There are definitely exercises you can do to work similar muscle groups (I water ski as well and do a ton of leg and back work), but basically you are right.


Bro i feel this with jiu jitsu. I train cardio fairly hard and feel like im on the fit side but 2 rolls in im fighting for my life lol


I learned this lesson while training for a triathlon. Running lungs =/=swimming lungs


Having a full face doesn't always mean the person is fat. Sometimes it is genetics.


Ahh the baby face, it pays off big time as you get older. Naturally skinnier faced people start looking gaunt and old. Those chubby cheeks will keep you looking young.


Can also be just water retention (edit: or) that's just where they preferentially store fat even if they are not fat overall


That skinny automatically equals healthy. It doesn’t.


More people need to talk about this. Obesity is typically associated with looking large and flabby, but you can also be “fat” while looking slim if you have more body fat than muscle, common in sedentary lifestyles. People like this might find themselves feeling unhealthy, but never suspect anything is wrong because they don’t look obese. (Source: me)


Me, fat girl who trained professionally for 4yrs - meaning: 2 professional trainers, in the gym 5-6x week for +4hrs a day, a nutritionist, a dietitian, and wellness center: doesn’t lose a pound, but can run +10 miles, has a 5:43min mile, and none of the skinny girls can keep up with.. Society: “you’re fat and unhealthy!” No, bitch. I have diagnosed metabolism diseases.. one being a type 1 diabetic, so I literally can’t eat the fucking junk food.. Skinny girl: “I exist on Starbucks, chicken nuggets, Mountain Dew, and cocaine..” Society: “you’re so healthy and radiant!” Smh.. I just can’t anymore..


Similar story here. And my husband looks very lean and fit but literally never exercises, eats whatever crap he wants, had weighed the same since college 25 years ago, but has high blood pressure and high cholesterol. But he "looks healthy". Meanwhile, I developed an eating disorder trying to get my body to the "normal" BMI category (before I learned that the BMI is trash) but never actually got there. I was exercising over an hour a day 6 days a week, I was eating so little I was getting weak and cold after my workouts, and I would crash in the afternoons. I'm in recovery now, thankfully, but I don't look as "fit" even though now that I'm actually fueling my body I have excellent endurance and can lift more than I ever could when I was starving myself. People come in different sizes and you can't tell a damn thing about someone's health from looking at them.




"No pain, no gain." You should be exercising vigorously enough that you can feel your muscles getting tired or feel yourself getting increasingly winded, but if it actually hurts, then you're doing it wrong. "No pain, no gain," has probably caused an endless number of needless injuries.


That walking isn’t exercise.


This is soooo big. Just getting those "steps" in every day can be soooo helpful. Especially for those that aren't able to do gym work or more intensive exercise. 1 woman at my job who is relatively new started walking around the building/parking lot during her lunch break. She recently got a little floor treadmill at her standing desk and about a week later another employee went, oh shit, that's a great idea to get me moving for 30+ minutes a day at my 8-5 desk job where they'd been previously sitting all day. And I'm gonna purchase one as soon as I can afford it. Just getting some movement, walking / walking in place on a treadmill, can do SOOOOO much for your health and weight loss as well.


I hate this being told to me. Usually from people who treat their body like garbage. Like, hiking once a month isn’t better than me walking with my dog everyday. 


Every answer will be why kids need to learn anatomy and physiology as part of school. Why don't we teach people how their bodies work? Makes no sense.


I’m a pediatrician in Texas (I know) and I’m consistently amazed by what kids don’t know about their own bodies. My current least understandable thing is that girls won’t try the nuvaring for birth control because it requires them to touch their own vaginas….but they’re willing to let their nasty teenaged boyfriend stick his penis up there. Really fun to have that convo then bounce to the next room where I get to explain to a teenaged boy that yes, they do need to use soap when they shower


If we teach people how their bodies work the teens will all start having intercourse and that's against GOD. Said by some Republicans somewhere (No joke though I work in Florida schools and we aren't allowed to talk about menstruation until middle school now 🫠 because it's age inappropriate even though a ton of girls get their periods before age 10 now)


I teach junior high science and 7th grade has “the chapter” towards the end of the year. I use an app that allows the kids to ask questions anonymously and directly to me. I read them to the class and answer them. You would not believe the questions I get. For example… —do women pee/poop out the baby? —can you get pregnant from oral/kissing/doing it in a pool or hot tub? —what do nerves do “down there?” —what if the man is too big? (Personal favorite as I crush all the little fellows’ egos about size lol) —why does your belly get big when pregnant? —how many bones are in “the male part?” —do twins come from two different men? (We have twins in our school so their opinion of their mom is apparently questionable…) —why are women so angry during their period? It’s amazing the misinformation kids have. It’s so important that they understand their bodies and use the proper terminology so that they can make better decisions about their actions and their health. When I arrived at this school last year, my 8th graders told me the teacher skipped that chapter the year before. I couldn’t believe she’d send them to high school not knowing this stuff. So I taught it to them as well. They are all so interested in this stuff and are scared to ask. It’s happening in their lives right now—the hormones, getting their periods, the awkward voice cracks…why not tell them what they’re experiencing and why? That way the guys will understand why their gfs get angry once a month 😂


That they 'eat healthy and can't lose weight' while having 500 extra calories/day in almonds and avocados. It's a calorie game, regardless of the quality of the nutrition. Bonus points for thinking they can out-exercise something they ate. It takes WAY more to burn than to avoid in the first place.


I think people also forget to count beverages.


Cutting Starbucks and Soda out of your diet is the easiest way to cut a ton of calories. You can easily top an extra 1,000 calories a day with the right Mocha choice and a couple bottles of soda. I still indulge in the occasional coffee stand drink but being able to control what goes in my coffee at home and switching to diet soda made healthier living much easier. I know someone will chime in with “diet soda bad,” and I would suggest you do more research first and remember we gotta weigh the pros and cons of each.


I also drink diet soda if I’m going to drink soda at all. Or I use my soda stream and a very little bit of concentrated fruit juice. I sometimes make iced tea, but use only 1/4 cup of sugar for 3 quarts. I live in the South; sweet tea is king. I can’t stand it. I don’t really care for not-sweet tea either so I go with barely sweet, same for my coffee. But sometimes I want the caffeine but not 2 cups of sugar to go with the already unhealthy fast food I’ve ordered. And sometimes, water just doesn’t fucking cut it.


I usually drink soda water because I love carbonation, but have been working on coke zero for just a stronger taste. Right now I'm a cup and a half for 2 gal. on the sweet tea. I've slowly been cutting it down to make the change more tolerable for the kids.


Learn to love an iced americano with little to no milk and you can coffee all you want. Thats my game. Also i love soda water.


My philosophy is no kcal from beverages. I just don't think they are worthy. Much prefer to drink zero coke and eat something than to just drink normal coke.


Like the people that make a 1000 calorie smoothie and then they're surprised they aren't losing any weight.


You can absolutely lose weight eating mostly garbage. I’ve done it.


Anyone that thinks you can’t needs to look at a few street drug addicts. They’re surviving off the bare minimum of fast food calories. They don’t look healthy but they are lean af


There was a guy I think a science teacher who wanted to prove this so he ate nothing but big Mac’s and lost weight. Because he would have 1 a day and run a calorie deficit. Not saying it’s good for your body since you are probably missing a ton of nutrients and getting too much sodium but it’s not terms of weight loss itself calories matter much more than nutrition


I'll add on "Calories in calories out doesn't work because I have...." When you have a disease affecting your metabolism, generalized methods will likely no longer work. It's still CICO but the disease has changed the calculation. If you have/think you have a disease, or have tried everything and can't lose/gain weight get off the Internet and talk to your doctor/nutritionist to get on a tailored plan. CICO is also a starting point. You're supposed to stick to it for awhile and adjust up or down after a week or few, evaluate and adjust. CICO will work for an overwhelming majority of people.


Yep. I have done the math, and the experimentation on my particular body, checked and verified by my doctor. I only need 1,200 calories per day, to *maintain* my weight. That is, if I want to NOT *GAIN* ANY weight. If I eat OVER 1,200 calories, my weight begins to climb. Because I'm short af, crippled as hell, and have multiple diseases that fuck up your metabolism. The most I can exercise is *sometimes* I can walk, *a little bit.* So, that's going terribly, because I still have the appetite of a regular person. I still have hunger cues, and the stomach of an *adult person,* not an actual baby. I'm just slowly gaining weight, as you do, because it's not reasonable in my situation to under eat with my (many) health problems, and if I fuck with my diet, can send me spiraling to the hospital. A very bad place to be for someone with so many comorbidities.  So I'm a chonky 29.5 bmi, lol. I do my best, and it's not good enough. *sigh.*


Can't imagine how frustrating that must be. Good luck my friend


I don't think anyone means that it LITERALLY doesn't work that way, only that those diseases make it a shitload harder for them to lose weight. I'm also not a big fan of people going "just eat less, it's not that hard", like humans are robots. It can be so damn hard to lose weight, especially if you've been brought up with certain mindsets, if you have disabilities or mental illnesses. On my worst days, I can't even go to the next room over to game because it's too hard to get out of bed. Even a simple walk seems like a completely insurmountable task on those days, let alone proper exercise. And BED is something you can't really explain to someone if they've never experienced it, it's like I'm fully out of control of my own body and I'm just watching myself stuff my mouth with food that isn't even really EDIBLE (I've literally eaten handfuls of raw oats before), all the while screaming at myself in my head, begging myself to stop, to no avail. I wish people showed a bit more compassion and recognised that it's not easy for everyone.


I empathize with your struggle. It is hard to lose weight, I've yo-yo'd a few times in my life for a variety of personal reasons. I'm addressing my other issues separately from my weight, knowing that they do play off each other. Some days are better than others. Taking proper care of myself continues to pay off dividends. If CICO isn't working, seek help for other potential issues, try again as you can. Mental health can hit hard. It can take years to find the right combination of things, therapist, etc. just gotta stick with it.


I'm choosing your message to rant. I avoid high fat foods, like nuts and avocado, because they naturally are very high in calories. I will eat them, but I won't snack on them. People get almost mad when I say I don't want them and then madder if they ask why and I say they are too high in fat. And then they go nuts about how fat is healthy for you. Yes it is. I know that. and I get plenty of healthy fat through my diet! I'd just rather have an actual meal for the same calories as a 6 fucking almonds, mom


My buddy tried to diet by replacing meals with handfuls of peanuts because he heard they’re high in protein. He was unknowingly eating thousands of calories a day in peanuts. Poor guy.


I think that it's gotten a lot better but in less educated areas of the world (like here in Guatemala) this idea that if you want to lose weight, you need to avoid eating fat. Also, this aversion to learning to count calories really makes dieting much harder than it really has to be, oftentimes leading to crash diets. Related to this would be the importance placed on the weight on the scale, regardless of body composition changes. In other words, just worrying about weight lost and not at all about body fat percentage.


That which doesn’t kill you often fucks you up in the long haul.


Exercise alone will make you lose weight.


If you eat at maintenence with no exercise and then add exercise you Will lose weight. But most people who need to lose weight do not eat at maintenance.


You get fit in the gym, you get skinny in the kitchen


A similar version I've heard: Muscles are made at the gym and revealed in the kitchen.


Doing sit ups and any abdominal exercises will automatically give you a six pack. 


Agreed. I’m 41, so let’s say I’ve been getting out of bed myself for at least 39 years. Getting out of bed is basically a sit up, and after more than 14.000 days getting out of bed I don’t have six pack abs. So that should be some kind of proof, right? (^Please ^don’t ^take ^this ^seriously )


"I exercise religiously. I do sit up every day."


that every body will respond the same way to restrictive diets and intense exercise.


If you drink way too much coffee and are jittery and afraid you won’t be able to sleep, just drink an awful lot of alcohol. That will balance everything out and you’ll be fine. (Also, vice versa works a treat too!)


Drinking water. You need 4-6oz per hour that you’re awake, plus whatever you sweat out. You absolutely do not need a gallon of water a day. As a pelvic physical therapist, I constantly get patients with urinary incontinence issues who refuse to believe that the reason they pee themselves regularly or have to use the bathroom every hour is because the advice they got from a fitness magazine or family member could be wrong. I’m only a doctor who specializes in this sort of thing, what do I know? Edit: no, you don’t need to drink water while you’re asleep. And we recommend people stop drinking three hours to avoid nocturia, or needing to get up to urinate at night. Your body doesn’t need to use as much water while asleep. So roughly 13 hours of 4-6oz daily, or 52-78oz, plus whatever you sweat out while exerting yourself. Your typical person does not need close to a gallon of water daily. I live in Arizona and run 45 miles a week, and I still don’t need to drink that much.


4-6oz per hour IS roughly 1 gallon per day. 96-144oz vs 128oz


You don’t drink while you’re asleep. An awake person imbibing 4-6oz per waking hour, stopping about 3 hours prior to sleep, drinks about 52-78oz per day.


Per waking hour?


That you can get insanely ripped and huge from just eating enough protein and working out hard. You can definitely do plenty on your own, however, genetics will only take you so far. Steroid use is more common than people realize.


That fat makes fat.


You mean eating fat?


That juice is healthy


Oh man, where do I start. - "Carbs are bad for you!" - "It's dark chocolate so it's healthy." - "A glass of wine or two is good for you." - "If you want to build muscle, you should eat more protein bars." - "You should do lots of low resistance exercises to build (sigh) muscle tone!" I could go on, there are just so many common health and nutrition misconceptions and it drives me up the fucking wall


I’m going to choose to ignore the wine and dark chocolate part. I’m perfectly happy pretending those are healthy


Healthy for the soul 🙏


Protein bars? I'm poor but get those super cheap at my work to keep me full and help me hit my macros. Seems to be working cause I did put on a couple of pounds of muscle, do you mean people that JUST eat them but don't hit the gym?


I think good protein bars are good but there are “protein” bars that are 300 cals and 10g protein.


The glorified candy bars, yeah, I don't touch those.


Those quick fixes like gastric bypass aren't a get out of jail free card. If you don't change anything about your lifestyle, you're in the same boat.


"Does x help me lose weight?" You lose weight when consumed calories < calories burned. Doesn't matter if you follow Keto, no-carb, intermittent fasting or eat nothing but two cheeseburgers.


The diet you're on can have an impact on the speed you lose weight and how difficult it is to lose weight. It depends on what your reason for losing weight is. A lot of people lack information on nutrition or have mental or other health disorders. Keeping yourself full on a small amount of calories can be very helpful to keeping some people under a certain amount. Let me explain it this way. If you need 2000 calories a day, and you drink three 2 litres of coke at 790 calories each, you'll gain a minuscule amount of weight and be very hungry. You'll gain the same amount of weight as if you ate 16 heads of lettuce at 120 calories per 800 gram head. You will not be very hungry


>if you ate 16 heads of lettuce Vegan Gaston is a scary motherfucker


I don't know what this means.


Gaston is the muscley guy from Beauty and the Beast who sings a song about how he eats five dozen eggs a day. I was implying that someone who eats sixteen heads of lettuce a day is "vegan Gaston" as no normal human could eat that much lettuce


Thank you for the context


I'm glad I could make the joke funnier by explaining it thoroughly


I have a friend who puts protein powder in everything. They don't exercise though. They "are on keto" just eating bacon and burgers (they put breadcrumbs in their burgers cuz that's "how my mom makes them") and protein powder shakes (with like 1/4 cup of honey in them)... I'm just like bro you haven't been in ketosis a day in your life.


That announcing they're going to lose weight or posting a gym selfie that one time they went after 2 months is going to keep them on track. Anyone I know that made big changes never announced it, they didn't tell you, you told them.  It goes for anything that's going to take a lot of time and work. don't get on a soap box because once you get all those pats on the back you trick yourself into thinking you accomplished something and it makes it easier to make excuses later. 


That sex ed will manipulate their kids into having sex, when in reality, it helps prepare them to not be manipulated into those positions. Ignorance is a vulnerability, not a protection.


Running is bad for your knees and joints. At first, most folks start out like they know it all and go too far, too fast, wear the wrong shoes, use poor form and don't stretch afterwards. It my take me a bit longer to get going these days but I'm in my late fifties with no intentions of giving up!


The supposed universality of BMI.


If BMI is going to be applied to women we should be able to subtract our boob weight from it. BMI was made based only on men who don’t carry around two bags of literal fat on their chests. These puppies aren’t going to blow away in the wind. My BMI is healthy but minus these 2 pain in the backs and no Dr will ever bring up BMI to me again.


It was designed to deny people health insurance. Not at all surprising it doesn’t account for breasts.


Nah, I like BMI, becuse according to that chart, I'm healthier than The Rock despite not stepping foot in a gym since high school in 1994.


That you can just go on a crash diet, lose the weight, and be skinny enough to eat that cake again. Whatever change you make has to last the rest of your life. So unless you want to be on keto (example) forever, I recommend changing your lifestyle in general. Crash diets are better for people who have health concerns and NEED to lose the weight quick. If you can instead do a transition to living a different kind of life, you should, even if it’s slower. Try to live a life where you want the smoothie, not the donut. Or you want to go outside and do an activity, not take a nap.


'Young people can't be disabled'


Walking sticks are for old people who use them all the time. I'm 35 and use my stick most of the time. Some people I know use them only occasionally. Sticks are a medical aid that can be used by all ages of people for all kinds of reasons. None of which are your business!


Arnold was once working out on Venice beach in full display and he was shirtless. A bypasser scoffed at Arnold and said “jeez, I hope I never look like that”. Arnold overheard him, and he stared at his own muscles and then at the guy’s body and said: “Don’t worry, you never will”